• Member Since 11th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Comments ( 120 )

I had no idea that I had written this many omakes, lol.

Yeah our talk went a bit far did it not. hehe

'BEGONE THOT' indeed.

I have only one word for this:


You just gave a trio of the worst natural disasters of ponies a super doping.

For this amount of sap, I would need a frigate.

I don't even know how to comment this

Ok for this to happen I can't wait

There are few things more dangerous than a bored Twilgiht, lol.

Honestly, this scene is going to happen soon in The Twilight Prince (either chapter 5 or 6), although it will probably go down somewhat differently.

lol, it will get interesting.

"Rip and Tear, big brother," shouted the disturbed filly, "Rip and Tear until it is done."

On the first hand, the fight was extremely short and my reader's stomach is still hungry.

On the other hand, I feel like he perfectly dealt with him(it?) as an alicorn raised to kill and tear.

Is he going to have a feast of yak's meat or a few new slaves for his family?

Opaline from G5 vs this world.
It would take about 5-10 minutes before she would ran away.

Yeah, it is kind of short, this one is almost certainly going to get a part 3 at some point in time.

It's a deliberate mirroring of an earlier scene from chapter 2 of The Twilight Prince, where filly Sparkle catches a rat and goes to show it off to Celestia.

Of course not.

But he might rip them to bloody shreds.

Well, it's a bit of a spoiler.

Celestia has no idea what it means to be a descendant of House Twilight and the consequences thereof. Add to that Celestia did a thingâ„¢ to herself which resulted in her basically having the emotional depth of a particularly small teaspoon. So, Sunbutt not only struggles with how to pony but also has a rigid view of the world. Bada-Boom here comes Twilight Sparkle aka square peg to Celestia's round hole of a World View. As Celestia wont to do, she HALPED by basically breaking her toy and using her tried and true tactic of ignoring the problem till it, to her surprise, bites her in the flank later.

No, he is neither a cannibal (yes, yes it isn't technically cannibalism, but the distinction isn't important) nor a slaver.

Heh, you assume she can run away.

There ain't any running away when you're being supplexed by an angry Fluttershy.

You are absolutely right!
I forgot who she is dealing with.

Aye, I couldn't explain it better myself.
I mean, it's not marked 'non-canon', is it. That said, Twilight is going to be very unhappy with Discord.

So now the last question:
When we will see the rest of the chapters?

When I write them, lol.

These are just things I wrote in the comments of The Twilight Prince as a lark.

You made us hungry for more and now you are taking our food?
You monster!

I mean, you could read the main fic.

I read both redux and old.
But that doesn't mean I don't want to read more

Huh, I don't recall seeing any comments by you on them.

I am currently working on the next chapter of Redux (although I am not a fast writer, and chapters are long)

Have you checked out Sympathy for a Nightmare, it's quite a bit different in tone, but it is canonical to The Twilight Prince.

"Tell me, Miss Diamond Tiara, what even is your Talent? Because it's clearly not 'being a princess' given ..." CIV gestured with a hoof at the filly's forehead, "... and ..." she gestured the filly's shoulder. "I mean, you're friend's Talent is easy to figure out, 'born with a Silver Spoon in her mouth' as it is. Although 'having a rich family' is a pretty underwhelming Talent if you ask me. Does she loose her mark if her family goes bankrupt?"

You know, it just hit me that the question she asks is a really good one, for does her mark change if her family lose all their money?

Eh, Marks and Talents are permanent, for better or worse. If a pony is suddenly rendered incapable of using her Talent for some reason ... well it isn't a very happy circumstance.

Ah fair enough. It does make Sliver Spoon a really sad character to be honest.

Aye, CIV wasn't being inaccurate when she called her talent 'pretty underwhelming'.

Oh yeah, both of them are, if they don't learn how to keep their family business going on their own, then they will probably end up with some really bad lives.


Believe me, neither do I have any way to comment! Clearly leaves one with any type of imagination.

A proper Twilight entrance, so to speak...

And we will all look forward to said part three...

Yeah, only gorier. I'm sure THAT gave Celestia nightmares the even her sister would have problems calming...

I believe the word you meant is "context"

However, being a Twilight, he may leave Yakyakistan in a scorched earth way...

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