• Published 23rd Nov 2012
  • 4,401 Views, 273 Comments

Mare of War - zaponator

A tale of war, secret military groups, weapons of mass destruction, and tea.

  • ...

3 - History Lesson

Edited by Pilate. He's one swell zebra.

Spike still hadn't let go of Twilight as she paced around the ruined basement. She really couldn't blame him, they had only been pulled out by Applejack about half an hour ago. Twilight had gotten the farm pony to lower her back down into the basement so that she could start the investigation, she was glad her friends were there for her when her magic was not. Knowing that the librarian wanted an 'uncontaminated scene', her friends were waiting for her to finish up on the front lawn. She carefully scrutinized each and every little detail of the blast zone, from the size of the crater at the epicenter, to the scattering of debris in and around the walls.

Looks like the concussive wave from the spell detonation was immense. The explosion itself was apparently a decent size, though not nearly large enough to warrant this kind of damage.

Twilight looked at the scorch mark in the center of the circular room—large enough for a pony to stand in comfortably—to the glaring lack of a ceiling on the basement, giving her vision into the library above.

Even disregarding the disproportionate amount of damage caused, that explosion was far too big for the small amount of energy I put into it. A look of revelation crossed her face. I need to write Celestia about this! She glanced back to Spike, who appeared to be resting, possibly asleep, on her back. An almost motherly smile came to her lips. The report to Celestia can wait, I suppose. I could stand to gather more information anyway.


Hours later, Twilight was just finishing up her examination of the very last piece of debris as the day began to near its end. Spike, who had woken up long ago, was sitting nearby on a piece of rubble large enough to be used for a stool. He had a bored expression on his face, and was resting his chin in a claw. "Almost done there Twilight? I promised the girls I'd get you to the slumber party on time."

Twilight didn't even glance up from her work as she replied. "Yes yes Spike, this will only take a moment. This piece could hold important clues."

"Twilight, it's a rock. I'm not even sure it came from the blast." Spike sighed tiredly, "I'm pretty sure just being found near the library doesn't mean that it's debris."

The lavender mare blinked, seemingly just realizing that she had spent the last fifteen minutes staring at an ordinary rock. "Oh, uh... I hadn't thought of that." She could hear the slap of Spike's claw meeting his face. "You know what Spike? We shouldn't keep the girls waiting. Let's head over to the boutique."

Twilight chuckled sheepishly while Spike grumbled his way onto her back. Using the rope ladder Applejack had left them, they left the library, and headed down the street. Twilight was enraptured by the beauty of the night. The moon was just coming out, casting its own cold light on the little village preparing itself for bed. The stars added a level of awe-inspiring artistry. The tiny twinkling lights had always been a favorite of Twilight's, and they had only gotten better since Luna's return. Looking up at the stars always inspired a warm feeling in the studious pony's chest, and made her feel completely calm and relaxed.

No good thing lasts forever though, and Spike had a subject he felt needed to be broached before they got to the party.

"So Twilight..." He began, pausing, she assumed, to decide how to phrase whatever was on his mind. "You're gonna have to explain The Academy tonight aren't you?" His voice wavered slightly as he spoke his concerns.

"Yeah, I probably am." She sighed, but a smile soon took over her features. "Knowing my friends, they won't stop worrying about me unless I give them a good reason not to."

Spike shuddered at the thought of that phase in his pseudo-mother's life. "Can't you just, I dunno, pretend to be in shock or something?"

Twilight sighed. "Spike, I said I would never lie about my past to my friends." She gulped nervously. "I guess I just hoped they'd never ask, but I knew I would have to tell them eventually. Have you heard how the war has been going lately?" A scowl made itself known on her face as she thought about it. "Casualties on both sides are higher than they have been since 999! The fighting's only gotten worse recently. The general public is going to know about it soon enough, if this keeps up. And when they found out about the war, I'd have to tell them about The Academy."

"But Twilight—" His complaint was cut off by the unicorn under him.

"Ah ah! No buts. "Besides," She gestured ahead of them to the fanciful building they were approaching. "we're here."


