• Published 26th Oct 2012
  • 3,315 Views, 31 Comments

Little White Lie - Vargras

So long as you're helping others, what's the harm in telling a lie?

  • ...

'When all the truth does is make your heart ache, sometimes a lie is easier to take'


Applejack, last seen on 9/14 outside Sweet Apple Acres

If spotted, please contact Twilight Sparkle at the Ponyville Library

Upon catching sight of the flyer, a lavender unicorn placed a hoof against the torn and weathered paper, sighing as she read over the words once more. It had been well over a month since Applejack had suddenly disappeared from Ponyville, and as eager as they had been to eventually have her back, life had begrudgingly gone on. Rainbow Dash still had her weather to take care of, Fluttershy still had her animals, Rarity had numerous orders to fill, and Pinkie Pie likewise found herself busy at Sugarcube Corner.

And Twilight Sparkle? Her studies had gone on. She and the rest of the girls still missed Applejack terribly, of course - what pony wouldn't, after all? But time stopped for nopony, not even the princesses, and Twilight soon had been forced to accept that perhaps the earth pony was gone for good. They still remained hopeful, of course, but every additional day upon the calendar was another bit of diminished hope, the flame growing ever more dim.

There were still reports here and there of Applejack, all of them from various cities - an apprentice of a princess was not without power, and the unicorn had fully exercised it in her attempts to find her friend - but they were often fruitless, either being cases of mistaken identity, or simply being an illusion of sorts. It had been extremely disheartening, and even as Twilight trudged back to her home after running her errands for the day, she found herself wondering if it was still worth the time and the effort.

She grimaced as the wind picked up once more, throwing rain into her face, and she instinctively formed a small bubble to shelter herself from the elements. Even at a distance, however, something seemed different about her home, most notably the door... it was almost as if something was affixed upon the door. Curious, Twilight quickened her pace, sloshing her way through the mud and the rain as she trotted towards the library.

A bit of steel glinted in the distance, and just as visible was a red wax seal. Her heart was beginning to race now, and Twilight Sparkle quickened her pace once more. Her couriers never used red seals, not unless... !


The unicorn broke into a sprint, her bubble dissolving as her concentration disappeared, and though her mane was quickly getting soaked from the downpour, it hardly seemed to matter now. All she needed was that letter hanging from her door, anything at all to maybe rekindle her hopes. She hadn't even realized just how far away her treehouse had been, not until her legs had begun to ache and burn, but... no, that hardly mattered now. The letter. The letter was all she needed.

Seconds ticked by, and even as her heart was pounding within her chest, she quickly found herself approaching the front door. Upon the door itself, an envelope had been stuck to the wood by means of a steel dagger - rather unusual, especially within the confines of Ponyville. The envelope itself, though damp from the rain, still appeared to be somewhat dry, and it had been sealed shut with a red wax stamp in the shape of...

"...an apple."

Her heart skipped a beat, and Twilight Sparkle hastily tore the dagger from the wood, tossing it into the mud beside her door before racing inside. This was it, this had to be it! News about Applejack, or even better, news from Applejack! As the door slammed shut behind her, the unicorn hastily tore open the envelope and pulled out the letter within, reading its contents aloud.

"Dear Twilight..."

Dear Twilight,

It's odd, I suppose. To have spent so long with you and done so much at your side, and this is how I have to contact you. With a letter.

I should explain. I owe you that much, after all - you and the rest of the girls. You see, I'm not exactly Applejack. My name truly is 'Applejack' and, rest assured, I'm an earth pony, but everything else is a lie isn't what it seems. I'm not a farmer, and the Apple family? Not my family. I wasn't born and raised in Ponyville, Big Macintosh isn't my brother, nor is Apple Bloom my little sister, or Granny Smith my grandmother. They're just contacts It's difficult to explain, but I'll do my best. You do deserve it.

I work for a group an organization - old, almost as old as the Royal Sisters themselves. The job is simple enough. We help ponies in need, no matter what they need done, and with no questions asked. Of course, this has lead to me doing some horrific rather unsavory things over the years. I've killed more ponies than I'm comfortable with, both those who deserved it and those who didn't, and I've done a great many other things that would likely run the risk of execution within an Equestrian court. I've done terrible, terrible things what needed to be done, because it was my job, and because I knew of nothing else to do with my life.

And then you came along. I was sent out to Ponyville one summer, to help the Apple family with their work around the orchards. My job, and cover, were simple enough - I was to pose as a member of the Apple family, and to assist them until they no longer felt my services were required. I was settling in well enough, and then you showed up. You confused me at first - a pony from Canterlot, going on about her wild tales of 'Nightmare Moon's return', and how you needed to find 'the elements'. And I? I played along, solely for the sake of preserving my cover. I thought most of the town would see you as a bit of a nuisance, and that as soon as the Summer Sun Celebration was over, you would be gone.

