• Published 16th Apr 2024
  • 130 Views, 2 Comments

Spike the Brave and Glorious - Troyjan

Rarity gets captured by a gang of old enemies of hers. Spike sets out on his quest to save Lady Rarity on his own.

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Spike the Humble

“I’M SORRY FOR WHAT I DID! PLEASE, LET ME MAKE IT UP TO YOU. I WILL NEVER BOTHER ANY OF YOU AGAIN!,” cried Spike, as desperately flailed his stubby legs through the air. Fido, who was carrying the small dragon in front of him by his arms, did not so much as flinch. After an eventful confrontation with the dragon, Rover was leading Fido and Spot through the dark depths of the Diamond Dog system of tunnels. After a short trip, the group arrived at the deepest levels of the caves. In the nearly completely dark tunnels, Spike noticed a row of rusted metal doors, with small spaces behind each of them. Rover reached into his shirt, took out a ring of several keys, held out one of them, and then unlocked the door to the furthest cell.

“PLEASE, DO WHATEVER YOU WANT ME! I DON’T CARE! JUST LET RARITY GO! I BROUGHT YOU ALL THE GEMS AND BITS LIKE YOU ASKED. I BEG OF YOU, FREE HER AS YOU PROMISED!,” yelled Spike, as he continued to swing his dangling body in a vain attempt to escape.

“ENOUGH!!,” barked Rover, before grasping Spike, taking him from Fido. Rover turned, and hurled Spike with all his strength into the open cell. Spike’s spine impacted the solid stone wall on the opposite side. Spike rebounded off the wall and fell on his face on the cold rocky ground. Rover slammed the iron door shut, and then locked it with the same key. “We will decide what to do with you later dragon! You will wait here!,” scolded Rover.

The three diamond dogs hobbled away, leaving the defeated dragon alone in his dark, cold, prison cell. Spike remained silent after the impact, choosing to stay where he landed, lying face down in the ground. Shame, regret, and remorse overtook his mind, clouding all other thoughts. Had only he listened to Twilight.

Back in the castle of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Starlight Glimmer, as well as Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, were still gathered around the circular table in the map room. Twilight placed down some papers on the table and looked up at her friends. “And that concludes our plan of approach. Let’s just wait a few more minutes for Princess Celestia’s agent, before heading out to save Rarity.

Rainbow Dash perked up upon hearing the news that she would finally be allowed to get up and stop listening to Twilight talking. It was not like Rainbow Dash was entirely paying attention anyway. “It’s about time we get going soon,” complained Rainbow Dash.

“I have been here the whole time. I overheard the majority of your meeting,” called out a voice from the hallway. A rather strange looking pony walked into the small room, immediately catching the attention of the others. “I am designated as Agent 770X of Princess Celestia’s secret services,” said the pony, before removing the badge that was fastened onto the front of the pony’s uniform. The pony then bowed. “I’m at your service Princess Twilight.”

If it were not for the badge and uniform that was worn, it was difficult to tell the identity of Agent 770X, or what work the pony would be doing. The agent’s vaguely official uniform covered most of the body. The agent was also wearing some cloth garment that obscured the head, and dark tinted glasses that covered most of the face. It was impossible for Twilight to tell if the brown haired pony (identified by the few bits of the pony that were not obscured), was a mare or stallion. Agent 770X spoke in an unnatural, monotone voice that did not sound either masculine or feminine. The agent’s clothing covered the flank, obscuring where the cutie marks would be. Upon further inspection, Twilight could not even be sure if the pony before her was an earth pony, a pegasus, a unicorn, a changeling posturing as a pony, or an entirely different species. The identity of Agent 770X was completely obscured. To be safe, Twilight decided it would be best to refer to Agent 770X by title only.

“Great, I was told that you were investigating this case,” responded Twilight. “Would you please inform us on what you found so far, Agent 770X?”

“Certainly Princess,” affirmed Agent 770X. “I examined the bits of hair, scratch marks, and pawprints that you and Rarity’s sister found around the scene. Some group of diamond dogs were most certainly present in Rarity’s abode recently. Following the traces, I found three sets of paws move along the meadows outside Ponyville, and towards a patch of forest. Unfortunately, with all of the activity and smells of the local wildlife, their trail went cold. However, the path I had followed led me towards the general direction of the nearest gem cave and mountain range. With what we know, Rarity is most likely somewhere within the nearest diamond dog colony.”

Twilight nodded affirmingly as she listened. “Were you able to find anything else?”