"Twilight, dear. I'm ever so glad you could make it." Rarity hugged Twilight, before leading her upstairs to the living area of her shop, where the rest of the gang was waiting. "And how are you Spikey-wikey?" She addressed the young dragon as he hopped off Twilight's back. "Are you feeling better? I've prepared you a bowl of nice shiny gems." The fashionista retrieved a bowl from a nearby table with her magic, levitating it over to Spike, whose mouth was now watering.

Spike looked up to Twilight with a pleading look in his eyes. Twilight giggled lightly. "It's fine Spike, you've had a rough day. Go ahead and eat the whole bowl." She didn't need to tell him twice. He tore into the bowl of gems with all the gusto only a growing dragon could have.

Smiling at his enthusiasm, Twilight and Rarity walked over to where their friends were already sitting and joined them on the provided cushions. Applejack, caring as always, decided to start the conversation.

"So Twi', how ya feelin'?"

The other four mare's all looked to her with concern. Even Pinkie Pie was sitting still for once, though she somehow managed to look concerned while grinning.

"Look girls, I told you, I'm totally fine." Twilight looked to the faces of each of the ponies present, trying to alleviate their worry. Judging from their disbelieving looks, it didn't appear to be working. None of them seemed about to call her on it though.

Oh wait, Rainbow Dash.

"Horseapples!" The prismatic pegasus flared her wings briefly before folding them back against her sides, appearing to be trying to remain calm. "Listen Twilight, nopony is as cool and collected as you after a near death experience! Least of all, and egghead like you." She blinked. "Uh, no offense."

"None taken. I understand your concern Rainbow, but I must reiterate, I am fine. Don't worry."

Fluttershy spoke next, her voice quavering slightly at the thought of verbally disagreeing with her friend. "Uh, maybe you just, um, maybe you just think that you're alright." Her voice gained a little confidence as she was talking about something she knew a little of. "You could just be feeling like everything's fine, but then collapse at any minute. Don't worry though we'll be there to help you." The butter pegasus smiled kindly.

Before Twilight could make a third attempt at reassuring them, Pinkie Pie interjected.

"Yeah Twilight! We'll always be there for you." The pink party pony began to prance playfully around the room. "Even though you're all happy-face now, if you do go sad-face later, auntie Pinkie Pie will be there to make all your frowniness disappear." She finished her speech by patting Twilight on the head like one would a foal.

Well this is it. They're just gonna keep this up unless I explain myself. Oh well, I'm sure they won't think of me any differently.

But before she could begin her explanation, a loud burp emanated from across the room.

"I say! How very uncouth." Rarity exclaimed. "Do try to eat with more manners Spike."

Spike ran over to the group with a scroll in his claw. "Wasn't me! It was a letter for Twilight."

"Why would Princess Celestia send me a letter at this hour?"

"Not from Celestia." Spike handed her the scroll. "It's from your brother."

Six mares gasped as one. Twilight just stared at the letter.

No reason to worry. Sure, Shining has a record of being terrible with timing of letters, but I'm sure it's nothing. Twilight thought back to her brother telling her about his engagement via wedding invitation. What if it's not though? What if this is some big news that he's delayed telling me... again. What if I'm an aunt!? Get a hold of yourself Twilight. He only got married four months ago, and he's not that kind of stallion.

Twilight's train of thought was broken by a loud throat clearing by a certain sky-blue pegasus.

"Well? Ya gonna open it or what?" Rainbow looked like she was getting tired of waiting.

Twilight looked around, and noticed similar expressions on all her friends faces. She chuckled, before giving a sheepish smile. "Sorry about that. I guess after his last letter I'm expecting the worst."

"S'alright Twi'. Just, y'know..." Applejack made a vague gesture with her forehooves. "Get on with it."

Twilight nodded, opened the letter, and began to read aloud.

"Dear Twilight. How are things in Ponyville? Staying out of trouble I hope. I just wanted to let you know, my deployment in Zebranistan has been going well, and I've been staying safe. Hard to believe I've been here for... two... whole... months." Twilight trailed off at that, ignoring the rest of the letter.