And I was wrong. They embraced you, all of them did. When Nightmare Moon truly did show up, everypony looked to you for direction - including me. Nopony knew where had Celestia had gone or even how we were supposed to get her back, and yet you did. You seemed to know when there was none other to show the way. And so I followed you. I assisted you time and time again, and I grew to trust you, just as you no doubt grew to trust me. We became allies friends.

Even after all that was said and done, I continued to follow you and to do everything you needed to save the day because, for once, I wasn't the old Applejack. I wasn't somepony who had been forced to do unspeakable things simply to get by in life - I was a hero, somepony who was loved and adored, not just by the masses, but by ponies who I could depend on and could call friends. Ponies like you, Twi.

Everything comes with a price, of course. It's something I learned years ago, and something that, unfortunately, comes with the business. I knew I couldn't lie forever - not only to you, but also to my employers - and I knew that some day, the fantasy I had crafted for myself would come crashing down. Either you would find out, or they would, and whenever that managed to happen, I couldn't bear myself to face the possible reprisal. To face them would be a death sentence, for lying to them and violating the terms of the contract, but to face you and the others? I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

Which leads me to the present day - if you've received this letter, it means I've decided to call an end to it. Enough is enough. The charade is over. 'Applejack' needs to disappear for a bit. If I know you (and believe me, I do), then you've no doubt placed agents all over the entirety of Equestria, just to try and find lil' old me. As good as you may be at seeking, however, I'm better at hiding. I'll eventually reveal myself once more, after I've determined I can do so without having myself unceremoniously killed, but for now, you'll simply have to keep this to remember me by.

I can't even begin to imagine what you and the others must feel like right now, especially after reading everything I've written - no doubt you're angry, sad, or confused. I just want to tell you that I'm sorry - I'm so very sorry - for everything I've ever said and done that may have hurt you. I'm sorry for deceiving you. I'm sorry for forcing you to have a friend that never truly existed, and I'm sorry I had to tell it all to you like this. If you never want to speak to me again after all this, I don't blame you. I've done a great many despicable acts, but to betray somepony like this is among the worst.

Though everything I've said and done is essentially a lie, and though I continue to regret it to this very day, a part of me doesn't quite feel sorry for any of it. I may have lied to you, but look at everything you and the rest of the girls have accomplished. We've You've all saved Equestria time and time again, and you've all gone on to be highly successful in the things you love. I'm so incredibly proud of you and the girls - words can't even begin to describe it.

Just keep an eye out for me, I suppose. I'll show up again one day, and maybe then, you can truly get to know me for who I am. Maybe then, we can actually be friends.




Just because you can't see me doesn't mean that I'm not there. I'll always be there for you and the others, one way or another. Think of me as a guardian angel of sorts.

With the letter finished, Twilight Sparkle slowly placed it upon a nearby table, her jaw working itself as she sought the right words. Applejack had... lied. Had been lying, to all of them, and none of them had been the wiser. This hadn't been the work of a discorded Applejack, this had been... honest and dependable Applejack. What made it all the worse was that it had been purposely done, and it had simply been passed off as 'helping them'.

The unicorn growled and pounded a hoof against the floor. "That little... !"

The nerve! The gall! To betray them, all of them like that, simply so she could help her guilty conscience? She had used them all! Lied to them, lead them along to believe the most terrible of lies, and for what? So she could atone for her sins? Such a pony was awful, despicable, a wretched creature that deserved no love and only the most horrific of punishments, and yet...

"...she was right." Twilight sighed and lowered her head, ears flattening. Applejack had indeed lied to them all over those many seasons, and yet... she had been right in the end. Lies as they had been, she truly had helped them all. They were all successful, the best of friends, and Equestria wasn't in shambles... yet. And all of it had been because of a few little white lies.

The mare made her way towards a window and placed a hoof upon it, sighing once more as she gazed out into the rain. Rather than hate her, the letter had simply made her miss Applejack even more, and the unicorn peered up at the clouds as she recited something the earth pony had told her after their encounter with Discord. "When all the truth does is make your heart ache..."

Outside the library, an unseen observer let out a sigh of their own, and soon slipped into the shadows once more... but not before uttering a phrase of their own.

"...sometimes a lie is easier to take."

Comments ( 31 )

Done purely for myself. If you enjoy it, neat. If not, I really don't care. If you don't 'get it', not my problem either.

Just something I did to help me vent.

Seems interesting! I'm going to dig in immediately. :raritystarry:

It's an interesting premise, not quite sure what to make of it though.

Well now. After, ah, earlier tonight. . . this sure gives me the chills. :applejackunsure:

I've got a dozen questions in my mind, none of them proper, or possibly safe, to ask. Hope it helped.

Kind of a shot from The Twilight Zone (no pony relation). Very unique one-piece. Hard to believe, but the most shocking suspect for a revelation like that.

It is late as I read this, but my thoughts are this is rather deep and very thought-provoking for myself. Perhaps it is because I don't necessarily think that Discord quote is wrong, or maybe it is something to do with a similar situation I found myself in.

