• Member Since 15th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen June 5th

Written Out


Being trapped in stone is about as much fun as it sounds.

Unable to cause chaos or get revenge on those who trapped him, Discord takes the only responsible action.

Pbbbt, yeah right. It's Discord. "Responsible" picks itself up and throws itself right out the window when he's around.

He's getting cat's paws to do his work for him.

(A thousand thanks to Radiant Eclipse for the sweet cover art. Go check out his stuff, he's awesome. I'd also like to give a shout to everyone who's helped me with this story, and to the people who read it. I love you guys. Oh, and fair warning. This was my first foray into fanfiction, so it's pretty mediocre to start. Around the time Nightmare Moon makes her glorious entrance is around the time it stops being crap.)

Chapters (47)
Comments ( 404 )

Interdasting :trixieshiftleft:
Very interdasting indeed...:trixieshiftright:
Can't wait for more! :pinkiehappy:

Dude, you have an awesome ability to convey the feel of this adventure.
I was on the edge of my seat for half of this stuff!
Anyway, can't wait for more! :pinkiehappy:

Woo. Longest chapter yet.

Now that the story's rolling, does anyone have any ideas for cover images? I wanted to wait until it became fairly clear what the story was about and...here we are.

i feel for the guy, it sucks to wake up in an unknown place and fearing the locals

I have advice but I doubt others will agree with it. I think that you should have your first fic COMPLETELY finished before posting it. I'm not a guy who can wait for the next chapter or book in a series. One of my many flaws. But from the description, it sounds good. I'll be looking to see when it's finished. I DO like long stories.

I suggest you ignore my comment actually, I'm 14. I have no idea what I'm talking about. :twilightangry2: Why did I even bother commenting? Why am I still commenting? Why did I tell you how old I am? Why am I asking all of these questions? Do you know? Do I know? What is wrong with me? :pinkiecrazy: Where's the nearest insane asylum?

1553959 i believe you're sitting in it

If I was, I'd be wearing a straight jacket. :pinkiecrazy: But then again I could get out of it. I've had tons of practice you know. :pinkiecrazy: Keep up the good work on the story! I'd love to read it!

1562249 Valid point. And were you referring to one of my stories or the one we are currently chatting on?

The one we are on! :pinkiecrazy: When's the next update bro? I NEED IT!

1562299 there is a simple solution to your predicament my friend. Get in the motherbucking TARDIS!!!


1562323 ah, would you prefer the elder scrolls then? or perhaps the classic time machine from the movie time machine?


If you're not going to read it until it's completely finished, you might be waiting a while. I haven't even introduced half the major characters yet.:raritywink:

I've plotted out the next update, and just need to write it down, so it should be up either tomorrow or the next day. Despite being a lot quieter and more relaxed than any of my previous chapters, I think it might be my favourite so far. :moustache:

I'm not likely going to be able to read this then....big book equals brain pain.

You seem to be missing some things...

...and see how she is dong. Try to...

“Wait, so you haven’t spoken to Applejack yet? Sweetie Belle...

Arghlebargle. I thought I caught all that. :facehoof:

1566883I'm sorry, but I had to at least point out the first one. People might get ideas...

Oh, none of that. Thanks for pointing them out, I went and fixed them right away.

Besides, this at least means you're reading closely enough to spot my mistakes, and I'm hardly going to complain about people reading my story. :twilightsheepish:

1566906Ah, okay. I have to say, your story is one of the better "Human in Equestria" fan-fictions I have read. Too many "Human meet pony then become friends instantly".

Oh, shit. Things are about to get primal.

1603909Ah. That makes much sense.

Hooo~ly scrap. He has gone mad! Although has is corrupted by the Spirit of Chaos...

Sweet, 50 favourites.


Where do you people keep coming from? Or I guess a better question would be how do you keep finding this story?

More importantly, next update won't be for a little while. I know, I know, but real life has started breathing down my neck and won't let me ignore it any longer. That, and the next chapter's going to be a doozie, and I do not want to cock it up.

i like where this is going:pinkiecrazy:

Interesting... thought I don't think Discord would be the kind of character who would go to kill, he's just someone who likes to have fun at the expense of other people. Then again, it is your story.

1629658 I actually agree. He's constantly pushing for 'conflict' and 'chaos', willing to put the ponies in life-threatening conditions but believing they will pull through. But he's not strong enough to control John directly, only imperfectly manipulate him. Naturally, this just makes the situation worse, throwing the human into the depths of paranoia and hatred with none of Discord's self-restraint. Yeah, I used the term self-restrained to describe Discord. dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/discord.png

Minor spoilers ahoy for the curious: In a couple chapters, Discord loses control of the situation and uses up almost all of the power he's managed to obtain from the conflict in order to save the life of one of the Mane 6. No, I'm not saying who.

Discord just inadvertantly released the animal that we humans keep at bay on a daily basis. It takes nothing less than blunt force trauma straight to the brain to take down a crazed human.