"My brother deployed?" Twilight's left eye started twitching. Her friends backed away slightly. "My brother deployed... two months ago?" The letter began to smoke. The other mares and one dragon all shared a worried glance. "And he's just telling me about it now? As a casual mention in a letter?" Without warning the letter burst into bright flames, causing everyone to jump back. "WHY IS HE SO BAD AT THIS?!" The enraged unicorn's shout was heard by all the ponies on the block. The letter disintegrated into ash, and Twilight stood there breathing heavily after her outburst.

After a few moments she slumped her shoulders, and sat back down. The rest of the group, including Spike, decided not to worry that she had just done that without magic, and instead came over and sat down too.

Pinkie Pie spoke up first. "So, what did that letter even mean?" Everypony but Rainbow Dash shared her confused look. "I mean, I have no idea where 'Zebranistan' is, or even what he meant by 'deployed'. But it made you do that thing where you go 'whoosh' like when I had my doozy, well not quite the 'whoosh' thing, but I'm pretty sure your mane was starting to smoke. What could be so bad about it?"

Rainbow Dash beat Twilight to an explanation. Fastest pegasus and all that. "When somepony in the army says they got deployed it means they got sent off to war. But I've never heard of this Zebrani-whatsit place either. I didn't even think we were at war."

Rarity and Applejack shouted in unison. "We're at war?!"

Fluttershy began to whimper.

Okay, looks like I'll be giving a slightly different explanation then.

"Girls quiet down." At Twilight's order the other mares went silent and turned to look at her, questions written all over their faces. "I'll explain everything. Can we just... maybe find somewhere a little more comfortable." Rarity nodded and all six of them got up from their floor cushions.

"Oh, and bring something to drink. It's a long story."


Six mares and a dragon sat on the couches in Rarity's upstairs living room, not one of them even a little relaxed. There was a pitcher of lemonade on the coffee table between them, along with seven untouched glasses.

"Okay, we're all ready. Spit it out for cryin' out loud." Rainbow Dash was being as patient as ever.

"Though I certainly don't agree with her methods." Rarity shot a glare at the stunt mare, "I must agree with dear Rainbow Dash's sentiment. We would all very much like to hear about this war we seem to know nothing about."

Twilight managed to quiet the loud agreement that followed Rarity's statement with calming hoof gestures.

"Alright alright. Just settle down." As they followed her suggestion, the lavender scholar switched to lecturing mode. Her posture straightened, she held her head high, and she cleared her throat. She was ready to deliver a history lesson.

"It all started in 983." A collective groan issued forth from everypony but Fluttershy, who was just as bored by the prospect of a history lesson, but didn't want to hurt her friend's feelings.

"Hey if you girls want to know about the war, then you have to know why it started." Her friends grumbled assent. "Good? Good." Twilight cleared her throat again.

"It all started in 983. You see, there is a desert country to the north of us called Zebranistan—" She was cut off by a pink pony who had been sitting still for too long.

"And that's where Zecora comes from!" Pinkie began to bounce, happy with her deductive reasoning.

Twilight glared at the party mare. "No. Zecora comes from Zebrica."

Rainbow looked confused. “I thought she was from the Zebrahara.”

Twilight glared at the pegasus, who wilted slightly under the intense gaze. "The Zebrahara is in Zebrica, but Zecora still isn’t even from that region.”

Rainbow simply shrugged. “Meh, if you ask me, the zebras need to get a little more creative with their naming scheme.”

Pinkie Pie stared blankly at Rainbow Dash. “We live in a town called Ponyville.”

“Can I please get back to my story now!"

The other ponies, and dragon, looked guiltily at the wanna-be teacher, and quieted down.

"No more interruptions," Twilight paused to glare at each of them. "So where was I? Oh yes! There is a desert country to the north of us called Zebranistan. The Zebrans are a fierce and proud warrior race. However they are only as honorable as the zebra who leads them." A slight scowl made it's way onto Twilight's muzzle.

"Their current leader has a tendency to change quite often, and quite... violently." Fluttershy winced. "This was seen as a good thing by the other nations however, because this constant destabilization of the country meant that there was never any threat of them deciding to invade anyone."

