• Published 22nd Oct 2012
  • 24,264 Views, 2,147 Comments

Exit Through Canterlot - TheBrianJ

Octavia pursues a new path in life, a path where symphonies are composed with cans of spray paint.

  • ...

15. Nadir

Prince Blueblood and two royal guards walked to the castle and out of sight, leaving the rest of the guards to deal with the chaotic scene behind them. At the center of the commotion, several guards were wrestling with Rainbow Dash. She continued to yell and make attempts to get away, but they forced her down to the ground.

“I’m calm, I’m calm!” Rainbow Dash yelled as the guards finally let her up. She looked down at the few whips of hair that were still on the ground, then back at what remained of her tail behind her. “My tail…”

“Miss Dash, we have just apprehended Flanksy. She is being brought to Canterlot Castle right now,” said one of the guards.

Rainbow Dash nodded. “Glad to hear it. I’m outta here.” She flapped her wings, but one of the guards reached out and grabbed her before she could do anything. As she was pulled back to the ground, she turned to the guard who grabbed her. “What’s your deal?”

“I’m going to have to ask you to come with me, Miss Dash.”

"Excuse me?" Rainbow said. "I came to Canterlot to find the pony who hurt my friends. I found her and gave her what she deserved. So now I'm going to leave!"

She tried to take off again, but this time one of the guards grabbed her by her hoof and yanked her down to the ground.

“We have to go to the officer’s quarters to report to the captain of the guard. It’s standard procedure after any incident involving an arrest. You’re a witness and took part in the conflict, there is much to discuss.”

"What? But—!” she yelled. For a split second she was about to take off, but when the guards pressed down on her shoulders she relaxed and looked at the guards surrounding her. The stern looks of each of the guards made her involuntarily fold in her wings, and they lead her down the street.

As she was lead away, one of the guards broke off from the group and walked back to the statue. He looked around for a few seconds before coming across Flanksy's duffel bag. He hauled it up onto his shoulder and began to trot back to the Castle. As he turned a corner, a pony caught his eye; she was curled up against the wall, her back legs tucked into her chest. She seemed to have tears in her eyes, so the guard quickly walked over to her.

“Is everything alright?”

Amethyst quickly wiped her eyes and looked away from the guard. “I-I’m okay.”

The guard just looked at her for a few seconds, then stepped closer and patted her on the back. “I know it was quite shocking, but don’t worry; it’s all over. Now that Flanksy has been apprehended, the celebration is going continue as normal. You can go enjoy the festivities.” The guard smiled, then turned away to return to the castle.

"W-what's going to happen to Flanksy?" Amethyst said through her sniffles.

"Well," the guard said, pausing to think over his answer, "given that Prince Blueblood is taking her straight to the castle, it appears that this is being treated as a royal issue. So I would presume that whatever happens to Flanksy will be decided by Princess Celestia herself. Now if you'll excuse me..."

The guard turned away and resumed his trek towards the castle. Amethyst Star stared after him, then looked the other direction where ponies were just starting to recover from the incident and enjoy themselves. Amethyst choked back another sob and just rested her head to the side against the wall as she stared into the sky.


Although things had finally settled down at the dedication, there was a sense of unease hanging over everypony, with what happened at the statue dominating every conversation. Just as the band had started to play again, a pony with a camera around his neck broke away from the dedication and trotted down the street. He briefly glanced at the pocket watch hanging from his saddle bag, wincing when he saw the time.

"Oooh, she's not going to like me showing up early..." he muttered to himself as he walked through the streets towards his destination. His pace slowed as he approached the building, until he finally stopped in front of The Finishing Touch. He took a deep breath and opened the door slowly, immediately spotting the single desk on the far side of the room. A single light from the desk was the only illumination in the studio, revealing the figure of Photo Finish standing at the desk, intently looking at various fashion spreads that were strewn about. She momentarily glanced back at him as he approached.

"I thought you vere going to be at ze dedication all night, Snap Shutter,” she said quickly before she turned back to the photos. "I need complete concentration to decide how my next spread vill look."

"Miss Finish, I thought I should let you know that Flanksy showed up at the dedication."

Photo Finish jerked her head up and spun around, then quickly rushed over to get right in the face of her photographer.

