• Published 18th Oct 2012
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Trixie - Saviour of all Equestria. What, you don't believe Trixie? - Fimbulvinter

Trixie realises her destiny as the most powerful unicorn in Equestria

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Chapter 2

Chapter 2

“I’m the what?” Trixie demanded of the spectre.

“The Scion of Ice. One of three Elemental Masters” the ghost of Ixion replied, his tone changing to one of respect.

“What does that mean, what did you do to Trixie?”

The spectre shook his head “I have not done anything to you, rather it is you who have done this to yourself. But hold on. If you are indeed one of the Elementals, this deserves a bit more than a mere apparition.”

For a moment, the ghost glowed brightly, then vanished, leaving Trixie alone in the cavern. After a brief silence, all of the pillars glowed brightly again, charging up their energies before blasting out forks of electricity to converge on the spot the ghost had vanished. A lattice work of electricity formed, taking the shape of the long dead pony. Slowly the frame filled up, the holes in the lattice closing over with the appearance of flesh and fur. Trixie shielded her eyes with a hoof as stray arcs jumped out from the pillars until all went silent.

Standing before Trixie was a vibrant orange unicorn, with a pure white mane and tail, an image of forked lightning appearing as his cutie mark. Like his mane, the pony’s eyes were pure white, milky and glassed over.

“Ugh, thE corpOReal form, so liMited” he muttered out, putting strange intonations of his words, as if he had not spoken for a long time.

“What are you” Trixie asked, looking at this new pony who had appeared to be made from pure electricity.

“I am IxIoN. Normally I like to reMain as pure energy, so much less encuMbered than your physical forms, but you, Scion deserve something better” replied the stallion, his unseeing eyes focusing on Trixie. By the end of his introduction he seemed to have gotten the hang of speaking again, his intonation settling down.

“Why do you keep calling Trixie that word?”

Ixion sighed, a pointless gesture while having lungs, he was still dead and thus had no need to breath. His new body was still composed of lightning, just lightning given a physical form. “Because that is what you are. As you broke free from the ice, which would have killed you if you were not, I saw your body take on its elemental form, just as mine is doing now. For a brief moment, your entire being – body, mane, eyes were constructed of living ice. Such magic is only available to the elemental masters, of which there are three. Myself – the Prelate of Lightning, you – the Scion of Ice, and a third pony – the Archon of Fire. United the three were said to be able to do great things”.

Trixie considered the words of the pony standing before her. While much of her mind claimed that what he was saying was impossible, that such claims as a pony being made totally out of ice or fire was insanity, the proof was standing before her. A small part of her minds however knew that what he was telling her was the truth. She had felt her body shift and change while in the ice. For a brief moment she had drained all the energy from the ice, taking it within herself, becoming the very thing she was surrounded by.

Trixie did not trust Ixion, he had tried to kill her and steal her soul after all, but if he could teach her how to use this new power she had found then he could still be of some use to her.

“Can you teach me? Show me what this power means. Is there more than simply turning to ice?” Trixie asked.

Ixion nodded, his opaque eyes not leaving Trixies form for a moment. “Much more. For starters, you may have noticed that you are not disturbed by cold?” Trixie nodded in return at this.

“That is a mere latent power. Now that you have awakened, you will find that all water and ice responds to your call and touch. The ability to blanket a town in frost and snow at a whim, the summoning of a cascade of water, the creation of solid ice in whatever shape and size you need are all powers that you have been blessed with. There are others, but I do not know of them. Much of it is simply how creative you can get”.

Trixie thought about this new information. If she could truly turn herself into ice and wield power such as Ixion was describing, then she could go and show up that bookwork Sparkle once and for all. Not even Celestia’s prized gift to pony kind could stand up to such power. Trixie would be able to prove that she truly was the most gifted unicorn in Equestria, and win back the respect she had seen stolen from her when those two inbred morons had tricked an Ursa to town.

“How do I change into the ice form, can I do that at will?” Trixie asked, her mind far away, still focusing on the potential power trip she was about to experience.

Ixion smiled at her. This mare is far too easy to manipulate, just dangle a little power in front of her and she is like putty in my hooves.

“Yes you can change at will, though it will be easier for you in places where snow and ice are common. To do so, you much focus your entire being on the change. Feel the essence of ice – its coldness, texture, the harshness of its being. Become one with it, accept it into your very core.”

Trixie did as she was told and focused her mind. Images and feeling rose up in her thoughts: the sensation she felt during her first time in the cold and ice, the coldness of the wind during a blizzard she once was stuck in, the gleam of freshly landed snow.

A new feeling came over Trixie, her skin and fur began to tingle. Ixion watched as her body glowed for a few moments before reverting to her normal blue sheen.

Trixie let out a held breath, releasing the tension in her muscles. “I can’t do it” she said, deflating.