"This all changed, as I said, in 983. A Zebran commander by the name of Kwaad rose to power. At first it seemed like any other coup, and nopony thought anything of it. Sure this 'Kwaad' was a brilliant tactician, defeating his predecessor quickly and efficiently, but many other Zebran leaders had been great generals, and it hadn't saved them."

A strange look came over Twilight's face. It was the look a detective might have when seeing the work of a particularly good serial killer. It was dangerously close to admiration.

"But Kwaad had something none of the others had, charisma. He gave rousing speeches, he won the love of the people, and for the first time in almost a thousand years, he united Zebranistan, proclaiming himself 'Grand General Kwaad'."

Twilight's look changed suddenly, and completely. Gone was the admiration, replaced with disgust, and rage.

"But his methods were brutal. He would burn entire villages, and the zebras who lived there, for even a perceived lack of loyalty. Executions were a daily affair, killing 'traitors to his glorious cause'. At least some of the Zebrans stood up to him. There was a civil war for two years. That was supposed to be it. Like all Zebran leaders before him, he would be overthrown, and the cycle would begin anew."

"But when the dust cleared in 985 Kwaad was still in power, and stronger than ever. The last of the dissidents had been rooted out by the war, and he was now unopposed standing at the head of a united Zebranistan."

"Over the next twelve years, the other world powers began to recognize General Kwaad as their equal. Zebranistan began trading with Gryphos and Zebrica." Twilight sighed lightly. "But Princess Celestia refused to acknowledge him as a world leader. Executions were still nearly daily, killing pretty much whoever the so-called Grand General wanted. At this point there was virtually no resistance left, so he was mostly doing it as a show of power. Because of his brutality, Celestia regarded him as nothing more than a murderer, with no place in the politics of the world."

"It wasn't until 997 that things took a terrible turn." Twilight paused in her lecture, blinking. "Well, it was sort of 998... wait no that happened in 997..." She trailed off looking thoughtful.

The assembled ponies stared at her in disbelief. She was finally getting to the start of the actual war, and she just stopped?

Pinkie Pie decided to help her get back on track. "Don't worry girls, I got this." With that mildly worrying statement she bounced over to the her stalled friend and leaned in close to her ear. "Hey Twilight." She whispered, not something one would expect the normally loud pony to do. "Twilight. Hey Twilight. Twilight, hey."

Twilight didn't appear to be listening, completely lost in thought, so Pinkie shrugged and stuck her tongue in the librarian's ear.

Needless to say, this got her attention.

"Gah! What the hay?!" Twilight looked around for the disgusting sensation, and finally spotted a pink mass of fur and giggles on the floor next to her.

Before Twilight could get mad at Pinkie, Applejack spoke up. "D'ya mind finishing your story now sugarcube?"

Twilight blinked, then smiled sheepishly. "Whoops, sorry. Okay, here we go."

"Things took a terrible turn in 997, near the end of the year. A lot of slander had been flying back and forth between Zebranistan and Equestria. Never by the General, or the Princess, themselves. With the clear animosity between the two leaders, their subjects sought to protect them while harming the other. Up until then, the harm had always been in the form of insults and tabloid journalism. Until a group of ponies took it too far."

At this point Twilight only looked sad, and even a little tired, as if she had heard this story before, and it just drained her to even think about.

"Some ten ponies crossed the border in the dead of night. They wanted to 'teach the zebras a lesson' or something stupid like that. They crept up on a sleeping farm village, and tried to destroy the crops. To that end, they set the crops on fire. Idiots. They were in a desert! The driest place on the planet! The fire spread faster than they thought it would, quickly consuming the crops before moving to the village itself."

Her friends all gasped at that. Most ponies did. Lawbreakers were not common in Equestria.

"The fire killed three zebras, and wounded six. Five of the ponies escaped back over the border. The other five were not so lucky. Even with blood already shed on both sides, Princess Celestia tried to prevent war. She finally offered to open up negotiations with General Kwaad, but he didn't care. In his eyes, the ponies had slighted him. When someone slighted him, he had them killed. When a nation slighted him, he declared war."

