• Published 17th May 2024
  • 169 Views, 11 Comments

Twilight's Reign - Flopinator1976

Princess Twilight struggles through her role as ruler of Equestria

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Chapter 1-Unexpected Guests

The sun seeped through the curtains. The clock ticked on the wall, and Twilight was busy becoming acquainted with the various royal fascinators that were being shuffled out of Rarity’s massive suitcase. Today wasn’t just any other day, it was a wedding, one that Twilight had the honor of officiating. Whether Twilight truly relished the honor of officiating or was dreading another high-profile public appearance, she couldn’t say.

“Darling, settle down! You can’t look gorgeous if you don’t hold still!” Rarity was practically chasing Twilight around her expansive room, as Twilight's knack for nervous pacing seemed to never let up.

“I’m trying!” Twilight said. “My hooves practically have a mind of their own! It’s not my fault that Applejack and Rainbow Dash insisted on having a special Wonderbolts routine for their wedding…one that I mistakenly agreed to be in. I've been practicing with Spitfire practically every moment I get, and I can't do it right! I can’t get anything right!” Twilight wailed as she paced around like a nervous hummingbird.

“Alright darling, I’ve had enough of your self pity!” Rarity was practically fuming, her dazzling purple mane usually ruffled and her typically perfect coat blushing an unruly shade of red. Her hooves clicked over the floor as she used her magic to wrangle Twilight into an elaborate, almost ostentatiously beautiful fascinator. It was a deep blue, fitted with white lace and embroidered with painstakingly accurate constellations in threads of gold.

Twilight’s room was a mess, something that was expected as of late but still sent a shiver down Rarity’s spine, as it made her think of all the ways her friend had lost her way over the past few months. Twilight had always been high strung, nervous, and a perfectionist, but now that was replaced with something even more potent. Over the various challenges that her rulership had faced recently, Twilight had become someone else entirely. She wasn’t just frustrated and upset over the situations that had been plaguing Equestria. She was downright depressed. She was grieving, and she was showing no signs of moving on.

Rarity sighed, an action that seemed to happen almost every minute she was around Twilight. It was almost inevitable that Twilight’s mood would overcome her too when they were together. The Mane Six were always there for each other, but even amidst their various efforts to help their friend, Twilight wasn’t getting out of this rut. Sometimes, Rarity wondered if she could ever move past this, but didn’t say anything, as she didn’t want to put that out into the world. So she pasted on a sympathetic smile as Twilight continued her wailing, and trotted over to envelope her friend into a much needed hug. She was careful to not budge the fascinator or wrinkle the carefully crafted, aerodynamic gown that she had spent months working on.

They may have been hugging for a few seconds, or a few days for that matter. Time had seemed to stop in the castle lately, as the mood over the past few months had dipped to a level only seen when Celestia was forced to banish her own sister into the moon.

Eventually, the two ponies untangled their embrace, and Rarity put the finishing touches on Twilight’s ensemble, smoothing the rich velvet fabric with her hooves before adjusting the straps on Twilight’s shoes, a pair of simple yet elegant black kitten heels, with matching silk gloves for her front legs.

Twilight looked up at Rarity and inspected her hairdo, her eyes red-rimmed but no longer teary. “Thank you Rarity”, she said, her words almost a whisper, barely audible, even in the quiet early morning. Twilight’s mane was finished, and Rarity added a single flower, a rose, perched at the very edge of her fascinator. The red rose had been plucked from the castle gardens, grown specifically as a tribute for the victims of the Neighagara Falls disaster, something that plagued everypony’s mind even months after. As a royal, it was in Twilight’s best interest to honor the victims in any small way she could, as the public was still reeling from the knowledge that it was their beloved princess that had unknowingly caused such a horror.

“No problem, dear. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to style my best friend for such a big day! I figured making outfits for all of us–plus two wedding dresses and a dragon-friendly suit–would be the best advertising a pony could get!” Rarity said, enthusiasm decorating her every word.

Twilight huffed out a laugh, Rarity never failing to impress her with her savvy businesspony mind. Rarity’s boutiques in Ponyville, Canterlot and Manehatten were always the talk of the fashion world, each garment highly anticipated, and always the star of every Fashion week runway. Rarity’s designs were splashed on celebrities from every sector of the entertainment world, and she had expanded her shops to nearly every corner of the world, including new developments in Saddle Arabia and Neighhai, and even a Yak-style shop in Yakyakistan. Despite the monumental success she had experienced, Rarity’s shops always prided themselves on hoofmade, sustainable, and unique pieces. Her right-hoof mare, Sassy Saddles, had been instrumental in helping her expand her reach, and together they had ushered in a new, exciting era of Pony fashion. Thus, Rarity’s business smarts never failed to bring a smile to her face, even in the midst of such hardships.