"Vhat?" she said. "Vhat happened? Vhat did she do?! Tell me everything!"

Snap Shutter instinctively looked to the side a bit as Photo Finish got right in front of him. "She arrived and immediately began spray painting the statue, but before she could finish she was confronted by one of the Elements themselves. There was a pretty intense confrontation that ended with Flanksy cut Rainbow Dash’s tail off. Rainbow attacked Flanksy after that, and the guards quickly stepped in. Next thing I knew, they had apprehended Flanksy and were bringing her towards the castle. I think she got arrested.”

He waited, but when there was no response, he looked up at his employer. Photo Finish was a difficult pony to read—she tended to be overly enthusiastic about almost everything she did and her oversized glasses tended to hide a lot of her face—but even the photographer could tell that there was something wrong.

"Oh. I see," she said as her ears drooped. "Thank you."

She turned away and trotted slowly back towards her desk where she began to go through the photos again. Snap Shutter watched her walk and slouching posture—something he had never expected to see her do—then followed her.

"Is everything alright, Miss Finish?"

Photo Finish momentarily ignored him and rustled the photos around the desk. She spread them back and forth before her head fell again and she just stared straight down at the table.

“I vanted to support Flanksy through everything she vas doing,” she said. "Such passion, such statements, such... such rebellion! It vas unlike anything I had ever seen in Canterlot. I vanted nothing more than to sit back and observe vhatever she did next..."

She shuffled the pictures on her desk around again, then her head fell further.

"But like this? Throwing paint on other ponies, breaking into houses, and now assaulting another pony and getting arrested? It is not even rebellion anymore…”

Snap Shutter stepped up next to Photo Finish. He put on his best smile, hoping to cheer his boss up. “Well, she was still painting when she was there. Her art—”

He was interrupted when Photo Finish turned around quickly and shook her head. “Zat is not art! Zat is just anger, and I refuse to have anything to do with a pony who operates solely based on anger! I refuse to—” Photo Finish stopped talking as she saw Snap Shutter cower back. She took a deep breath, then just shook her head. “It hurts me to see art die like this, but there is nothing I can do about it. What is done, is done. It’s over.”

Photo Finish turned back to her desk and resumed looking through the photos. Snap Shutter waited for her to say anything else, but when she didn’t, he turned to leave.

“Please throw out the sheet on the wall on your way out.”

Snap Shutter looked over to the right. Hanging on the wall was a large sheet that had been painted in every color of the rainbow in grand patterns. The middle of the sheet had “I AM NOT A PROJECT” written in large black letters, while the corner was adorned with a large “F.” He blinked at it a few times, then looked back to Photo Finish.

“But I thought—”

“I vant nothing more to do with Flanksy if she is going to pursue this path. Throw it avay!” she yelled without turning around. Snap Shutter quickly ran over and tore the sheet down, bundled it up into a ball, and left the room in short order. Photo Finish continued to look through the pictures on the table, spreading them around more erratically before she slammed her hoof down on the table in anger. There was silence in the room for a while before she sighed as she took her glasses off and dropped them on the table, then rubbed her eyes as she looked back at the empty wall.


Rainbow Dash sat awkwardly in a chair as she glanced over at the window on the far side of the room. She knew that if she took off now she could be out the window in a split second and be back on her way to Ponyville. There was no way any of the other ponies in the room could stop her; she was the fastest pegasus in all of Equestria. It’d just be a matter of getting the angle right when she leapt into the air and she would be home free. But every time she considered leaving, she noted all the guards in the room. Running would only make things worse.

Instead, she just stared out the window and wondered if she had made the right decision. It had been hard for her to leave when her friends, especially Fluttershy, were in such a depressed state, but as soon as she had even a shred of information on where the culprit was, she knew she had to act. She had refused to sit idly by knowing that somepony out there had made all of her friends miserable.

Her thoughts were interrupted when one of the guards stepped in front of her. “Rainbow Dash, come with me,” he said. “The captain would like to speak with you.”

Rainbow jumped to her hooves and followed the guard through a tall archway. He pushed a door open to a room decorated with shields and spears and nodded for Dash to step through, then closed it behind her. She looked at the only other pony in the room; a white unicorn with a blue mane who sat behind a strong mahogany desk.

