• Published 12th May 2024
  • 388 Views, 22 Comments

Equestrian Omni-Hero: Omni-kix Adventure - Blaze-saber

Get ready everyone, because this new summer vacation is going to be filled with much new power-ups, new aliens, new villains, new friends, and a new... Antitrix?!

  • ...

Chapter 3: The Antitrix?!

It's been a few days and Helix was pacing around in Twilight's castle in the map room as he looked a little impatient. "When is the surprise coming?" He asked the others who were in the room with him.

“Have patience, Helix.” Twilight said with giggles. “It only be a few days, and knowing Azmuth, Zenith, and Myaxx, they might be putting the finishing touches to them.”

"But you told us that it would be done soon, and we really want to know what kind of surprise it is." Manny mentioned. "You can at least give us a hint as to what it is."

“Trust me, with something like this, it’s gonna be worth the wait.” Twilight assured them.

“Well, we have been practicing and waiting patiently in the Plumbers’ academy, but it’s a bit hard to figure out what it is.” Attea said.

"Is that why you asked Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle to join us and they can bring anyone they want to?" Rainbow asked Twilight while she was flying in the air.

"Celestia, Luna, and Discord will be joining us and this one is going to knock your feathers off, Rainbow." Twilight replied with a smirk.

“Well, it better be. Because I seriously need to get flying then wait around.” Rainbow said impatiently.

“Well, it won’t be long.” Delta said while looking through his badge.

“What makes you say that?” Gallus asked.

“Because according to our scanners, something is entering the atmosphere.” Delta informed, which got the group's attention.

“An alien invasion, again?” Misty asked tiredly.

“Unknown. It’s an unknown craft that I can’t identify.” Delta said before looking at the id code. “But it appears to be galvan tech.”

"That means they're done and they brought it here." Twilight said with a bright smile before Tempest and Spike entered with some bags packed.

“Bags are all ready and packed, Twilight!” Spike called out with a smile.

“So, are we ready to go or what?” Tempest asked.

“Oh, we’re ready.” Twilight said with a smirk. “First, get the CMC and their friends ready. Because the request I made is here and ready.”

"But what the hay is it?!" Applejack asked as they followed her outside.

Once they made it outside, the group had their jaws dropped at what they were seeing while Twilight kept her smirk. Right between the Castle of Friendship and the School of Friendship, a large twin-bladed tilt-rotor aircraft with three blades on each wing. The nose cone and some framework are navy blue, and the cockpit roof is cyan. Dull blue is used on the prop turbines and twin pylons around the sides of the cockpit, plus the rooftop hatch. The tailfin assembly, side pylons, and patchwork up top are silver, and the vehicle is covered in olive and green stripes and panels. The turbines have orange lights and black three-bladed props.

It lowered down as it latched itself onto the mobile base. “Sweet Celestia…” Fluttershy muttered.

The back of the shuttle opened up as Azmuth, Zenith, and Myaxx walked down a ramp that lowered down. “Hello, my Equestrian friends.” Azmuth said with a smile.

“Were you all surprised?” Myaxx asked with a smirk. “Because from your reactions, you were.”

“This is… top ten level 100000 AWESOME!!!” Rainbow called out with a wide smile. “What is this?! Some kind of spacecraft?!”

"Wait, did it just eat the mobile base?!" Pinkie questioned.

“Pinkie Pie, don’t be ridiculous!” Rarity scolded while smacking Pinkie with a newspaper as the cheerful earth pony gave a dopey smile.

“Aw, but I’m so good at it!” Pinkie complained.

"I just thought if I'm going to be the next ruler of Equestria, I should get to know the world and help read the magic of friendship around.” Twilight explained before gesturing to the shuttle. "So I contacted Azmuth and Zenith for a little favor and this is it."

"That's so cool!" They heard a colt called out before they saw the CMCs with Button Mash, Rumble, and Tender Taps run up to them. "I'm really glad we agreed to this!" Rumble said excitedly

“We are going to travel the world flying in that?!” Scootaloo asked in pure excitement. “It will be like flying! WHOOHOO!”

"So, this little road trip is going to be going around the world?" Helen asked Twilight.

