• Published 16th Apr 2024
  • 289 Views, 10 Comments

Redemption's Shadow - Whooves235

Sombra has survived death yet again, and with the threat of imprisonment by the princess's has no choice but to seek reformation, and so Blue Crest the Night Guard General takes him in, learning there's more to him then there seems....

  • ...

Chapter 7: A Single Shot

Ponyville Park

The air was cool on their faces as they stepped outside, and the rhythmic clacking of their hooves on the cobblestone echoed around them. The night was warm and quiet with the lights from the streetlamps illuminating the way in front of the two ponies.

"You know, im up almost all the time at night due to work...but there is something nice about taking a night to yourself to just enjoy its beauty..." Blue said, looking around as he admired the surroundings.

"I enjoy the quiet of the evening. The hustle of a city dies down, everything is still. It's easier to breathe and not needing to..." Sombra grew quiet, thinking to himself softly as he stopped himself from speaking.

"Hm?" Blue asked, tilting his head slightly.

"... And not needing to walk the night to find sources of bits, was what I was going to say."

"Oh.." He said, looking to him "...I still am sorry you had to deal with that...its...no way for a child to grow up."

"...My childhood was relatively nice my... young adult years less so, and there is no need to apologize as it is long gone. It is old history." Sombra shook his head and moved forward, walking into the park with the stallion: "I assume this is where you either mug me or murder me." The stallion's dark humor was back in full force.

Blue laughed "Nah I wouldn't be that obvious...first I'd gain your trust and then I'd do it, bit before then I'd make sure to seduce you~" He said, joining in on the dark humor.

"Hm, a stallion after my own cold, dead heart." Sombra quipped back with a dark smile. "Not that you could, ponies stronger than you have tried and failed. Princesses tried, and the only thing I got out of it was a kink in the neck and occasional headache."

Blue chuckled "You'd be impressed on what I can do if I'm all armored up and with my sword" He said "Then again...you are a powerful Unicorn and Umbrum who could very easily overpower me or banish me to wherever you deem fit."

"It's true, I could overpower you... have you at my mercy... Here with not a soul in sight~ Or perhaps you would prefer to do your civic duty and strike down such a terrible villain?" Sombra held his head high, cantering past Blue.

Blue sighed softly "You really are not that bad of a villain Sombra...you have shown me that your trying to change."

"Yes...well most ponies wouldn't give me the opportunity to show them that" He said "There is something however I do want to give to you though...as a thank you for dinner."

"Hm?" He asked, tilting his head curiously "What is it?"

Sombra turned around and trotted back to Blue.


Blue felt the stallion's lips on his own, soft, warm, inviting and demanding, Blue's wings pomfed up in surprise. The stallion felt the warmth of Sombra's lips, his face flustered and hot as he stood there, eyes slightly lidding as he felt Sombra's touch.

The stallion took their time, not feeling the need to rush things. Sombra pushed forward just a little, hoof behind Blue's neck, tongue licking the pegasus' lips. Blue closed his eyes fully as he embraced the stallion's kiss, huffing softly as he felt his tongue against his lips, slightly opening them to invite him in.

It is here that Sombra's touch got a bit firmer, pulling the stallion closer and his tongue slipping in with ease, dancing against Blue's own. Blue let Sombra hold him, the stallion taking comfort in how firm his hold on him was, for some...odd reason he felt safe...as if he knew he wasn't in danger, and just as fast as the kiss happened, it was separated.

"Hhaah..." Slowly Sombra withdrew, with a teasing pat on the cheek: "Good pony~" Sombra continued onward: "Your reward for taking me out to eat."

Blue huffed deeply, slightly speechless save for a breath out "That was...one hell of a reward..."

Sombra smiled to himself and gave the stallion a wry look: "I know."

Blue just stood there, not sure of what to make of what had happened. Did Sombra like him? Surely this was just a gesture of Sombra being a bit lewd...Blue was used to this but...nothing in this regard...Sombra remained silent for a long time, letting the silence comfort them. In his mind, he was content, but not sated. The dinner had done little to quell his hunger. He considered telling this to Blue, but decided against it. "Thank you. It's... refreshing for somepony to treat me like just... a pony."

Blue broke out of his trance, clearing his throat "Hay...everypony deserves a bit of kindness and respect...even if you don't think you yourself deserve it" He smiled "And you know what? Screw what others say...to me? you are a pony..."

