• Published 26th Oct 2012
  • 3,703 Views, 40 Comments

Fluttershy Discovers A Cheerleader Outfit - SwiperTheFox

Fluttershy discovers a cheerleader outfit. She puts it to proper use.

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Fluttershy Discovers A Cheerleader Outfit

Fluttershy Discovers A Cheerleader Outfit

Angel Bunny hopped along the side of the street, his eyes shifting across the mid-day hustle and bustle. He had been on the lookout for those pesky Cutie Mark Crusaders all morning, hearing the chatter from Roseluck, Lyra, Bon Bon, and several other ponies as he stepped below them. Apparently, Applebloom had come up some kind of homemade flavor enhancement device, something cooked up from a mix of potions originally from Zecora. And she, along with her friends, had vowed to serve her new enchanted apple pie to someone— even if every single pony they met politely yet strongly declined, an animal would do.

“Not. This. Bunny,” Angel tried to whisper below his breath. Being, of course, unable to talk, something that he cursed lady luck for several times each day, he just let out a set of chirp-like sounds. Scurrying under a bench with lazy, blue-maned colts resting atop it, Angel eyed the side path over towards Fluttershy’s house in front of him. He took a happy breath as he waited for a moment, thinking about how he had carefully avoided those obnoxious—

“Hey, there, lil’ critter!”

Angel scrunched his mouth in tightly as he saw Applebloom’s face poking in from above the bench. The filly’s eyes seemed filled with stars, her cheeks flush as she smiled. The bunny stepped slowly out from underneath the bench, his ears drooping.

“Well, then,” Applebloom said, Sweetie Belle walking up right behind her with a matching smile, “ya’ll sure do look hungry, my small fuzzy friend. And you’re just in luck—” She waved back at her unicorn friend, who carried a small plate covered in foil on her back. “Because I’ve got the most bestest, tastiest thing that ya’ll could ever—”

Angel blinked furiously, wondering how best to make a break for it. He hoped against hope that he could suddenly get the ability to speak through some freak moment of evolution, maybe with a stray batch of cosmic rays from the heavens or something. “Hey, look, over, there!” Angel tried to say, failing, as he stuck his right paw up in the air besides Applebloom.

“Hey, look up there!” one of the drowsy colts on the other side of the bench, suddenly wide awake, cried out. The fillies froze for a moment before shifting their heads skyward. Angel took a deep breath.

“If you exist, gods, thank you,” Angel attempted to say.

“Well, I’ll be…” Sweetie began, stepping over backwards next to the nearby bush. They all looked up at a huge black dot far above that grew bigger and bigger every second, with black stripes and a black handle suddenly visible upon it. “Maybe we should…”

They all scattered before anypony said another word, making their way down the street. Angel hopped over atop the bench and scurried behind a nearby building’s thick black sign, confused yet totally curious. The black object fell right out of the sky onto a big blue flag with sapphire symbols that stood atop the nearby jewelry store. Angel held his breath as the object rippled to the side, losing speed, and bounced onto the adjacent weather-vane. He pulled himself down behind the black sign for safety.

In just the time it took for him to blink his eyes, the object slid down along a water pipe and smashed right down on the ground in front of him. With a loud crack, it broke into a bunch of long jagged pieces— scattering along the market street with various bright-colored bundles of something flying out like confetti. Angel heard a spat-like sound, and he looked up.

Right behind him, mashed against the brick building wall like a spit-ball against a schoolhouse window, was some kind of crushed up, flashy-looking outfit. The stripes and star-symbol in the middle seemed to just scream ‘girly’. The bunny looked back down into the street, and he saw various ponies, big and small, picking up various pieces of things for themselves.

Angel had every reason to think ‘finder’s keepers’, and so he clutched the bright blue and surprisingly light clump of clothing upon his head. He hopped over from the building sign onto a nearby maple tree, and he rode the branches down to the ground. Taking a deep breath, he glanced off once again at the direction of Fluttershy’s house.

