• Published 25th Oct 2012
  • 3,574 Views, 63 Comments

Rainy Days - BronyDerp117

Twilight and Rainbow hang out during a thunderstorm.

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Rainy Days
Written by BronyDerp117
Inspired by Veggie55's comic, Rainy Days
Pre-read by Zonfic and SilverDream

The fierce winds howled through Ponyville as the looming storm poured down its harsh rain on the ponies below, including a very angry, and soaked, Rainbow Dash. Just moments before, she was lost in a dreamland while softly snoring on a branch when a loud crack of lightning split the sky. Rainbow Dash nearly jumped out of her fur as the rain began gushing out of the clouds above, soaking Rainbow's cyan coat. She was now attempting to take shelter underneath a small oak tree.

For Celestia's sake, the storm wasn't suppose to start until three! She thought.

Rainbow huddled closer to the oak tree she was under, hoping that she wouldn't get any more drenched than she already was, however her effort was useless. She considered flying home, but the powerful winds would knock her out of the sky before she could even go ten yards. Rainbow was looking around at her surroundings for better cover when a familiar voice filled her ears with a slight echo.

"Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash come in here!"

Rainbow whipped her head around, and saw a lavender unicorn standing in the doorway of a hollow tree known as the Ponyville library. Rainbow flipped her soaked mane out of her eyes and took off into a gallop towards Twilight Sparkle's home.

She arrived a few seconds later after kicking up mounds of mud from her galloping. She wiped her hooves on the door mat quickly and rushed inside of the library.

Rainbow trotted in as Twilight closed the door behind her. The warmth of the library graced Rainbow Dash's body as she nearly melted from the godly sensation.

"Thanks Twi'."

"You're welcome, Rainbow," Twilight began with a polite smile. After a brief pause, her face twisted into a confused expression. "Say, what were you doing out in the rain? Wouldn't you have known when the storm would start?"

Rainbow huffed with anger. "Yeah, but the stupid pegasi on the team started the storm an hour early! It was supposed to start at three!"

"Um, Rainbow, it's 3:10."

"What?!" Rainbow looked at the clock in the library that was hung above the doorway. Sure enough, the clock read that it was 3:10.

"Well buck."

Twilight chuckled at her friend as she said, "I'll get you a towel."

The lavender unicorn began to turn around to go up the stairs and fetch a towel when Rainbow asked her, "Wait, where's Spike? Can't you just ask him to get a towel?"

"He was with the Cutie Mark Crusaders when the storm began. They're at Sweet Apple Acres," Twilight said while turning around to face her friend once more. She turned back around and trotted up the library's stairs to her room to get a towel for Rainbow Dash, who was still soaked to the bone.

During Twilight's absence, Rainbow trotted over to the left side of the room, where a large section of books were located. She looked around for any new Daring Do books, but none were found. However, there was another book by the same author of Daring Do that had an interesting cover. It portrayed a slender Unicorn filly with a morning rose pink mane and a coat white as snow. Her horn was glowing a deep violet and a pained expression was painted onto her face, and her eyes held tears. She appeared to be in a dark stone room. Rainbow grabbed the book with her hoof and quickly skimmed the back. She decided she'd have to ask Twilight about that book later.

Twilight returned a short moment later with a soft blue towel. She gave Rainbow the towel with her magic, and the cyan Pegasus took it and began to dry herself off. Rainbow finished drying off her coat and mane, then brushed her hoof through her mane to straighten it out back into its usual messy state. She gave the towel back to Twilight, who simply threw it into her room with her magic after trotting up the stairs again.

Twilight came back down the stairs after tossing the towel away and asked Rainbow, "So how long is this storm suppose to last?"

"All night. It's gonna be a heck-of-a clean up job in the morning," the cyan pony answered.

Twilight's face lit up and a smile the size of Pinkie Pie's was plastered onto her face. She suddenly appeared in Rainbow's face, with her eyes inches from the Pegasus'. "We could have a slumber party!"