"Nice to meet you, Rainbow Dash," the pony said. "I'm the captain of the guard, Shining Armor."

"Yeah, nice to meet you too," Dash replied as she sat down in the chair across from him.

“This shouldn't take very long. I just need your side of the story for the report. Now tell me exactly what transpired between you and Flanksy."

"It should be obvious what happened: she attacked me!" Rainbow Dash yelled. "I was just in Canterlot and I saw her, and before I knew what was happening, she grabbed a pair of scissors and cut my tail off!"

Shining Armor just blinked a few times, then flipped open a notepad and wrote a few things in it. "So, when you attacked her..."

"It was in self-defense," Rainbow Dash replied.

There was a long silence as Shining Armor jotted a few more notes down. "Well in that case, this whole thing seems pretty open-and-shut, doesn't it? She attacked you, there's nothing else to say about it."

For a moment, Rainbow Dash shifted her eyes about nervously. "Uh, y-yeah! Nothing else to say about it."

She tried to smile, but there was something about Shining Armor's face that was making her uncomfortable. One of his eyebrows was raised as he put the pad of paper down, then took in a deep sigh.

"Alright then, you're free to go."

The adrenaline that had been surging through Rainbow Dash's body for the past hour was finally starting to wear off. She had been reliving the moment of punching Flanksy over and over in her head, proud of what she had done to the pony who had hurt her friends. But now she was looking into the eyes of the captain of the guard, and the pride was gone; instead, shame and disgust were beginning to overtake her.

"I... what's going to happen to Flanksy?" she asked, fiddling with her hooves.

Shining Armor paused, then looked down at his note pad. "It's a bit too early to say, but based on the fact that she has been brought to the castle, I can only assume Celestia is going to be dealing with the matter privately. But as far as punishment goes... based on your testimony, this was a completely unprovoked attack. That obviously doesn't look good, because cases like that almost always end up with jail time."

The word 'jail' sent a chill through Rainbow Dash's face. "W-wait, jail time?"

He nodded his head. "Oh yes. A year or so at least, maybe more depending on what Celestia says. After all, this is the pony who has called Celestia ignorant and insulted royalty several times. I doubt Celestia is going to like hearing that she assaulted one of the Elements of Harmony completely unprovoked. With all of that, it's certainly not looking good for Flanksy... after all, Canterlot does tend to look down on violent ponies."

For a few seconds, Rainbow Dash sat in silence. Her thoughts began to swirl and she realized that she had never been inside a prison before. But she didn’t need to, because she knew enough about them: Held in a cell, told exactly what you couldn’t and couldn’t do… but most importantly, absolutely no freedom. It was the worst place she could possibly imagine a pony ever being.

Rainbow Dash's entire face was numb as she stumbled over her words. "I-I mean, I know she did some awful stuff, b-but I wouldn’t go that far!"

There was another pause, after which Shining Armor looked Rainbow Dash directly in the eyes. Although he had remained professional the entire conversation, now there was something else there; he was deadly serious, as if he was telling Rainbow Dash the most important thing she would ever hear.

"Rainbow Dash, I need you to listen to me," he said. "The fact is, there is a great difference in punishment between being attacked with and without provocation. The situation that I give to Celestia could radically change what punishment is handed down. So I need you to tell me every single fact about what happened, do you understand me?"

Silence filled the room as Rainbow Dash's thoughts swirled together. Sweat was now pouring down her face as she shifted nervously about before she looked back at the captain of the guard, his gaze unwavering. She closed her eyes and took in a long deep breath, taking several seconds to let it out before speaking again.

"Alright... look. I came to Canterlot because I wanted payback," she quietly said. "After what she did to Pinkie Pie, after what she did to our houses, I just... I didn't care about anything else, I just wanted to get her." As she talked, Rainbow felt the corners of her eyes becoming moist, a feeling she hadn't experienced in years as far as she could remember. "I was in Canterlot to find her. I wanted her to pay for what she did to my friends. When I saw her at that statue of us, painting over it, I... I saw red. I was in her face screaming, I was erasing her art, and that's when she cut off my tail..."

