• Member Since 17th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago



Try as she might, the weather's just not Rarity's medium.

Set during the events of Magical Mystery Cure.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 27 )

Welcome back to writing! 😁

Good to see you back.

Very entertaining.

Rarity’s thoughts on nominative determinism were not fit for print.

Ooh, took me a second reread to get it, but it was funny both times!

"It was a rare sort of unicorn who found themselves managing the weather."


Oh wow! Sweetie Belle paid so much attention to the previous day! awww! So heartwrenching to see the little sister so worried and Rarity can't really help that much! But she's handling it with grace. Also helps that the reminders aren't causing a headache or any pain, just a disconcerting feeling.

And musings on cutie marks when with just a little rare heh... magic, they can get twisted up like this.

MMC really does have an existentially terrifying premise, doesn't it?

:yay: you're back!

As I understand it, MMC was originally going to be the end of G4 with Twilight's apotheosis.

The unexpected surge of popularity at the time got some of the powers that be thinking which led to the subsequent push into S5-9.

This is why, going back to MMC feels rather awkward.

That was by turns...dark, sad, and heart-breakingly beautiful...

Glad to be back with this! Fingers crossed it's not the only one of its kind.

It's good to be back, and I hope more writing can emerge so I stay.

Thank you! :twilightsmile:


Ooh, took me a second reread to get it, but it was funny both times!

Sometimes, you just jot down a quick opening line, re-inspect the name of your protagonist, and then you realise you're compelled to make a wisecrack about the terms involved one way or another.

Glad you approve of it and of Sweetie Belle's concern. They're a good pair to write for.

It's something the show handled with a light touch, but my word, yes, there's whole depths of existential and identity horror just under the surface if you poke at it. Your whole raison d'etre rewritten, just like that and without your knowing? Good grief.

Back with words! :pinkiehappy:

That's my understanding of the original long-term plan for Twilicorn, aye, before a shift in schemes saw the show change to that. I do quite like MMC and what we got out of it, but a season or two more with unicorn Twilight wouldn't have gone amiss.

Extremely glad to have elicited those sorts of feelings to the story. There's something I adore about a character trying to plug on in desperate circumstances like these, with some (but not quite enough) grace to try and sooth others, and Rarity in this sort of situation was a prim candidate for writing about that.

Ooh, nice to see more horsewords from you, Carabas! Say hello to Raricube, too!

An interesting take on one of the strangest, and most impactful, episodes of the show. Sweetie is a good little sister, even if she can be frustrating at times!

That's your greetings passed on to Cubity. I give her ever-judgemental stare some credit for words finally appearing. :raritywink:

Glad you read this, and concurred on Sweetie's ability to both help and frustrate, in equal and vast quantities.

I didn't join the Fandom until like S6 or S7( hard to believe that it's been 7/8 years) so MMC felt like it got cut off short or something along those lines. Had I seen it knowing that it was originally the ending, it might not have been as awkward.

oh... :fluttercry:

Always glad to see more from you, and this an outstanding return. Melancholic, more than a little horrifying... but still touching in how much the sisters care for one another. (And the question of just what the rest of Ponyville thought of this whole debacle does still linger.) Thank you for this.

A Fluttershy emoticon can speak a thousand words. Glad you read it. :twilightsmile:

Melancholy, terror, and sisterly love. Prior to association with Twilight, Rarity could probably expect to encounter no more than around two of these in any given day. Glad you liked it!

Short and super sweet <33 and welcome back to writing!!

Your return is welcome, and your Rarity game is on point. Welcome back, and thank you for this introspective plunge into the fridge horror of MMC.

Thank you! Happy to be back. :twilightsmile:

Rarity's too excellent an entity to neglect one's game for, and poking at the latent horror of MMC seemed like an entirely fitting outing for her. Glad you approve!

I guess Sweetie Belle hasn't dropped by Fluttershy's to know she isn't there. :rainbowhuh:

I like your horse words funny man

You conveyed the feeling of changing her cutie mark, really really well. The truth there, but just out of reach. The vision in sight yet blurry and hard to see. This is the best fic I've read in a while.

I'm going to steal that ripple in the water line, that's super good.

Sometimes, there's tasks Scootaloo immediately reserves for herself. And sometimes, when you can hear disgruntled wildlife and flustered Rainbow Dash noises from inside Fluttershy's cottage, the best you can do is wish Scootaloo good luck with all that.

Glad you like the horse words. It's a horse-themed joy to dispense them. :twilightsmile:

And glad you reckon I did it justice. It's a tricky sort of situation to try to articulate when you've never actually had a cutie mark yourself, never mind had it change about it on you, but with enough similes, anything's possible.

Good story! Rarity's musings on the implications of the cutie mark swap were interesting, and it was nice to see Sweetie try to help.

Thank you! It was an interesting exercise, trying to get inside the head of one of the six after they'd been subject to the cutie mark swap.

Timeline Located Odds of timeline survival: 30%
What if a fusion of the new cutiemarks with their old cutiemarks occurred?
Would it solve the issue?

Could improve the odds, or drastically worsen them in new and exciting ways. I'm not enough of a clothier/meteorologist to speculate on what happens when you finish off that hemline of compressed stormclouds with a fine stitching of lightning, but I'd be amazed if the news reports on it didn't come with a body-count.

This is a nice stroy and it's good to see you've written a story again.

Thank you! Glad to have written something again.

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