“I did not find any new tangible evidence Princess Twilight. But I uncovered a few more clues after I finally got that search warrant for Rarity’s home estate. The same canine hair was found in Rarity’s bedroom, proving that the diamond dogs somehow got up there. There was a massive mess of fallen and damaged furniture on both floors of the establishment, confirming that there was some kind of violent confrontation. But most strangely of all, despite there being several expensive items in plain view, nothing was stolen. The diamond dogs were not simply there to get gemstones, because they did not bother to steal any of the gems that Rarity kept. And they were not there solely for revenge, because then they would have had no reason to leave their note. The diamond dogs who were there last night must have been there for Rarity, and nothing else. But it is unclear why the diamond dogs would even choose Rarity as a hostage, given their history with her. And while on the topic, Princess Twilight, may I see that note that the diamond dogs had allegedly written and left?”

“Sure, said Twilight,” levitating the piece of paper to Agent 770X.

“As you suspected Princess, it would be highly unlikely that the diamond dogs had written this note, given what we know about them, and the few pieces of writing Equestria has ever received from them. It is also strange that they happened to know that Spike would arrive earlier today. As you suggested, the diamond dogs most likely would have needed to have some kind of insider information. But who that insider would be remains a mystery. I still have no leads, but I already confirmed that Sweetie Belle is not involved.

“Why would I want my older sister to be abducted?!,” exclaimed Sweetie Belle. “That wouldn’t make any sense!”

“I just wanted to exhaust all the known possibilities. I have seen cases where ponies cooperate in their family member’s crimes, or even turn on each other,” responded Agent 770X.

“Agent 770X, your insight has certainly been helpful. I think it is finally time that we should proceed with our plan to go to the gem caves and search for more clues. With your skills, we might get our answers soon,” said Twilight.

“Finally!,” exclaimed Rainbow Dash, while hovering in the air. Applejack rolled her eyes to her friend’s impatience.

“Before we go, I have one last question that I want to ask you Princess,” said Agent 770X.

“You may ask.”

“Your private assistant, Spike the dragon is often either by your side, or acting upon your request. I expected to find him with you. However, he does not seem to currently be in the castle, or anywhere in Ponyville. Would you happen to know where he would be right now? I want to ask him what he knows about the diamond dogs.”

Twilight tilted her head in doubt. “Spike should be in the throne room where I left him, beside the massive coin bag containing the ransom payment that he gathered. Did you not see him in there?”

“No Twilight, there was no sign of him, or any coin bag. All that I found was a misplaced book on the floor."

Twilight froze, completely confused by what she heard. “Are you sure Spike was not in the throne room? I had him retained within a magical barrier that I made just hours ago, along with the bag.”

“I assure you Princess, he is not there now.”

“Twilight, what is this about a magical barrier?,” asked Starlight Glimmer. “When I arrived, I saw Spike moving around in the throne room. It looked like he was guarding whatever was in that massive bag that he had beside him.”

Twilight’s head slowly turned towards Starlight. Fear and unease started to reveal themselves through her facial expression. “Starlight, I formed a magical barrier around Spike to keep him still, and I made another to secure the ransom payment. Do you mean to tell me that he somehow undid them?”

“When I arrived at the castle, Spike was freely walking around.,” said Starlight. “He told me that you were waiting for me in the map room. He was also wearing that set of silly looking, black and red painted armor, along with his mace and shield. He was holding a book, and seemed to be studying it very closely. He also had a glass bottle of liquid besides him. When I spoke to him, he asked me a question about activating potions. It certainly looked like he was up to something. And there definitely were not any magical barriers that I could either see or detect.”

Twilight Sparkle was completely silent, her body now trembling. She just stared back at Starlight Glimmer, eyes wide open, and in complete and utter disbelief of what she just heard her say. Without another word, Twilight bolted out of the map room, and into the throne room. The other ponies followed her. Twilight let out a loud gasp upon seeing the empty space for herself. All there was to see was one of her atlases, lying open in the middle of the floor.

“Spike, he’s gone!,” exclaimed Rainbow Dash. “And the bag is gone too!”

Twilight ran over to the book that was left on the floor, desperate for any sort of answer to where Spike was and what he was doing. She saw the page that her atlas was left opened on. Twilight let out a gasp of horror. The page covered an area that was to the East of Ponyville, and West of a nearby nearest mountain range. It did not take an investigator to figure out what Spike was up to.

“We’re going after him, right now!,” said Twilight adamantly.

“Now you’re speaking my language Twi,” said Rainbow Dash.

Rover, Fido, and Spot made their way back into Rarity’s cell. The three of them were carrying a massive bag. Working together, the three gently placed it down on the rug in the middle of the small space. Rover undid the knot of rope, keeping the bag shut. With a gentle push, the opened bag tipped over. Upon hitting the ground, an assortment of different gems, as well as a few giant pearls, spilled out of it. Rover’s, Fido’s, and Spot’s eyes widened, as sparkling light gleamed in their dilated pupils.

“By the powers that be, the dragon was not lying!,” said Rover, examining each of the gemstones before him. “It really looks like it’s all here. The real deal.”