There was a long pause as the memory of her confrontation flew back through her mind. Once again she saw herself punching Flanksy in the gut, she remembered the pain that shot through her whole leg, and more importantly, the knowledge that the pain Flanksy was going through was probably far worse.

At the time, that knowledge had made her happy. Now, just realizing she had thought that was making her absolutely sick.

"What she did was wrong. What she did to my friends was wrong. B-but I don't want a pony's life to be ruined because of what I did. So yeah... I did provoke her.

She gulped down the lump that had formed in her throat while talking and wiped her eyes one last time while Shining Armor wrote in his notepad. He finally put the pencil down.

"I want to thank you, first and foremost, for all the information. I think I have a clear picture of the story here, so I'll be able to report everything to Princess Celestia. I obviously can't predict what is to happen, but the knowledge that this was not a one-sided attack will certainly weigh heavily on Celestia's decision. As far as you go... I understand you were angry, I understand that you wanted to stick up for your friends, but when you come to Canterlot specifically looking for a fight, you're in the wrong too. You may not be as much as fault for the incident, but you certainly played a part. And while you say that you were sticking up for your friends, do you really think any of them would approve of you attacking another pony to stick up for them?"

Rainbow Dash slowly shook her head. Shining Armor thought for a moment before continuing.

"I'm going to ask that you not return to Canterlot for a few weeks, at least. I understand your actions, but you have to also understand that that kind of violent act, no matter if it was provoked or not, will have ponies feeling very uncomfortable around you. While I’m sure that you won’t act that way again, I don’t think I could convince everypony else, so it’s just best if you don’t return for several weeks, just until the situation has calmed down. That's all I have to say, the guards will escort you to the train station."

Rainbow Dash got up and walked towards the door, most of the energy gone from her body. She wrapped her hoof around the door handle when she took one last look around the room, noting all the pictures that were hanging around the office. One of them caught her eye; it looked to be a grand ceremony as all the guards stood by saluting, while the captain was placing medals around the necks of Soarin, Spitfire, and Fleetfoot of the Wonderbolts.

“Hey, uh,” she said, not even looking back at the captain, “I don’t suppose there’s a way you can, like, cover this up, is there? I’m supposed to be attending the Wonderbolts’ academy in a week or two. They have ties to Canterlot, so I bet they’d want to wait until the story blows over too… which means I’d have to wait until the next open enrollment in six months.”

The captain shook his head. “I’m sorry, Rainbow, but there’s nothing I can do there. It’s difficult to keep a story quiet if it happened in the middle of an important ceremony like that.”

Rainbow sighed. “Yeah, didn’t think so,” she said as she pushed the door open.

She had only gotten a few steps out of the room when an image returned to her. She remembered the sight of Flanksy in front of her, pressed up into the wall. For a split second she saw Flanksy’s eyes, but that image faded into a new one; the feeling of driving her hoof as hard as she could into Flanksy’s chest.

She knew that Flanksy deserved it. She knew that after everything she had done, she absolutely deserved it. But it was the first time Rainbow Dash had ever done something like that to another pony, and now the image of it was making her sick to her stomach.

She forgot about the Wonderbolts, about leaving Canterlot, about everything else; the punch was playing over and over in her mind as she was led out of the office.

“I…” she mumbled, uncharacteristically quiet. “I was just trying to protect my friends…”


The door to the apartment suddenly flung open and Amethyst Star stumbled through. She shot beams of light to the two lanterns to quickly light the room up as Phi, her cat, looked up from her position curled up on a pillow. Amethyst sat down next to her and just stared straight ahead as Phi tried to cuddle her foreleg.

“Hey, Phi,” she said, her voice shaky and distant. “Flanksy attacked another pony, then she got arrested. I… I think the guards may have followed me when I chased her. That’s probably how they found her…” She sniffled as Phi jumped off the couch and wandered away. Amethyst’s sight followed her as Phi sat down and licked her paw in the corner of the room. Behind her sat numerous items—dresses, jewelry made from hoof-crafted gemstones, fabric weaved into intricate patterns—all half-finished. She sighed.

