• Published 6th May 2024
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G5 Adventures in The Jetsons and WWE: Robo-Wrestlemania - ponydog127

The Mane 6 travel into the future and meet the Jetsons, and must help them save Orbit City from Big Show, who was imprisoned in ice for 100 years, and Allura, by bringing more WWE stars to the future for a fantastic, futuristic fight.

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Big Show and Allura's Takeover Begins/Heading to the Past

At the same time that Big Show and Allura and Twitch were making a deal to team up, George had flown the car halfway across the city by that point, making the ponies, Vega, Orion and Elroy worried.

What was gonna be Big Show’s next move? They had no idea that he had teamed up with Allura and Twitch, so it was not going to be good when they did find out.

After a few moments, Pipp looked out of the window out of concern. “Um… George? Don’t you think we should go back and help stop Big Show? I mean… it is what we do best.”

“And besides,” Elroy told his father, “this IS kind of our fault.”

“I think the authorities have it under control,” George said nervously. “Meanwhile, I think it's time for a Jetson family vacation. On Mars!”

Suddenly, the car phone began ringing, and the ponies tensed when they saw Mr. Spacely appear on the screen. “Jetson!” Mr. Spacely barked. “I expressly said no surprises!

“I’m sorry,” George tried to scoot out of his line of sight. “George Jetson isn’t here right now.”

I can see you!

“Please leave a message,” George said nervously, “and he will return your call at his earliest convenience.”

Jetson, you’re fi--

Immediately, Vega hit the disconnect button to end the call. “Oops! Lost the connection!” she said nervously before chuckling in the same manner. “No telling WHERE he was going with that sentence.”

“The most important thing right now,” said Hitch, “is getting back to the apartment and figuring out how we can stop Big Show from accomplishing his schemes of world domination!”

“And,” Izzy gulped, “before all of our rears are cooked!”


Within just a few short minutes, the ponies, Vega, Orion, George and Elroy arrived back at the apartment. “Hey, Janey. Great news!” George called to his wife. “I decided you were right. I'm done putting work before our family. So we're going on vacation, right now!”

“Daddy! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Judy suddenly ran into the room, kissing her father before waving her pom poms around. “Your friend Big Show is so cosmic!”

“My friend?” George looked confused. “Judy, why aren’t you at school?”

My history class was canceled, my history test delayed!” Judy chanted, waving her pom-poms around. “The whole school was sent home today 'cause Big Show's gone crazy, and is running wild in the city! Whoo-hoo!

“Huh… you know, Elroy,” Vega said, “only your sister can find a reason to cheer for the apocalypse.”

However, Judy heard this and lightly bonked Vega on the head, causing the cub to meow in protest. “Hold on a sec,” Zipp suddenly realized something. “Judy, how in the world did you know about Big Show’s little, uh… moment?”

“Uh… Zipp?” Orion pointed his paw to the TV, still broadcasting about the events from earlier. “Orbit City News Network brings you an update on the Big Show Rampage.

“Uh-oh...” George and the ponies gulped before they approached Jane, who was watching as Big Show's robots took people into the city jail when they didn't fall in line... and Rolf Rodriguez was covering all of these events. “Rolf Rodriguez, live from city hall, where Big Show and his gang of wrestling robots have taken over Orbit City!

And needless to say, when the ponies saw Jane turn to her husband, they could tell she was less than pleased. “What did you do?”

George gulped nervously, and was about to defend himself, when Rolf suddenly said something that shook them all to the core. “Wait! This just in, folks! It appears that a flying purple wild cat and a rabbit have teamed up with Big Show and his robots as well!

The second this was said, the ponies crowded around the couch to see Allura and Twitch keeping people moving to Time Warp Square, where Big Show was set to make his big announcement.

Sunny immediately gasped upon this. “That’s Allura and Twitch!”

“The evil snow leopard and her rabbit sidekick you told us about?!” Vega blurt out before becoming nervous. “Oh boy…”

“But how in the world did they get here? I thought you said they had no idea about Orbit City!” Judy said as she, Elroy, Astro and Rosie approached. “There’s your answer, Judy! See that star shard around Allura’s neck?” Misty pointed out the glowing shard around the snow leopard’s neck. “That shard has a lot of power inside, and Allura must’ve figured out how to use it to get here!”

“So now we have TWO power hungry bad guys on the loose?!” Orion blurt out. “Actually, Twitch is kinda small, and honestly kinda harmess, so I’d call it… eh, two-and-a-half power hungry bad guys,” George said, trying to be funny, only to get a glare from the ponies. “You know what…? Bad timing.”

“Yes, George,” Pipp said with an annoyed look. “VERY bad timing on your part.”

For further comment,” said Rolf on the TV, “we go to Mayor Mercury.

The mayor in question was now struggling in the grip of one of the robots as he tried to tell Big Show off. “You’ll never get away with this! Uh, someone will stop you!

No one can stop us!” Allura got in the mayor’s face. “And I think Big Show would agree that this future is full of WIMPS!!