“Yes. It’s time we go further and see more sights.” Twilight said with a smile. “I even ask them to make a latch for the mobile base to be attached to. I was thinking of calling it the Omni-Copter.” This only made the others let out groans from that name as it didn't seem fit for them. “What? It’s a good name.”

"I see you've been busy, Twilight.” Celestia mentioned as they saw her, Luna, and Discord walking up to them.

“Oh, my. You certainly have a new ride. Better than that old hot air balloon.” Discord commented before he snapped his fingers to make luggage appear next to him. "It's a good thing I prepared for a big trip."

"Now before you get on, we must make some adjustments as well as some a few modifications." Zenith told them.

“So, you flew this copter all the way here, and yet you wanted to make the final adjustments?” Helix asked with a brow. “I thought it was already finished.”

“Oh, it is. But you can’t be too careful with these things.” Myaxx said to them. “We just need to make a final check up before it’s ready to fly. We teleported from orbit just to get it here.”

"Besides, we still have to wait for Starlight, Sunburst, and Trixie, and we also need to bring some essential items for the occasion." Twilight added.

“Well, we better get started then.” Applejack said while holding up a list. “It’s a good thing you made a list of items we need, Twilight. Especially for a group this big.”

“Well, where are we gonna get so many items at once?” Gallus questioned. “Because last I checked, there’s too many stands in Ponyville to even get around at once.”

"You're forgetting something." Silverstream mentioned before she pointed down to the ground.

Gallus looked down in confusion before his eyes widened as he gave a dull look. “Of course.” He muttered, mentally smacking himself.

“Well, looks like we’re going back to Undertown.” Sandbar said with a smile, which made the CMCs, their friends, and the royal sisters and Discord give confused looks.

"Under-what?" Luna asked them.

"The kids will show you while you get the items on the list while the rest of us get the items up here." Twilight told them.

“Is this Undertown too far?” Discord asked.

"It's actually closer than you think." Azmuth told him before he looked over at Helix. "But do you mind leaving your dog here? We have a little gift for her."

“Really, you got something for Zed?” Helix asked in surprise as Zed braked in excitement as she wagged her tail.

“Yes. Don’t worry. It’s only short. But you’ll see what we gave her once you get back.” Zenith assured him with a smile.

“Well, okay.” Helix said as he then petted Zed. “Now you stay here and behave. I’ll be back.” He said as Zed barked and licked his cheeks. “Heheh, good girl.” He said as he turned to the group coming to him. “Well, time to go underground.”

A bit later, Helix and his friends went down the tunnel as they entered the stand side of Undertown as Celestia, Luna, Discord, the CMCs and their friends looked on in shock. "Wh-When did… how long…?" Celestia stuttered as she was shocked to see an entire underground city filled with aliens.

“H-How long has this city been under Equestria?” Luna muttered in complete shock.

“You know, I have no idea.” Helix said as he turned to them. “Didn’t you guys know about this?”

"N-No, I had no knowledge of any of this." Celestia admitted before she looked at Discord. "Did you know about this?"

"Um I…uh…this…" Discord stuttered with much disbelief.

"I think this place broke Discord." Ocellus mentioned before she noticed an uneasy look on Helix's face. "Are you feeling okay?"

“Y-Yeah. I just… I have this strange feeling that I can’t shake out.” Helix said while rubbing his hoof nervously. “Something I hope I shouldn’t feel.”

"What kind of feeling?" Tender Taps asked in confusion before they heard a laughter, which made Helix stiff even more.

“No way.” Helix said as he turned to the source and rushed towards it.

“Hey, Helix, wait up!” Manny called as they rushed after him, but then stopped when Helix poke his head to a corner. “What up, man?”

“Yeah, why so jumpy?” Sweetie Belle asked in confusion before they turned a corner and saw a dark red unicorn colt, with a black and red mane while wearing a jacket walking up to some stacked cans. The colt then kicked one of the cans on the bottom to make the whole thing fall over before he laughed and walked away. "Hey, why did that colt--"

“That’s no colt, that’s Chrono Clock.” Helix said with a serious tone.

“You know him?” Zs’spoocy asked in surprise as Helix turned to them.

