• Published 5th Apr 2024
  • 288 Views, 14 Comments

My Little Pokemon Silver Spoon Version - Fashionably Late

Finding herself in a a forest with strange creatures and in an alien body, Silver Spoon must go on a pokemon journey in order to return home.

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Chapter 1: One long day

Author's Note:

Hi, hi! This is Fashionably Late, and depending on how the cookie crumbles this is either my second or first fanfic. Did not know that it takes days to weeks to get the ok to publish. Oh well. Gave me plenty of time to write this up. So please enjoy the show.

It was going to be a good day, I decided. The sun was shining, I could hear the wind rustling through the trees and I could smell the morning dew from my open window and breathe in the fresh outdoorsy smell of a brand new day. Yes, it was going to be a good day.


Wurmple? What was a Wurmple?


And what was a Tangela?

I slowly opened up my eyes so the sun wouldn’t burn them and process what I was seeing. I couldn’t see my muzzle for some reason, but I could see grass, dirt, trees, and a giant worm and a tangle of vines.

“Tan, Tangela?”

“Wurmple, Wurm.”

Startled, I sat up and tried to leap away, but my limbs got tangled up and I ended up rolling away from the two creatures. Fortunately, this spooked the worm and vines and the two scurried away from me and into the forest.

“What was that?” I asked, hoping somepony would answer back.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t so lucky.

“Ok then. Where to start, where to start?” I started to lift my forehooves only for ten long worms to rise up to my face.

I was not proud of screaming loud enough that ponies in Canterlot could hear me all the way from Ponyville.

Further study showed that the “worms” were connected to my hooves and I couldn’t remove them. At least my hind hooves remained the same, although I felt something wriggling down there.

A look around showed that I was right next to a shallow river. I managed to trot over to the river to look at myself even though it hurt my hind hooves for some reason. Looking into the river, I saw an alien creature that kind of looked like me. I recognized my violet eyes and glasses easily, and my mane, though slightly disheveled, was as distinct as my glasses.

“What am I?”

I wanna be the very best~

I jumped as I heard a surge of music playing behind me. Spinning around to face the music, I saw an odd white and pink rectangular device that was clearly not there when I was trotting to the river laying on the grass. Peering at the screen, I could see the message ‘Incoming call’ displayed across it along with a pair of green and red circles that said ‘Accept’ and ‘Reject’ respectively.

Tentatively, I poked at the green circle causing the device’s song to be replaced by an oddly familiar voice.

“Hello Silver Spoon, enjoying your adventure so far?”


“The one and many.”

This…this was bad. Discord was a spirit of chaos and if he was involved then I could be anywhere in Equestria.

“I’m going to guess that you’re responsible for sending me to this place?” I asked, trying to make sure he didn’t hear my nervousness.

“Correct! Although there really isn’t a reason for you to be guessing now is there?”


“Oh dear. Looks like a certain someone has a case of dimensional sickness.”

“Dimensional sickness?” I tried to sit down, not liking where this conversation was heading.

“In that case, I’ll make this brief to save on time. A certain pony has been envious of the Cutie Mark Crusaders and all of the adventures that they get to go on and I, as a good samaritan, decided to help that certain pony go off on their own pokemon adventure.”

“That…” That sounded familiar to me. Ever since Apple Bloom met Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo at Diamond Tiara’s cute-ceañera the CMC had gone on so many crusades to find their cutie marks and when they did? Their crusades expanded to helping out other ponies find their special talents, even opening up a Cutie Mark Day Camp to do so. It increasingly felt like I went from antagonist to background pony in their story.

“And that is why I offered you the chance at your own pokemon adventure!” Exclaimed Discord.

“Huh?” I snapped back to attention at Discord’s non sequitur.

“And who could have guessed at how proud you’d make me when you managed to get me to buck starter tradition by issuing you two starter pokemon instead of one…although I will admit to that being recompense for the burns, electrical or otherwise,” Discord trailed off.

“What?” I asked, slowly starting to remember that ordeal.

Discord offered one of five small creatures, pokemon, to accompany me. A small orange dragon shot a stream of fire at me, a blue turtle did the same with a spray of water, and a yellow mouse shocked me. The last two pokemon were a small green quadruped that used vines to pick up my glasses after I dropped them when that electric rodent electrocuted me and a small brown cat/fox thing that licked the burns.

“Yeah, Charmander can be a bit rebellious and Squirtle mischievous, but Pikachu? Tsk, tsk. Well anyway, Bulbasaur are extremely loyal and Eevee are pretty much cute balls of fluff. The two will serve you well on your journey.”

“And where are Bulbasaur and Eevee now?” I asked while looking around the clearing for them.

“Why, it’s a great trick! Check your belt.”

“My belt?” Doing so revealed two red and white balls. I tried to pick one of the two with my hoof, but the “worms” knocked one off the belt and onto the ground where it split in half and released a light. Startled, I jumped back and ended up landing in the river while the light coalesced into the same brown cat/fox that I had just remembered.