Rainbow awkwardly and lightly pushed Twilight a few feet back with her hoof. She wanted to decline, but she considered it for a moment. She had no where to go, especially since the wind was too powerful for flying. Knowing she had to, Rainbow reluctantly said, "Alright, I guess."

"Yay! Slumber party!" Twilight's face lit up even more like a bright light bulb and her eyes sparkled with excitement. "We're going to have so much fun! I'll go prepare us some tea!" In an instant, Twilight was in the kitchen preparing tea for her and her friend.

Rainbow plopped to the ground with a thud and a slight scowl. Ugh, this is going to be so boring!

Twilight emerged from the kitchen a few moments later with two cups of tea and a book hovering around from her levitation spell. She gave Rainbow one of the cups of tea and took a small sip from her own cup while taking a seat next to her friend. Rainbow took a sip as well, and a comforting, warm sensation spread throughout her body. Rainbow looked up and saw the book Twilight had and became curious.

"What's the book, Twi'?"

Twilight looked up from the book Rainbow had asked about and looked at her with a smile. "It's a guide for having a fun slumber party! I've used it a few times in the past with Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy."

Rainbow stifled a laugh and replied, "A guide for a slumber party? I'm sorry Twilight, but you are like the ultimate egghead," she finished, unable to contain her laughter.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Twilight began with a roll of her violet eyes, "but it works really well!"

Rainbow stopped laughing enough to ask, "What does it say to do?"

Twilight turned her attention back to the open book in front of her. "Well, it says a good slumber party always has makeovers, s-"

"Cross out makeovers." Rainbow stated flatly.

"-S'mores," Twilight continued, ignoring her friend, "games, and ghost stories!"

"Eh, doesn't sound too bad. How about a game?" Rainbow said.

"Okay, how about truth or dare?"


"Hide and seek?"

"Are we fillies or mares?"

"I Spy?"

Rainbow Dash facehoofed and spat out, "Ugh, come on Twilight, these are all boring games!" Rainbow was hovering in the air from her built up aggravation. She plopped down in front of the window in the room near one one of the walls that were dominated by books on their shelves and sighed. She looked outside and wished she could be flying right then, not cooped up in the library.

"I hate the rain."

Twilight trotted over to Rainbow Dash and sat beside her. "How about some impressions?"

"Impressions?" Rainbow said flatly.


Rainbow sighed. "Fine, I guess it's better than nothing."

"Yay," Twilight clapped her hooves together happily and began her impression. "Okay, who am I?" Twilight stood up as tall as she could and puffed out her chest. "Oh Cadence, I love you so much! Let's kiss forever!" She said in the deepest voice she could muster.

Rainbow was about to make a sarcastic remark about the horrible impression, but then an idea struck her mind.

Oh this is going to be awesome!

"Twilight, this is an impression right?" Rainbow said with a mischievous expression as she held back her laughter with all her might.

Twilight frowned with confusion. "Of course, I was doing my brother."

The corners of Rainbow's mouth turned up as she was struggling not to burst out laughing while she said, "That's terrible! Does Cadence know?"

Twilight's eyes widened and she made an audible gasp while putting her hoof to her mouth. Rainbow busted out with a roar-of-a laugh.

The lavender unicorn was about to tell Rainbow how utterly disgusted that made her, but a comeback came into her mind. Twilight hung her head low and quietly said with a sigh, "No..."

Rainbow's eyes widened and her ears perked up. She saw Twilight and saw the straightest face she had ever seen in her life. Not a single emotion was displayed on the unicorn's face. She looked as if she was being completely serious.

"W-what?" Rainbow said with a voice crack.

Twilight held her hoof to her mouth to try to keep the act up a little bit longer, but her already cracked surface broke as she fell over on her back and began roaring a devilish laugh. "Oh Celestia! Your reaction!" Rainbow began to laugh just as hard as Twilight was and she fell beside her.

The two mares were clutching their ribs as they roared laughing for several moments. Finally, they calmed down enough to get back on their hooves and wipe the tears from their eyes.

Twilight turned to Rainbow and said, "Rainbow?"