“Don’t worry little witch. It is always hard the first time. Once you do it once though, it will become easier. There is an easier way, if you think you can handle it” Ixion asked, touching a nerve and goading Trixie on.

“Trixie can handle anything you can dish out Lightning Rod, Bring it on.”

“Very well then. The trick I learned was stress brings out your powers” Ixion asked, his face telegraphing barely concealed mirth. “With that in mind oh ‘Great and Powerful Trixie’, I’d like you to meet a friend of yours. Let’s just say that you didn’t part on very good terms last time you met, Ha ha ha ha”.

Ixion stood aside and pointed towards one of the still darkened recesses of the tomb. Trixie looked up but could not see anything. She could hear whatever it was though. Now that Ixion had pointed it out, Trixie could hear heavy breathing, followed by growls and a snarl or two. Trixie had a sinking feeling, only one thing came to mind as to what could be making such noises.

“But it can’t be. I killed it” She breathed, slowly seeing a shape resolve in the corner. Multiple heads turned as one to stare at her. A blood chilling roar followed, flashes of teeth were caught in the weak light of the torches.

“Did you?” Ixion replied. “Are you sure you simply didn’t banish it somewhere else.”

Moving into the full light the Lion and Goat heads stared at Trixie with molten fury, the stump of the snake head writhing with anger. It was the Chimera she had defeated outside the Changeling hive, and it was not pleased to see her. With one final roar, it lunged at the blue mare…

Ixion watched the scene unfold, his laughter cutting through the roars of the Chimera and the shouts of Trixie. There was no way this could end badly for him. If the Chimera was able to beat Trixie then he would simply take her soul as he had originally planned, the drain and soul trap spells cast by the pillars were still active on the mare. If she did manage to win, then he would do the same to the Chimera. Either way he would get the soul he desired.

The magic the pillars had drained out of Trixie had allowed him to reconstitute his physical form, but without a new soul for his body, he was still bound to the magic of his tomb. Soon though, one of the two combatants before him would be beaten and he would claim their soul as his own.

Trixie was in trouble. Despite having had one its heads cut off earlier, the Chimera was running on pure rage, and all that rage was directed purely at her. Dimly she could hear Ixion laughing behind her.

The Chimera was relentless in its pursuit of the mare which had banished it from its last home. That fate had seen fit to send her to it again seemed like too good and opportunity to pass us.

Trixie for her part was attempting to dodge around the monster, looking for a chance to strike. The Chimera had all the weight and height it needed on her. She would not win this by trying to wait it out, she had to strike at it before it caught up to her.

Ixion had finally stopped laughing and was now watching the match with interest. “Remember, stress brings out your powers. Try transforming again” he called out to Trixie, not entirely sure if she could hear him at the moment, all her attention was focused on the creature trying to make a meal of her.

The Chimera lunged in close, taking a swipe at Trixie with one of its claws, nicking her side and leaving 3 ragged marks, blood sluggishly dripping down her body onto the floor.

“AAARRRRGGG” Trixie screamed out as she felt the claws rake at her body.

‘Gotta focus. Ixion said stress was the key, well this is plenty stressful’

Trixie lit her horn and teleported to the other side of the cavern, putting the dais between herself and the Chimera, hoping that it would provide her with a brief moment of respite to focus her mind.

As she saw the Chimera look around for her, she closed her mind, once again picturing the images of winter and ice she had called upon the last time. A icy blue aura swept around her body as the Chimera found her, letting out a bestial roar before charging, lowering the goats head, brining the short horns in line to gore Trixie.

Ixion watched in fascination. One way or another, this fight was about to end. It made no difference to him which contestant won. Either would be suitable for his purposes.

Trixie focused on the strongest memory of winter she had: Spending a day in the middle of winter with her family. Everypony else had been wrapped up in so many layers that they were almost unrecognisable as the members of her family. Trixie had simply run around without bothering to put anything on. She remembered the others telling her that she must be freezing, that she should put something on lest she catch cold, the feel of the snow on her body as she rolled around in it, oblivious to the freezing temperatures that had forced her brothers and sisters inside. With that memory in her mind, and the threat of the Chimera impelling her on, Trixie felt her body start to change again.

She felt her body shift, her skin felt like it was freezing over though there was no pain. A thin sheet of ice rose up from her hooves, moulding itself precisely to the contours of her body, leaving her body a translucent blue. Trixie watched her legs and tail take on new forms, her tail freezing over into an angular chunk of ice, though she still appeared to be able to swish it as if it was made of hair. The three cuts along her side filled in with ice, instantly vanishing and becoming a smooth part of her now unblemished body, many small refractions of light sparkling from within her now icy form.

Even in the cold of the tomb, small wisps of frost and mist rose from her body, and frostbloom radiated out from her hooves, blanketing the ground in ice, clearly indicating just how cold she had now become. Lastly her eyes, already a light blue clouded over totally, finishing the illusion that she was simply a perfectly sculpted figure of ice.

