• Published 20th May 2024
  • 92 Views, 7 Comments

Felicity's adventures! - Piggynator

Some short stories about an alicorn named Felicity

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Rocky reminisce

“Remember this?” Rocky Road asks. It was just a regular hangout day when Rocky brought out something familiar to Felicity.

“Yes! This smells just like the Rocky Road you made when we first met!” Felicity said with joy filled nostalgia in her voice. Rocky grins and places the tupperware on the table they had their tea on. Rocky gets the two pieces and passes one to Felicity and himself while Felicity uses her Unicorn magic to pour the pair of them a cup of tea each.

“Ha… This stinks of nostalgia!” Rocky says as he stares at the sweet treat he made. Felicity nods in response

“It feels just like yesterday…”

“But Mom! I wanna keep looking at the flowers!” A young filly cries.

“I understand that, Felicity, but we need to get going.” Crystal bloom sighs. Crystal wanted to stay but she knew that being out for too long may draw in bad actors.

“If we gotta go back, can we get some sweets?” Felicity asked. Crystal begrudgingly said yes and the two were soon heading downtown to the local sweet shops. But alas, all the shops were closed. Felicity and Crystal both looked upset. Even Crystal wanted to tame her sweet tooth with a sugary treat!

Shop after shop, until eventually, they happen upon a bakery that stunk of sugary treats. Both Felicity and Crystal felt like they were being pulled toward it. As if the scent had picked them up and were dragging them inside. Before they knew it, they were standing next to the counter. An earth pony mare stepped up to the counter.

“Wow, your highness! What brings you to my small establishment?” Crystal chuckled and pointed to Felicity

“Felicity wanted some sweets and this fine shop happened to be the only one open. Which, may I add, may have been a blessing. I haven’t smelled such delicious treats for such a long time!”

The mare rubbed the back of her neck “That means a lot, princess. Rocky, come out here!” A colt hurries out of the back room covered in dough (like his mother) and bows. Crystal reminds them that they are not in a palace and such customs would not be needed.

“Forgive my rudeness, Princess! I almost forgot to introduce myself! My name is-”

“Cake Mixer. Your husband is called Sun watcher and this is your son, Rocky road!” Crystal says with a slight smirk. Cake looks at crystal with an agape mouth as crystal continues “I make it a habit to learn the names of all my citizens. And that's something I hope to pass on to my daughter here” she finishes as she points to Felicity, who waves to Cake Mixer and Rocky Road.

Cake Mixer and Crystal get deep into conversation as Rocky bravely steps up to Felicity.

“U-um… You’re Felicity, Right?” Rocky asks. Felicity nods as rocky ten asks “I tried making a new type of Rocky Road. You and your mom want some?” he asked. Felicity nods and Rocky goes back and collects the treat.

Before Felicity can take a bite, Crystal stops her

“Ah, remember what to say, Felicity”

“Yes, thank you very much, Rocky Road!” Felicity says with a big smile. Rocky waits in anticipation as Crystal breaks the treat in half and gives her daughter the slightly bigger half. It feels like an eternity as the two start chewing.

That's when it happened. Their eyes lit up! They smile brighter than the sun! Rocky and Cake mix could swear she saw both of them bouncing slightly!

“This is incredible! Fantastic! Felicity, you said Rocky Road made this? Why have we never been here before? This is fantastic!” Crystal could have kept going (so could Felicity) all the while Cake Mix wrapped a proud hoof around Rocky.

“Well done Rock Rock. That's 2 extra scoops of ice cream for dessert today!” She whispered. Rocky chuckles when he says

“I think they are about to get to the experimental part. The popping candy!” he says. As if on cue, Felicity and Crystal can hear crackling in their mouths. They laugh in delight as the crackling ceases. When all is said and done, the four all laugh together.

“Mrs Mix, your humble little shop is quite fantastic. Please, let me get you a spot on the main road!”

“That would be fantastic, Princess! Thank you so much!”

Rocky and his mother bid the royal two goodbye as they start to close up shop.

“You know, Mom, I think we made a good first impression.” Rocky says with his mother nodding in agreement.

“You know, I think I may have almost blown up your taste buds that day” Rocky says as he and Felicity chow down. Their mouths popping in delight.

“I think you may have. By the way, did you ever come up with a name for this recipe?”

“Na.” Rocky says “This was just an experiment I did on the whim. Didn’t think it would be such a hit with the royals!” he finishes as he sips his tea.

“Then might I offer a suggestion?” a voice says. Rocky and Felicity turn to see Felicity’s mother behind them.

“Sure Mrs Bloom. What did you have in mind?” Crystal Bloom walks up to them and sets a cup of her own on the table.

“Royal delight.” She says as she pours herself some tea. Rocky put his head into his hooves with thought.

“Royal delight, huh?” he ponders. “Yeah! I like it! Thanks Mrs Bloom!”

“I second that!” Felicity says with a smile.