"Yeah Twi'?"

"We're going to hell, aren't we?"


Twilight chuckled and waved her hoof towards the kitchen, "Wanna go make some s'mores?"

"Sounds good," Rainbow said with a smile. The two mares trotted to the kitchen in Twilight's home. They both had the best sleepover of their lives.

Comments ( 56 )

Hmm. The beginning sounds very much similar to my story 'To Hell and Back.' I don't think it was intentional... Anyways, I really enjoyed this one. Well done.

1505978 I've never heard of that story, what was it about?
Also, glad you like it! :twilightsmile:

That was interesting and hilarious too.Great job.

A fanfic based off a Veggie comic? Win! :pinkiehappy:

Basically, Rainbow Dash is supposed to set a storm to come up at a certain time, but she messes up and it comes early, leaving Fluttershy stranded out in the storm and she has to go get her.

Funny story. Bet it will make the feature box...

1506020 That sounds interesting lol.
1505995>>1505999>>1506003 Thanks! :twilightsmile:
1506026 That would be awesome. XD

Give it a read, if you have the chance. I think you'd enjoy it. Also, I'd be genuinely surprised if this didn't hit the Featured box.

"Wait, where's Spike? Can't you just ask him to get a towel?"
"He was with the Cutie Mark Crusaders when the storm began. They're at Sweet Apple Acres,"

A moment of silence for Spike's now lost sanity.

over all the story is good, just the end seems a bit forced.If you´d had kept writing a bit more, like making 2 or 3 more rounds of it, maybe, just maybe even add another game to the mix and don´t end it with something like "and they lived happily ever after" it would be plain awesome. better ending in my opinion would be to go to bed, but meeh, can´t have everything.

still worth a like.

1506036 I just realized we both have 117 in our name.

1506109 I was hoping we both were getting it from there can't wait for Halo 4

Funny :yay: you should find a thesaurus for rainbow dash and twilight sparkle, but other than that it's good

1506370 Nope! As easily as I could've turned this into TwiDash, I decided not to. I love shipping(AppleDash, TwiLuna, and TwiDash being my favorites), but I just wanted to keep this story in a "friends" state.

1506382 And that's why this is a win in more ways than one. You have successfully retained the innocence of the show (kind of), while keeping this funny and entertaining. Good job!:twilightsmile:

:rainbowlaugh: Now that's what I call a comeback.

Awww, I wanna see more!!

Eh, not bad. Not great. S'okay.

It should be "supposed to" and "nowhere" should be one word.

If you're going to have the entire fic be a lead-up into awful jokes, you need to pull out the punniest of the bad puns to make it worth it.

Oh well. It was mildly amusing anyway.


"We're going to hell, aren't we?"

that just about killed me XD

Right Dash because Spike is just a fucking slave who does menial stuff so ponies don't have to.

Other than Dash's comment there, very funny story. I think Twilight could have kept her trolling up for at least a minute though.

And I regret suggesting it! I do hope this get featured! :pinkiehappy: Can't wait for your next story!

:twilightsmile:Great job BronyDerp!

No, it's enough you're in my PMs and blogs, no comments Twilight!


Still no!

1506771 And there, folks, is one of my two insane pre-readers XD

That was sweet and funny, nice bit of friendshipping. :rainbowkiss::twilightsmile:

1506617 You're not the only one. :rainbowlaugh:

I was okay. Could have been better. Longer perhaps.

1507093 One of my pre-readers is a friend I've known for a year, and the other(Zonfic) became my pre-reader after I made a blog post asking for pre-readers.

1507058 well all i can say is.....


1507199 I'm not sure how to help you there :applejackunsure:
Although, writing isn't a popularity contest. Write because you enjoy it, not because you want to be noticed. While being noticed is pretty awesome, it's not why you write. My story The Bluestar Element only had 9 likes and 130 views, yet I kept writing to Chapter 9, and then I stopped because Writer's Block came. Why did I keep writing? Because I enjoyed it! Writing that story was loads of fun, and I wish I could get past my writer's block and finish, or maybe even re-write it, since there's a lot of things I could do better in it. If you like writing it, then keep writing it. Who knows, maybe you'll get loads of sudden viewers at like chapter 8.

