• Published 23rd Oct 2012
  • 22,591 Views, 3,140 Comments

Fire & Rain - Ruirik

Sometimes it takes the darkest moments of our lives to find the brightest

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Pillow Talk

Music and soft giggling filled Spitfire’s suite. The two mares had remained snuggled together on the bed for nearly forty minutes before their mutual hunger forced them to take action. Half an hour and a call to room service later, they had relocated to the couch in the suite’s living area. Their meal: a freshly delivered pizza with a multitude of toppings that was absolutely guaranteed to make their morning breath an internationally banned weapon of war. Both Spitfire and Rainbow Dash dug in with gusto.

They savored every decadent bite, the crispy exterior of the crust that yielded to a soft, chewy center. The rich tomato sauce with hints of garlic, basil, oregano, and alcohol. The succulent blend of cheeses—sweet, salty, rich, and creamy—had all melted to the perfect consistency. The toppings of mushrooms, onions, olives, and green peppers had all been cut to the perfect sizes. There had been a brief conversation for the theoretical addition of pineapples, but both Rainbow and Spitfire agreed in the end: pineapples had no place on a pizza.

After downing the pizza like a pair of starving cats in a bucket of fresh cream, Spitfire sprawled across the couch on her back, her left foreleg tucked behind her head. Rainbow followed her lead, lying beside Spitfire with a content smile on her lips. Spitfire smirked and draped a hoof over Rainbow’s waist.

“Hey there, stranger,” Spitfire said, stealing a light nuzzle.

Rainbow giggled and snuggled into the warmth of Spitfire’s body. “Hey yourself. Thanks for buying dinner, by the way.”

“Happy to do it,” Spitfire replied, planting a wet kiss on the weather manager’s cheek.

Rainbow giggled and stuck her tongue out at the Wonderbolt. “Eeeew!”

Spitfire shot a mischievous look at the smaller pegasus and sucked in a quick breath before blowing a very loud raspberry on Rainbow’s cheek.

“Ahh!” Rainbow squealed as she flailed against Spitfire’s iron grip, “No-noooo-nooooo! Ahahaha! Stop-stop-stop, staaahahahahaaap!”

Spitfire did not stop, at least not until she laughed so hard she snorted. Rainbow Dash seized on the opportunity, slipping free of Spitfire’s grasp and bounding into the bedroom. Spitfire sat up, still giggling and wiping tears of laughter from her eyes. The moment she lowered her hoof, a fluffy white pillow hit her right in the face with a loud “fwomp”.

Spitfire yelped, her limbs flailing wildly as she fell over from the dastardly sneak attack. The sound of Rainbow’s boisterous laughter filled Spitfire’s ears. Pulling the pillow off her face, Spitfire glared at Rainbow. The weather manager stuck her tongue out before grabbing a second pillow in her teeth.

“Oh, it is so on!” Spitfire declared. Biting the corner of the pillow, she gave a muffled war cry as she leapt off the couch and chased Rainbow into the bedroom. Rainbow darted around the corner before Spitfire got there. The Wonderbolt was greeted to the bedroom with another pillow strike to the face.

“Oh I’m gonna kick your flank!” Spitfire promised.

Rainbow waggled her eyebrows up and down. “Catch me if you can, slow poke!”

With a gleeful howl, Spitfire charged. Her first swing went high, the pillow whiffing several inches over Rainbow’s head. Rainbow’s strike caught spitfire in the legs, nearly tripping her as she inelegantly stumbled out of the way. Spitfire’s second strike was more successful, the pillow striking Rainbow’s backside with a fwomp.

Rainbow made a satisfying yelp; the noise was like fine wine to Spitfire’s ears. She savored it, at least until a pillow slapped her right in the face. Spitfire recoiled and struck back, her pillow coming down on Rainbow’s head. A few downy feathers, almost too small to see, were forcibly ejected from the pillow. Rainbow countered by sweeping low, her pillow nearly taking Spitfire’s legs out from under her.

A grim realization settled over Spitfire as the battle progressed: she sucked at pillow fighting. Logic told her to retreat or surrender. She quickly concluded that logic could go suck a rock. She was the captain of the Wonderbolts! A proud member of the Royal Equestrian Air Force! She didn’t know the meaning of the word retreat! At least, that’s what she told herself as she advanced rapidly in the opposite direction.

Rainbow chased after Spitfire, her pillow giving a satisfying fwomp as it struck the Wonderbolt’s backside. Spitfire gave an indignant squeal which caused Rainbow to laugh and nearly lose her grip on her weapon. Quickly collecting herself, she reaffirmed her grasp on the pillow and pressed her advantage. Today, the weather manager would conquer the Wonderbolt!

Spitfire led Rainbow on a merry chase through the suite. The two darted from room to room, around tables, behind chairs and leapt over the furniture, their laughter only occasionally interrupted by the the occasional fwomp, yelp, and taunt. Finally, a plan formed in Spitfire’s mind.

Turning sharply, Spitfire darted back into the bedroom, Rainbow hot on her tail. Spitfire turned quickly, realizing she only had one shot to make her plan work. With a grunt, she threw her pillow at Rainbow’s face. The weather manager was taken off guard by Spitfire voluntarily relinquishing her weapon and found her vision obscured by the fluffy white mass. Spitfire took full advantage of Rainbow’s loss in momentum.

She sprang forward, her hooves outstretched and tackled Rainbow to the ground. Wrapping all four limbs around Rainbow’s body, she pinned the smaller mare and prepared to declare her victory. It was at that point Spitfire realized a key flaw in her plan: Rainbow Dash was stronger than she was.

“Thats cheating!” Rainbow said with mock disdain, her lips spread into a bright smile.

“All’s fair in love and war!” Spitfire shot back, doing her best to keep hold of Rainbow.

“Oh yeah? How’s about this then!”

Without delay, Rainbow began leaping and bucking around the room like a possessed mare. It was all Spitfire could do to keep her grip and not take an unscheduled flight across the room. Spitfire wracked her brain for a plan, Rainbow had speed and strength on her side, but Spitfire had training.

Waiting for Rainbow’s bout of energetic thrashing to slow down, Spitfire quickly hooked her left foreleg around Rainbow’s elbow. With a hard tug, Rainbow’s footing was suddenly out of balance. Rainbow let out a surprised squeak shortly before she found herself face down in the carpet.

Rainbow then tried a different tactic; rolling to the side in an attempt to pry Spitfire off of her the hard way. Spitfire obliged, slipping off of Rainbow’s back only to hop back on top of Rainbow once the weather manager was on her back. Spitfire spread her wings as much as she could, her hooves pinning Rainbow’s shoulders.

“Haha! Surrender o’ worthy foe!” Spitfire declared.

“You’ll never take me alive!”

“Oh yeeaaah?”


“Well how about this!” Spitfire shouted just before pressing her lips to Rainbow’s, her tongue slipping into Rainbow’s mouth.

The jeers, cheers, and laughter turned to silence, replaced by the heavy breathing of the two mares engaged in a duel of the tongues. Spitfire pulled back, their lips parting as Spitfire gazed into Rainbow’s eyes. Rainbow reached up with a hoof, running it through Spitfire’s mane. Spitfire mirrored the gesture and smiled happily down to her marefriend. Rainbow smiled back, the familiar spark burning in her eyes.

“And who in Tartarus said you could stop?” Rainbow asked.

Spitfire giggled and leaned back down, her lips hungrily mashing with Rainbow’s. There, on the bedroom floor, they lost themselves to each other’s company.

Author's Note:

Because I love you guys, here's a nonsense little fluff chapter to make up for last week's furlough.

See you Monday!