“Eevee!” As soon as it saw me it ran up and jumped onto my shoulder.

“What? How?” I asked as Eevee nuzzled my neck.

“Ah, pokeballs. Isn’t it just astounding how pokemon can shrink themselves and fit themselves into such tiny balls.”

“There…there is no way that pokemon can do that,” I said as I pulled myself out of the river.

“Oh? Then I suppose it’s because humans have figured out how to store organic material as data in that universe then?” Discord asked in a teasing tone.

“Humans?” What are humans?

“Hm? You don’t know? Then again it’s not like Twilight to blab about her adventures in the mirror world. Well, allow me to explain. Humans are omnivorous bipeds similar to minotaurs, and that is what you are now.”

So I was human now? And biped? Doesn’t that mean I should be walking on two hooves?

“Feet. Your hind hooves are feet, fore hooves are hands and those “worms” are fingers,” Discord said off handedly.

“Are you reading my mind?” I asked as I tried to stand on two hooves…feet.

“Moving right along, I suggest following the river north to Pallet Town and getting your pokemon checked by Professor Oak before taking the road to Viridian City. Afterwards, you should head down to Viridian Forest and collect some pokemon. Gotta, gotta, gotta catch’em all~”

“...send me back.” I picked the device up.


“I said send me back!” I yelled startling Eevee.

“I will, after your journey ends,” Discord responded nonchalantly.

“And when will it end?” I asked as I glared at the Pokegear.

“When does anybody’s journey end?”

I glared harder at the Pokegear.

“Most people think that a pokemon journey ends at gathering eight badges, and for some that’s enough. For me? So long as there are Gym Badges to collect, my journey shall never end!”


“Oh fine, spoilsport. Just get eight badges from Kanto and I’ll bring you back in time for dinner.”

“And where do I get these ‘Gym Badges’?”

“Oh Silver Spoon, did you think Twilight got to where she is now by having Celestia hold her hoof? The only advice I’m going to give you for now is to check your pokedex. Not only is it your ID card, by the way Silver Spoon wouldn’t pass as a name there so your official name for the time being is Sarah Silverman, but you can learn alot about pokemon using it such as moves your pokemon know and can learn. Tootles!” With that, the device went silent, the screen displaying the message ‘call ended’.

I don’t know how long I was staring at the sky before Eevee’s face was looking down at me. I didn’t even realize I had collapsed onto my back.


“I’m ok.” I reassured Eevee as I got up.

“Eev, Eevee.” Still worried Eevee jumped up onto my shoulder and nuzzled my neck again.

“Thanks.” I think I was starting to understand why Fluttershy liked animals so much.

This…this wasn’t going to be a good day. Not only was I left in the middle of a forest, but I was also turned into an alien, stranded in another dimension and had barely an idea of how to get back home. But it wasn’t going to be a disaster. I at least had Eevee and Bulbasaur.

Checking my saddlebag revealed a compass and map amongst the camping supplies.

“Ok, so Discord said to follow the river north to Pallet Town and have you and Bulbasaur checked by Professor Oak before traveling to Viridian City.” Looking at the map showed that south of Pallet Town was the river and Route 21. Checking the compass also showed that the river flowed from north to south.

“Ok, Eevee even though trusting Discord got us stuck here in the first place, we’re going to follow his advice and follow the river to Pallet Town.”


With a cry of affirmation from Eevee, Silver Spoon began following the river to Pallet Town.

“I wonder what will happen.” Discord grinned at the Pokegear.

“Sir, why are you wearing that ridiculous costume?”

“Hm?” Looking over his shoulder Discord spotted a bespectacled blonde man. “Why, I am an actor and all the worlds a stage.”


"Gather everyone. I want some input for a project.”

It was about two hours before I and Eevee saw Pallet Town after exiting the forest. It was a small farming community and it reminded me more of Sweet Apple Acres than Ponyville. After eating a small lunch, it took us about another two hours to reach Pallet Town.

Upon reaching the town, I asked around for Professor Oak and shortly found myself in his laboratory with a bunch of humans. The only distinct filly among them was wearing a white hat with brown eyes and mane. One of the colts had a blue mane and was glaring at the arrogant auburn maned colt surrounded by cheerleaders.

I couldn’t help staring. There was an actual group of cheerleaders chanting his name. Even Diamond Tiara didn’t have cheerleaders chanting her name back then. Who was this Gary colt, and what sort of name was “Gary”? He noticed me.

“Like what you see? You know, there’s always room for one more on the squad.” He said with a smile.

“Ah, no, thank you,” I stammered. “Really, I’m just here to get my pokemon checked out.”

“Oh, so you’re not here for Starter Pokemon Day?” We all turned to see an older stallion in a lab coat enter the room, pushing a trolley with three pokeballs sitting on it. Each one had a little sticker on it, red, green, and blue.