“It’s not often one can see so many gems in place,” marveled Spot.

“We’re all going to be even richer!,” gleamed Fido.

Rarity continued to rest on her recliner, hardly bothering to look up from the novel she was reading. “I take it that you got that ransom you requested?,” asked Rarity in a bored tone.

“Yes we did,” answered Fido.

“We were starting to doubt it would happen, but here it is,” said Spot.

The three diamond dogs began to prance about, in a joyful, celebratory manner. Rarity made a huff in annoyance, and focused back to her novel. “Does this mean that I can finally leave soon?,” asked Rarity impatiently. “Honestly, I can barely stand it down here.”

“Uh, just a few more hours Rarity,” assured Rover. “Just as soon as we are done counting and inspected the gems, we will let you go, as promised.” Rarity nodded dismissively. Rover turned back to Fido and Spot, rubbing his paws together. “It’s time to delve into our spoils.”

“ROVER, ARE YOU HERE?! I’VE BEEN LOOKING ALL OVER FOR YOU!,” bellowed a loud, deep, and raspy voice. Rover, Fido, and Spot fell silent. Rarity looked up from her book, being interrupted yet again. Loud paw steps could be heard, as some large creature stomped towards them.

Then, a massive, hairy diamond dog appeared around the corner, and marched towards Rarity’s cell. The canine had thick, dark brown hair on her body. Covering her body was a set of thick steel armor, with a matching helmet covering her head. Contrasting the standard attire usually worn by other diamond dogs guards, was a set of large, silver, diamond studded earrings pierced into her ears, four matching, silver, diamond studded bracelets on each her four ankles, and a complimenting, silver, diamond studded collar around her neck. There was a tiny bit of what looked like red lip stick that had been applied to the front of the diamond dog’s muzzle.

“THERE YOU ARE ROVER! Do you have any idea how long I was looking for you? I really wanted to…,” asked the massive diamond dog, before going silent. Rover, Fido, and Spot froze in place, not moving a muscle. Rarity evaluated the rather unusual looking canine, accidently making eye contact.

“ROVER, WHO IS THIS HARLET?!,” bellowed the larger diamond dog. Rover took a step back, while Fido and Spot stepped aside.

“Excuse me!,” scoffed Rarity, placing down her novel, and standing up. “Just who do you think you are, barging in and talking to me like that?!”

“SILENCE, I will deal with you soon!,” yelled the hulking diamond dog, before turning back towards Rover, and stepping into the cell.

“Now Cloe, there is a very good explanation for all of this,” Rover said defensively, raising his front paws up in protection.

“Oh really, do you care to explain why I find the three of you secretly going off and spending the whole day entertaining this hussy? Do you also want to explain this pile of gems and coins that you so eagerly wanted to show to her? Or how about you tell me why you brought a bed down here?”

Rarity opened her mouth to offer a piece of her mind, but was cut off by Rover. “Mistress Rarity is not… that kind of worker. She was kept down here to help us with getting more gems. All of these are her own things that she wanted here. We were not up to any trouble, honest.”

“SAVE IT,” shouted Cloe. “I can’t believe you would do something like this Rover! And she’s not even a canine, she looks like an Equine!” Cloe looked at Fido and Spot, who were leaning against the opposite cell walls. “As for you two, just wait until I tell the others. You disgust me, all three of you!”

Rarity had enough. She stomped her forehoof, and stepped closer to the towering diamond dog, staring her in the face. “How dare you even imply that I would partake in such filthy activity! Unlike some of you presumptuous mutts, I am a cultured, educated and well respected member of my society. Cloe, or whoever you are, I say you should mind your manners.”

“THAT’S IT!,” howled Cloe, before baring her fangs and crawling forward on all fours. Rover raised his shoulders and arched his back.

Cloe opened her mouth and let out a loud bark, followed by threatening growls. Rover dropped to all fours as well, barking back, and taking a step forward. Cloe made another bark, and leaned ever closer to Rover. Holding his ground, Rover grunted back. Rarity witnessed the two continue to go back and forth with each other, seemingly having some sort of conversation through a series of feral noises, body language, and posing. Looking to her sides, Rarity saw Fido and Spot were nervously watching Rover faced down the diamond dog that looked like she could easily wrestle a bear. After several tense minutes, Cloe fell silent, lowered her shoulders, and flattened her ears.

“I’m very sorry pony,” pleaded Cloe. “It seems that I was in fact wrong about you. It really looked to me that you were making a dirty exchange with Rover. I hope you can forgive me.”

Rarity took a breath, regaining her composure. “That is quite all right. I suppose this all does look a little suspicious. I would be furious if I were ever in your situation. But I promise you, nothing like that is going on here. And just so you know, my name is Rarity.”

