• Published 21st Nov 2012
  • 10,107 Views, 508 Comments

The Prince of the Night - keaton-furman-prower

After attempting a new spell, Princess Luna becomes a stallion, and moves to Ponyville under the guidance of Twilight Sparkle.

  • ...


Author's Note:


Having teleported back to her room after her unexpected kiss, Twilight was now doing the most logical thing she could do under the circumstances: freak out.

“I kissed Lucian! Well, I mean, it was kind of forced on me, but I kissed him! Well, it wasn't really that bad... and he's really good at kissing! And so smart, kind, and handsome!”

Twilight giggled as her cheeks turned pink. However, as quickly as it had started, she was back to her panic mode.

“NO! That just makes it worse! I enjoyed kissing him, so Princess Celestia is going to punish me even more severely than she would have if I'd simply kissed Lucian! She'll banish me to the moon, and then have all my books burned! And then, once I come back after a thousand years, she'll send me back to magic kindergarten, but I'll be so behind that I'll fail my history test, so the Princess will banish me again, and it'll happen all over again!”

Twilight stopped pacing for a moment, looking down to make sure she hadn't worn a groove into the floor. She then quickly changed her position to start her pacing anew.

“Okay. Princess Celestia was there, so she probably is making plans to punish right now. I probably have a few minutes, so I can probably make my escape before she comes looking for me. After that, maybe I can get on the next train to Manehattan, make up a new identity, and start a new life. Maybe I can find Trixie and become her assistant or something.”

“Somehow, I can't imagine you becoming an assistant for any pony, Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight jumped in shock at the voice. She then turned towards the door, where Princess Celestia was watching her with amusement.

“Princess!” she screamed, dropping to her knees in front of her mentor. “Please don't banish me! It was an accident, I swear!”

Celestia rolled her eyes at her student's behavior.

“Seriously? I banished one family member, and now I am cursed to be eternally known as ‘The Great Banisher’. Maybe when I am buried after the final battle of Ragneighrok they'll put that on my tomb.”

Twilight felt her face getting hot as her mentor spoke. Slowly, she lifted herself off the ground.

“I'm sorry! I didn't mean to imply that you were in any way a malevolent and vengeful-”

“Twilight, do yourself a favor and shut up.”

Shocked, Twilight closed her mouth and looked at Celestia in the eyes.

“That's better. Now, shall we take a walk?”

Confused and dazed, Twilight simply nodded. The white alicorn smiled and led her out of the room.

“Well, I've experienced many Hearth's Warming parties in my life, but this was almost certainly the most eventful of them all. Then again, I suppose you know more about that than I do, don't you?”

Celestia smirked playfully at her faithful student, whose cheeks were now glowing a bright pink.

“So tell me, Twilight Sparkle. How was it?”

Twilight wished she could simply vanish.

“Oh! I-it was no-nothing special! I-I mean it's not like I even like Lucian-I mean, I do like him, but not like that! Even if he's so smart, and really cute- I totally didn't call him cute!”

Twilight looked downward as she felt her face become hotter than ever. She could hardly believe she was in this situation, with her faithful mentor's sister turned into a male, her subsequently developing a crush on him, and now having kissed him under the mistletoe. To say she was embarrassed was a huge understatement; she was quite certain she would never be able to show her face in public ever again.

Before she could teleport away, she felt a large white wing drape itself over her.

“You shouldn't be so flustered, Twilight. It is perfectly natural to be attracted to a stallion, especially one as handsome as Lucian.”

“You just called him handsome,” Twilight said quietly.

“Well, just because I'm his sister doesn't mean I can't make observations on his physical qualities,” said Celestia. “Purely for scientific reasons, mind you.”

The two mares kept walking quietly together for a while. Celestia couldn't help but smile as she observed her student's awkward facial expressions.

“You know, I always figured I would have to push you in the right direction in order for you to find a special somepony, Twilight,” said Celestia. “I must confess that I actually considered giving you an assignment in which you had to find a date for your High School prom. I'm not sure if it would have worked, but Cadance talked me out of it, so it's probably for the best.”

The white alicorn remained silent for a moment, wishing to see how Twilight would react. When she was met with nothing but silence, she began to speak once more.

“I know you are experiencing conflicting emotions right now, Twilight. And I know that Lucian is... not the most normal choice of stallion to fall for. But ultimately, when you choose a special somepony, it doesn't matter what they are, or what they used to be, or what they may become. What matters is whether or not they make you happy, and whether or not you can make them happy.”