Twilight grimaced. "The official declaration of war came about a week after the incident, just after the new year of 998. The fighting was fierce and bloody for two whole years. My brother's first tour of duty was actually during that time. He was in Zebranistan from 998 to 1001. Though the fighting all but stopped when the Equestrian advance was halted almost a year before his tour ended. As I said those first two years were the worst, but there hasn't been a large-scale battle in years. There are still casualties of course," Grimaces all around, "but neither side is losing what they once were."

Twilight decided not to mention the turn the war had been taking lately. In all honesty though, she was scared for her brother. He had proven himself in the early years of the war, and even come home with a few medals, but those times were fraught with unbelievable worry about her brother's safety. She wasn't excited to experience that again.

Having finished her story, Twilight checked the expressions of her friends. They all looked horrified in one way or another. Pinkie Pie had a sad expression on her face, she never liked the idea of ponies fighting, Applejack was clearly trying to keep her face blank, but she wasn't doing a very good job, Rainbow Dash seemed like she wanted to attack something, Fluttershy looked about to cry, and Rarity seemed like she was going to faint at any moment.

Fluttershy put up her hoof, indicating she had a question. Twilight was surprised, but urged her to go on with a friendly gesture.

"So we've, um, we've been at war for the past four years? How come nopony knows about it?"

Twilight considered her answer carefully. "Celestia wanted to avoid a panic. It's not like she actively keeps it a secret, she just doesn't advertise it. Most ponies think our military is just for show. Those in military families know better, but we're told not to bother other ponies about it. I mean, this isn't even the first conflict that's been uncommon knowledge, both of my parents fought the griffons from '88 to '89."

Her friends gasped yet again. They were gonna have to stop doing that or they'd be at risk of passing out.

"I say, darling! Were your parents alright?"

Instead of pointing out that they had all met her parents at the wedding four months ago, Twilight decided to just answer the question.

"They're fine, Rarity." Twilight looked like she had just remembered something. "Actually, my dad was discharged due to a wound he received on mission in Gryphos. But he's fine now. My mom retired shortly after to be with him."

She had felt compelled to add that he was fine when she saw the worried looks on their faces.

Seriously, it was four months ago. I know I introduced them all, too.

Pinkie Pie raised her hoof next. Twilight was still unsure why they were doing that, but she motioned for Pinkie to ask anyway.

Pinkie was uncharacteristically quiet and serious when she asked her question. "So your brother just got sent off to fight the baddies? Is... is he gonna be okay?"

Her friends eyes were all pleading. Twilight decided to lie.

"Of course he will." Five mares let out a breath they hadn't known they were holding. "Don't worry about Shining. Why, he knows more combat... spells... than... SPIKE?!"

Pinkie Pie looked at the little drake, "When did you learn combat spells?"

Spike raised a claw, and was about to respond, but Twilight wasn't having any of it.

"Spike! We forgot to send the report to the princess!" Twilight's eyes were wide and frantic. "Take a letter! Quick!"

Spike knew better than to argue where tardiness was involved, and rushed to grab a parchment, quill, and ink.

"Wait just an apple-pickin' minute." Applejack glanced around at the other four recipients of Twilight's tale. "Does anypony else have any more questions?" They all shook their heads. "Oh. Alrighty then." Applejack settled back down into her seat.

"To be frank dear, I think I just need to relax a moment. This was... a lot to take in." Rarity slumped down, her perfect posture forgotten at the moment.

"Yeah, as much as I hate to agree with miss prissy pants here—"

"I take offense to that."

"—I really think we should just let the egghead do her report thing." Rainbow finished, with a glare at Rarity for interrupting her.

Twilight was pleased that her friends didn't mind her catching up on her work during the slumber party. She would have done it anyway, this stuff was important, but she was pleased that they didn't mind.

With that thought, she trotted to the other side of the room, where her assistant was ready and waiting, leaving her friends to discuss the bombshell of a story she had dropped on them.

"Ready Spike?" She asked once she reached him. Spike responded with a nod.