Rarity had spent months designing the dresses, and Pinkie Pie had slaved away at her bakery to cater a feast worthy of the thousands of ponies that would be attending the afterparty, and had planned a certified Pinkie Pie-approved bash, with the help of Cheese Sandwich and sprinkle of chaos from Discord. Fluttershy had been tasked to calm the animals and cultivate the castle gardens for the special occasion, a process that had taken months after a late-spring storm had destroyed many of the delicate bushes and flowers. Spike was constantly running around back and forth with a checklist that seemed longer every second. Trixie and Starlight were busy preparing the fireworks and magic candles that would be stationed around as the day would grow into the evening. The Cutie Mark Crusaders would be hosting a kid’s craft table to keep the little ones occupied as the main ceremony went on. And lastly, Twilight had to officiate for her friends and the thousands of ponies that would be watching, both across the world and just outside the castle grounds, where thousands of folding chairs had been set up for those who wanted an up-close view.

Although Applejack and Rainbow Dash were not technically royals themselves, it was still widely considered a “royal wedding” nonetheless. The two ponies, who had impressed the world with their daring efforts and boundless spirit for hard work and adventure, were finally tying the knot. Twilight only wished that their long-planned wedding had come at a time when the world wasn’t so fractured. Not only would she have to keep a steady presence throughout the massive event, she was also attending the afterparty and pre-wedding festivities. Great. Another way for her to guilt-trip herself. Partying and enjoying Pinkie Pie’s fabulous cupcakes in the fairy-tale gardens of her crystalline castle while most ponies were lucky to get a shoebox apartment in the ever-packed capital city.

It was an almost herculean effort that required the amalgamation of everypony’s efforts to bring the best of their work on the special day, but all Twilight could think about was how selfish it seemed, how out-of-touch she had become, how detached Princess Twilight Sparkle the Royal Celebrity was from Twilight, who would rather spend her days helping her friends save the world than roaming the halls of a yet another corrupt political institution.

“Helloooo…Equestria to Twilight” Rarity’s high-pitched voice broke her from her near-stupor, and Twilight remembered where she was. In her bedroom, with its crystal walls adorned with gems of all shapes and colors, her built-in bookshelves collecting dust and her desk spilled over with papers, some of which had been ripped up in her ever-present frustration.

Her vaulted ceilings and almost floor-to-ceiling bay windows reminded her of the grandness of her situation. From her windows, just beyond the perfectly-groomed gardens with its hedge maze and apple trees, sat the silhouettes of newly-constructed high-rise apartment buildings, complete with renderings of their interiors plastered all around the construction, which Twilight couldn’t quite make out, but figured they were very expensive, and very, very small.

She quickly answered Rarity before she could suspect Twilight of staring into space yet again. The two of them made their way past Twilight’s spell-sealed doors and made the long journey down a dozen hallways and sets of stairs before they made their way to the wedding hall. Although the wedding wasn’t due to start until the late afternoon, ponies had already started to pack the hall, where a few hundred seats had been reserved for family, friends, colleagues, and other important figures. Rarity immediately rushed back through the doors they came, muttering something about Applejack spilling cider on her dress and Rainbow Dash trying to fly away from the castle after getting cold hooves. Twilight found herself in a sea of ponies, most of which she greeted with the polite but empty customs she was used to as a royal. She chatted for a bit with Shining Armor and Princess Cadance, who were busy trying to stop newly-minted big sister Flurryheart from zapping her infant brother with a glitter spell.

“Honestly, Twilight, we need to hang out sometime when the fate of Equestria doesn’t hang in the balance or we aren’t guests at a massively important yet stressful ceremony!” Cadence joked, her sincere tone indicating that she was only half-joking.

Twilight was selfishly grateful that she wasn’t the only one who looked like they could use a bit more sleep, as the now parents of two looked joyful yet completely exhausted as they paraded around their little one to a sea of well-wishers and friends. It was utterly tiring, but a necessary part of a royal life. Flurryheart was going to be a ruler one day, and as Shining Armor often commented, it was never too early for a filly to start networking. While both ponies prioritized the privacy and contentment of their daughter, they also knew that Flurryheart was destined for a role that would require a lifetime of preparing.