The stallion turned his head towards Blue, then quickly turned his head away: "You are being sappy, stop it." Blue could tell from the way Sombra's ears flattened that he was probably a little embarrassed. Blue could feel the way the umbrum sucked in air, almost fluffing up as their emotions seemed to get the better of them, something that seemed to happen often as of recently "You seem to bring out more emotions in me in mere days than I have felt in thousand years. I am... unaccustomed to it."

Blue stayed quiet, not sure how to respond to that, instead he just offered the king a comforting and knowing look that he could continue talking if he wished and that he would listen.

"I am... unfamiliar with these feelings...I had them once long ago...but...it never ended up working in my favor..." Sombra said. It was strange, how such a simple thing could unearth so many memories. It was also incredibly annoying, he huffed softly, and looked to Blue. "What is on agenda tomorrow, Blue? Somepony to visit, I recall?"

"Oh uh...Celestia and Luna are sending one of the Elements to check up on us...im not sure which one though..." he said "Its been an entire month since we have been living together so."

"Hmm... I hope it is not the rainbow one. She is very disagreeable." Sombra took a long sigh, "reminds me of one of my generals. Capable on the battlefield and as a guard, but set off at the drop of a pin. Now, I know I am known for ah, having a temper, but... that mare was a contrarian through and through." In his mind, Sombra was happy to see their house draw near.

"Eh...if Rainbow shows up I'm sure Applejack will as well...im like 90% sure they are an item" he said, shrugging as they approached the house.

"An... item? Ah. Lovers." Sombra smiled a little. "... I... am somewhat intrigued by Applejack. But that could just be my preferences in mares showing."

"Oh yea, those two are lovers, they flirt all the time...then again sometimes ponies confuse there flirting to there constant competitions with one another" He said, the stallion remembering some times he saw the two of them in Ponyville. Upon hearing Sombra mention a preference in mares however, there was...a slight sliver of sadness that came upon Blue's face...which not even he himself realized was showing.

Sombra's eyes flicker to Blue, the Umbrum almost immediately picking up on that sliver of emotion that showed: "... you misunderstand me. I have certain preferences when it comes feminine form. But I am equally attracted to stallions. More, even, occasionally." Sombra let his magic push the door open, entering the dark foyer. "I don't mean preferences as in for mares or stallions. I enjoy both. But I cannot deny that a strong mare does feel ever so slightly... more titillating than a lithe one."

Blue tilted his head "What do you mean misunderstand?" He asked, confused.

Sombra looked to Blue, realizing that the stallion hadn't even been aware of his own emotions showing "Oh...its nothing I just...needed to clarify myself" He said, this would have to be something he needed to test again sometime...was Blue always showing emotions without knowing? "I could regale you with stories of my past paramours... Some historical figures in there as well." He said, smirking slightly.

Blue chuckled "I wouldn't mind hearing about them sometime" He said smiling as he looked to him.

"Mmmh... perhaps tomorrow. It is late and we have a busy day tomorrow. Sacred laws of hospitality dictate a full table, does it not?"

"It does dictate a full table yes, I assume you have something in mind?" Blue asked, the stallion grabbing his keys from his pocket and unlocking the front door, turning on the lights as the two of them made there way inside.

"Mmhm. I admit I will need your help with some of it, but yes."

"So what do you have in mind?"

"Well, they're arriving at... one, right? So brunch..." Sombra tapped his hoof to his chin, explaining the recipes to the stallion in length. "...but I only need you to help with the busy work, mainly setting the table. We will need to wake early, some of it takes time."

"Right uh...I can get to work on the table stuff now" he said, walking over to the dining room table.

"Tomorrow, Blue, tomorrow. You really are tired..." Sombra sighed and smiled a little: "Go take a rest."

Blue yawned, nodding his head "Alright alright...I'll go rest..." he said as he began his descent upstairs "Oh by the way, there is a recipe book in there from Colton Ramsay, he's this famous chef who runs his own T.V show called Kitchen of Tartarus," He said "You can grab some recipes there."

"Duly noted. Sleep well. I'll read that for a while, then head to bed myself." Sombra smiles and watched the stallion ascend to his bedroom. He'd go onto grab the cookbook and skim it for a moment, but when he was certain the stallion was asleep, Sombra took to his shadowy form and slipped out of a cracked window.

The long, fleeting shadows traveling down cobblestone streets, through cracked windows and open doors, through gaps and cracks. Cries and fearful whimpers followed where he went and each one brought the stallion satiety. It brought Sombra very little joy, but he had promised himself he would never starve again. But unlike the cruel king he had been, intoxicated by the realization of how much fear sustained him, now he tried to hold himself back, sampling here and there. A sudden jolt, a momentary awakening from vivid dream, or the sudden chill in a room, eyes that you felt but didn't see. With a satisfied sigh, the stallion slipped in to his room.

