• Member Since 29th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday



The pony race is in decline. Equestria is nearing an end, ravaged by war and betrayal. Celestia has ruled her kingdom for centuries beyond counting, but even she is not truly immortal. Death has come at last to claim the weakening princess.

Death is not evil, nor is he good. He simply is.

My first fanfic. Feel free to leave critique!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 29 )

Hmm... the description pulls you into the story...
I will read this now.

Very nicely written. It is simple, yet powerful.

Ok... this was a decent story, even though it's about Celestia dying, it was still decent. Also Death was a good choice for the harvester of of death. You also made him a believable character because most people and video games make him evil *cough* Castlevania *cough* Anyways, not a bad story.
You get my seal of approval. (Some people might say other things though.)


Also thanks! The character of Death was loosely based on the Death from the Diskworld series. I enjoyed writing about a neutral entity who is commonly seen as "evil."

Very well done ArgonGlow. You are right, Death is too often shown as evil or uncaring. Your Death cares, but knows he is unable to do anything. Thak you.

Thanks for that melancholy little trip you get a like

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
- Robert Frost

It is a great mercy, ending the age of Equestria in twilight. Have a like for keeping that faint candle of hope aglow.


Hooray for Robert Frost!
It may surprise you to know that my initial reason for leaving the world in eternal twilight was simply practical. Death talks about other races having their age, but they can't really survive if there's no light. I found, after I had the idea, that it made the whole story come together nicely and even provided a title.

Beautiful story, just beautiful! You captured the mood perfectly.

Also: 1470007 I'm still stuck on that level. Been working on it for about a month now...will the madness ever end?:fluttercry:


1470689 No, it will never end. Actually it will end eventually.

1471738It will end...but how? In the triumphant glorious defeat of the beast that is Dracula? Or my inevitable frustration and succumbing to the bat of the night?

I must know, Frost.


1471787 You will beat him. Everyone does. (Moral Lesson Time) because, no one gives up, it's like an eternal sin plaguing your mind. It's like giving up on a war. You give up, millions die. Same thing in video games, if you give up, this hero never fulfill his destiny. So the villain's plan will succeed causing millions to die in the virtual world. That's why you should never give up.


1472094 It is now a blog post on my page. If you want to read it do so. (Even though it's the same message, with a bonus)

1472166I shall read it.


The message, the portrayal, the prose, and the betrayal.

You've managed to take an overused concept of dying due to age and turned it into something AMAZING.




Alas, all things begin and end. It is the Great Spiral that the world must follow.

Maybe it will be the time of the Griffins now, as the author suggested. Or maybe the Zebra Nation might shine for their moment within the Spiral.

A beautiful and amazing fic! It is simply perfect. It captures everything that I see Death to be. It was such a treat to read and I am more than thrilled to add it to my favs

This was a great fic.
I liked how you put your views on death in this story. showing us that death can be viewed as a good thing as well, further justifying the quote in your summary. I liked it.
Oh, and good news, there's a Dramatic reading of your work.

Looks like your hard work paid off there, good job.:twilightsmile:

Woah. I was a bit confused this morning to find people suddenly reading and favoriting my first and only story - from two years ago. I guess that explains it. I'm honored! :twilightsmile:

I'm glad people are enjoying the story!

Yeah, congratulations, my friend.:twilightsmile:

Congratulations as someone who's a barely started writing stories to you've done what I hope to do someday create a popular story. Looking forward to what you have coming up.

Author Interviewer

I upvoted for the writing, but I really could have done without the NLR background. :/


Excuse me, I just listened to the story from Obabscribbler and I had a question. Nobody would live in the twilight is that right? My question is, what about dragons? they can sleep through generations to where the planet or sun would reset to their own rotation if you know what I mean.

I think celestia lifting the sun and moon screwed up their own rotation, its hard for me to describe it

Also, the ending was tearjerking with celestia calling out Luna's name as she passed on with the world ending in twilight, good job.

I love this story and i know this is a one off but i would like to see an epilogue following what the ponys did after Celestia died like a last stand or they abandon Equestria with hope of survival at least thats my thoughts.

i've listened to scribber's reading of this.

this was really depressing and heart breaking.

Excuse me as I cry.

As beautiful as it is sad.
A masterpiece.

Wonder how it exactly went for Luna's case there?
It.. hurts that apparently she died too though..

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