• Published 17th Oct 2012
  • 4,920 Views, 136 Comments

Everypony Hates Spike - Pony-Berserker

In this story, Spike explains to us how he got in serious trouble.

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And I could cross her off the list

I found one name that could be, without a doubt, described as ‘cool’. Is there anypony ‘cooler’ than Rainbow Dash?

For some unknown reason, I had forgot to cross Rainbow Dash off the list. I mean, I didn’t want to date any of my close friend because I had already failed to successfully date Rarity and Fluttershy, while Pinkie Pie had subtly suggested she was not interested.

But why had I forgot about Rainbow Dash? If I think of this now, it could be the matter of the way I see her. I’d like to put it delicate but... Um, I just don’t see Rainbow Dash as a ‘girl’. I mean, I know she is a girl but she isn’t the best example of one, right?

No, I mean, it’s nothing wrong with her look but, um, she’s, err, more manly than most stallions in Ponyville, right?

But she was an adult mare and she figured on my list. I knew I would have to date her sooner or later, so I decided to date her sooner. It could be funny, I thought.

I spotted Rainbow sleep on a cloud not really high in the air. This date was going to be tricky, though. Y’know, because if I were direct, she’d probably die from laguhter. Or maybe she’d kick me harder than Applejack kicks a tree?

So I decided to be as cryptic as possible.

“Hey, Rainbow Dash!” I shouted, waking her up.

“Oh, what’s up, Spike?” she answered, fortunately not angry at me.

“Wanna go eat some muffins, maybe?” I asked uncertainly. I was slightly trembling, being afraid of Rainbow Dash’s reaction.

“Meh. No, thanks. I’m not really hungry,” she answered and then yawned. “See you later, Spike.” She waved at me from the cloud, finding more comfortable position to continue her nap.

Just ‘no’? That was weird. I knew that Rainbow Dash wouldn’t go for a date but refusing a free muffin? Impossible!

“Um, I’m gonna pay for them!” I ensured that she got my point, covering my face in fear.

Rainbow Dash gave me a puzzled look from the cloud. She hesitated for a moment and then flew down. She was hovering in the air in front of me, gazing at me and frowning. “What are you up to, Spike?” she asked with distrust.

I hoped that my shivering wasn’t noticeable. I gave out some unidentified voices and then finally stammered: “J-just in-inviting you to a m-muffin. Friends do that, right?”

She continued staring at me for a while and then drawled out: “F-fine. Let’s go.”

I smiled nervously at her and began slowly walking towards the Sugar Cube Corner. Rainbow Dash was slowly flying behind me. That definitely didn’t look like a couple going on a date.

“Rainbow, could you, um, could you just walk, please? I feel weird when you fly this way over my head.” That wasn’t a lie. I really felt awkward having a pegasus throwing its shadow on my back.

“Say what? Meh,” she mumbled and landed on the ground. “If it weren’t for the free muffin...”

Looking at Rainbow Dash, one could say she seemed to be very angry. Probably at me. Probably for waking her up and making her walk.

After a short walk in an awkward silence, we entered the Sugar Cube Corner.

“I wanna the rainbow muffin,” she murmured and then sat at a table.

The rainbow muffins are the muffins with seven different flavors. They are not as tasty as those containing gems, though.

I sighed loudly, drawing attention of nearby customers, and ordered two rainbow muffins. I needed it to send Rainbow a subliminal message that I like rainbows. You know what I mean.

I sat at the table Rainbow was sitting at. “Well, where’s my muffin?” she asked impatiently. I passed her the pastry. Her frown deepend as she saw my muffin. “Hey, have you bought a rainbow muffin too? I thought you eat the gemstone muffins that the Cakes prepare for you every day. They make it only for you. Nopony else eat gemstones in Ponyville!” Rainbow gave ma a suspicious look.

I laughed nervously at this. Well, I seemed to forget I was the only dragon in Ponyville. “I just like... Rainbows.” I smiled sheepishly, hoping that Rainbow would buy the answer.

“Fine...” She answered, still frowning.

We ate our muffins in an awkward silence. That was a weird date, indeed. After she’d finished, she slurred “Thanks!” and then dashed away, leaving me alone in the store.

I enjoyed this little rendez-vous. Actually, I felt happy for the first time since... since Rarity kissed me on the cheek after this incident with me rampaging around in the town.