The Chimera did not appreciate any of these subtleties however, it was still focused totally on destroying its opponent. Putting on a final burst of speed it rounded the dais and angled itself directly at the ice mare in its path.

Trixie turned her frosty visage upon the creature bearing down on her, a wellspring of power she had never felt before rising up from within her. Compared to this new power, every feat she had ever performed felt petty. She turned to face the Chimera full on, her horn glowing.

A wave of ice, identical to the one that Ixion had cast on her, discharged from her horn, shooting out at the Chimera. The Chimera realised the danger approaching it far too late and charged directly into the miniature blizzard. Ice crystals formed all around it, trapping its body and two remaining heads inside. Trixie continued to blast away at the creature with her magic, encasing it inside an icy tomb.

Quickly it was clear that the Chimera was not just trapped but fully frozen solid. Trixie ended her spell, looking at the new ice sculpture she had created. With one final flick of her horn, Trixie shattered the Chimera, parts of its body scattering all over the cavern floor.

Ixion quickly activated his pillars, each one shooting out a lance of energy at the largest of the icy chunks. Standing in the centre of the pillars he felt the remains of the Chimeras life force enter his body. New energy flowed through him as he absorbed the soul of the monster he had just watched be slain. His heart began to beat again, blood ran through his veins, infusing his muscles with fresh life. His lungs screamed out for air, having been starved for far too long. After millennia of waiting, he had made good on his final promise and laughed in the face of death itself. He, Lord Ixion the Eternal, greatest necromancer Equestria had even known had returned from the grave. First he would have to rest, regain his strength and marshal his forces. Then and only then, once he was strong enough would he inform the world of his return. It would be glorious.

Trixie, still in her ice form watched the Chimera shatter under the power of her magic. “Try getting up from that. When Trixie tells you to stay down, you do it.”

Having beaten the Chimera, Trixie tried to revert back to her original form, focusing her mind on her normal form – flesh, fur, her silver mane of which she was immensely proud. Quickly she felt her body undergo the change again, mane and tail returning to normal, the icy shell that had been covering her quickly dissipating.
She was quite pleased to see that the wound to her side had healed over totally, not even a faint trace of scar tissue remained. It seemed that shifting between her forms would allow her to rapidly regenerate injury.

CLAP…CLAP…CLAP… The sound of hooves knocking together slowly attracted her attention. Ixion was watching her from atop the dais. Even from her distant spot, Trixie could feel the new power radiating from his body. For a moment she was afraid of what she may have awoken in this tomb. From the few books she had actually read on Equestrian history, Ixion had not featured as a particularly nice pony.

“A very impressive display, my dear Lulamoon, you are indeed gifted. Now that you have awakened into your birthright, it is time for you to go. It is your destiny to find the last of the Elemental Masters, The Star, Archon of Flame”.

“What happens to you now?” Trixie asked Ixion. Even an idiot could see that he had his own agenda.

“I am still bound by the magic of this tomb” Ixion replied, blatantly lying to the mare, but she didn’t have to know that. “As you leave, I will return to my slumber. It was my destiny to awaken you, now you must do the same for the Star. Farewell Trixie Lulamoon, Scion of Ice. You have been granted the powers of a God, use them for good. May we someday meet again.”

Ixion allowed his body to return to its pure electric state before retreating into the embrace of the pillars, their natural ability to absorb and store magic and energy easily accommodating his now intangible body. As far as the rather dull mare before him would be aware, he would have simply faded away, as if he was truly just a ghost returning to the spirit realm.

Trixie puzzled over Ixion’s final comments. Who could this Star be. How would she know them when she met them. Trixie shook that thought from her head, it was time to leave the cave. Lighting her horn again, she followed the path of the water back out of the cave system.

With every step she took in the freezing water, Trixie could feel her body gaining strength, her skinny frame filled out as if she had just eaten a filling meal, her coat and mane reached a new lustre, shining like she had just had herself groomed.

Trixie stepped out of the cave and into the fading daylight. What had felt like days to her had only been a few hours in reality. Looking out over the green flowing hills, Trixie felt a new purpose come over her. Finding the Star could wait, there was a certain purple unicorn in the hick town of Ponyville with whom she had an overdue appointment. It was time for Trixie to show Twilight Sparkle who was the most talented spell caster in Equestria was once and for all…

Ixion waited several hours before reforming his body. With Trixie gone it was time to get to work. Slowly he walked off the dais and out to the edge of the obsidian stonework. This had been his limit while he was still a spectre, the magic that had been sustaining his spirit would not allow him to cross this threshold. With one confident step, Ixion passed over the boundary, proving that he was indeed fully alive again.

Though nopony was around to hear it, mocking laughter echoed throughout the cavern…