Just a few minutes later…

Fluttershy found herself hovering over a bunch of bows she had laid out atop her enormous, cream-colored couch. She shifted from side to side, her eyes digging into the spread as her ears flicked forwards. “Oh, gosh,” she muttered, “I can’t even… begin to decide.” Pink, right? But that’s just too… too stereotypical… I don’t know. It makes you think of a filly, not a mare. Not a girlfriend. She picked up the purple bow with her right hoof. It’s more like a violet-ish color, so… I suppose it seems ‘regal’? But is that too fancy-schmancy for Big Mac? He likes the simple things, after all.

She sighed and turned around, grabbing an iced tea from the nearby end table. Goodness, I… it’s almost time, after all! And this is the most important date that I’ll have for a while, right? Our one month’s anniversary? She had already rehearsed a thousand times in her mind’s eye all of the horrible things that could go wrong.

She heard a knocking at the door, but she remained stuck in her own little world. The sash— I know he likes the sash— he’s said that for sure… right? But the bow, goodness, that’s more than the icing on the cake! That’ll be like the first thing he sees when he shows up at my door!

The knocking grew three times louder. Fluttershy froze for a moment, wiggling her head. “Oh, I’m sorry!” She trotted over to the front door and pulled it open, looking out at the nothingness before her for a moment. A blue blur flashed upon her face. Fluttershy stepped back, pulling it off of her and holding the clump on her back with her wings. She gazed straight down at the white rabbit right underneath her legs.

“Oh, Angel Bunny, did you get this for me?” Fluttershy asked, blushing as she put on a sort of melodic tone to her voice. “That’s, simply, wonderful.

Angel shut the door behind him dramatically as he stood up straight. He walked through the living room with his front paws up like he was the ‘stallion of the house’. His confident facial expression seemed to say ‘no need to thank me, sweetheart’.

“It’s so… so…” Fluttershy murmured, rubbing her face against the fabric. She made a happy sigh as the smooth cotton stroked her cheeks. “So nice…” She took another sip of her iced tea before sliding the bows to the side and laying out the outfit upon the back of her couch. “And it’s, well, nothing I’ve quite seen before.”

She glanced over to see Angel, clearing enjoying every second of this, rolling up a paw and holding it out in a ‘madam, you’re simply too kind’ gesture. Fluttershy’s smile grew, and Angel then moved his attention over to the huge bottle filled with lemon-raspberry flavored, almost sickly-sweet liquid goodness on the kitchen table. She turned back over towards the couch and brushed her nose with her hoof, thinking.

This doesn’t even seem Equestrian in origin, let alone something I’d see anywhere in Ponyville. Rarity’s boutique has never shown anything quite like this. Fluttershy’s eyes went along from the long blue leggings over to the matching blue, gold, and white striped skirt, looking extremely frilly and seductive, and finally up the long, pretty sides. Glitter, tassels, and other fancy, girly things decorated across the bright blue and white body of the outfit. The chest area seemed wider than Fluttershy expected, somehow, with space to fit something. She didn’t understand what.

Fluttershy flipped the outfit over and gazed along the back. The bright, flashy colors looked just as cute, with a gigantic number one symbol marked on the back alongside loads of sparkles. She pressed her hoof against the back fabric, rubbing against something inside. She reached over inside the top neckline of the outfit and pulled out two large balls of fluff, covered in the same colors as the rest of it.

“What in the hay are these?” Fluttershy asked herself, clutching the fluffy things in both front hooves, “are these snacks or something?” She sniffed them, but they only smelled like fabric. There has to be some kind of label or something. She hunted along the outfit with her eyes, finally spotting a tag on the underside of the skirt.

“Hey, Mickey!”-style Cheerleader Outfit (w/ 2 Pom-Poms)
Tell your special someone that they’re so fine— they’re so fine, they blow your mind!
Medium Size – Midnight Dreams Depot / San Francisco, CA

Fluttershy tried to mentally piece together whatever creature would have originally worn such a thing. A buffalo? A zebra? Maybe even an alicorn? It seemed far too tall and wide for a mare. But… cheering… I get that. Right? A ‘cheerleader’ is a girl who leads the cheering when somepony is competing. I don’t know about the outfit, but I know who those figures are. Sort of like when we were cheering for Dashie up in Cloudsdale. But this is a bit beyond that. Fluttershy glanced around, seeing nopony in the vicinity, and she felt ready to try at least some of it out.