Just remember that you write for enjoyment. I have 13 stories right now, and only 8 published. I've never been featured, yet I keep writing because it's really, really fun.


I've never posted on fanfiction.net, so I don't know how it works here. I think I got lucky here on FiM Fiction, because my first story was my most popular story until Rainy Days. That story(Gray Rainbow) got me around 20 followers, and I've built up from there. I've posted quite a few stories, and some of them get very little feedback, while others get a lot.

But you have to post more than one story to get feedback. One of my friends(And pre-reader, SilverDream) has two stories. Her first story got, I think, one comment when the first chapter was released. She's now three chapters in, and has 9 comments.

People have different tastes in stories. Some like Slice of Life, some like Comedy, some like Sad, some like Dark, some like Romance, some like Adventure. Hell, maybe your story just doesn't appeal to some people. Or maybe people just don't know what to say in the comments, but they still enjoyed the story. And example of this happened to me. One of my stories got 22 comments with just one chapter, while another got 23 with nine chapters. It all depends on the story, and whether or not they find it appealing.

So my advice? Keep updating that story. If you feel stuck, or you are sick of writing that story, try writing another story. Listen to some music, browse art, etc. Inspiration can be found anywhere. Almost every single one of my stories were inspired by music or art, the exceptions being Gray Rainbow, The Bluestar Element, A Cloudy Day, and A Memorable Night. Those stories were just random ideas that popped into my head.

If you get an idea, write it out. Not the actual story, but get your ideas down. I'm currently writing a story about my Ponysona, and I had about fifteen ideas for the plot. I wrote them out and I kept going. I now have forty ideas. I probably won't use all of them, but they could help me write. Now, why am I telling you this? Because the more you write, the more people will see you. Look at Pen Stroke for example. He has a story that has 100 likes and only 39 comments, yet Past Sins has 2619 likes and over a thousand comments. It's all on the story, and whether or not it interests people.

So keep writing. You'll get feedback eventually, and people will notice you.

DAMN YOU BRONYDERP Y U KEEP DROWNING ME IN AWESOMENESS. :flutterrage: It's awesome! It's epic! It's (Insert all synonyms to awesome & epic here)! :derpytongue2: I seriously have no constructive critism to say! (So really I'm just being a little bit useless :ajsmug:) And I know you'll get featured. If not well... Something a little unfortunate... Might happen.... *Evil laughter* :pinkiecrazy:

Thought it was ok. Needs some work with flow though. It feels stiff with every action being individually described instead of tying them together. Would copy a paragraph here to show you but hard to do on a kindle. Just look at the paragraph where twilight gives rainbow a towel and pay attention to how it is worded. It had the stiff fell of something like
A put water in a cup. A then took the cup to B. A handed the cup to B and B took a drink. B said thanks. A took thecup back and said "your welcome." A took the cup back into the kitchen. A stood in the kitchen.

See how stiff that feels and although it does describe whats going on it doesnt flow well.

1509693 She was "doing" her brother...as in incest...
Then when Rainbow asked if Cadence knew, Twilight jokingly said, "No."
Does that explain it?

...I approve.

Haha that was really really cute! :pinkiegasp: Great job! :yay:

1512036 Gracias! :yay:
And since I'm really lazy, thanks to everyone else who commented and fav'd! :yay:

Heh, I know this was based on a comic, and the jokes were still amusing.

That said, the ending was a bit weak and sudden. "and had the best sleepover either of them ever had." is highly cliché and, well, kinda made me cringe immediately after the joke.

1513522 I'm trying to work on something that's not so, "And they lived happily ever after! Lawlz"
Blargh, can't come up with anything though.

Hell is gonna be awfully crowded by the time I get there.

That was funny. :rainbowlaugh:

Not sure how I got here but I love the story anyways.:rainbowhuh::rainbowlaugh:

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