I entered the library, singing some cheesy song.

“Where have you been, Spike?” Twilight greeted me. “On a date, I guess?”

“Yep! I’ve been on a date!” I answered proudly.

“So... Who was your date?” Twilight nudged me, smiling.

“Rainbow Dash!” I said, emanating with my proud.

Twilight looked abashed. “Say what?”

“Yep. I ate muffins with the coolest mare in the town. And you know what? I think this is promising. I’m gonna invite her for the Wonderbolts’ Derby next week in Canterlot. I’m sure Princess Celestia will help me get two tickets.” I was getting more and more excited every second. I began to imagine my future dates with Rainbow. Strangely, I didn’t care about her look, even though she wasn’t even half as beautiful as Rarity.

With my head in the clouds, I went to the other room, thinking about Rainbow and not knowing what to do. I was enchanted.

A few minutes later, somepony visited Twilight. I overheard it was Rainbow Dash. Oh my gosh, Rainbow came to visit ME, I thought.

“Hey, Rainbow! Spike said you and him were on a date. I’m so happy he found a nice mare. I’m even more happy it’s you!” Twilight said, oblivious to possible effects that these words could cause.

Then, realization struck me. Rainbow Dash wasn’t supposed to know we were actually dating! I began searching for a good shelter.

“He said WHAT!?” Rainbow Dash shouted angrily. Then I knew I was busted.

She stormed into the room. “Where are you, you mischievious lizard!?” she growled and then spotted me as I was staring blankly at her.

Rainbow dashed towards me and before I could react, I was flying towards the wall, pain caused by hooves hitting my chest spreading through my body. I would surely have landed in hospital again, if Twilight hadn’t caught me with her magical aura.

“What are you doing, Rainbow Dash!?” she shouted.

“HE TRICKED ME INTO A DATE!” she yelled. Thankfully, Twilight encased her in a magical sphere, so Rainbow couldn’t do more harm to me.

“So what!?” Twilight inquired. That was her ‘mama bear’ moment. I was so proud of her.

“Yeah, I paid for the muffin...” I mumbled.

“So what!? So what!? Soarin’ was supposed to be my first date, not him! That’s what!” Rainbow explained, leering at me.

“Oh,...” Twilight looked pretty abashed by Rainbow’s confession. “That was your first date?”

Rainbow Dash began her rant: “Do I look like a mare...”

“Kinda...” I said instinctivly. Only Twilight’s aura saved me from a severe injury.

Rainbow groaned and resumed her rant: “Do I look like a mare that can’t keep away from stallions?”

Twilight laughed nervously. “Well...”

“No! The answer is no! No stallion has ever asked me out. Are you happy now?” Rainbow was furious. “And let me out of this ball!”

Twilight released the pegasus but put a barrier around me.

“Rainbow, nothing really bad happened. You ate something with Spike, that’s all. It was his first date, too. Besides, if you don’t change your attitude, I doubt that Soarin’ or anypony will ask you out,” Twilight gave her friend a reproachful speech.

Rainbow rubbed her mane, laughing ashamedly. She understood that she had over-reacted. “You know, um, I think you might be right.” She walked up to me. “Sorry, Spike. I didn’t mean to...”

“It’s alright. I have thick scales. No pain, um, really,” I lied.

“I’ll be going,” Rainbow said, “I think I should finally wash my tail.” She sniffed it and grimaced. “Yep. See you later, guys.” She quickly flew out the window. Twilight could finally remove the barrier surrounding me.

But instead, she tightened it up. “Have you gone mad, Spike!?” she yelled at me. What followed it was the longest rant I had ever heard from Twilight. You have to forgive me but I can’t really recall it now.

“You are grounded, mister!” she shouted finally, panting.

Grounded? That was something new. “You are not my mother,” I replied.

“Actually, I am your stepmother. I’m responsible for you. No more dates until, until, forever!” she proclaimed firmly.

“You can’t ground me forever. That’s way too long,” I retorted, folding my hands.

“Just no more dates for... a month,” she said and then turn around to leave the room.

A month or a year was no difference to me. I was not going to listen anyway. I ran to the basement, where I kept my list, and crossed Rainbow out of it.

Three’s a charm, I thought and began searching for another ‘cool’ mare.