Fluttershy giggled. She grabbed the pom-poms and held them high above her head, standing up on her hind hooves while wiggling her hips. “Oh, Mickey!” Fluttershy called out, crashing the fluffy things together. “Mickey— Mickey— you’re so fine! You’re so fine! You blow my mind! Hey, Mickey!” She hopped about as she shot out her hooves in various poses.

It immediately felt like lots and lots of fun. Whomever this ‘Mickey’ is, she sure has great taste in outfits! Fluttershy’s heart started to race as she turned around, still dancing to an imaginary tune. Now, for the rest of it She grabbed the rest of the cheerleader clothing and slid it over her head. Oh, yes! I just know that—

And it promptly slid right off of her shoulders down along her body, finally sitting in a clump around her bottom hooves. Fluttershy froze for a moment, her face scrunching together. She sighed and reached for her iced tea once again. She neatly picked back up the outfit and laid it upon the couch just as before.

Close! But it just won’t fit… She rubbed a hoof against her cheek. The smoothness of the outfit as well as the sheer flamboyance of it had felt really nice against her body, even though it had just been for a split-second. I can’t just leave it in a closet somewhere. Especially now, what with my date with Mac coming up in just a little while!

She paced along the living room for a moment, trying to think it over some more. “Oddly enough, this would… well…” she whispered, one of her hooves idly shifting through her fluffy pink mane, “this doesn’t fit me… but it would fit…”

And she had an idea.

She had an awful, wonderful idea.

Her heart thumped hard inside her chest as she made for the corner of the living room, eyeing the boxes loaded with craft supplies such as tissue paper and ribbons. She thought back to one particular vinyl record that she had gotten last week, sitting in a nicely hidden-location underneath her socks in a bedroom drawer instead of in her record box. It all came to plan immediately. Fluttershy couldn’t help but make a devious smile.

Later that day…

Big Mac nervously brushed his front right hoof against his flower-filled, necklace-like band around his neck, staring at the miniature reflection in the ‘C’ within the golden sign ‘Come On In’ before him. He knew he looked fine. He had reassured himself dozens of times that whole day— Applejack had made sure to boost his sprits however she could as well.

Still, he knew Fluttershy was a special kind of mare, a mare unlike the other, more normal-acting sweethearts that had caught his eye before. “She deserves a special touch. A special appearance. A special confidence,” he muttered to himself, sounding so quiet that he couldn’t even hear his own voice. He stood up straight, knowing that his body looked neat and trim while his mane looked shimmering and handsome thanks to that latest spa makeover. He could hardly breathe from the sheer nervousness, but he knocked on the door of Fluttershy’s house just the same.

“Oh, Big Mac,” Fluttershy said in a sing-song tone, opening it up slowly. Mac stepped in, standing awkwardly just besides the entrance. Fluttershy, wearing a pretty pink bow on her mane that immediately drew Mac’s eyes, had on a gigantic grin. She seemed more energetic than usual for sure.

“I’m so happy to be here tonight,” Mac said, fiddling a bit with his saddlebag. He watched as Fluttershy bounced about her living room, filled with some kind of emotional spring to her steps, and went for a set of fresh iced teas. “It’s been a week since I’ve seen you, but— honestly— it felt like a lifetime.”

“You’re so sweet,” Fluttershy replied, fluttering her eyebrows and waving her mane about. She placed a drink on a small brown table besides the nearby couch.

Mac took a little breath and made his way over, sitting on the far side of the couch. “So,” he muttered, “I got you something special.” He reached into his saddlebag, his anxious eyes darting over to the floor. “For our one month anniversary.”

“It’s a pendant, oh, goodness,” Fluttershy replied, sitting over next to him. Her bottom hooves rubbed against his, with made him shudder a bit in enjoyment. “It’s so pretty… I’m… so happy…” She reverted to her usual shy tone, something that Mac’s romance had partly subdued by unlocking a bit of an adventurous side to her. “You… didn’t have to get anything… being here is more than enough.”

She gave him a peck on the cheek. He blushed profusely, his red cheeks turning into bright pink shades. She got up and, putting the pendant right on in less than a second, walked over to a small dresser. With Mac making a happy sigh, she slid open the bottom drawer and picked up a large object wrapped profusely in thick tissue paper.

