• Member Since 29th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen June 10th



(This is the alternate sequel to The Last Mage). Several decades have passed since the Earthens came and butchered the Dragons that attempted to invade Canterlot with their superior weaponry. The Main six are deceased, Jacob Lighthand is nearly sixty years old now, and he has a personal understanding of what Luna and Celestia go through with their subjects that they befriend as they age and die around them. Recalling at one point a legend that Zecora once told him years ago, Jacob begins performing some research, and then goes looking for the Necro Walk, or, the 'Path of the Dead' so that he can see and speak to his old friends. Unfortunately, things don't go the way he expects...
For the more recent fans, this story was started before the end of season 2, which is why Twilight is not an Alicorn in this fic, it's predecessor, or the alternate story. Also, the lifespan of ponies in this fic (and the alternate) are based on real-world pony lifespans.
Picture is a screen-shot from the Gurren Lagann anime. Took me several tries to get it just the way I wanted it.

Chapters (26)
Comments ( 131 )

I was quite unimpressed with the ending to your other story. I think though that this has me wanting to continue reading. Looking forward to see what you've got planned.

Yay!!! I like this ending more!

But, ponies and humans are supposed to have the same lifespan, 100+ years if lucky.


Supposed to? I don't remember that in Canon. Also average life span for humans under good conditions is still <100 years. Some people can live that long but they're in the minority.

Not if you do research on OUR ponies. Most of them live to be in between 30-40 years.

>>shira I did say if the humans were lucky they might make 100+. I saw on television about a man who lived to 105 and was at a gym lifting weights. I didn't say all humans could though.

>>WorldWalker128 Our ponies do not have magic coursing through their veins or the ability of speech either now.

Comparing Terran ponies and Equestrian ponies is futile. They are two completely different species. It would be like comparing a dog and a man.

They live in a magical world, have magic, and live on a planet that is -covered- in magic. That much background magical radiation is bound to make some changes. Including on their individual lifespan too now. Of course they would live longer than ponies here. In fact they should live longer than humans.

I hope you take that into consideration. They would not be like ponies here.


But you're not giving much justification for him picking that. There's absolutely no reason why he couldn't have Equestrian ponies live only 40 years, or 300. The only thing we know from the story itself that the girls are late teens very early 20's, and given how peaceful their society is their immaturity may be normal. While 40 is probably pushing it, 60 would be believable, and living longer than humans might as well.

Also background magical radiation having some sort of impact? Aren't you kind of making crap up as you go? You're trying to justify why an author should take your interpretation of a fantasy world and run with it.

I did take that into consideration.
Ponies there can speak, build, make clothing, etc. Do you see any here on Earth doing that?
The Pegasi's wings are not the proper size needed for flight AND they can walk on clouds and push them around and make them rain, which no other race in their world or ours can imitate without use of magic on their hoofs. Oh yeah, and they talk and make facial expressions (as do they all in the show).
The Unicorns control magic directly, which no other specie there other than Alicorns do, and Humans cannot do (in this storyline) without first having a Unicorn or Alicorn horn and being in physical skin-to-horn contact with it. As with the other two species of Pony, they speak, can build, and can hold things using their hooves without having fingers to grip them with.
All of them:
Can ingest eggs with no adverse affects (which are an ingredient in many baked goods) and never seem to hit a limit in how much sugar they can ingest, which simply is not realistic in a non-magical environment. You never see them grazing or taking a toilet break, they can sit on or in furniture like we do even though they're not built for it and can move their limb like we do, and they change the seasons through physical actions such as knocking leaves off of trees and waking animals form hibernation. Heck! They even raise the sun and the moon for day and night! That sure doesn't happen here! :pinkiegasp:

Also, as to 'background magical radiation' it could be that very thing that causes them to live a shorter lifespan. What may be beneficial or not affect one specie at all could have dire or deadly effects on another. Let's take sunlight, for one example.
It feeds plants, and so long as they have nourishing water and soil, they can sit in it all day with no problem. Now compare them to us. If we sit in sunlight all day (obviously without sunblock), water or no water, we get sunburned, and if we keep it up, we can get skin cancer.
Now for Nuclear radiation: Cockroaches are not affected by it at all. On the other hand, it kills pretty much everything else if they are exposed to enough of it for prolonged periods of time.