“But that's just it!” said Twilight. “What if Lucian isn't happy with me?! What if it looks like we're both happy, but then I do something that messes everything up?! What if I end up ruining his life, and mine too?! And, even if we somehow make everything work out, how will everypony else react when they find out that I chose to date a gender-swapped Princess Luna?!”

Before Twilight could go any further, Celestia placed her hoof over her worried student's mouth.

“If anything happens, we will deal with it. But that does not matter yet. Right now you have a very important decision to make, Twilight. It is true that you could ruin your entire life beyond any hope of repair. But you could also enrich your life far more than you ever imagined you could. Or, you could play it safe and choose not to take this chance, in which case you would never know what you could have done.”

Smiling, Celestia began to walk away. However, before she could get too far, Twilight spoke up once more.

“Princess… he’s your sibling. Are you really okay with me going out with him?”

Celestia turned back towards Twilight and smiled softly.

“I can think of nopony else who I’d rather see with him.”

And with that, Celestia departed, leaving Twilight to ponder what she had just said.

Lucian panted as he materialized in the snowy gardens outside the castle. A variety of feelings were going through his head at the moment, and he needed time to get them all under control.

At first, he was in denial. There was no way that he had just kissed Twilight. He would undoubtedly wake up soon, find that it was all just a dream, and he'd be able to get on with his life. Eventually, he'd go back to being a mare, and all this madness could be forgotten.

When he failed to wake up from what he kept insisting was a dream, he felt unbelievable anger. He cursed Rainbow and Rarity for trying to pull him into their game, Cadance for getting him to go along with it, Celestia for convincing him to live with Twilight, himself for having attempted to re-create the ancient spell without any knowledge about it, and the stupid rabbit that had caused him to get caught in the spell. Ironically, the only one whom he didn't feel capable of blaming was the very mare who he'd kissed.

Once he was done with blaming everypony, he began bargaining with the universe. He asked for a chance to go back in time, to stop himself from being dragged into kissing Twilight, and maybe even from being turned into a stallion in the first place. He promised that he would in turn never again experiment with weird spell books, and always be a kind and just ruler. Also, he'd never question his sister's infallible leadership ever again.

Unsurprisingly, this failed, causing Lucian to fall into a deep depression. His life was now officially over; it had been ruined ever since he got caught in the gender-swap spell, but now his fate was truly sealed. How could he ever go back to being female when his new form had captured the heart of another mare? And even if he did go back, how would Twilight react? Would she still be as attracted to Luna as she had been to Lucian? And, for that matter, would Luna still find Twilight attractive? And even if he decided not to change back, was the fact that he liked Twilight now a reflection of his new gender, or something deeper which had nothing to do with the spell?

Finally, Lucian reached an acceptance of his current situation. He was as straight as he had been as a mare, only that he now was on the opposite side of the gender gap. There was nothing wrong with liking Twilight now, or when he had been a mare, for that matter. He could date her, get to know her better than anypony else, maybe even...

This last part ended up starting the cycle anew.

He was pacing around the garden as he went through his third round of bargaining when he was rudely interrupted.

“And you were doing so well, too.”

Lucian jumped and pointed his staff at the speaker. To his relief, it was Cadance.

“Well, I probably could have done well enough if somepony hadn't interfered with my life!”

Cadance raised an eyebrow.

“And that's why you were working so hard to avoid Twilight?”

“I don't know," said Lucian. "Maybe I was just worried about how much I could screw up my life!”

“And dabbling in forgotten ancient magic didn't do that enough already?”

Lucian slapped his hoof against his face.

“Okay, I get it. I'm an idiot. Can we talk about something else now?”

“You mean your future with Twilight?”

Lucian opened his mouth to complain. However, he then closed it. He looked away from Cadance, trying unsuccessfully to find a way to change the subject. Finally, he sighed.

“I guess I'm going to have to face it sooner or later, right?”

“So, why don't you start by talking it out?”

Lucian looked at Cadance with a worried expression. However, before he could say a word, Cadance lifted her hoof.

“Not with me. It's time you start talking with Twilight.”

With that, the pink alicorn flew off, leaving Lucian alone.

Twilight sat on the bed of her room, her mane a tangled mess.

“Okay! So I need to talk to Lucian! That's what Celestia told me... sort of.”