You make an excellent point,” Mayor Mercury gulped in fear. “Just as Orbit City fell to us, so too will the rest of the Earth,” Big Show told the people of the city. “From this point on, you will all do whatever we say, or you will face our robots!

All hail Allura and Big Show,” the robots spoke in unison. “All hail Allura and Big Show.

Hail hard,” said the Roman Reigns bot, “and hail often!

Kneel,” Big Show declared, “for the Snow Leopard Queen and the new World Heavyweight Champion of the world!

As many of the people down below stood in complete fear, there was one who decided to stand him for himself... or at least what he thought of Big Show's self-proclaimed title. “That’s redundant!

I believe,” Allura snarled, “he said to kneel!

And before anyone knew it, Allura sent a hypnotic purr down to him, making the man fall under her control within seconds, bowing down low and causing many, including the Jetsons and ponies watching the TV, to gasp in shock. “That’s one little falling star,” the Stardust bot declared. “Who will fall next?

Not wanting to suffer under Allura's magic spell, the rest of the citizens in Time Warp Square got down on their knees as a sign of bowing down to the new rulers. “I AM THE GREATEST GIANT OF ALL TIME!!!” Big Show declared before he and Allura cackled madly… just before George shut the TV off.

And after a moment, George finally spoke to those stunned into silence. “I hear Mars is beautiful this time of year! Shall we…?”

“George!” Jane scolded. “What?” George tried to defend himself. “How was I supposed to know he was an evil, power-hungry madman when we thawed him out?! This is not my fault!”

“Dad’s right,” Elroy stepped forward. “This isn’t his fault.”

“It’s not?” the ponies, Jane and George said in surprise, and Elroy let a guilty look wash over his face. “If I hadn't taken Big Show to school, he never would have found out about Reactor Rollins, and none of this would have ever happened.”

While Astro, Jane and the ponies glanced down at Elroy with a sympathetic look, George was the only one who crossed his arms in disappointment. “Elroy, I am shocked!”

“George!” Astro barked, appalled. “Seriously?!” Pipp and Zipp shouted at once, making George instantly correct himself. “Shocked that you would think this is your fault,” he said quickly, kneeling next to Elroy. “None of us knew that Big Show would turn out to be a future-hating, robot-smashing monster determined to conquer the world as we know it.”

Elroy didn't seem to feel any better with this bit of information, but that's when George decided to get really sincere and speak from the heart. “The point is, Elroy, you tried to befriend him when it was clear he was lost. That makes you a bigger man than him.”

Everyone else smiled at this touching moment between father and son… well, all except Judy. “Yuck!”

“Okay, everyone, listen up,” Sunny said, standing up on the couch to face everyone. “We know how to deal with Allura and get under her fur, but Big Show is an entirely new enemy that we barely know nothing about.”

“It’s true! Pipp’s searched just about every website,” Misty said, “and we’ve found practically nothing! But you know… WWE does sound a little familiar.”

“WWE…?” Pipp hummed, deep in thought. “You know, that kinda rings a bell for me too.”

“Sunny, you guys know Allura better than any of us,” Vega said. “How do you think we should stop her?”

“Vega’s right! If we take Allura and Twitch out,” pointed out Orion, “Big Show might be less of a threat!”

“Well, we haven’t figured out an exact weakness,” Sunny pointed out, “but I do know this-- Allura is usually no match for someone by herself, even with Twitch nearby. Our magic gets stronger whenever we work together as a team, so the more teamwork we have, the better chance we might have.”

Suddenly, the Roman Reigns robot appeared outside of the Jetsons’ apartment building, prompting everyone to gather around the window. “Attention, citizens of Orbit City!

“Oh, my…” Rosie said, finding the robot handsome and good looking. “He’s a handsome bucket of bolts.”

By order of world champion Big Show,” the Roman Reigns bot declared, “everyone is to report to Time Warp Square for commencement of manual labor.

“Manual labor?” George looked panicked. “Like a man? Doing the labor?!”

“At least there’s no such thing as womanual labor,” Judy joked. “Right? Ha ha! Huh?”

“Judy, forgive me for being blunt,” Zipp said with a deadpan look, “but you’re not gonna last a day in the post-apocalypse.”

As Judy huffed at the comment, Rosie suddenly had a thought. “Humans working for robots… I always wondered what that would be like.

“Eeep!!” Vega and Orion yelped in panic while everyone else looked frightened. “Just kidding,” Rosie brushed off. “You know I love ya.

“Ahh… don’t worry, everybody,” George told the others. “We’ve worked too hard to have to work hard.”

Move it, or you will lose it,” the Roman Reigns bot said, moving closer to the window. “Believe that.

“Down!” Zipp whispered, and everyone ducked out of sight for a few moments… at least until George and Sunny peeked their heads out of hiding, seeing that the bot was gone. “Okay, guys,” Sunny whispered. “I think the coast is clear.”

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, and George yelped and clung onto Sunny as the robot appeared on the monitor that the doorbell camera was hooked to. “Exit the apartment and come with me.

