• Published 18th Apr 2024
  • 426 Views, 4 Comments

What Happens Now? - Silver Needle

Rainbow Dash asks Fluttershy out. Fluttershy says yes. Cool. Now what?

  • ...

Chapter 1

Author's Note:

I wrote this one mostly as it came to me, which is why it's a little more rambly than normal.


That was the article header. Below it read:

“Fleetfoot and Blaze, long time friends and newly assigned co-fliers, have confirmed that they are now in a relationship. Followers of celebrity speculation and gossip have theorised for a long while that these two pegasi have been seeing one another, due in part mostly to how often they’ve been seen together outside of work. Now it’s official. In this magazine’s exclusive interview with Blaze, she confirmed all suspicions, and gave us the juicy details!

Blaze: Yeah, we’ve been dating for a while now. We both realised we were spending a fair bit of time with each other anyway, and thought “hey, why not?”
Roving Reporter: So would you say that this is a pretty casual relationship, all things considered?
B: Oh, definitely. Neither of us have much experience dating if we’re honest, with how much time we spend working. So we thought we’d just try it out for fun, nothing heavy. See how things go.
RR: Wow, that’s great! So tell us more about Fleetfoot. What caught your eye?
B: Well she’s cute as a button, which certainly helped.
RR: Adorable!
B: And we get along great as friends too. I like to think we’d be a good match romantically too… but that’s why we’re dating, isn’t it? To learn a bit more about what the other is like, and whether we’d be happy being in a more committed relationship. Testing the waters, so to speak.
RR: Are there any concerns that it’ll affect dynamics in the team?
B: There’s been a couple of queries raised, but I hope that the rest of the squad trust us both to handle things like adults. After all, there’s no reason a pony can’t live their life normally and be in a relationship at the same time. And we’re working on some real special tricks for the upcoming Baltimare Air Show.
RR: Oh yes! Tell us more about that!

Rainbow Dash lifted her head from the magazine. “Hey, Flutters?”

“...yes?” Came a distracted voice from across the room.

“Want to go out?”


“Sweet,” said Rainbow, and she flipped the page of her magazine, turning to the much more exciting double feature page on the Baltimare Air Exhibit and Stunt Flying Exhibition. Of course, she couldn’t make it this year, because of clashes with the weather team, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to follow along with all the news. There was talk of Spitfire thinking of retiring - that wasn’t too important, they brought up the possibility every other month and the pegasus never showed signs of slowing down, but there was an interesting section on a minor redesign in the uniforms which she hadn’t heard talk of yet. A different fabric on the sleeve ends, to better improve airflow to the fetlocks. She’d have to remember to ask Rarity about that. The designer was sure to know something about-

“Um, Rainbow?”

She looked up. The pegasus opposite her had stirred from her own magazine (Equestrian Wildlife), and was now looking at her with not a little confusion.

“What’s up?”

“Go out where?”

Rainbow snorted in amusement. “No, no, the other kind of going out. Like dating.”


Rainbow went back to her magazine. Oh? This was interesting. Apparently there was a rumour that Fire Streak would be back for a one time reunion event. She hadn’t seen him fly since she was a filly, but she could still remember his stand-offish, brazen flying style. Heh. Not unlike her own. Maybe the Ponyville weather team would be able to do without her for just one weekend. They’d understand, right? Fire Streak was legendary and maybe this would be his last ever flight! Although come to think of it, this wasn’t his first ‘one time’ event-


She glanced over at the other pegasus. Fluttershy still looked confused, and something told Rainbow Dash that whatever it was was going to take a bit more untangling. She dutifully closed her magazine and sat up.

“What’s wrong? Shoot.”

“Well uh…” Fluttershy shuffled awkwardly, putting her own reading material aside. “It just seems… a bit out of nowhere.”

“What does?”

“You um… Asking me out.”

“Oh! Well, I just thought of it right now actually. It felt like a good idea. Loads of ponies do that, right? Go out with one another. Date. Well, neither of us are dating anyone and so I thought why not?”

“Why not…?” Fluttershy echoed, tilting her head to one side. “You um… want to date… just because we can?”

“Yeah, that about sums it up. It’d be cool, like a casual kind of thing. Nothing heavy, just a bit of fun.”
She looked at her, concerned.
“You uh- you don’t have a problem with me asking, do you? If it made you uncomfortable then it’s totally chill to just drop the topic entirely. We can just forget I even asked.”