And if that's not enough for you, THIS IS A FICTIONAL STORY. :facehoof: and furthermore, I AM NOT GOD. I don't understand how EVERYTHING works. If I did, I'd be tearing a hole in our Reality and leaving this boring and bickering little world behind. Heck, I might even cover Mars with life before I left as a parting gift!
All I'm trying to do is create a storyline for entertainment purposes. Some of what I write may not make sense to one person or another, but take first into consideration that that one of the labels for this story is Alternate Universe. The rules of one Universe may be different in another, and if you wait long enough, you'll read that there are MAJOR differences between this story-path and the other sequel. One of which being that constant use of Magic extends Human lifespan, which does not happen in this one.

I am sorry I said anything at all here.

I think from now on I will not comment (good or bad) on any story.

It's too troublesome, so no more comments.


This has been my -last- comment here(FIMFiction).

He came, he saw, he ran out of bubble gum and kicked ass.

Huh, that was unexpected. I'm nervous about this new story.

Nervous? How so? I will be using characters from the show, if that's the subject of worry.


No, I've never had a problem with OC stuff. I just feel that this story is taking a strange turn. We're moving from the established universe into a multi-verse with all these different worlds and once again Jacob has been reverted to a younger age. Perhaps it feels like it is cheapening everything that came before.

I liked your original story enough to finish it but I'm nervous that you're going to take this somewhere that will turn me off. You are expanding your original setting, which is fine, but going alternate universe makes it...odd. I suppose I can't really put it into words well yet, but I didn't like how you ended the last story, so I'm just worried how this one will progress.

Anyway your story, your universe, truck onward.

Ah. I see.
There is a reason that he's reverted in age (it's not just whimsy, though I admit that making him carry along two bottles of hot sauce during a simple exploration trip was), and if you like, I can explain it to you now, however, it might ruin the ending a bit.

excellent i shall watch this intently

Way, way, WAY better. Hot damn I am riveted now. I was feeling bad for telling you how I didn't like how you did the last one since it seemed to make you rewrite it. Totally worth it.

Tracking this one HARD. I can't even bitch about this chapter, just brilliant.

Ohhhh this is getting better by the minute.

I loved Jacob's use of magic, the moment he said "burn," made me almost stand up and cheer! Hope your writer's block is over because the waiting is pretty brutal.

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck yes this is in any way not BULLSHIT what so ever

wow.... when he said burn he wasnt ordering the fire to burn them. he was telling them to burn in hell.

What do you mean? As in bullshit as in it sucks, or not bullshit as in the main character is in a real world and not a false? :rainbowhuh:

No, he really was just telling them to burn. Really he didn't have to say it to make it happen, but it's like telling someone to die when you're shooting them with a machine gun. It's just more satisfying that way. :twilightsmile:


I Know your splitting your time or w/e ever between the two stories, but I like this one better and as for your next chapter
AH WANT IT NAO :applecry:
Really though great story, now we'll wait for Jacob to roflstomp some Gaea Humans :D

Rainbow Dash, NOOOOOOO!!!!

Wow. I didn't see that coming. I hope to see a real battle with magic, I expect BLOOD! BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!

"I grabbed a knew knife..." Ok that's just an adorable spelling error :rainbowkiss:

Edit: God that was good. Not the magical induced bloodbath that I was hoping for but I'll let it slide :rainbowdetermined2:. I just can't get enough of this!

Oh, there will be blood, just not yet. :pinkiehappy:

as to the spelling error...oops. :derpytongue2:

hay hay i just thought could you make Jacob try to make the trees alive to fight for him or at least use them as natural walls and tree vines could be very dangerous or controlling a animal or or changing somethings apperance and giving them claws


I was thinking more like raining rocks the size of Buicks or summoning a legion or two from hell to do his bidding.