"Flanksy turned out to be a jerk, Chic Trend turned out to be a jerk... maybe if you do something creative, you just become a jerk. I don't want that..." she said quietly before she shook her head. She glanced toward the side of the room where several of her paintings were sitting. For a few moments she remembered all the art that Flanksy had created around the city, but those images quickly went away, replaced with the still-vivid memory of Flanksy slicing Rainbow Dash's tail off, and the ensuing fight.

She quickly tried to focus on something else, but she was unable to stop tears from forming in her eyes again. Her body gave out and she fell to the side on the couch, burying her head into the pillow as she bawled. Phi ran over and leapt up next to her, where Amethyst quickly pulled her into a hug with one hoof as she continued sobbing.

Minutes ticked by and though her tears finally dried up, Amethyst didn’t move. She just gazed at the blank wall opposite her, gently stroking Phi’s fur until the cat finally fell asleep. Amethyst sat up and let her rest on the pillow, then shuffled up to her hooves and looked quietly around the room. She glanced back, where her canvas had been set up. She slowly trotted over to it and stared at the white canvas and the paint next to it. Her eyes narrowed and she grabbed both sides of the canvas and picked it up, about to throw it in anger into the corner of the room, but she stopped halfway through the motions and glanced back at the cans of paint next to the window. She looked beyond them, to the sight of Canterlot: there was nary a cloud in the sky, the stars were all twinkling, and the moon was so bright that she could see all the way past Canterlot to the mountains in the far distance.

She very slowly set the blank canvas back down on her easel, then sat down behind it and picked up one of the brushes. Despite the emptiness inside her, it felt mechanical, almost routine; as if she was so used to it by now that it was just second nature. She slowly dipped the brush into the navy blue can of paint, then looked ahead for a few seconds before pressing brush to canvas.

Through the emptiness, through the tears, she still smiled.


The loud music playing from the stereo system was starting to take its toll on the other residents of the apartment building. They were used to the music occasionally seeping through the walls, but for the past several minutes the beats were so loud that all the adjacent apartments were practically shaking.

Sole Seascape slammed his book down and looked to the side where one of the paintings was about to vibrate itself off the wall and to the floor.

"I've had enough of this," he grumbled to himself as he pulled the front door open and trotted one apartment over. He could hear the music far louder as he pressed his ear against the door, then knocked on it a few times. When there was no response, he pounded on it as hard as he could.

"Miss Scratch!" he yelled. "Would you turn that music down!"

Finally the music abruptly stopped. Seascape was about to leave when he heard the door unlocking and his neighbor opened the door. Vinyl's eyes were sunken and her face almost completely lifeless, a far cry from what he was used to seeing.

"It is nine o'clock at night, could you please keep the music down?" he said.

"Sure, whatever. Sorry," she muttered, then began to close the door again.

"Is everything alright?" Seascape said.

Vinyl momentarily held the door partway open. "Yeah, everything's peachy," she quickly said. "I'll keep the music off."

"You can keep it low, just please don't have it be so—“

"Okay! Not loud. Gotcha," Vinyl said as she closed the door.

She stared through the peephole at Seascape, who had one eyebrow raised before turning and walking back to his own apartment. She turned back and trotted slowly to the record player, then reached up to put the music back on, but stopped as she looked around. Next to her were several shelves lined with her extensive music collection, and her attention was drawn to the bottom shelf where numerous classical records sat; Octavia's contributions to the collection. Vinyl's hoof remained hovering over the record player as she stared at the shelf.

"You can just rot in hell!"

Vinyl's hoof curled up and she angrily drove it into the albums, sending them off the shelf and scattering across the floor. She stepped around them and shuffled back over to the couch, where she plopped down in complete silence. She stared up at the ceiling, restlessly picking at the fur on her chest as she began to mumble to herself.

“I can’t believe her,” she said. “Tell me to rot in hell? Well if she doesn’t want to be friends anymore, fine. She can do whatever the hell she wants; attack ponies, go after royalty, throw rocks at Princess Celestia, call my friends worthless… It’s not my damn problem anymore.”

She glanced to the side at the records strewn about the room, then beyond them to the hallway. From her position on the couch she could see into Octavia’s room, where her cello sat up against the wall. A lump formed in Vinyl’s throat, which she quickly swallowed down and scoffed instead.

