• Published 15th Oct 2012
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Clipped Wings - Desrium

Wings: an aspect of a Pegaus pony that can mean so much to their personal identity. But what if that pony isn't the best flyer? One that doesn't care for athletisism? One that has had their wings taken from them?

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Chapter Six

Chapter Six

Do you think Celestia ever said, “Let there be light”? If she did, how did Luna take it?

It’s funny how much more observative a pony becomes in such an awkward situation; in doing his damnedest to avoid Steiner’s burning eyes Falcon had come to see subtle details in the ancient cellar. For one, he noticed the delightful chipping of paint on the walls, mostly at the parts where the walls connected to the ceiling. Then were the dusty shelves lining the walls with things Klaxon had gathered. Aged trinkets, various technical parts, ammo in some cases and books all found homes on the shelves. The books were a surprise. Falcon didn’t take either pony to be especially bookish but since Steiner was a unicorn…

Then again, Falcon Wing was also fond of books. He had no alternative since he didn’t really have friends back in the pegasus strongholds. Sure he had his caregivers and his doctor, but other young ponies growing up with him were fleeting contacts at best, bullies and tormentors at worst. That kind of environment fostered an enjoyment of reading while other pegasi honed themselves physically to eventually join the Enclave forces. A pony that found companionship in centuries old text and couldn’t bond well with others? A pony who would rather read than fly laps and play sports? Surely that meant they had to get their shit kicked around. Repeatedly.

“…sorry,” Steiner said, drawing Falcon’s attention back.

“Excuse me?” Falcon responded, his memories dissipating away.

“You could at least say sorry,” the dark blue stallion replied. The corner of Falcon Wing’s mouth twitched. This was the pony who had carried on a conversation with his companion while Falcon laid teary eyed in a dumpster, recounting a tale of gruesome cruelty and death. This was the pony asking for an apology? In an ironic twist, Falcon found himself to be in the wrong here. If Steiner felt as bad as the wingless pegasus, he did a bad job showing it…or a really good job hiding it. Considering the company he kept, being able to disguise his emotions and inner thoughts must’ve been mandatory.

Falcon looked to the earth pony. Klaxon hadn’t moved an inch from the wall, watching things play out with a grin. “Let me guess,” the bronzed coated stallion began, meeting Falcon’s orange eyes. “…What the fuck? That’s what you want to say right?” he was still grinning.

“Good to see one of us is happy,” Falcon thought with a sigh, turning to face Steiner. “Sorry. I really am, it’s just…I was surprised. I shouldn’t have reacted like that,” the young red colt apologized.

“Aw, killjoy!” he heard Klaxon whinny from his side though he didn’t look at the scavenger. Steiner grunted and then nodded.

“Apology accepted. Now never do something so stupid again” his monotone had taken a scolding edge when he finished speaking.
Falcon Wing nodded, knowing what he had done was indeed stupid and very rude, but Steiner went on to describe what could have happened in that way he loved. “Had I been of the mood and persuasion, I would have taken that as an insult,” he said in a mildly cold way. “I don’t like being disrespected and I have guns. Guess what happens next.”

He kicked his right hind leg back, his combat shotgun making a snapping and clicking noise simultaneously, armed, ready to fire. Falcon Wing’s eyes widened in shock and fear. Steiner chuckled. “Good. You have some sense after all,” he said, kicking back and again and disengaging the gun. Falcon released the breath that had lodged itself at the base of his neck.

As time passed in the cellar, Falcon Wing found himself getting more comfortable around the two stallions. They were rude and borderline depressing to be around because of how uncaring they seemed most of the time but they were straightforward enough, didn’t seem sneaky or conniving and actually kept a good home. If one considered a basement with peeling paint and an entrance hidden by a dumpster home, that is. Klaxon’s stash was well organized and in one of the cellar’s small rooms, he had his personal collection of books in good condition, only slightly worn and exposed to the elements, mostly readable. Klaxon liked to read while Steiner did not find any recreational value in it. He only read to learn skills that may be useful one day while out in the Wastes. Needless to say, Falcon was stunned, but attempted to play it off so as to not offend. The two stallions chuckled almost at the same time at that, the effort was good but they saw it for what it was. Still, it showed the colt was a fast learner.

When asked his name, Falcon Wing answered truthfully. The irony was not lost on them and they barely suppressed a chuckle. These guys were really fucked up. When the two ponies revealed that Falcon was welcome to stay, he was dumbfounded. “Why?” he ended up asking, not in protest but he couldn’t understand why these two strangers were acting this way towards him. Sure they were unpleasant as all hell but by fuck, they were the first faces of unconditional kindness he’d seen in his hours on the surface!

“Didn’t you hear?” Klaxon offered as an explanation in a pseudo-annoyed way. “You aren’t the only one to lose a part of yourself out here.”

“Steiner lost his horn and my wings were clipped, what did you lose?” Falcon asked. It was only after did he realize he was basically asking “What kind of misfortune did you experience that makes you fit in with us? You look perfectly fine.”


“There’s a reason why I say and do things I do,” Klaxon replied gravely with Steiner watching on in silent vigil. That was the end of that. In the time following, Falcon found himself moving away from the pony that found him and to his friend.

“What spell were you casting before?” the blank flanked colt asked Steiner. It was amazing that the hornless unicorn was still able to do magic in the first place.

“Not so much a spell. Can’t do much of those anymore. I was just moving magic around, having it power things. That lamp, Klaxon’s lights…”

“I see…” Falcon replied. He thought Steiner to be a gifted unicorn when he was whole. The feats he was surely capable of left the pegasus with foal-like wonder. Now… now all the navy blue pony had to show of it was a glowing scar where the horn would have been, covered by wild mane. And making bulbs light up -- couldn’t forget that.

“You know… you could have said sorry” Steiner said offhoofedly. Falcon was pulled from his thoughts once again. He didn’t need to have the statement repeated this time. “I should have,” Falcon Wing agreed.

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