Blue would be sleeping soundly at this point when Sombra returned from his night excurses. The stallion smiling slightly in his sleep as he was resting. His gentle breathing quiet and peacefully. Sombra smiled as he passed through, letting his still shadowy hoof gently grace the stallion's cheek. He considered crawling next to the stallion, but settled into his own room instead for tonight. Sharing a bed so early... well, he just didn't want to seem too forceful, now did he? Still...the way this stallion made him feel, it was...unlike anything he had felt in so long...memories fleeing back to Radiant Hope and the way she made him feel all those years ago.

Sombra turned in his bed, facing the wall. He thought about how things have changed...1,000 Years of his life gone, all the ponies he knew dead, and what little ponies who truly loved him where as well...was it so wrong to wish for this happiness again? He wanted to feel it but...it felt wrong for him...as if he didn't deserve it. Why should he? After all...who could love a monster?

Somewhere in Ponyville

Paper Quill stared into the teacup clasped firmly in his hooves, his eyes focused on his reflection in the amber liquid. The warmth had long since left the ceramic vessel, dissipating in the gentle breeze. He couldn’t recall the precise time when he had gotten back from the park. With a sigh, the dejected Pegasus set the cup down on the table, his thirst long forgotten.

Sitting to the left of his drink was his favorite camera, the one that he had used to take countless photos with for the Ponyville Times. Sure it wasn't a huge news company like Canterlot Times or Manehatten Press, but it still paied well enough. A small frown pulled at the corners of Quill’s mouth. He reached out with his left hoof to stroke the cool metal body. The camera was quintessential to some of his earliest and most Importent news stories.

He remembered his first big break, when he was assigned him to cover the wedding of Princess Cadence and Captain Shining Armor in Canterlot. It had been the opportunity of a lifetime for him, and a chance to get his work seen by ponies in high society. He had been ecstatic about the offer and accepted the assignment in a minute. Then the inevitable wedding day had arrived. With the exception of the event’s official photographer, the press had been barred from covering the actual ceremony. The gallery he had been waiting in since the early morning was situated just outside where the newlywed would present themselves to the citizens of Canterlot.

That was when everything had gone wrong. The Invasion, the panic, all of the injuries. That day stuck in Quill's mind for a long time...did it give him his big break? Yes absolutely. Now everypony had heard of Ponyville Times, and knew of him as a reporter. But was it worth it in the end? Taking photos of all those ponies injured and hurt?

That was when he had run into him outside of Canterlot General Hospital, and the moment he had been offered a chance to work again. Still, after all that, his new boss had kept true to his word. When Quill had delivered the pictures, he was paid a very handsome sum and even got him in touch with a studio he could work for. Even with a more-or-less reliable income, Quill couldn’t remember feeling more needed in his life.

His gaze shifted to the innocuous paper slip that led him to the park tonight... Quill frowned, wanting nothing more than to crush the paper underhoof, throw it away, and go back home without a second thought. But if he did that, what would his boss do? Would he really make good on his threat of exposing Quill’s identity? If that happened, would Quill be fired from his job? Arrested? At the very least, he’d gain the mistrust of every pony in Equestria.

He looked to his camera, picking it up and looking at the current photo loaded up. It would be the biggest scoop in his entire career, it would probably get him even higher in the food chain of the news industry. He shook his head softly, huffing. No he had to do this, not just for his own sake, but for Equestria's as well. This was King Sombra...one of the most evil unicorns in history. Ponies had to know what he was up to, and once they knew he had seduced a guard, a general no less. They would have the entire truth.

The young stallion would raise up from his table, grabbing his camera and swinging it around his neck, and grabbing the piece of paper. He would then look to his watch, it was close to midnight. Right on time. He trotted over to the back of the cafe he was sitting at, and approached the old dumpster. Before hearing a voice.

"You got it?"

Quill nodded softly "I have it yes. Just as you said, King Sombra has indeed seduced his guard watcher."

"Excellent...once this prints tomorrow morning, I will have everything I need."

"Sir...are you sure that this is wise? Your already dealing with what's going on in Cloudsdale. Do you really need to have this on-top of that as well?" Quill asked.

"Don't question me Quill. I know what I am doing, and something like this is exactly what I need to happen. It will take the focus of the entire country away from what's going on in Cloudsdale, and allow me to continue my plans"

"If you insist sir..." Quill said "I just hope you know what your doing"

"Trust me...I always know what I'm doing"