“I’ll remember that Rarity. As Rover said, my name is Cloe.”

“I’m hurt that you would even think that I would be so disloyal to you Cloe,” said Rover.

“I did not want to believe it. But I could not imagine any other explanation,” admitted Cloe.

“I know things have been tough these last few days. But I would never do something like that to you. Even after all this time, there has not been a single day I regretted my choice to marry you Cloe. I hope you believe me when I say that you are the only diamond of my life, and that you’re the only one who I would share my hard earned gems with.”

“Oh Rover, you’re still the sweet pup that I met all those years ago. I never should have doubted you.” Rover and Cloe stepped closer to each other. Then, the two canines began to affectionately rub their muzzles together, and held each other in a tight embrace with their forelegs. Spot and Fido smiled. Rarity was baffled by Cloe’s and Rover’s rapid shift in attitude.

“Now, I believe you come looking for us for a reason Cloe,” said Rover, slipping out of his wife’s tight embrace.

“Yes, I wanted to tell you we found out that the some of our food reserves had rotted. Our foragers plan to spend the next few days gathering and catching food. Will that be all right with you?”

“Of course, that’s certainly fine. We found more gems than we expected to find during these last few days. We can let some of us forage,” said Rover, before looking back to Spot and Fido. “Hey, I just remembered that we have another captive that we must check on.”

“Yeah, we should go get him soon, and put him to use,” said Spot.

“Cloe are you still on duty today?,” asked Rover.

“No, the evening shift already ended.”

“If you would be a dear, could you please watch these gems for a few moments? We need to take care of something. You could speak with the captive pony, Mistress Rarity, while we are gone.”

“This should not take long,” said Fido.

“Certainly. I can watch,” responded Cloe.

“Wait, have you captured Spike?,” asked Rarity concerningly. “I hope that you would not be cruel to him. You will all be very sorry if he gets hurt.”

“Don’t worry, the dragon will be okay,” responded Rover. “He just has a small debt to pay us.”

Rover, Fido, and Spot left the cell, and closed the door. Rover turned back towards to Cloe, took out his ring of keys, removed a particular key, and tossed it between the bars of the cell door. Cloe caught the key in her maw. She then locked the cell’s padlock, removed her helmet, fastened the key to the inside of her helmet, and then placed it back onto her head. Rover, Fido, and Spot walked around the nearest corner, and out of sight.

An awkward silence fell between Rarity and Cloe, as they sat beside each other on their haunches. Rarity looked to the diamond dog, and then back to the pile of gems. “You and Rover must trust each other a lot for him to leave you to watch over such a massive sum of gems and bits,” said Rarity. “How long have you two been together?”

“Oh, we’ve known each other most of our lives. Rover is such a sweet canine once things are all fine. Him and his two buddies sure know how to run the colony well. We diamond dogs have been doing very well after he was put in charge.” Cloe tilted her head, sniffed, and took another long look at Rarity. “I am still very sorry for what I said about you, pony named Rarity. Even I must say that you are very pretty. I just got so angry when I saw you.”

“Why thank you Cloe. When striving to be Equestria’s biggest and most famous clothing designer, looking my best is part of my job. Although I must say, out of all the diamond dogs I’ve seen today, you by far have the finest tastes. While your attire might be a bit dull and basic for my preferences, your choice in jewelry is absolutely elegant. I just have to know, where do you get that set?,” asked Rarity, eyeing all of the tiny diamond studded pieces worn by Cloe.

“Oh, these are all gifts Rover gave to me. It’s a really long story.”

Spike sat alone in dark, quite cell, feeling more hopeless than ever. He had already given up on trying to dig through the solid rock around him, bending the thick steel bars in front of him, melting them with his fire breath, and trying to either break or undo the locking mechanism. With no parchment or anything else of use in his confined space, Spike had no way to message Twilight with his magical fire breath. Spike began to wonder what would happen to him, and how long he would last while locked up. The bruise on Spike’s forehead continued to ache, and the newer bruise on his back beginning to hurt just as much. The small cut on his chest that Rover had given him also stung.

Spike’s ears perked up as he heard three sets of paw steps get progressively louder. Before long, three dark, familiar outlines stood in front of the door of the cell Spike sat in. Spike remained silent. One of the shapes took out a ring of keys, undid the lock on door, and then opened it.

“It is time that you pay for what you did to us, dragon,” Spat Rover coldly.

“What are you going to do to me?,” asked Spike, in fear. He was sure that even the diamond dogs were not barbaric enough to torture or kill some creature just for the fun of it. But lately, Spike was starting to question that assumption.

Fido dropped what looked like some small metal tool with a wooden handle. It landed on the solid ground with a metallic clink. The tool appeared to be a lightweight rock pick “You may pay us back with the gems you find,” instructed Rover, menacingly.