“Chrono Clock was the first bully before Cash and J.T. and he moved a long time ago” Helix started while rubbing his hoof. “And compared to those two, they are better than Chrono Clock, they would even steer clear of him. He’s the reason why I didn’t eat lunch in the cafeteria for three months. He’s the reason for my rational fear of public bathrooms. He was always in the grade ahead of me and he never missed a chance to humiliate me. Like in the hallways, in the lunchroom, in the library, and even in the bathroom.” He then shivered in fear at the bad times he was remembering.

“Wow, compare to him, Cash and J.T. are like good colts.” Misty commented.

“That’s awful.” Helen said as she and the others gave Helix a sympathetic look. “But, what are the odds of him doing down here?”

"I think the real question is how he knows about this place in the first place." Manny mentioned.

"Who knows, but maybe it's time for a little payback now that the tables have turned." Helix said as he pointed towards his Omnitrix.

“I don’t think you should--” Celestia tried to say.

“Celestia, my worst rival and bully is here and I finally have a chance to get even. You think I’m passing that up?” Helix questioned as he walked off to find a place to transform.

“You really don’t know when Helix wants payback, he won’t stop until he does, do you?” Sandbar asked the princess of the sun.

"Trust us, we sort of know how you feel when he gets like this." Attea mentioned before Discord snapped his fingers and he was in a chair with some popcorn.

"Well, this is going to be great entertainment.” He mentioned as Helix followed Chrono and saw Chrono messing with a mannequin. Chrono used his magic to move the mannequin hoof to make it look like it was picking its nose.

"Sometimes it's just the little things in life." He said to himself before he walked away.

"I think it's high time this stinker gets a taste of his own medicine." Helix said before he activated his Omnitrix and programmed Stinkfly. Once he slammed it down, he transformed into his stinky bug alien and flew off after Chrono as he was checking some pillows. “Hey, Chrono, look who's got the power now. Let’s see if you think this is funny.” He said as he shot slime out from his tendril eyes which Chrono blocked with a pillow as he jumped away. "Huh, I'll admit that's a good block."

Chrono landed on his hooves as he gave a smirk. “Well, well, well, how are you doing, old buddy? It’s been a while.” He said while he looked up at Stinkfly. "I saw you a few days ago, and I know it's you, Helix."

"So what if you know who I am? I’ve got more power now than you do now!" Stinkfly told him.

"Yeah, but I got to say that I like your watch." Chrono mentioned before he had a sinister grin. "But the design could be a lot cooler, like mine for example." He added before he pulled up his left sleeve to reveal a familiar watch in the color red and black, with an X symbol.

“Another Omnitrix?!” Stinkfly questioned as Chrono quickly slammed down on the core and he transformed into a different version of Gravattack. The rocks that formed his body were black and red with a purple corn in the center while his eyes glowed red. He had sharp horns on the top of his head while his pants were black and red.

“Cool. This thing was made for fun. Let’s dance, dweeb!” Chrono called while his normal voice was still the same as he charged at Stinkfly, who flew away to dodge him. “Oh, come on, you big chicken! Or whatever you are.”

“The name’s Stinkfly!” Stinkfly called, which amused Chrono.

“What? Seriously? Stinkfly?” Chrono asked as he laughed in amusement. “Only you, man!” He laughed before Stinkfly gave him a look as he fired another slime from his tendrils, which landed in Chrono’s mouth as he felt like he was gonna puke.

"Maybe I should have called myself barf-fly instead." Stinkfly said in amusement before Chrono spit out the goop.

“Okay I'll admit, you got me good on that one.” He mentioned before he looked up at Stinkfly. “My turn!” He called as he formed himself into a ball and flew at Stinkfly.

“Whoa! Easy with--” Stinkfly tried to say before he moved to avoid Chrono’s attack, but Chrono hit a couple of pipes before he landed on a stand with a painful groan as he got out of his ball form. “Seriously? How long have you got that Omnitrix? Because it seems like you’re out of practice with it.” He noted that seeing Chrono’s Gravattack form and how he controls it is like it’s his first time.