“She has to come back at some point,” she muttered to herself as she rolled over and buried her face in the couch. “She can’t just leave all her stupid junk crap here, she has to come back for it at some point. When she does, I’ll give her a piece of my mind. She wants to lose a friend? Well I’m not going away without getting in what I have to say first…”


Celestia’s solitary reign over Equestria had ushered in an era of peace across all the land. As a result, the dungeons that had previously been used to house enemies to Equestria in the basement of Canterlot Castle had eventually fallen into disrepair due to a complete lack of use. With time, they had been done away with completely, most of them transformed into storage rooms for various seasonal necessities of the castle or bedrooms for ponies in need in case of disaster.

It was in one of these rooms that Octavia sat quietly, staring at the ground.

A small window near the ceiling was Octavia’s only gateway to the outside; given that the sun was now shining in the sky, she figured she had been there for almost twelve hours, but that was all she could be sure about. Guards had stood watch over the room the entire time, only one of them bringing in a cup of water and a small sandwich for her hours earlier. Other than that, there had been nothing; none of the guards had said a word to her.

Not that she would have been willing to speak anyway. When Prince Blueblood had thrown her into the room and slammed the door shut, the only thing she had thought of was the image that had come to her when she was first being dragged away: the park. She had held onto that image as long as she could; each tree, each color, each smiling pony’s face. But eventually, the exhaustion caught up with her and she fell asleep, and by the time she woke up, the images were gone. She had tried to concentrate, but it was as if somepony had torn them out of her mind completely.

She tugged at the sleeve of her coat, pulling it tighter around herself. There had been no reason, no motivation, to take her Flanksy disguise off. It was the reason she was in there; why deny it anymore? She glanced back up at the window again to see the sun, but all it did was make her feel colder. She closed her eyes instead and tried to bring herself back to the park. For a moment, she was able to see the color again. Just as she began to relax even a little bit, a voice cut through.

“Cutting the tails off of ponies, throwing paint on them, breaking into houses? Tell me, how does that make Canterlot more beautiful!?”

Just as quickly as it had appeared, the image of the park vanished, leaving Octavia alone once again. Her lip quivered as she laid her head back on the cold stone wall behind her and closed her eyes. There was nothing more she wanted to think about, nothing more she even wanted to do. She just waited.


“…so as you can see, I had no choice but to act last night," said Prince Blueblood, his head bowed slightly. "With two confirmed assaults on other ponies here in Canterlot, I felt that I had to do something. I didn't want to run the risk of this being Flanksy's last appearance. If she suddenly decided to disappear, she would have gotten away with everything. Instead, I..."


Blueblood looked up at the pony he was talking to; Princess Celestia, who stood across the room from him, gazing out the large window that made up the far wall.

“Stop defending yourself.”

“Aunt Celestia!” Blueblood said. “I am going to defend myself because I believe that I made the right call! Flanksy has—”

“No no, Blueblood, you don’t understand,” Celestia interrupted. “You don’t have to defend yourself. With an assault like this, you were right in bringing her in.”

Blueblood smiled. "Thank you for the vote of confidence, Auntie."

Celestia nodded. “Now, Shining Armor brought me a report last night of the incident. Although Flanksy did start the physicality, it sounds like Rainbow Dash was provoking her, and had in fact come to Canterlot for specifically that purpose.”

“Celestia,” Blueblood said, “regardless of the purpose, I say that what happened happened. Regardless of if Rainbow Dash wanted to start something, the point is that Flanksy was the one who first initiated contact! I hardly think that it matters who provoked who.”

Celestia didn’t say anything. Instead, she just sat down at the table next to her and looked over the notes that Shining Armor had given her. “Where is Flanksy now?”

"She has been held downstairs since the incident last night. I have my guards watching her. Last I checked, though, she had not said or done anything, or even removed her attire. What would you like me to do with her?"

There was a long silence as Celestia looked back out the window. She finally closed her eyes.

"Bring her here. I would like to speak with her in person."


End of Chapter 15: Nadir

Special Thanks: Razio, Propsigi, Worshi, and Wardoad

Author's Note:

For those of you wondering, this is a RE-PUBLISH of Chapter 15. The original chapter 15 had some major mistakes in it (That are detailed in the linked blog post) and so I removed it to make the changes.