“Oh no, I don’t mind at all,” Fluttershy said hurriedly. “But you don’t seem really that um… well, you don’t seem very serious about it. I think normally asking someone to date you is meant to be much more serious than… Well, just asking.”

“Is it?”

“Oh, yes, absolutely,” Fluttershy said earnestly. “Normally it's very emotional. A-and quite dramatic, too. The feelings of one pony reach a point where they can no longer be contained, and all their emotions come pouring out in one heartfelt confession. The other pony realises that deep down, though they would never have admitted it to themselves, they had always felt the same way. Then they both embrace, united with each other, despite all the opposition of their families, and the world. At least,” she added, “that's what I've read.”

“Huh.” Said Rainbow Dash. Somehow she couldn’t quite imagine Fleetfoot and Blaze going through that.

“Quite often it’s raining too,” Fluttershy added.

Rainbow brightened up. “I can do rain.”

“But I don’t think I’ve ever read anything where ponies start dating just because they decide they might as well.”

“Well, there’s no reason we couldn’t, right?” Rainbow asked. “I mean, you like me, right? And I like you. I don’t see why we can’t just skip all that mushy stuff and get to the going out part.”

“I suppose.” Fluttershy didn’t sound convinced.

“And besides,” Rainbow added, “Neither of us have our families or the world opposing us. So we couldn’t do that even if we wanted to.”

“Zephyr might…”

Rainbow pulled a face. “Doesn’t count.”

They sat in silence for a moment or two.

“If-” Fluttershy paused, and when she next spoke it was slowly, as though trying to figure out how to word her question. “So… if you just wanted to date somepony… why did you ask me out specifically?”

“Oh, well um…” Rainbow paused to think. Fluttershy waited, patiently.

“Well to start with, you’re really kind, although that’s the obvious one, given you’re the element of kindness and all.” She rubbed her chin with a hoof. “But you’re also patient and understanding, with animals as well as ponies. You’re dedicated to your hobbies and interests, and your friends as well. You’re supportive, and there for me whether I’m celebrating or going through a rough patch. You always try things with us, even if you’re worried. You help out all over Ponyville, without seeking recognition. You’re probably the bravest out of all of us when it comes to facing your fears. And not to mention, you’re pretty. And soft. And…”

Rainbow trailed off, realising Fluttershy was staring at her, mouth slightly open, with the faintest tinge of a blush. She suddenly felt an uncharacteristic burst of self-consciousness, and hurried to continue. “A-anyway, most importantly of all, we’re already great friends. Best friends, from childhood, even. So, like, I already know that we’d get along well. Hey, if anything you’re overqualified.”

“O-oh. T-that’s… really lovely to hear. Thank you.” The yellow pegasus gave her the smallest of smiles, and Rainbow grinned back.

“Aw, any time Flutters!”

“So... A-are we dating now?”

She scratched the back of her head with the tip of a wing and considered the question. “Well let’s see. I asked you out. And you said you were ok with being asked out. We decided that it was ok if it wasn’t really really serious. And I proved that I have good reasons to ask. So I guess we are! Awesome.”

Rainbow Dash closed her eyes, leaned back into the soft plush of the sofa, and let the feeling of dating somepony really sink in.

It was… calm. It was… relaxing. It was…pretty similar to how she'd felt beforehand, actually. In fact, if she was being completely honest, she couldn’t really tell the difference.

“So if we’re dating… does that make this a date?”

“Oh um…” Rainbow opened her eyes and considered for a moment. “I guess it does! Hey, our first date. That’s a significant milestone already! We’re pretty good at this”

“Yay!” Fluttershy quietly cheered.

“First date, first date.” Rainbow muttered, thinking. She flipped open the magazine again, reading back over that portion of the interview. While it had covered a little about the nature of the relationship, and had confirmed that dates were what cool ponies like the Wonderbolts did, there was precious little info on what said dates actually consisted of. Searching her memories only conjured dusty images of two ponies watching something at the cinema, or sharing hay fries together. That didn’t seem like the right kind of thing.

“Say, Flutters, what do ponies actually do on dates?”

“Oh, well…” the other pegasus thought for a moment. “Well, they go on picnics together sometimes. Or… go flying? Visit an event, if something’s happening. Or just spend time with each other.”

“So just hanging out together?” Rainbow raised an eyebrow. “We do that anyway. Heck, we do all of those things anyway.”