“Okay, I admit I haven’t had it long.” Chrono admitted as he got up. “A few nights ago before the summer started, I had this crazy dream that was so real. I have to draw down on what it showed me. And when I did, I realized that they were plans, blueprints for a device. At first, I didn’t want to make it since I had no idea what it was for. But then saw you fighting an alien creep in Undertown and noticed your watch.” He said while pointing to Helix’s Omnitrix. “That’s when I compare my blueprints with your watch. That’s when I realized what I did and then I started making my own. Luckily for me, this little alien town had a few of the components I needed to build it and with a few minor modifications of my own, I’ve got something pretty awesome. The Antitrix.” He explained while showing his Antitrix symbol on his forehead.

"So you built your own Omnitrix and called it the Antitrix?" Stinkfly questioned. "And what do you mean by a few minor modifications?"

“Here, let me show you!” Chrono called as he levitated a large pipe right at him before he jumped up and tackled Stinkfly.

The others then rushed in and saw Stinkfly fighting Chrono. “Is that Helix?!” Discord asked in shock.

“Yeah! But who pony friend fighting?” Yona asked as Chrono and Stinkfly kept flying through some stands.

“That alien looks almost like Gravattack, but different.” Misty noted.

“I thought he was after Chrono.” Smolder said in confusion.

"Uh, I think we should get some civilians to safety and then worry about that." Helen mentioned before they saw Chrono pick up a big pipe before he tripped and he was hit in the head by the pipe by his own gravity power.

"You know, your modifications seem a little bit glitchy." Stinkfly mentioned as he flew up.

“Whatever. I know better than some stupid dream.” Chrono said as he got up and lifted up the pipe. “I just need time to get used to the upgrades.” He said before he levitated the pipe and tossed at Stinkfly, which he dodged before his Omnitrix started beeping.

“Oh, boy. Gotta fly!” Stinkfly called out as he flew off to another part of the vendor stands. “Dang it!” He shouted before his Omnitrix timed out and he fell to the ground. He got up and glared at his Omnitrix. “For a watch, you have a lousy sense of timing. You might be overdue for a little modification yourself.” He said before Chrono ran over at the other end.

"Aw what's wrong, did your powers go bye-bye?" He taunted before Helix started running and he chased after him. Then Helix turned a corner as Chrono tried to turn, but he slipped and slid to the otherside before he got up and ran after Helix.

Helix kept running before Helen rushed in and grabbed him as she and the others were there. “Helix. What’s going on? Who is that?” Helen questioned.

“That’s Chrono! He has a knock-off Omnitrix of his own that he calls an Antitrix!” Helix quickly explained.

"Where'd he get one?" Apple Bloom asked.

"He said he got it from some dream and now I'm waiting for my Omnitrix to recharge so I can take care of him." Helix replied.

“But first you need to figure out how to lure him away from innocent lives.” Celestia said before Chrono smashed through a couple of stands and managed to regain his balance as he turned to Helix and his friends.

“Ah ha! There you are, Watch. Now let’s have some real fun!” Chrono called.

“Lure him out, that’s easy considering he's after me.” Helix commented before he rushed off as Chrono ran after him while smashing some stands as he called in pain.

“Wow, he’s lousy with that Omnitrix.” Button Mash commented. "What exactly is an Omnitrix?"

“Long story.” Ocellus said to them.

“He must’ve just got it if he’s having trouble controlling it.” Lolaxx stated.

Helix continued running and knew he couldn't run for long. "I have to find some place to hide for a bit until my watch recharges." He said to himself before he stopped when he saw something and noticed a few balls laying around. "That should work." He said as he got an idea.

Chrono ran up to where Helix is after nearly tripping, but then he turned and saw a food stand, mixed with normal or alien food as he raised a brow before he continued on before the grape revealed to be Helix with a bunch of balls disguised as a grape before he rushed off.

Helix then ran to a stand and stopped as he leaned on it. “Phew. I lost him.” He said in relief before he saw a young Stinkfly looking at him. There was a bit of Silence before he decided to break it. "Now there's a reason why I'm--" He was cut short when the Omnitrix recharged and the core popped up on its own to show him a different alien icon. "Hey, that's a new one."

