• Published 19th May 2024
  • 532 Views, 9 Comments

G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo! Legend of the Phantosaur - ponydog127

During the Summer Solstice Festival in Maretime Bay with the dragons attending, the Mane 6 reunite with Mystery Incorporated to solve the mystery of a ghostly dinosaur, called the Phantosaur, who is haunting the town of La Serena.

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Attack of the Ghost Dinosaur

As Misty, Shaggy and Scooby began talking with Queen Silhoutte BlueSky about their previous adventures with one another, the others had arrived at the palentological dig, taking place inside a mine just outside of La Serena.

Shortly after their arrival, they met up with the head archeologist on the scene, Professor Svankmajer, who was a kind woman who had shoulder-long blonde hair, wore an olive-green shirt with an open collar, chest-pockets and rolled-up sleeves, a dark brown belt with a silver buckle, black pants and dark brown lace-up hiking-boots.

In fact, the professor seemed so kind, she decided to take those of the group who had arrived on a private tour of the dig, so Fred could get the layout before he helped out with the dig itself. “Thanks,” said Sunny, “for giving us a tour of your dig, Professor Svankmajer.”

“Don’t thank me,” Professor Svankmajer said with a smile as she took off her hard hat. “I'm just glad to have the help.”

She then led the group over to a dinosaur skeleton within the walls, and Velma instantly began to take photos of it. “Not enough kids are going into the sciences these days,” the professor said, sparing a glance at the college-aged boy dusting the fossils. “They all want to be game designers. Even Winsor here.”

“What?” the spectacled boy with glasses similar to Velma’s turned to look at his teacher. “Just because I took a couple computer animation classes doesn't mean…”

“Oh, I'm just giving you a hard time,” Professor Svankmajer teased as Winsor then turned to look at Velma. “Winsor’s my best student.”

“...he sure is,” Velma said with a loving smile, taking a picture of Winsor itself before moving toward him. “I couldn't help but notice you're working on the left second metacarpal bone… of a juvenile dilophosaurus.”

“I think actually,” Winsor corrected, “you'll find it's the right third metacarpal.”

“I think not,” Velma persisted. “That’s the dorsal surface.”

That’s when both of them touched the bone at the same time, and when their hands touched, it caused them to gasp. “What a fool I’ve been!” Winsor said, not believing what Velma had shown him. “How could I have missed those extensor tendon grooves?”

“Clearly,” Velma said modestly, “mine are the superior glasses.”

Suddenly, Winsor formed a wide smile on his face as he looked at Velma’s glasses more closely. “Oh, my gosh. Did you get those at Spec Masters?”

“Totally!” Velma said, totally lost in conversation as she and Winsor walked off together, with the others looking on, a bit bewildered. “They had the exact same ones at Der Glasslehaus for like twice as much.”

“Der Glasslehaus is such a rip-off.”

“Not as bad as Focus Pocus.”

“Tell me about it!”

And just like that, Mystery Inc's smartest member had walked off with her newfound friend/newfound crush. “Uh… what exactly just happened?” Hitch asked in surprise, only for Pipp to squeal and prance in one place. “Can you believe it?! Velma’s actually found a boy she likes! It’s a real miracle! Now I need to find my sister a boyfriend she actually likes.”

“Hey! I heard that!” Zipp scolded her sister, causing Pipp to chuckle nervously as Svankmajer couldn’t help but smile. “Looks like I've lost Winsor for a while. Do not get him started on opticians,” she told the group. “So, Fred, maybe you could work on this metacarpal.”

“I can help with that too,” Zipp said as she got a brush out from under her wing. “Fred can start on the bottom part of the meticarpal and I can do the top half.”

“Ooh, what can we do to help?” Izzy asked in an ethusiastic tone. “Well, there are certainly more areas around here to check for bones,” Professor Svankmajer said. “Why don’t you ponies split up and cover more ground?”

“We can definitely do that,” Sunny smiled. “And when Misty and our other friends get here, they can help us too!”

“Speaking of which,” said Pipp, checking her phone with a frown, “where are they? They should have gotten here around the same time as us, and that was about 45 minutes ago.”