On my way, gorgeous,” Rosie told the robot before Zipp stopped her from going forward. “Uh, yeah, sure, be right there. Just have to use the bathroom. Might take a while. Had a big lunch,” George said, moving to the back of the group before whispering. “Follow me. I know exactly how to handle this.”

That’s when the entire group went down the back tube into the parking garage where the car was, and quickly made their escape, leaving the Roman Reigns bot behind. “Alas, my prince,” Rosie sighed. “Twas not meant to be.

“What now, Pops?” Elroy asked from his seat next to Zipp. “If there’s one thing I know, Elroy,” George said from the driver’s seat, “it's when to flee for our lives! Mars, here we come!”

“George Jetson, you turn this car around right now,” Jane ordered. “You have to let the ponies stop Allura and you have to go talk Big Show out of conquering the world!”


“She’s right, George. You’re the one who really thawed him out,” Sunny said, “so you might be the only one he’ll listen to!”

“Sunny, you might know how to stop Allura and that’s all well and good,” George told her, “but I’m telling you-- Big Show? There’s no one who can stop that guy!”

Suddenly, Judy gasped in realization as Pipp showed her information she had found on her phone. “Wait! There is! Or, at least, there was.”

“What are you talking about, Judy?” Jane asked in confusion. “Don't waste your time, Mom. Even she doesn't know what she's talking about,” Elroy shrugged before Judy pulled his baseball cap down. “Hey!”

“We've been studying the early 21st century in history class,” Judy explained, pulling up several images, thanks to her bracelet. “Back then, humans like Big Show battled each other all the time.”

Orion immediately stopped the explanation with shock in his voice. “Are you sayin’ WWE was people?!

“Huge people! Look! Here’s a picture of Big Show that I found online!” Pipp said, showing George her phone. “And it says,” Judy added, pointing to the man next to Big Show, “this man called Sheamus was his greatest rival.”

“Of course, now I remember Shaggy and Scooby telling us about WWE before on one of our earlier missions!” Misty smiled. “I can’t believe we never connected the dots until now!”

“Well,” Hitch sighed, “it’s too bad we don’t have Sheamus to help bail George out of this mess.”

“What would you guys have me do, Hitch?” George asked. “Go back in time and ask for his help?”

“Actually, Dad--” Elroy tried to say. “I mean, you're talking time-travel,” said George. “That’s impossible for anyone besides ponies of your caliber to do.”

“Dad,” Elroy spoke again, “if you and the ponies had seen my science project--”

“Yes, Elroy,” George sighed, “we missed the science fair and I'm sorry.”

“Why?” Judy crossed her arms. “Did you WANT to be bored out of your mind?”

Finally, after everyone had been silenced, Elroy took the chance to explain. “My project hypothesized that utilizing the gravity well of a massive astronomical object could accelerate a spacecraft fast enough to breach the tachyon barrier of the space-time continuum.”

“Um… could you explain that for somepony who’s not a genius?” Pipp asked, causing Zipp to sigh and roll her eyes. “Flying around the moon will slingshot us back in time.”


But immediately after everyone seemed to get what Elroy and Zipp were saying, more Superstar bots appeared behind them and chased them further into the city. “Unauthorized space-car. You are ordered to land immediately.

My prince!” Rosie exclaimed, seeing the Roman bot following them. “Couldn’t eep away from me, could ya, handsome?

“Hold on, Jetsons!!” George said and accelerated the car further into the sky, past some signs (that the robots just seemed to barrel through), until they started to breach the Earth’s atmosphere). “According to Elroy’s calculations,” Vega said, looking at Elroy’s tablet, “you need to go a little faster, George!”

“I don’t need a calculator to tell me that!” George told the leopard cub, and after a moment, Elroy looked at his equation again. “If only I had a timeframe destination for my equation.”

“Judy, take a look at what I just found!” Pipp showed Judy her phone, causing Judy’s eyes to widen with intrigue. “Wow! It says here that Big Show was scheduled to battle Sheamus in Albuquerque, New Mexico, but he never appeared. He vanished from WWE…”

“...exactly 100 years ago today!” Zipp finished with a chuckle. “What are the chances?!”

“Cosmic! Izzy, I need your help!” Elroy exclaimed before he and Izzy leapt to the front of the car and started adjusting some wires. “Izzy, Elroy!” Sunny cried in surprise. “What are you--?”

“I'm jacking the universal precisional system into the space-time de-modulator,” Elroy explained as he did such, “reversing polarity, and setting it for exactly 100 years ago.”

“Will that work, sweetie?” Jane asked. “It will,” Izzy said, “if we work off of theory.”

“We’re dead,” Astro muttered as the robots began to hit them in the rear, causing him to hold onto Rosie tightly. “We’re all dead!”

“Floor it, Vega!” Orion yelled to his sister as the Superstar bots got closer, causing Vega to screech and slam her paws on the button. This caused the space-car to lurch faster and faster toward the moon, nearly pushing the ponies back in their seats. “Everypony,” Sunny screeched, “hold on!!”

Soon, the car began to spin around the moon, faster and faster and faster as the screaming reached its loudest...

...and soon, a flash of light overtook them, sending them to a moment in time where they would find the Superstar help they needed.