Helix then slammed the core down as he transformed into a humanoid alien, a physical being constantly emitting pure, red, radioactive energy. He wears a heavy, dark green-teal oven-like containment suit, with three slits capable of letting out some of his radioactive energy. He has a handle on the head and the shoulders have bolts. There are three more bolts on each hand, and two on the chest while the Omnitrix symbol is on his chest.

"Whoa, this is incredible!" He spoke with a Russian accent. "I never felt so much power before! I think I'll call this guy Power-Oven. No, that's not right. Oh, Impower Suit! That's weak. Energy Thing! Nah, not good enough! How about Mega Power Guy?!"

"NRG." The Stinkfly kid said.

NRG thought for a moment before shrugging. “Works for me. Thanks, kid.” He said as he then rushed off while trying to balance his suit. “Okay, this suit is not good for running. It’s a bit tiring.” He said while panting before he stopped and leaned on his knees. “This is gonna take some getting used to.”

"Hey there you are, Watch!" He heard Chrono called out before he turned to see him up ahead. He came flying right at him before NRG grabbed him and released a laser from the holes in the suit's helmet, which sent Chrono flying back.

"Okay, the suit can stay." He said to himself before he chased after Chrono. "How far did I blast him?" He asked after seeing some crash areas before he stopped when the trial ended. “Alright, Chrono, where are you at, buddy?!”

"Comin' atcha, Watch!" Chrono called out as he was in his ball form and flew right at NRG. The two aliens then wrestled each other in strength before Chrono tossed NRG into another stand. “Are you ready to go again, kid?!” He challenged NRG before he then spit out some lava on the ground, which Chrono stepped on as he yelled in pain. “Ow! That's hot!”

"What, can't handle the heat?" NRG asked with a smug tone. "Then stay out of the kitchen!" He then blasted Chrono through the roof as Chrono used his Gravity Power to pull NRG with him.

The others then ran up to the hole. “Helix!” Misty cried out.

“They’re heading for the surface! Come on!” Luna called as they rushed to the exit.

“Oh, this is an amazing show.” Discord commented while still eating popcorn before floating after the others.

They then resurfaced as both NRG and Chrono were tussling before they rolled down a hill and jumped over a cliff. NRG quickly grabbed hold of the edge on the other side before Chrono grabbed hold of his leg before he could pull himself up. “If I’m going down, you’re coming with me!” Chrono yelled out.

“You and every other bad guy I’ve met said that before!” NRG called as his friends went to the side of the cliff.

“Oh, no!” Apple Bloom cried out as NRG tried to climb up.

“Not so fast, freak!” Chrono called as he pulled NRG harder, which made him slip as he clutched the edge.

Just then, the Omnitrix started beeping. “Oh, not now! I need the power!” He called as he struggled to get Chrono off him. “Let go! I’m about to time out and--” He stopped as he realized what he was thinking. “I’m about to time out. That might work.”

“Come on, loser, I was just getting started having fun with you!” Chrono taunted.

"Well I'm done having fun with you!" NRG replied before his only tricks timed out any chance formed back into Helix. Thanks to that, his leg was short enough for Chrono not to have a good grip as he started to fall down to the river.

“Not cool, Watch!” Chrono yelled as he fell into the water as Helix climbed back up and looked down as Chrono tried to swim. “This isn’t over! I’ll be back! I’ll be back!” He cried out as he was pushed away by the current.

Helix took a breather in relief before he turned to his friends on the other side. Who are all smiling proudly at him as Helix gave a smile with a nod at them. "That was smart, letting his Omnitrix time out to win." Ruby commented.

“My cousin has always figured out a plan.” Misty said with a smile. “He really became a bit more mature when going hero.”

"It does feel like he has his moments." Cozy mentioned with a smile. "Do you think the others are done?"

“Possibly. We have been gone for a bit.” Manny said with a shrug.

Soon, they returned back to the castle with a few things they got from Undertown. “Ah, you’re all back.” Flash said with a smile. “Got everything you need?”

“Yeah. We did.” Ocellus said with a smile.

“And we also discovered a few other things in Undertown.” Zs’spoocy said.

“We were just as shocked that there’s a whole town of aliens right below us.” Celestia said with a smile. “And to think, we know every corner of Equestria.” She then gave an exciting smile. “I know what I’m gonna do when we retire!” She cheered.