As Twilight moved throughout the sea of ponies(which seemed more like a stormy ocean, to be precise) she spotted Spike and her friends hanging out on the deck behind the altar, which was still being set up by a crew of the city’s most dependable construction ponies. Twilight was relieved to see that Zephyr Breeze was not among them, as she figured he might try to weasel his way into being “helpful” today. Thankfully, the perpetually zany pony was helping get Applejack and Rainbow Dash prepared for their big day, as his talent for hairstyling had proved to be very fruitful recently. Twilight knew that Fluttershy was so proud of her brother for opening up a second location for his uber-popular salon company, even though he got on her nerves the better part of any given moment.

They all looked so beautiful. Fluttershy’s dress was perfect for her, a bohemian-style gown adorned with a pattern of butterflies, and a flower crown with fresh roses and daisies picked from the garden outside. Pinkie Pie was dressed in pink, of course, her vibrant ball gown sparkling in the morning sun, and her equally colorful hair tamed nicely with a wide-brim cream-colored hat. While Rarity was still busy helping the brides get ready, Twilight was sure she had a gorgeous gown just waiting to dazzle when the time came for the brides to come down.

Spike’s dragon-proof suit was dapper and his matching bow-tie had been enchanted to have wisps of dragon fire on both ends. Although the day had finally arrived and most of the work had been completed, his list still trailed down to the floor as ponies still came up to him to report on the latest news, both from within and outside of the castle. Twilight was enough in earshot to hear updates on the breaking news of the Griffin territory’s worrying population declines and the latest update on Star-Swirl the Bearded’s ailing health.

Spike had relegated Twilight from her duties of the day, telling her that he would handle her royal meetings for the day while she prepared for her role in the ceremony. Twilight figured Spike’s head must be spinning with all of the meetings he had to attend and statements he had to make for her today, as the news never stopped, even though Twilight wished she could make the world pause for just today. She wanted to enjoy such a wonderful occasion, but she knew from the various looks in Spike’s eyes as he received scroll after scroll that she would be drowning in a pile of work as soon as the party winded down enough so she could slink away back to her chambers.

“Hey Twi-Twi!” Pinkie cheered as soon as the group spotted her. She quite literally bounced on over to Twilight, cooing at her dress and giving her a bone-crushing hug. “How’re you doing?” Pinkie asked, the big smile never leaving her face. The tinge of worry in her eyes betrayed her, and Twilight didn’t want to confirm Pinkie’s concern by being truthful.

“I’m doing better.” She lied, the bitterness of dishonestly stinging her tongue. She was just glad Applejack was too busy upstairs to see through her. “It’s been a tough road, but I’m hoping I've gotten through the tough stuff!” She was surrounded by hugs from all sides as her friends moved in to embrace her.

“That’s great, Twilight!” Fluttershy spoke softly as she gently nuzzled her friend. “We know it’s been hard recently, and we’re so glad that you are feeling better! I’m just so…so…” Fluttershy hesitated, searching for the right word. “Happy that you are doing well! Discord and I were so worried when we saw you crying on that TV interview last week!”

Before Twilight could cringe even more at that memory, a gust of wind blew in a blur of color as she and her friends were suddenly enveloped in a sticky substance. At the mention of his name, Discord had made a grand entrance. To her great relief, with an audible snap the cotton candy melted away, leaving their outfits damage free, only to be quickly replaced with a massive swarm of tiny Discords. They shouted in unison, but it was so loud that Twilight could not make out what he was saying.

“Discord, stop!” Fluttersky reprimanded, before the tiny Discords fused together to bring the draconequus together in all of his chaotic, yet reformed glory. Discord’s frankenstein body snaked around Fluttershy as he attempted to snap his fingers yet again. Fluttershy quickly gave him a glare, and he hung his head, apologizing.

“Sorry pony friends…” he said, his sarcastic words indicating that he wasn’t sorry at all, but they took it all in good fun. He may have been reformed, but it was useless to try and reign in his fundamentally mischievous spirit.

The three ponies looked at him, eyebrows raised.

Discord sheepishly blushed before snapping his claws, creating a suit for himself to attend the party. In true Discord fashion, the suit was actually several smaller suits stitched together, creating an assemblage that was at once perfect for the occasion and almost blinding in its hideousness. Fluttershy only giggled at her partner’s display, knowing that if Discord had his way, the entire floor would soon be turned into an ice skating rink. It made sense then, that Pinkie Pie, Cheese Sandwich, and Discord had collaborated on the afterparty activities. If there was one thing that Discord’s chaos magic was good for, it was having a good time.

Twilight was relieved that their early conversation thread had been cut by Discord’s characteristic arrival, and she found herself in a rare moment of gratitude for the honorary pony. Although Discord could be an absolute pain sometimes, he had been instrumental in helping forge pony-creature relations. His presence at various public events was always well-received by the public, and he had even grown to have a cult following of fans, which was something he evidently relished as Twilight often spotted him signing autographs with any one of his many claws when he was on duty in Equestria. While he still frequented his own dimension when he and Fluttershy had rare time off of their duties, his home base had become Canterlot, and he was a fixture at local events, often performing tricks for young kids and making balloon animals out of various materials that were certainly not balloons.