“That’s true,” Fluttershy mused. “If we’re on a date then we should probably do something different. Even though it is very lovely to be spending time together. It is what we do every week.”

“You’re right. That won’t do at all.” She frowned. This was an issue. “If we don’t do something different, then it’s like we’re not on a date at all. And if we’re not acting like we’re on a date, then it’s like we’re not even dating. And if that’s the case, then we’re exactly where we started. There has to be something we can do to set it apart. What’s something that's special for ponies who are dating? That normal friends don’t do, even if they’re super awesome best friends?

Fluttershy made a muffled squeaking noise.

“Sorry, didn’t catch that.”

“Um… well there’s… if you want s-something that only ponies who are dating do then there’s always- um… k-kissing?” The yellow pegasus had turned a pretty shade of pink, burning cheeks now matching the colour of her hair.

“Oh.” For some reason, Rainbow felt her own face heat up as well. “Y-yeah. Kissing. Of course. Ponies do that. Sometimes.”

“S-sometimes they do, yes.”

“Yeah, they sometimes do. Kiss.” It seemed obvious now that she pointed it out. Rainbow chanced a glance at Fluttershy, who seemed to have suddenly become very interested in the floor. “Do uh- do YOU want to- you know-”

“Well, I suppose if we're d-dating and this is a date then…”

“Yeah, it's like. The done thing I guess. Nothing for it.” When had the room become so hot? Rainbow could feel the individual feathers in her wings shivering. Why were they doing that? It was hot, not cold.

“You don't mind…?”

“Oh no, no, not at all.” She put on a brave face. “And you’re okay with-?”

“Oh, um… yes, I think so…”

“Cool,” said Rainbow, and it was cool. It was so cool, and normal for ponies who dated, and casual too, now that she thought about it. Pretty cool and casual.

Fluttershy hadn't moved, so she got to her hooves and trotted over to the other sofa. Normally and casually. It wasn't bothering her, because she wasn't taking this too seriously. And there wasn't really anything to be bothered by in the first place anyway.

“I thought I'd just. You know.” She said, pulling herself up to sit next to the other pegasus. “Cause it'd be difficult to do anything if we were both on two sofas. Haha.”

“Oh, y-yes,” Fluttershy agreed. “Haha.”

Silence, again. Rainbow looked up at Fluttershy. She was vaguely certain that this was a good way to start. Fluttershy, for her part, was not looking back just yet, eyes still firmly fixed anywhere else. She was tall, much taller than Rainbow remembered her being. That didn't make sense. She knew how tall she was, she saw Fluttershy every day.


Fluttershy hesitated for just a heartbeat, then turned to look at her. That was why she looked so tall, Rainbow realised. She saw her every day, true. But not from this angle. Not looking up into her eyes.

“Yes, Rainbow?”

Her breath caught in her throat. She couldn’t speak, didn’t know what words to say. What could she say, caught in a gaze like that, blue eyes that were as soft and understanding as ever, yet now flickered with something unfamiliar and exciting.

“H-how-” she gulped. “How exactly do you kiss someone?”

Dead silence, or as close to silence as it ever got in the cottage. There was the distinct sound of birds from outside, where Fluttershy had set up feeders by the window. The cuckoo clock on the wall ticked with a weary beat that spoke of many worn springs within. Rainbow heard none of it, frozen absolutely still to the spot, unable to hear anything over the rushing in her ears and the beating of her heart.

Then Fluttershy snorted and the moment shattered like glass.

“I'm sorry!” she apologised through laughter even as Rainbow fell into giggles too. “It's- oh my- it's not funny. I shouldn't -”

“No! No it's very serious!” Rainbow snickered, trying to pull herself up and hold a straight face again. “After all, if, if you don't know then- then you'll go to kiss and get close and then, and then just-”

The two pegasi caught each others eyes and fell to pieces again, howling with laughter. It took a while for both of them to compose themselves.
Fluttershy flopped back onto the sofa, shifting to accommodate an exhausted Rainbow leaning into her.

“I'm serious though,” she said. “It sounds like a silly question, and of course I've seen loads of ponies kiss before, but like. I've never looked into the specifics, you know? It's not like it comes with a handbook. And if it did, I wouldn't have read it anyway.”

“Is it that complicated?” Fluttershy sounded faintly surprised. “I always thought it was just like… well, just like um…”

She dipped her head, gently and briefly pressing her lips to Rainbow's forehead. It was a soft gesture, and sent a little tingle through the receiving pegasus. Rainbow recognised it immediately. It was something she'd seen Fluttershy do hundreds of times before. In fact, it was something she herself did, almost daily, when tucking her own little tortoise into bed.

