• Published 12th Apr 2024
  • 452 Views, 24 Comments

Words Locked Away - D-20

Only truth can set you free.

  • ...


“This is cruel and unusual punishment!” Smolder pouted as she tried to rip off the bright pink collar from her neck tirelessly.

Connected to this collar was a magical glowing chain. Leading two feet away to a frazzled Gallus who wore a blue collar. Headmistress Twilight snapped these horrid things around their necks because of a few little arguments.

She said that once they got along, the spell would set them free of anger. Of course, Smolder gave her the hot hoof, which only led to that dumb chain connecting her to Gallus. His smug demeanor always got under her scales, so what if she replaced his seed sandwich with kitty litter.

It was funny, Twilight should laugh more.

Now, both were trapped near each other, standing outside the school, trying to formulate a plan to gain freedom. Even if it meant missing their last class, no way was she going to be seen connected to his hip. She couldn't bear the embarrassment of creatures thinking they did this to themselves somehow.

“I feel it cracking!” Smolder's cheeks burned a bright crimson as she strained, pulling the collar with a mighty roar before a few of her claws popped off painfully.

She squealed in discomfort as she waved her hands around. “You really showed that collar, Clawless.” Gallus chuckled as he rolled his eyes sarcastically.

“I don't see you trying anything, Turkey!” Smolder exhaled black smoke from her flared nostrils.

“Watch and learn, Babe.” Gallus took a deep breath, focusing the muscles in his neck.

“You ever wonder how Griffons are never seen in chains for long?” He spoke aloud smugly with eyes closed.

“Oh yes, it keeps me up at night!” Smolder scoffed her lips sneering at the oversized chicken.

“It's because we can inhale sharply and make our necks slimmer to…” Gallus breathed inward before sharply yanking the collar upward, only to yelp loudly as he strangled himself a bit in hubris.

“Hahaha, nice one rooster neck!” Smolder burst into a fit of giggles as Gallus glared at her in anger.

“It obviously shrunk!” He coughed aloud in a raspy voice.

“Excuses, excuses!” Smolder huffed black smoke in his face, his razor claws flashing into view threateningly.

Before either could launch into an all-out brawl on school grounds. The chain flashed like a bolt of lightning, both found themselves tugged ever closer. The chain lost a foot in length, as they ended up even closer in proximity.

“Great, I'm close enough to smell you!” Gallus groaned with annoyance as Smolder narrowed her blue eyes confused.

“What's wrong with my scent?” She scrunched her snout as cheeks puffed up defensively.

“How about it smells like brimstone!?” Gallus made a clear effort to gag aloud.

“Brimstone is a scent of strength and flaming passion!” Smolder bit her lower lip hard, trying to put up a strong defensive front.

The young griffon saw through the ruse easily. His feathers ruffled as his eyes burned with fiery hot cruelty. “I suppose you enjoy the scent of burning garbage too!” Gallus sneered in the face of the dragoness who could only gasp.

In a flash, the enchanted chain shortened once more. Both creatures bumped foreheads with a dull thud. In a moment of dazed frustration, they slid down to the grass below, back to back as silence filled the air around them.

Gallus collected his strength and thoughts, eyes focused on the horizon, dreaming of a long flight to nowhere. Smolder let a delicate stream of white smoke escape her nostrils without a single word. It wasn't until a few moments had passed that Gallus could hear droplets hit the grass below.

“Are you…crying?” He spoke in a whisper.

Smolder lifted a delicate claw to her face, wiping away fresh tears.”What's it to you!? I'm just a hideous dragon who smells like trash.” Her voice cracked as she fought back the urge to sob.

Gallus shrugged his backside tentatively as the seconds raced by in silence. “I like your eyes.” He gave a loud sigh as the back of his head rested on hers.

“What!?” Smolder felt fresh tears trickling down her cheeks.

“They remind me of the sky.- Large, blue, and endlessly beautiful.” Gallus let genuine empathy fill his voice.