“Oh,” Mac said, brushing his front hooves against his chest, “you didn’t… there’s… oh, gosh…”

He was old-fashioned enough to think that it was the stallion’s job to give to his sweetheart, yet he felt a surge of curiosity as he held the object in front of his chest. Fluttershy said nothing back— she simply nodded as she poised her body over Mac’s, standing over him with her hooves propped against the couch’s left arm. Mac noticed sweat starting to drip along Fluttershy’s face, and he took a deep breath before sliding his hooves against the side of the gift.

“It’s a… a…” Mac muttered, holding the bright fabric right up in front of him. “A… something…” He blinked rapidly.

“It’s a cheerleader outfit!” Fluttershy exclaimed, hopping over to the side and tapping her hooves upon the floor besides Mac. “One of those young lover’s outfits, you know?”

“So,” Mac began, his heart beating faster as he shifted about in his spot on the couch, “you’re going to, ah, put…” He folded it out onto the end table besides him. “Put it on for me?”

Fluttershy threw her head back and let out a deep set of laughs, startling the hay out of Mac. He slid backwards on the couch and held his mouth a bit open. “No, no, no,” Fluttershy replied, giving Mac a playful rub upon his shoulder, “you silly stallion. It’s for you to put on!”

“What?” he asked, his mind feeling blank. His hooves played idly with the pom-poms sitting on the couch besides him.

“It’s for you to put on for me,” Fluttershy went on, holding up the outfit by the shoulders. Her ears perked up, her eyes opening wide. She seemed charged even more with this playful kind of energy.

“I… I…” Mac took a gulp. His bottom hooves tapped nervously against the floor.

“So, get started, already,” Fluttershy said, picking Mac out of the couch and leading him towards the nearby bathroom. Mac hardly had time to think before he found himself before a huge mirror, the cheerleader outfit spread out on the countertop too his left. Various beauty supplies from eyeliner to makeup to lipstick to everything else a flashy pony could want laid out besides the sink to Mac’s right. “I know you’ll just look fabulous!

“I… I…” Mac kept on muttering, his mouth hanging open.

“Don’t forget your panties, big boy!” Fluttershy called out— holding up a lacy, smooth cotton piece with blue and silver stripes going along the sides, matching the rest of the cheerleader outfit completely.

A weird sensation, almost like taking a bath in vanilla pudding, coursed up Mac’s sides. He closed his mouth and nodded furiously, his mane swishing against his neck. Fluttershy let out a happy squeal, clapping her hooves together, and she stepped out of the bathroom. She gave her boyfriend a wink as he rubbed his newly given panties between his hooves, his cheeks flush.

“I’ll see you in a moment,” she said, shutting the door as she waved and smiled. “You… are… going… to… LOVE! THIS!” Her voice raised up to something Mac had had never heard of before, Fluttershy’s mouth looking big enough to eat a toaster as her eyes seemed to burn with desire.

“Eeeeeeeeyup,” he replied, trying not to bite his lip as his hoof went for the dark blue lipstick. He hesitated over it, almost as if he worried that the small case would bite him like a snake.

Fluttershy gained a bit of composure, leaning a bit out of the door. She happily remarked in more normal-sounding voice, “just wait for when your entrance music plays, sweetheart!”

A few minutes later…

“Sweetheart,” Fluttershy remarked, tapping gently upon the bathroom door, “I think it’s tiiiiiime!” Her voice seemed to flow with melodrama, sounding rather like Rarity. She pressed her ear against the wood for a moment.

Mac made an awkward cough as he sized himself up in the mirror, his right hoof holding a powerpuff that put the last touches to his makeup. His cheeks thoroughly coated with sweet-smelling goodness, he pursed his lips together and stood up straight. Fluttershy heard his hooves going for the door, and she scurried over back across the living room to the record player.

“So… I… ah…” Mac mumbled, peeking out with the door open just a bit. He felt so nervous even being exposed to a bit of sunlight in his condition.