"Dear Princess Celestia." As Twilight spoke, the dragon wrote down everything she said to the parchment. "Earlier today, I was trying to create a spell to facilitate faster preparation of my morning tea. The intended effect of the spell was to be instantly boiled water. The results were quite different."

"Instead of a water-boiling spell, I seem to have created a combustion spell. I know that combustion spells have been used for years already, but this one has a few interesting properties. First of all, the shockwave created by the spell is far too large for the size of the explosion. It managed to destabilize the library enough to cause the collapse of the entire floor above the basement I was working in. As well as launch debris further, and with more velocity, that an explosion of that size has any right to. Do not worry, nopony was hurt.

"The second, and perhaps biggest thing is this: the energy I put into the spell was incredibly small, given the damage caused. If one was to put as much magic into this spell as your average combustion spell, I shudder to think the damage that could be caused. One last thing to note, looking over my spell diagram, it appears that it could be cast just fine without the water."

Twilight tried to think if she was forgetting anything, and deciding that the letter contained sufficient information, she ended the letter, and gave her usual sign-off. "I anticipate your response on the matter. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle."

"Do you have the spell diagram I made up earlier Spike?" He nodded again. "Right then, attach it and send the letter along. I think it's time we all got some sleep." The letter was consumed by green dragon-fire.

Twilight returned to the circle of friends, who seemed to have recovered quite well. The attitude of the room had been brought right back to party by a certain pink pony. Before Twilight knew it, she was smiling herself.

Pinkie Pie retrieved a plethora of board games from the hall closet, before they knew it all six mares were laughing loudly as they moved small plastic pieces around a square of cardboard. Even Fluttershy was enjoying herself, despite being the most affected by Twilight’s tale.

After a while, all six agreed that it was time for bed. Spike had fallen asleep an hour ago, curled up inside a punch bowl Pinkie had produced at some point. As the small group of good friends all climbed into their color-coded sleeping bags, each with their cutie mark emblazoned on it, Twilight sighed contentedly.

She was just glad her friends didn’t appear to be having trouble sleeping. How that was possible after having their whole world-view shattered was a mystery to her, just the thought of only finding out about the war now was enough to give Twilight trouble, that combined with almost dying in a fire, meant that there was really only one way she was going to fall asleep.

Ever since Twilight was a little filly, when she’d have trouble sleeping, she would sneak into her brother’s room and curl up into a ball at the foot of his bed, somehow this always calmed her down. Even to this day whenever she had trouble sleeping, she would simply curl up and close her eyes tight, and she could imagine her brother was there, keeping her safe.

It’s been a rough day, Twilight thought, as she assumed the old comforting position. As always, it worked it’s magic, banishing her thoughts of near-death experiences and wars, bringing her back to that old warm place, with her brother watching over her.

Twilight's even breaths joined those of the others.


Their sleep was interrupted by the delivery of a letter. Spike did not breathe any fire, one minute there was nothing in the air above Twilight, the next a scroll simply was, no flash, no popping sound, it's appearance was only marked by a chime loud enough to wake all seven sleepers. This method of letter transportation was only used by the Princesses in a few scenarios. Twilight had a sinking feeling she knew exactly why this letter was sent. But she'd have to check to be sure.

She really didn't want to.

Checking the window, she found that it was morning, barely. The others were starting to rouse from their makeshift beds. Spike was the first to notice the letter.

"A letter? How did I not notice that come through?" He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Don't worry, I got it Twilight." He rushed to pick up the letter.

"Uh, Spike..."

Ignoring the warning tone in her voice, or perhaps not hearing it, Spike snatched up the letter and cut the sealing ribbon with a claw. Before Twilight could say 'time and place' he began to read aloud.

"Twilight Sparkle, you have been activated. Report to Canterlot in the next 24 hours. Destroy this message."

Five mares were shocked beyond speech. Even Pinkie Pie wasn't moving an inch. They all just stared at Twilight, who was looking at the floor, her mane drooping over her face. All her friends' mouths and eyes were opened wide.

Spike, however, had a different look, absolute terror.