Interesting story! I like the darkness of it

Yeah, discord did not think this through giving a human a case of the crazies with little to no control over him is a horrifically bad idea especially considering he suppressed his memories which leads to completely flipping your shit.

*Cue upbeat credits music*

Alright, enough sillery. Dark tag added to story because... yeah. It kinda went there. Bit strange to think I had originally intended this story to be more comedic when I started. Despite the fact that this chapter and the next were among the first scenes I had planned out when preparing this story. No idea how I had intended to make that work.

In other news, this past week I've been toying with the idea of having pictures in my story, like Cold Spike's "Spike's Nameless Brother" or Triscy's "Feathers." I'm still not sure if this would be a good idea, or if it would just get in the way of some of the more high-tension scenes. The main problem I have, even if I did decide to have pictures, is the fact that my ability to draw is about equivalent to my ability to fly. If you squint your eyes and look at it the right way, you could pretend I'm doing it, but it's not going to look good and the end result isn't going to be pretty.This leaves me with two options. Option 1: I hunt down someone who's pretty good at drawing and beg for them to draw pictures for me. Or Option 2: where I just ask the readers to draw and submit pictures for me to put up on the story.

What do you people think?

First of; Really awesome story so far. I find it good actually, that you write a story where the main character doesn't suddenly show up, then the next minute he gets a Pinkie party thrown for him, falls in love with all the mane 6 and then turns into an alicorn, saving the day.

Heh, sorry about that, I ranted a bit back there.

Anyway, really love the conflict so far, and Discords manipulation of the whole ordeal.

And your turning it dark now, or darker atleast, since you already blew his hand, and parts of his arm up already in the previous chapter. Gonna be interesting to see if your going to go so far as to kill any of the ponies, or just really really hurt them, like with Rarity. Although, that last image of AJ in the mouth of the hydra.......I would be surprised if she doesn't bite the bullet.

When it comes to images, sure, if you can get anyone to provide any art for it, go for it. I myself am unable to do this, because, frankly, I am so bad, stickfigures look better then what I could produce. :rainbowlaugh:

So yeah, ask around, and beg, if you really want to include it into your great story.

Oh dear. Applejack is in quite the predicament. And yikes, an avalanche on Rarity, Rainbow Dash in a net, an ax to Twilight's horn, and Applebloom in a cage... This is going to be good:pinkiecrazy:...

I say if you end up procuring some pictures, post them. But if you have a hard time obtaining the pics, best not to worry about it too much.

I would write a great review and praise you but I'm quite tired right now, so all I have to say is: Great story, and great sentence layout.

do i detect a ten toppa gurren laggan reference?

.....this is gonna be goood:pinkiecrazy::twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

I LOVE THIS FIC!:pinkiehappy:

KILL THEM ALL or seriously maim them for teh lulz:rainbowkiss:

I'm glad to hear everybody likes the fic so much. Honestly, I wasn't really happy with the last chapter but you guys make me feel better about it. :pinkiehappy:

I felt like there was too much going on all at the same time. What with the foalnapping, Applejack in the burning barn, Twilight's dream and near-breakdown, the collapsing tunnel, the hydra out of nowhere, and John attacking the other three, it just seemed like things were rushing uncontrollably. Like watching a trainwreck in slow-motion, really.

But anything I could think of to slow the story down either felt like padding that added nothing, or even weakened the scene and just felt off from the rest of the chapter. :unsuresweetie:

ALSO, also, I'm a little surprised that everyone seems to like John to a fair degree. When I was originally planning the story, I had a hard time not thinking of him foalnapping Apple Bloom in order to lure the Mane Six into a deathtrap as his Moral Event Horizon where he flies straight into irredeemable evil. Guess that's a sign that I succeeded in making him at least a little sympathetic, because I know I would probably be calling for his head if he just up and pulled some of the crap he's already done if he wasn't so pitiable.

I'm midway through this chapter and must ask. Why the fuck is he acting like he can't understand them, it's obvious that they all speak english/equestrian...:ajbemused:

1697258 Let's go with translation convention for now. It's not the correct answer, but it's a convenient lie. Basically, we can understand them but he can't.

Really, it was either that or five dozen lines of "and then the ponies made talky noises." Sounds thrilling. Like the wookie portions of the Star Wars Holiday Special.


Does it still count as a moral event horizon if he is obviously mentally manipulated? Because from what I understand so far, he's not acting totally on free will. He's confused, hurt, and thinks he's insane. He is trying to rationally come up with reasons why he's fearing the six, and can't complete the thought process.

I guess I don't see how it'd make it a moral event horizon.

1704601 That was just when I was originally planning it. I never planned for John to be out-and-out evil, but it was hard to think that while having him commit some rather heinous actions, like kidnapping Apple Bloom to deliberately invoke AJ's big sister instinct. :applejackconfused:

I'm just glad I managed to avoid that little pitfall, since it would have been all too easy to fall into and make him seem like an unashamed villain.

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