“And, now!” Fluttershy called out in an announcer-like voice, her hoof clicking against the side of the player. She walked over to the couch, stood up against the right arm, and perched herself over on top of it. “Introducing… Miss Macintosh!”

“Do I really have to,” Mac whispered, pushing the door just a few more inches open.

Bouncy, preppy instrumental electropop music filled the whole room in a split-second. Fluttershy nodded as her front hooves clapped together furiously. Her eyes grew wide, a deep sort of emotional hunger building up inside of, as the stallion-turned-mare stepped awkwardly out into the big pink rug in the middle in the living room.

Fluttershy savored every last inch of Mac’s body. Her eyes slid up his thick, muscular legs, shoved into sparkly, bright blue and white thigh-high leggings, over to his frilly blue and silver skirt, flicking upwards every other moment to show Mac’s matching panties, and finally to his cheerleader top, looking as wonderfully girly and flashy as everything else. As Mac, having no idea what to do, did a slow curtsey, Fluttershy noticed the wrapped up washcloths shoved in the chest area, giving Mac a nice padding.

“Yes, Miss Macintosh is one of our prettiest cheerleaders, if not the prettiest one of all!” Fluttershy went on in her pretend announcer voice. She giggled profusely, sliding to the side on her couch as Mac hopped up and down ever so slightly in tune to the electropop beat. She took in his cute features, his cheeks as pink as Pinkie Pie to what seemed like a semi-permanent blush, as she saw how his midnight blue lips, blue and white striped headband, and glossy eyebrows complimented his outfit perfectly.

“So, please,” Mac said, standing up straight on his hind hooves in the middle of the living room, “can I take this stuff off, now?”

“I’m sorry. I can’t quite hear you,” Fluttershy replied, making a sinister-looking smirk as her breaths grew a bit faster, “can you speak at a higher register?”

Mac took a big gulp, squeezing his glossy lips together, and he raised his voice to a light, almost chirpy-sounding falsetto. “This better, ah…. darling?” He clapped his pom-poms together. “But can we go without the outfit— please, my darling?”

Fluttershy stood up tall on the couch, almost falling over. Her smile grew wider than ever as she pointed up at the air and began swinging her hooves about. “Now, now, Miss Macintosh…” The music reached a particularly poppy, fun beat. “You’ve promised us a show!” She felt something like endless tingles of bliss going off across her body in anticipation.

“A show,” Mac repeated, some of the color draining from his face. His front hooves rubbed over to his back, pressing against the sides of his frilly skirt. That accidentally gave Fluttershy a good view of his leggings-held masculine thighs, his body quivering around his panties and the awkward bulge inside of them. “Uhhhh… Flutters…”

“It’s time for this cheer squad to shine!” Fluttershy called out, almost shivering as she gazed at her feminine-looking boyfriend.

Mac pressed a hoof against his face, sighing, and he cleared his throat. He hopped upwards, his legs shoved to the sides in the splits as he shook his pom-poms in front of him. His whole body felt so overwhelmed by awkwardness, almost rippling across his sides, yet he had a very determined expression on his face.

“GO TEAM FLUTTERS!” Mac yelled out, pumping his body up and down. He leaned back and thrust the pom-poms above his head. “FLUTTERS! FLUTTERS! She’s our girl! She can do it! She’ll— oh, yeah— rock your world!” He let out a feminine-like while as he bent his legs even more, going deeper into his splits.

Fluttershy simply watched the display, so transfixed that she seemed to hardly be able to breathe.

“Team Flutters! Team Flutters!” Mac sang out, tapping his hooves against his sides and prancing in place. “They’re the best! Beat the rest!” He slid his legs backwards and danced to the right, his hips shaking in a circle. “Go, Flutters! Go, Flutters!” Mac hopped himself to the left and swung his chest forwards, the pom-poms flicking about in a spiral-like motion. “Winning, winning, winning— yay!”

“Yes!” Fluttershy hollered back, her face flush with excitement. Her front hooves rubbed against each other again and again. “Oh, Celestia, yes!”

“Oh, Flutters! What a pity! You don’t understand!” Mac sang, spinning about in place with his pom-pom’s crashing together. He stopped, pushing his body upon his left leg, and he pushed his rear over in Fluttershy’s direction. “You take me by the heart when you take me ‘cross the land!” Mac winked as he rubbed his pom-poms upon his rear, hopping up and down in a tiny prance.