A few days ago, my sister, bless her 9 year old heart, was nearly struck in a parking lot by a driver because she had not paid attention and ran ahead of me. I was scared obviously, and reacted firstly by saying, "You should be more careful!!! ..but I am glad you are safe."

This was the truth, her decision to run and me correcting it, was the truth, however, my brother said the truth of scaring her would do her no good, and she'll resent me. I am sorry to say, he was right.. Almost a week after this, I haven't seen her except to try and apologize for being insensitive, which I fully admit I was blunt towards her. Heck I even gave her my Derpy vinyl doll to cheer her up, but nothing, the truth stung and she resents me still.

I suppose I am ranting due to being tried, but I get this story in a way others may not. perhaps in the morning I shall blog this, and not bring up this stuff on your story! =p

Loved this story, and hope your situation resolves itself, as I know mine shall too.

That was very interesting. Although short, I liked it.

I think the obvious question is, how does this pony, lying about who she is, become the element of honesty? What part of her character made the element resonate with her? Is there something about her motivation for the lies that caused it to overlook that? You hint at this, with the mention of the organisation, but it really doesn't address the issue.

I find this incredibly intriguing.
The premise, deserves more than just this single shot story; I believe it deserves an entire series.
If 'the organisation' was intended to remain anonymous, and retain absolute anonymity, the I suppose the idea of a series, is kind of stupid.
But, still. I suppose, and would very much enjoy, to read a series based upon this sole premise.

Okay Twilight, redouble your efforts and then mop up that so called secret organization.
All in a days work eh? :facehoof:

Great one-shot that leaves me wanting more. Hope you continue writing, sequel or not!

Ouch. Just... ouch.

Tsk. Tsk. Shameful, I say.

Hm, so the southern accent was also fake. This was an interesting story to read at such an early time in the day. :moustache: -strokes mustache-

I may be reading too much into this, but perhaps, like Twilight herself, her efforts trying to obtain the elements unlocked who she was deep inside. Just like Twilight only unlocked the element of "Magic" (friendship) in the short time before she was able to wield it, so too had Applejack only understood the deeper truth of who she was and wanted to be, allowing herself to make friends and get close to the others.

Though everything in the letter may be true in some sense, read it again with the thought in mind that her old life is the lie, a lie that she has fallen back on to protect her friends, since she knows clinging to them and being with them, holding on to her new truth, would put them in great danger. The Applejack everyone has come to know and love is her true self showing through, and the letter is her way of slipping back into the lie.

This makes the story that much more heartbreaking, and opens it to a far more interesting twist and more than just the one shot as presented, while still allowing Applejack to be the element of Honesty.

absolutely wonderful, i give it 11 out of 10:ajsmug::ajsmug:


It's better to be alive and resentful than dead and blissfully ignorant. She's nine, she'll get over it and thank you later.


That's my thinking as well. Although you'd think I did something terrible by doing that according to her and my parents.

No matter, good stories help view one's current predicaments in new views.

There's been a number of people asking for an explanation or an expansion of the fic, so I figured I'd say something. This fic will never receive a sequel, nor will it be continued or expanded upon in any way, shape, or form. It's an extremely personal piece, done solely to help me vent after being blindsided with a bit of bad news, and it did its job - I did indeed feel better.

You see, once upon a time, there was someone who lied to those closest to her for several years, and she was perfectly okay with it because she thought she was helping them in the end.

This person was my (now) ex. The entire fic is, more or less, about her and the things she put me and others through, intentionally or not. It was a way for me to express my own anger and disbelief. That's it. That's all there is to it. If this bit of extra info 'ruins' the fic, then so be it - as I said, this was done purely for myself and so I could give myself an outlet, and I really don't care how many dislikes it gets, or how poorly it's written.

Well, that's the thing... it's not poorly written at all. I like it a heckuva lot. I'm glad it was therapeutic as well. It's just that, separating the story itself away from the writer's motivation, the element of honesty being used by a liar doesn't make much sense. I did like TomKayito's thoughts on that though.

Nope, not buying it.

Interesting, and the back story to you shed light on it. Writing out your frustrations can be therapeutic, however when you make it a story like this out of it criticism will happen. I find myself doing it now, its well written the premise is good, but the choice of character is a head scratcher.

That was pretty cool.

I liked enough that I can ignore the plot hole bigger than... Well that big plot hole that I will not mention. Good work as usual Var

Wish it was a couple chapters, but It was great. I hope this becomes as famous as Cupcakes (Not as scary though)

Still wanting a expansion :ajsleepy:

I have one thing to say, this should have been the last thing in the story...

Do you plan on keeping this as a one-shot or making this into a story? Because I'm DYING to know if anything happens next!

That's a shame, really. I could see this developing into a full-fledged story. But, it's your call; you're free to do what you want, and you have every right to do so without me hampering your judgment. Still, this was a very well-written piece, one that I think you could expand upon, if the idea ever caught your interest.

This would have been an amazing story I hope you make a sequel for when she comes back!

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