“Yes. It is a place we would like to explore next time.” Luna said with a chuckle at her sister’s excitement. “It was an interesting place.”

"Even I'll admit, I did not expect a whole town filled with aliens." Discord mentioned.

"So, you think that chopper ship thing is ready yet?" Smolder asked with a smile.

“Lucky for you, it is ready for launch.” Azmuth said with a smile. “We did our final check and your new ride is ready to take flight.”

"What about Zed, what did you need her for?" Helix asked them before Zen came up to them with some sort of green and white dog collar with the Omnitrix symbol on the front. "Cool collar."

"It's actually one of the earlier prototypes of the Omnitrix." Zenith told him. “Of course, it had no means to be use up until now. And with a few modifications Azmuth, Myaxx and I did with it after hearing about your dog, we finished it and thought you should have it.”

"Cool, but what does it do?" Helix asked them. "I mean I know it turns the wearer into aliens, but what does it do to a pet like Zed?"

“Oh, we know a way.” Myaxx said with a smile. “Go into one of your aliens and whistle to Zed in that form.”

“Uh, okay?” Helix asked as he activated his Omnitrix and slammed it down as he transformed into Heatblast. “Okay, Zed.” Heatblast said as he gave a whistle.

Zed heard the whistle as her ears perked up and the Omnitrix symbol on her collar beeps as it switched to the same Heatblast icon, and then her body began to morph into a pterodactyl like alien that had the same lava rocks as Heatblast all over her body. She even had a saddle on her back as she let out a mighty screech. "Whoa, that's awesome!" Heatblast, Button Mash, Scootaloo, and Rainbow Dash cheered.

“Zed now has her own Omnitrix, which we like to call it: the Omni-Collar.” Azmuth revealed. “When you go alien, all you have to do is call Zed, and if you're in one of your alien forms, she will react and transform into the same species to either give you a ride or help you in battle.”

"Oh man, I'm not going to lie, I'm kind of jealous right now.” Misty admitted with a smile just as Starlight, Trixie, and Sunburst walked up to them.

“Hey, guys. We’re here!” Starlight called out.

“Sorry we took so long. But it took us a while to even get our things ready and closed the school up for the summer.” Sunburst said.

“And the Great and Powerful Trixie usually don’t go anywhere without her things and--” Trixie was cut off as she and her two friends looked and saw the Omni-Copter, Zed, who is in her Heatblast form with Helix and the others as they looked in shock. “Uh, since when did you get a new pet?”

"Heck yeah I did!" Heatblast replied before he timed out with Zed. "Oh and before I forget, is it possible for any creature here in Equestria to make his or her own Omnitrix?"

This brought Azmuth, Zenith, and Myaxx’s attention, as well as everypony else. “What?!” They all exclaimed in shock.

“How is it possible to make a level 20 alien tech here in Equestria?!” Delta asked in shock. “Even with the alien tech out there and in Undertown, it’s impossible!”

“Uh, yeah, we have much to tell you. Especially an old bully of mine, Chrono Clock.” Helix said with a grim tone.

Meanwhile, Chrono climbed out of the water after being swept up by the river as he pulled himself up onto dry land. He panted heavily before he laid on his back just as his Antitrix timed out and he transformed back. “I gotta have to practice my powers before facing Watch again.” He muttered tiredly.

Somewhere in an unknown location, a red monitor was zoomed in on Chrono as a claw pressed a button on a console. "Phase one of the end of the coming storm is in effect." A dark sinister voice said. "The Antitrix has been created, now it is only a matter of time." He then pulled up a familiar blueprints of the Omnitrix as electric red sparks were feeling the room. "And we have the destroyer of worlds to thank for this." He then let out a sinister chuckle as a video image of both Helix and Chrono was shown on two monitors.

Whoever this figure is, he seemed to have interest in both Helix and Chrono, but more specifically, Helix, as the heroes will face a few new enemies this summer.

Author's Note:

This is what the Antitrix looks like in the story and it is my own design:

And if you all are wondering what aliens Chrono will have, it will be the same list as Helix. The only problem is what kind of names Chrono will give his aliens.