“Mac!” Fluttershy seemed ready to have a heart attack, her mane almost standing out on end.

“It’s girls like you, Flutters!” Mac cried out, pushing out all four in his hooves in an X-like sort of victory stance. “That’s what you do, Flutters! Do, Flutters!” He flipped himself to the right and wiggled his hips, looking like he was pulling an imaginary rope around with his pom-poms rustling up his sides. “Oooohhhhhhhh!” Mac leapt up into the air, holding both pom-poms out and flapping them like a bird. “Don’t break my— my— my— HEART, FLUTTERS! He landed in another splits, bringing his pom-poms up to his mouth and giving them lip-gloss-stained licks.

Fluttershy jumped up on her couch as well, making some kind of primal groan of sheer enjoyment. Sweat seemed to just pour off of her like rain.

“Hey, Flutters! Hey, Flutters!” Mac hollered, trying to build to some sort of climax, as he made a bunch of rhythmic hip-thrusts forwards. He spanked his sides with his pom-poms before jumping across the room, making Fluttershy gasp. “Girls! Like! You, Flutters!” He scurried about the room, his hooves practically flying, as he flung his front hooves side to side in a clock-ticking like motion. “Hey, Flutters! You blow my mind! Hey, Flutters!”

“Mac!” Fluttershy seemed to almost start crying tears of joy, her heart pounding like crazy. Her hooves rattled against the couch as she gazed upon her coltfriend.

“YOU SO FINE!” He surged into the air, flicking all four of his hooves forwards as the pom-poms blurred into a blue and silver flash. His cartwheel ended with a loud slam upon Fluttershy’s floor, sounding as if he almost broken something in the foundation, as he pointed straight at the ceiling and smacked his pom-poms together again and again.

“Oh, Mac,” Fluttershy groaned, and she thrust herself forwards. Mac, panting hard as sweat dripped along every last inch of his cheerleader outfit, simply stood there with his mouth left wide open as she gave him a passionate hug. She held him for a moment before leaning down, playfully flipping around some of the girly tassels and frills of Mac’s skirt. “That was just… just… so wonderful…”

Hearing her totally return to the shy, demure voice that she had had even before their first date, Mac let himself relax. He stepped a bit backwards, leaning up against the wall, and he tried to calm down his breathing, wiping his face again and again. Fluttershy sat in the middle of the room, looking almost as if she had hearts in her ears.

“So, Flutters,” Mac muttered, his eyes shifting idly from pom-pom to pom-pom in his hooves, “is that… it?”

“Of, of course not, silly,” Fluttershy replied, making Mac freeze still as a statue. He watched as she made a quick smile and wink, turned about in place, and trotted over to a closet. She returned to the middle of the floor tugging a large, grey pole with her teeth. Mac blinked, brushing his head against the wall.

“Can you dance around this pole next, Mac?” Fluttershy asked, putting on a begging, cutesy expression. “Plus, I have music for it.” She sped over to the record player, slipping in another 7’’, and immediately returned back to her position besides the tall, thick pole. “It’s a catchy song that I got from Pinkie… it goes something like… ‘pour your sugar on me, oh, tie me up’… ‘do you take sugar, one lump or two’…” She clapped her hooves together in anticipation to the upcoming tune, her wings wiggling as well.

“Can I at least take off the panties?” Mac whined, pursing his lips as he leaned up against the pole. He ran his hooves against the top of his headband as he flexed his muscular legs underneath his skirt. “Gosh, they feel so uncomfortable! Can’t I at least take my panties and—”

“Big bro?”

Mac felt what seemed like his entire life-force draining from him as he turned around ninety degrees— looking out at a small window, left slightly open, besides the record player. His eyes swelled up as he saw Applebloom’s head popping up from the windowsill, her expression looking as flat as a painting. His lip-quivered as he slowly stepped closer, becoming very, very aware of the wet, tight sensations of his cheerleader outfit upon him.

“What are you doing?” Applebloom asked, blinking before sliding the window open completely.