Smolder sniffled as those words melted her heart. She felt the fire in her belly spread across her slender frame, filling her with a sense of warmth and calm. She took a moment to catch her breath, letting her heart stop fluttering.

“I don't want to admit it…but I envy your strength.” She let the words drop from her lips slowly in a delicate whisper.

Gallus gave an audible huff in reply.

“It's true, you're never afraid of a challenge and don't care what any creature thinks of you!- I wish I could be so fearless if only for a moment.” Smolder rested against him calmly, her eyes lost in the sky.

With the soft click of a lock, both collars slipped off their necks. Gallus was the first to pull away as he stretched in place. Smolder gathered her scrambled thoughts before standing up clearly flustered.

“I guess all we had to do was be civil, huh?” She turned to face the griffon who nodded along in agreement.

“Seems that way, I'm going to get lost in the sky for a while.” He spoke in a confident manner, as Smolder bit her lip hard.

She had no idea how this one crazy afternoon would change their dynamics. If she were to be completely honest, their friendship as well. Though she didn't want to admit it aloud, he was her friend.

“See you tomorrow…” She began to leave towards her dormitory.

His firm large claw took her own. He pulled her back so they were both face to face in a tender embrace. Heart racing, her eyes locked on his silently.

“I'm back in the sky.” He leaned in to whisper in her ear, lost in those large blue pools once more.

Comments ( 24 )

Awww that was a sweet story between these 2 D20! :moustache:

Welcome back D20, thanks for sharing! :twilightsmile:

Wouldn’t it make more sense to make this story about two mortal enemies? That’s what usually happens in these kinds of stories.

I just wanted a cute rivalry fluff.

D-20 #4 · April 12th · · ·

Thank you, glad to be back.

I'm always down for some wholesome Smollus.

Or least as close to wholesome as these two knuckleheads ever get. :trollestia:

:rainbowlaugh:, best comment ever.

I feel like Twilight needs to get her flank kicked for that collar thing.

But aside from that, the moment between Smolder and Gallus was a bit sweet

BTW D20 quick question! Are you still working on *Come Fly With Me*? Just asking since I love the way you wrote the sibling vibe between Spike/Smolder in your stories! :moustache::heart:

D-20 #9 · April 12th · · 2 ·

She did get a hot hoof, lol.

Meant like without being able to retaliate back to uneven the score

Yes, I'm still working on all main ideas I posted. Just doing these one shots to get the rust off my claws. Or as it's usually known as a warm-up.

My life just keeps getting hectic, I keep wanting to write more. But end up having to work or take care of the house in some way. But I'll keep pushing to put more out there.

That was definitely a pretty cute short story so apparently Gallus and smolder got them self in trouble again and Twilight giving them a enchanted color like one of those putting handcuffs to each other so they know how to get along with each other and of course out of frustrations they kind of made fun of each other and even insulting which it kind of went a little bit too far then Gallus admitted how much he admires smolder and even she was also surprised about it and having their pretty moments and it turns out the color disabled it and they're free but it looks like he wanted to stay with her for a while which this is a very cute story again I like it keep up the good work

Well you got to understand when you have to deal with kids who doesn't get along with each other and causing Havoc around the school and around kids you have to teach them a lesson sometimes and plus they probably don't have handcuffs and besides have you ever watched any of those typical School shows or sitcoms that two people cannot get along with each other and the only way to do that is to put them together in a situation

Yes, more smollus!

Though this was pretty short and ended abruptly. Surely these two have more to say to each other than that?

The collar thing isn't really the right way to do it though.

I have a trilogy of shorts connected to this coming.

Well when you have to deal with kids like that you got to be tough because they never going to learn

The flip from antagonism to compliments came MUCH to sharply for me.

c'est la vie.

I'll work on improving more in that type of aspect in the future. Thank you for the input, appreciated.

You are quite welcome!

:twilightsmile:, I always make sure to add such criticisms to my note list. So I can always re-look back at it to learn.

Not like that though.

Well when you have to deal with something like that you got to be very tough on them I always remember that

Again, not like literally collaring them like that.

Wished Twilight faced proper consequences on that.

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