In their early days, when Twilight and her friends had first freed him from his stone imprisonment, she would have never expected that the crazy creature would become one of the most influential, if a little baffling, political figures in modern Equestrian history. There was even a holiday in his honor, and a large stone statue stood in the outskirts of Equestria where he had first been taken out of his imprisonment. The Ponyville tourism agency was delighted that the statue and its surrounding tributes brought so much money into the local economy that the town was considering expanding the surrounding park and gardens into a theme park. They were also planning on adding more dates and times for the sold out trotting tours that ponies from all over flocked to on “Discord Day”.

Again lost in her own daydreams, Twilight snapped out of it when Spike patted her hoof, alerting her to snap out of it. She was grateful that Spike could tell when she was getting too into her head. They had a shared agreement that if Twilight started “Twilighting” as Spike dubbed it, he would give her a discreet tap to bring her back to the present. Without Spike, Twilight wouldn’t know how she would ever make it through a day again without having an anxiety attack or crying.

Suddenly, a loud scream pierced through the room. Twilight was suddenly tackled to the ground, before looking up to see it was one of her most trusted guards, evidently protecting her from danger, as she could see his armor was dented with what looked to be some sharp weapon. The crowd immediately dispersed, and a small group of ponies were left. They were dressed in identical crimson robes, a sick sensation creeping up on Twilight as she realized it was the exact color of bled. Each pony held in their hands a photograph, and as they slowly moved forward, Twilight could barely make out the faces in the photos. She had seen those faces before.

In the photos of the accident that the grieving princess had to view for her own debrief of the tragedy, she could plainly see that the photos that this group of intruders were holding were the same as some of the victims she had seen in one of her meetings months prior. But what was this group here for?

Fortunately, or unfortunately perhaps, Twilight’s lingering question was answered as guards began to swarm the entrance, completely surrounding the small, robed group.

Her most senior guard spoke in a booming voice that could be heard even by the birds outside.

“How dare you endanger the life of our ruler! We should have you thrown in Tartarus immediately!” He bellowed, the anger on his face visible even from Twilight’s hampered view, as she was still being completely protected by one of her guards. She tried to wiggle her way out of his grip so she could get a better view of the group, but she was held down, and her guard whispered for her to be quiet, for her own safety. She didn’t like being told to be quiet, but she instinctively knew that something was very, very wrong.

The biggest pony in the group, who Twilight assumed to be the leader, only snickered at the guard’s anger. “She’s not our ruler.” he said matter-of-factly.

The guard was confused and shocked at the declaration. “What ever do you mean? How dare you question the rulership of Princess Twilight Sparkle!” If it was even possible, his voice got louder.

Even Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, who were themselves also forced onto the ground by guards, were confused. They looked at each other, then to Spike, and then to Twilight, all of them exchanging curious glances. What could that pony possibly mean that Twilight wasn’t their ruler? She was the ruler of the entire Equestria, and had a significant diplomatic and political presence in other territories, like YakYakistan and the Changeling Kingdom. How could anyone deny her rulership? It was such a bizarre statement it seemed comical, like this entire attack was some kind of wedding day prank. No one would be shocked if Rainbow Dash had something funny up her sleeve for her big day, but this seemed too scary, even though the rainbow pony loved a good scare. She wouldn’t ever consider trying to hurt Twilight, even for a prank.

Plus, why would anyone try to remind Twilight of that horrible day just for laughs? It wouldn’t make sense, plus every pony in that group would be liable for jail time by attacking a royal official. The way the large pony had sneered “she’s not our ruler” without such venom dripping from his words made Twilight realise something frightening.

Twilight, Pinkie, Fluttershy and Spike all seemed to come to the same conclusion at the same time.

This wasn’t a prank. It was a warning.

But a warning of what?

Author's Note:

Thank you all for reading this second chapter. I recieved a comment about the graphic depiction of violence in the first chapter. I have added "gore" as a tag, but rest assured that moving forward there will almost certainly not be any more scenes featuring gore. There will be some scenes featuring moderate violence, but nothing graphic or particularly disturbing. I apologize to anyone that was affected by the absence of the "gore" tag in the first chapter. That has been fixed.

Anyway, I sincerely appreciate the engagement I have seen with this story. I hope you are looking forward to more as there are a planned 20 chapters of this story, with an average of around 4,000 to 5,000 words per chapter moving forward. Again, I appreciate the interest.