Yes it's a bit out of setting but ever since he set those poor bastards on fire I've been dying to see him really bust out the big guns. Most powerful human mage ever? I hope he gets a chance to rearrange some major realestate. Like a mountain range :rainbowlaugh:

i have a beter idea the best fall back plan

send the moon at the planet :pinkiecrazy:

221759 This....I can distinctly get behind :D

220448 Yah year WorldWalker? You've got a lot of expectations to live up to. I know the last story ate up a lot of it's budget in special effects but since you've got us hooked we demand more! :pinkiehappy:

i agree we need more magic more explosions knock us off our feet
P.S. if you need any ideas for attack spells im the guy you come to from thinking of rasing armys to the basic fireball spell i can come up with or have already seen many many spells

No fair! You ruined the ending! :flutterrage:
Guess I'll have to come up with something else... :unsuresweetie: Oh well, even if I can't there's still the lead-up and the epilogue. I'll probably do multiple endings for it too, though once this pathway reaches its end I don't think I'll pursue it any farther. I'll retire old-Jacob and gang, and let them have their peace.

And not really alot. I mean, there there only seems to be four people commenting on it, so others seem to not so much look forward to it as read it while they're on the toilet, which is still fine, I guess.


Who knows why things become popular. In everything, more people look than bother to vote. More people vote than comment. Then only the loons here comment at all.

You've managed to get 14 people to give you 5 stars so that's a good sign but fimfiction is a pretty soft-ball type site. If you're looking for a huge adoring audience then perhaps try getting it on EqD? Could try places like ponychan as well if that's what you're looking for.

Not that it means much but I really like what you've done :fluttershysad:

I do love the attention but chances are I'd forget to upload it on the other sites once I'd posted it here. Me memory ain't the greatest thing, I'm afraid. :rainbowhuh:


Well keep in mind you only have to host it one place. I've read a number of fics on EqD that link to just fimfiction. Just gotta shot off an email when you update (I think).

Given how much more stringent the requirements have gotten there though you might be better off spending some spare time polishing this story up first. Have you been over to ponychan /fic/ and asked one of the critics over there to brutalize your story?

never been to ponychan. really anything with 'chan' in it when it comes to the internet makes me hesitate.
As to EqD I've only gone there I think maybe four or five times. The last time I went there my internet connection froze up. I prolly just need a new computer. :trixieshiftleft:

I'm not a visitor of the chans at all but, the /fic/ board at ponychan is probably your best source of brutally honest reviews, editors and advice and other resources for fic writers.

If you go there and can't learn anything then you probably should be off trying to get your work published. I've been impressed by number of quality editors that hang around there.

Edit: If that's what you were after that is.

I have considered book-ifying this, but I'd have to change so darn much of it besides names that it might not be worth the effort. I'd have to cut a few characters, change a few species, add some, likely The royal sisters would become elves or something because of the long lifespan and magic capability, though then I'd have to figure out where he'd get an Alicorn horn from. I guess Alicorns could be converted into non-sentient animals, but that wouldn't feel right.

In all honesty, I just love the attention and the feeling that comes with feeling appreciated. :pinkiesmile:

Oh man, you did it :pinkiegasp:. I was waiting for your other sequel to finish before reading it, so I never even noticed that you made this. I may wait till it finishes to read it, but believe me, it pleases me to no end that you are doing both! :pinkiehappy:

Might want to check those tags, looks like you forgot to close an italics tag somewhere.

Uh oh. I shalt en-devour to correct this anomaly.
Done and done! :) Thanks.

What exactly are you going to devour?

endevour (Prolly not spelling that correctly), or attempt.

Thunder of the gods? why the hell not. cannons sound like thunder to the ear and its up in the sky but then again it is preeety cheesy :P
Now I am probably going to go watch the Trixie epis- *ahem* - The Great And Powerful Trixie episode :D

Anticipation builds.

That's an odd name for a flying battle-house. :derpytongue2:

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