“Applebloom,” Fluttershy began, but he stopped she blushed so much that she looked as if she might bleed. She silently stepped behind Mac as he made his way right beside the window.

“How, ah,” Mac mumbled, “how… long… have…”

“Since the ‘Go Team Flutters’ part,” Applebloom replied, taking in a little breath, “you know, big bro, you’ve got quite a loud voice that travels very far.”

Mac had rehearsed several versions of the ‘birds and the bees’ talk, none of which felt relevant at that moment. He cleared his throat, and he looked down at his younger sister as he nervously brushed his hooves upon the windowsill. “There’s ah, often a special time in a stallion’s life… you know…” Applebloom blinked. “That… when he’s been with a mare for a while… then… ah…” He felt his whole body tense up as he forced out the rest. “She will often… ask him to express… alternative sexual preferences with her…”

“Wait, what?” asked another young, squeaky voice from somewhere else outside.

Mac felt almost as if he’d collapse, his senses overwhelmed by embarrassment, as he saw Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo appear from behind a stack of bricks just adjacent to the window. They both seemed one part confused, one part curious, and three parts amused. The Cutie Mark Crusaders exchanged glances with each other, their hooves going to their mouths to keep them from bursting out into giggles.

“You all saw… all…” Mac murmured.

“Yeppers!” The Crusaders erupted in unison.

“Can you, ah,” Mac whispered, pressing his hooves together as he put on a very forced, almost painful smile, “keep this… between…”

“We all Pinkie promise to not tell a soul as long as we live,” Applebloom called out, making a gigantic smile as her friends chuckled and nodded, “as long as you—” She brushed Sweetie’s shoulder, and the young unicorn magically held up a large plate wrapped in tinfoil. “Eat our pie!”

Mac couldn’t believe his luck, brightening up like a light-bulb in just a second. He made a flurry of nods before grabbing the pie plate right out of Sweetie’s hooves and placing it upon the windowsill. He glanced backwards into the living room, seeing Fluttershy nowhere to be found, and he shrugged for a moment. With the Crusaders waiting in anticipation, their bodies pressed against the outside wall beside the windowsill as their eyes locked upon Mac, he flung the tin-foil off of the plate and bopped his face down. It only took a matter of seconds for him to gobble up the entire pie.

Applebloom let out a joy-filled squeal as Sweetie and Scootaloo exchanged high-fives. Mac, eyes on his little sister, slurped along the plate to make sure that he left nary a crumb. Finished, he leaned out the window, tapping a hoof against the wall, and he nodded. “So, deal?”

“Uh, Applebloom,” Sweetie suddenly asked, a wave of surprise going over her face, “is it supposed to…”

“To what?” Mac asked, coughing nervously as he eyed the filly.

“Did you make it so that it’s supposed to make his tummy all green and glowy like that?” Sweetie pointed up at Mac’s mid-section.

Mac spent a split-second looking down at himself, seeing thick splotches looking like lime gelatin that gurgled about inside of his chest and belly, and he immediately flipped about in place. Before the Crusaders could say another word, Mac dashed at full speed across the living room. Shucking pieces of his outfit upon the floor, his body flew into the bathroom, the door slamming shut and locking behind him.

“I’m guessing that’s a ‘no’…

The End

Comments ( 39 )

Right off the bat--maybe change the title. It's a bit of a personal preference, but I don't like it when people don't have the creativity to come up with a name that doesn't just spell out the plot of the entire story for you (and you totally have the creativity to make something awesome).

Also, this line:

Tell your special someone that they’re so fine— they’re so fine, they blow your mind!

Oh god, my sides.

Thanks for commenting!

So, about the title... I don't really like it either. However, I want the reference to the "Fluttershy Discovers Gummi Bears" and other such fics to be clear.

I'm not sure what kind of title to have. Any suggestions?

And what do you think should be happening next in the story?

1501617 Oh, I see. If you're referencing that line of fics, I don't think it should be changed.

And as for progression... what if the cheerleader outfit turns Fluttershy into a super preppy and annoying cheerleader-stereotype, ultimately scaring Big Mac off? (not forever, of course--just long enough for her to run off and terrorize someone else until they can yank the costume off her)

"Come on, Mackie!" Fluttershy shouted into the poor stallion's ear. "Take off that yoke, it ain't no joke!" Rearing up on her hind legs, she chanted, "Fluttershy needs sexy-time! Fluttershy needs sexy-time!"