“Guys!” Shaggy exclaimed as he and Misty came around the corner, surprising the ponies for a moment. “This place is so cool!”

“Yeah!” Misty nodded enthusiastically as Scooby came around the corner, holding a gigantic bone in his mouth. “Check out the bone that Scoob found!”

“Yeah,” Scooby spoke with the bone in his mouth. “Whoa, where did you guys find that thing?” Hitch asked with wide eyes. “It’s huge!”

“It was partially buried in the dirt back there,” Shaggy said, a little confused. “Why?”

“Don’t move!” Svankmajer then said, rushing forward and speaking to Scooby in a cautious tone. “Put the bone down and back away slowly.”

Scooby cautiously did as asked, letting Svankmajer examine the bone with a gasp. “The femur of a massospondylus. This could be a major find! Winsor! Massospondylus!”

Winsor rushed from another part of the cavern he was in with Velma, and studied the bone like Svankmajer did just a few moments ago. “Carinatus?”

“Possibly harriesi!” the professor nodded in response. “Rock on!” Winsor said with a light gasp, high-fiving her just before they turned to Misty, Shaggy and Scooby with wide smiles. “Misty, Shaggy, Scooby,” said the professor, “I'd like to thank you for a significant contribution to paleontology.”

“The study of… pale things?” Shaggy guessed innocently. “...no,” Zipp shook her head, leaving Shaggy to shrug. “Oh.”

“Well, it wasn’t just us, though,” Misty interrupted. “If it weren’t for a new friend of ours lighting the way, we wouldn’t have found it at all.”

“New friend?” Sunny questioned in surprise. “Who’s your friend?”

“Come on out, your highness,” Misty beckoned. “Our friends won’t hurt you.”

Silhouette cautiously came out of hiding from a nearby space nearby, causing many of the group to gasp in surprise. “Is that a Sky Fury?” Winsor asked out of surprise. “I just thought they were myths and legends around here!”

“Guys, this is Silhouette BlueSky-- the Sky Furies’s queen,” Misty explained. “Her whole colony was attacked by poachers, and now her home is destroyed and she can’t find her subjects anywhere around here. I told her that maybe you guys could help us figure out what to do.”

“Oh… we’re so sorry to hear about your home, your majesty,” Daphne said sympathetically. “But, until you’re ready to search for a new home or search for your missing subjects, maybe you can stay with us.”

“Yeah, we always have room left over for new friends!” Izzy said, bouncing cheerfully. “And we haven’t had a queen on our adventure since Pipp and Zipp’s mom!”

“Oh, well… I wouldn’t want to put anyone out,” Silhouette said cautiously. “You wouldn’t be doing anything like that,” Zipp brushed off. “Besides, I’d love to find out more about Sky Furies and what all they can do.”

“Well… if you all really insist…” Silhouette said before nodding. “I accept your invitation.”

“Great!” Pipp smiled as they walked along. “I’d love to get an interview with you for my socials, and I’m sure my sister has some…”

As his friends walked out of sight with the disheartened queen, Scooby suddenly got an idea, picked up the femur bone and buried it lightly in the dirt before giggling and trotting after his friends.

He wasn’t doing anything bad, I assure you-- Scooby was just doing what all dogs do, bury things.

But, they will have a hard time looking for it again under all that dirt.


By the time the group had left the mine, the sun had set and the stars were out, making the queen feel much more comfortable with her surroundings.

Shaggy, on the other hand, was comfortable with the way things were right then, whether it was day or not. “Like, sitting in hot tubs, eating barbecue and helping science? This is the greatest trip ever!” he said to his friends. “And it’s 100% non-scary. I don't even remember what it's like to be…”

Before he could finish, the La Serena mine sign came crashing in front of them, a huge bite taken out of it. “...SCARED!!!” Shaggy yelped out of fear while everyone else stopped in shock.

“Oh my pony,” Pipp gasped, taking pictures of the scene. “What in Equestria could have done THAT?!”

Her question was soon answered when a dinosaur-like figure tossed a giant working machine into the valley below and roared at the top of its lungs-- the same dinosaur that Scooby could have sworn he saw earlier!

Shaggy was the one most terrified, not being able to move at all from his frightened position. “...now I remember!”