Full of uncertainty, she pulled her Smarty Pants doll and raised it to her eye level.

“So... how do I start?” she asked.

She then raised her voice by several octaves, and said “Just do it!” while shaking the doll excitedly.

“But I can't just go in and say to his face that I like him!” she said worriedly.

She then raised her voice again.

You've already kissed him!” Smarty Pants “said.” “If he doesn't realize that you like him, then he's really dumb!

“But that was just because of the mistletoe!” said Twilight. “Not because I liked him!”

Well, it's not like you would have let him kiss you if you didn't like him, even if you were under the mistletoe together.

“Ugh! But how do I know that he really likes me?”

Before Smarty Pants could “answer” any more questions, Twilight heard a knock on the door.

“Nopony here!” she yelled out quickly. “Come back later!”

For a moment, no sound came from behind the door. Twilight held her breath, hoping that whoever wanted to see her would leave her be for a while.

Much to her chagrin, the door knocked again.

“Ugh. Please not now! I'm having an emotional crisis!”

Twilight closed her eyes and lay down on the bed. More than anything else, she wanted to forget anything had happened, and go back to her normal life.

But the knocking would not stop.

“I said I wanted to be alone!” she yelled out angrily as she jumped off the bed and stomped towards the door. “I'm in the middle of a huge dilemma that could very well shape the entire rest of my life! So I don't care what you want right now, because...”

She reached the door and flung it open.

I want to be left alone!!!

Almost immediately, she regretted saying those words, as Lucian was standing at her doorway.

“Um... okay. If you insist.”

The dark blue alicorn began to walk away, but Twilight quickly stopped him.

“Wait! Lucian! I didn't mean it! You can come in if you want!”

Lucian stopped and turned back to Twilight with a sheepish smile.

“Are you sure? I mean, if it bothers you that much-”

“Oh, no!” Twilight said quickly. “Actually, it would probably be better if you came in right now!”

“Oh,” Lucian said uncertainly. “Okay.”

Twilight gave him a small smile, then stepped back in. Lucian smiled back at her, then walked in. The two of them sat down on the bed and looked at each other.

They then kept looking at each other.

Lucian cleared his throat to speak, but the words he needed to say seemed to elude him. Twilight then tried to speak, but her words seemed to get lost before she could get them out.

The silence continued to reign supreme through the room.

Finally, Lucian spoke.

“Um, I left my staff outside.”


Silence returned to the room.

“So...” Twilight said.

“That happened.”

The two ponies chuckled awkwardly.

“Did you... enjoy it?” Twilight asked.

Lucian turned towards her, noting the uncertainty on her face.

“Well, it wasn't bad,” he said finally.

The two smiled awkwardly at each other.

“What happens now?” asked Twilight.

“I don't know,” said Lucian. “Everything that's happened today- no, not just today. This whole thing that's gone on since I... changed. It's all so confusing, and I'm still having trouble taking it all in.”

“I understand,” said Twilight. “I'm still confused too.”

Once again, silence.

“The thing is... I do like you, Lucian. And this might not be the most normal situation, but I want to make this work."

Lucian turned to Twilight, who was looking at him with at him with a hopeful smile on her face. He was still worried about what the future had in store for him. And he was especially worried about what would happen if anypony found out who he truly was.

And yet, when he looked at Twilight, he knew that he didn't want to let the chance escape him.

“I like you too, Twilight. And even though I'm still worried about what's going to happen, I do know that I'll never know unless I try.”

At that moment, the dark blue alicorn felt great relief. All the worries that had been building over the past few months had finally been dispelled, and he could now be open with the mare who he cared about so much.

And, by the way she was looking at him, he could tell she was feeling the same way.

“Um, maybe we could go out to eat?”

Lucian blinked. The idea of going out on a date with Twilight hadn't even entered his mind until that moment. Even so, it sounded like a good idea.

“Um, sure. What do you have in mind?” he asked.

“Well, there's this great place just a few blocks from the castle,” said Twilight. “I'm sure you'd enjoy it.”

“Um, sure! Sounds great!”

Twilight smiled and nodded.

“Okay! So, five in the afternoon tomorrow?”

“Uh, sure, why not?”

For the umpteenth time, silence took over.

“So... I have stuff I need to do,” Twilight said finally.

“Oh!” said Lucian. “Yeah! Me too! There's so much I have to get ready for tomorrow!”

And with that, Lucian's horn began to glow, and he vanished in a flash.