“That's the kind of kiss you give to pets,” she said sternly as the yellow Pegasus withdrew. “Not ponies you're dating.”

“There's a difference?”

“Yeah!” Rainbow said confidently. “Gotta be. I just don't know what it is.”

“Is it not simply the same but, um, on the lips?”

“Well we can try that,” Rainbow said. Feeling surprisingly brave suddenly- wait, no, she was always brave. Feeling a standard level of braveness, with admittedly a few butterflies still fluttering around in her somewhere, she leant up and pecked Fluttershy on the lips.

“Mmph!” said Fluttershy.

“Yeah,” Rainbow agreed, a little red at the tips of her ears as she pulled back. “That's different for sure.”

“Definitely,” Fluttershy said quietly, and with not a little redness warm across her cheeks too.

“Though I still feel like we're missing something.”

She creased her brow at the other pegasus.

“How come you don't know? You read so many of those old sappy romance novels. Surely they kiss all the time in those?”

“Oh, they do,” Fluttershy agreed. “I just, er, I always have to look away at those parts. Otherwise I get too flustered.”

Rainbow raised an eyebrow.

“You have to look away… while reading?”


“You're unbelievable.”

Fluttershy made a sound of offence that, if Rainbow didn't know her quite so well, she might not have heard the playful note in.

“We’ll just have to ask Rarity about it then. I’m sure she’ll know. In fact I imagine she’ll be more than willing to tell us in detail.”

“Asking Rarity it is,” Rainbow concurred. She felt a strange sense of defeat weighing on her.

“This whole dating thing-” she began, leaning into Fluttershy and feeling the reassuring support of another body leaning back, “-yknow, maybe we're not so cut out for it after all. It's a lot more complicated than I thought it'd be. Other ponies make it look so easy. Maybe they just knew what to do on dates, or how to kiss.”

“All of my books and everything Rarity tells me makes it sound nothing but complicated,” Fluttershy said, thoughtfully. “Lots of things can go wrong. Getting together is never as easy as what we just did, and even if ponies do get together, it’s not always simple after that. Er- in fact, most of the time, it gets more convoluted.”

“Seriously? How does everypony do it?” She sighed, resting her head on Fluttershy’s wings as the other gave her a reassuring nuzzle. “I-if you think it’s a silly idea, I don’t mind if we give it a miss. You were right, I didn’t think through it too much, and maybe it's something that needs some thought? Or research or something…”

She tailed off into silence, comforting silence this time, although she still felt a little troubled. Lying like this, she could feel the rise and fall of Fluttershy’s chest beneath her. It was soothing.

“I think,” Fluttershy slowly said, “That normally ponies would give it more thought. Even ponies with a lot of experience. And I’m sure to those ponies starting a relationship like this would seem… silly.”

Rainbow nodded into her wings.

“But you know… we could just do it anyway?”

The cyan pegasus looked up at her. “What do you mean?”

“Well… maybe we wouldn’t be like other ponies. Maybe we wouldn’t have a storybook romance. Maybe we don’t have to do either of those things.” Fluttershy closed her eyes and made a little noise of content as Rainbow’s own wings brushed over her back. “Maybe we could just be us.”

“Us?” Rainbow echoed.

“Just you and I. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Together. Then we can figure out everything else- being in a relationship, going on dates, kissing- we can figure that out on the way, with each other.”

“Being together…” Rainbow considered it. Sure, it was different to the casual dating outlined in the magazine article- but it was different because of who they were. Because of what they meant to each other. A relationship unique to them and them only.

“Do you know what?” Rainbow gently nuzzled the other pony. “I think I'd like that very much.”

Comments ( 4 )

Awww I loved that. Defintely an interesting take on their romance dynamic, I always imagine them being quite different than all other ponies in this regard. The cheesy, mushy confessions just don't fit them at all, their relationship would just grow over time into something more than friendship and one day they would just realise it.
Thank you for writing this, haven't seen a good flutterdash story for a while here and I always need more.

This is so cute I love how you wrote them.

IIRC this exact scenario was a Socially Awksome Penguin meme.

I can’t remember the last time I giggled that much whilst reading a fanfiction dbdjdbbdbd

I love the slow awkwardness of it it’s incredible!!! Brillaint work 💖💖💖

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