“GHOST DINOSAUR!!!” one of the college students who was helping with the dig screamed as the dinosaur leapt into the work zone and roared again, this time, even sending most of the gang, the ponies, Winsor and Silhouette on the run.

However, when they turned back, they found Shaggy, still frozen in place, while Svankmajer seemed interested in the prehistoric ghoul. “Interesting. It somewhat resembles an appalachiosaurus… only glowing and not extinct!”

The ghostly dinosaur let out another roar, and Scooby and Winsor rushed forward to get their friends out of harm's way. “Come on!” Winsor said as he dragged the professor away, just before the dinosaur growled and charged to attack. This caused Scooby to scream and grab Shaggy before running in fright. “Misty, you and Izzy follow Shaggy and Scooby while we get everyone else somewhere safe!” Sunny told the blue and purple unicorns. “You got it, Sunny!” Misty nodded before running off with Izzy on her heels.


Izzy and Misty led Scooby, who was still carrying the dazed Shaggy, to a pushcart and helped their friends onto it before Scooby pushed them all away, with the ghostly dinosaur hot on their heels-- the dinosaur even broke through solid rock in order to catch up to them!

Velma, Daphne, Pipp and Sunny gasped fearfully at this, but as they neared a lever, Izzy got an idea and yanked on it, causing the track they were on to switch and lead into a nearby tunnel where the dinosaur couldn't follow... well, at least until they burst out of the tunnel on the other side, and this led to part two of the chase.

As they watched their friends come out of the tunnel and be chased by the dinosaur again, Zipp growled in frustration before making a decision. “No prehistoric reptile messes with our friends! Come on, guys!”

“Hey, wait for us!” Hitch cried as they followed Zipp and Fred into the Mystery Machine to give chase and save their friends from their prehistoric peril.


“Faster, guys, faster! The dinosaur thing is gaining on us!” Misty urged her friends as they kept pushing the lever up and down repeatedly to try and speed the cart up, while the Mystery Machine chased after them on the path below, ready to strike at the right moment.

The dinosaur continued to chomp at the group with its large teeth, steadily getting closer and closer to them. As Misty, Scooby and Izzy feared they were going to be eaten, Fred swerved the Mystery Machine at the dinosaur, and the ponies and Queen Silhouette slammed into the side of it to give it more power. This ramming caused the dinosaur to slip off the cliff and fall into the ravine below.

Upon seeing this, the unicorns and Scooby sighed in relief. “That was too close,” Misty sighed. “We were almost the dinosaur’s dinner back there!”

“Uh… but we could be cliff consumptions in a matter of seconds! WE’RE HEADING STRAIGHT FOR IT!!!” Izzy shrieked, pointing to the edge of the cliff with her hoof. “Quick, pull on the breaks!” Misty shrieked. “We have to stop before we get to the edge!”


Everyone pulled on the brakes in unison, straining with all their might, and slowly… slowly… slowly…

…they stopped, just before they could hit the sign at the end of the tracks.

The ponies and their friends each let out a sigh of relief as they rushed toward their frightened friends, but Shaggy hadn’t moved since the incident occurred-- and he still had that frightened look on his face. “Oh my goodness,” Silhouette said with a concerned look on her face. “What’s the matter with Shaggy?”

“He’s… broken!” Scooby whimpered worriedly for the sake of his best friend. “He has something called acute-threat-avoidance-hypertrophy disorder,” Sunny explained to the queen, “which is basically something that extends his fears to the highest level.”

“I mean, who WOULDN’T be scared after that whole experience?” Pipp asked with a shudder. “Speaking of which… what happened to old Jurassic face?”

Winsor peeked over the side of the cliff, and seemed relieved when he saw that the dinosaur ghost had vanished from sight, walking further into the ravine. “I think he’s gone, Pipp. We’re safe… for now at least.”

“Well, gang,” Fred declared, “it looks like we have a mystery on our hands.”

“In that case,” said Daphne, “could we scrap that paint off the van? I’m getting sick of riding around in the Mustard Machine.”

“Definitely. But first, we have to get Shaggy taken care of,” Sunny said as she watched Shaggy continue to mumble and twitch, frightened, causing her to sigh. “And we need to do it fast.”