Or, maybe Mac gets a little too into the whole "cheerleader" routine and goads Fluttershy into actually doing a cheer for him. She starts crying and runs off, and Mac has to chase her down and apologize. (By the way--if you want this story to have clop, I'm going to mandate that FLuttershy wear that cheerleader outfit during the deed.)

Meh, that's all I got for now. I might happen upon something tomorrow, but right now my head has a romantic evening planned with a pillow, and I'd hate to be the one to disrupt those two lovebirds.

Both of those ideas sound nice.

Uhhhh... hey... the main point of the story is that she makes him be the cheerleader. I suppose I could reverse the names for those ideas and do them anyways? :rainbowwild:

And have a good night! :rainbowkiss:

1501971 OH GOD. I was about to log off, but then you responded. Do it. I wanna see big Mac's muscular thighs rippling under a frilly skirt.

Alright! I have some ideas about how to pull that off, and I'll write them up tomorrow after work (or maybe during, if I'm able :raritywink: )-- it'll be awesome! :ajbemused:

:facehoof: Please... don't do it... Please god damn it... No... No please... Buck it.

Well. That was certainly a change of pace. I loved how you resolved the whole thing. Raidioactive dessert...:yay:

Oh god not you and your sexy writing again!

I LIKED IT!>:yay:

Why so many thumbs down?

The buck did I just read? And why am I laughing to hard?

Me: What....where the hell you come from? What's with the robe and scythe? The fuck do you mean I died from lung callopse of reading a SwiperTheFox story?....the fuck you mean I'm going to hell?

Me: Huh.....alright, alright let's go.

Nah, for real though, perfect story, strange but I really like it and where the buck did Flutter's go?


A fan of 80s music I see...that is officially awesome.

Thanks for reading you guys!

I suppose I got a ton of downvotes for making a fic that put comedy over clop (which may of tricked some people), but... well... I don't know. I'm happy at least that there are lots of fans of this as well. :twilightsmile:

1519434 Never a problem brother, we always got your back...well, I do, can't say the same for everyone else:derpytongue2:

Mus. Stop. Laug- oh who am I kidding:rainbowlaugh:

I'm proud though, not ashamed! :rainbowwild:

This is fucking awesome... I admit, I'm guilty of a couple of those famous silly X does Y fics...

But I loved this... I have no problem with somebody poking a little fun at mine or other fics of this genre... :rainbowlaugh:

Nice job man. Hilarious.

Finally getting around to reading this :pinkiehappy:

*Begins reading*
Flutterhsy in a cheerleader outfit? :trixieshiftright: Go On...

Wait what? She wants Big Mac to wear...oh my :rainbowderp:

Well, uh...:applejackconfused:


I just...I uh...

*Ahem* Okay, review time.

That was...quite amusing :pinkiehappy: Not what I was expecint lol, and I'm not sure if 'funny' was angle you were aiming for. But I quite enjoyed it. It was a good read.

Great job! :pinkiehappy:


I found it totally hilarious while I was writing it, and it's great that you do too!

1565427 Hehe, indeed :rainbowlaugh: Was a great read.

The beginning was difficult to figure out what was going on but the ending was funny.

Oh, trust me. The title does *not* spell out the rest of the fic. :rainbowlaugh:

Hey, thanks very much for reading and for the fav! :raritystarry:

Uhhhhhhh... :rainbowderp:

That title makes you think one thing, but once you read it you're thrown completely for a loop. :applejackconfused::derpyderp1::rainbowderp::twilightoops:

Brilliant!! :ajsmug::derpytongue2::rainbowlaugh::twilightsmile:

Somepony give Mac a medal for that performance.
It takes a real stallion to so thoroughly crucify his own masculinity for his mare.

Loved the part when Big Mac was trying to explain things to Bloom. Priceless.

Omfg, Mac... I am honestly impressed at how far he was willing to go for Shy.
I'd be considering escaping through the window myself.

This was pure silliness and I loved it. :heart:

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