He had to be Professor Oak, right?

“Hello, dear, what’s your name?” He smiled at me.

“Sarah Silverman, sir.” I was going to continue to trust Discord and accept that my name would sound suspicious here. And with names like “Gary” I was inclined to believe him.

“Hmm, Sarah Silverman?” Did he believe me? He didn’t say anything to imply he did not, nor did he call me out on it though. Was I wrong trusting Discord on this? “What town are you from?”

“Ponyville, sir. I have my pokedex if you want to see it.” I wasn’t sure why the pokedex listed both Ponyville and Equestria if this was supposed to be another dimension. Then again, didn’t Discord mention Twilight’s adventures in a mirror world? Maybe there was a Ponyville and Equestria in this world too? No, that wouldn’t explain the name “Gary”.

“You have a pokedex?” At my nod he smiled. “Ah, splendid then! If you don’t mind waiting, then I’ll give your pokemon a check up after these three here choose their starters.”

“It’s fine, I don’t mind.” I was glad he was accepting my story. The sooner my pokemon get their check up the sooner I can figure out what ‘Gym Badges’ have to do with pokemon.

“Heh, guess Ashy-boy’s out of luck til next year.” Gary snickered, immediately stepping forward and claiming one of the pokemon. “Squirtle, you’re mine!”

“Alright Damien, now you.” The Professor urged the other colt forward.

“Heh, those in the know say Charmander is the best way to go.” He claimed Charmander with a smug grin.

“Guess that leaves Bulbasaur with you.” Gary gestured at the brunette.

“Raising Bulbasaur is simple. They’re perfect for beginners.” The brunette rationalized, picking the pokeball and releasing Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur looked up at the brunette with a searching stare.

“My name is Rey, guess we’re partners now.” She crouched down to seem less intimidating. “I hope we get along.”

“Bulba saur, Bulbasaur.” It nodded with a happy smile.

“Alright!” Professor Oak clapped his hands, getting everypony’s attention. “Gary, Damien, Rey, you’re all set up and ready to go! Sarah, if you would put Eevee and Bulbasaur on the table here I can give them a clean bill of health in no time.” He said, patting a nondescript table.

“Right.” Eevee jumped onto the table as I finally released Bulbasaur, who immediately began a staring contest with Rey’s Bulbasaur.

I was a little confused that a pokedex wasn’t being handed out. Discord said you can learn a lot about pokemon from it. Maybe everypony already had a pokedex? But then why was Professor Oak surprised that I had one? Maybe I shouldn’t question it. Gary offered to admit me into his cheerleading squad one more time and then he and the others left.

“Alright, now let’s get you sorted out then.” Professor Oak then began checking on Eevee and Bulbasaur. He started asking questions, but admitting that I only received the two today mollified him.

“Alright.” He leaned away from Eevee and Bulbasaur. “Whoever gave you your pokemon knew what they were doing. Your pokemon are in tip top shape.”

“Thanks Professor.” I returned Bulbasaur just as Eevee jumped onto my shoulder.

“Professor! Professor Oak!” The doors banged open and a colt in green pajamas came crashing in.

“Ash, so you showed up after all.” I looked between the two of them.

“Where’s my pokemon?” His pokemon? But there were only three pokemon, right?

“Your pokemon?” Professor Oak was just as confused.

“Yes, I'm ready,” Ash nodded determinedly.

“You look like you're ready for bed, not for Pokémon training. I hope you don't think you're going to train in your pajamas.” Professor Oak called out Ash’s attire.

“Oh, no, professor. I got messed up this morning, and I was a little late, but believe me, I'm ready for a Pokémon.” Ash strolled to the trolley that now contained three empty pokeballs.

“I thought about it a lot, and it took me a long time, but I finally decided to choose Squirtle.” Ash picked up the pokeball with the blue sticker. The pokeball opened up revealing it to be empty.


“Already taken by someone who was on time.” Professor Oak intoned.

“Oh, I wish I hadn't overslept. But now I will choose as my pokemon Bulbasaur!” Ash picked up the pokeball with the green sticker only to have it revealed to be empty.


“That one was also taken by a kid who wasn't late.” I really should be going on my way right now, but at the same time I wanted to see what would happen. He kind of reminded me of Scootaloo, just barging in like that. Also, they called foals “kids”? Like goats?

“Oh, well, that's no problem, because my Pokémon will be Charmander!” For the third time Ash picked up a pokeball.

“Ah!” For the third time it was empty.

“The early bird gets the worm, or in this case, the Pokémon.” Professor Oak had to be enjoying this, I thought. He could have stepped in at any time and told Ash that there weren’t any pokemon left.

“Does that mean all the Pokémon are gone?” Ash moaned despondently.

“Maybe next year?” I weakly suggested.

“Well, there is still one left, but I-”

“Professor, I'll take it!” Wait there was one left? Then why not mention it, unless…

“I think I should warn you. There is a problem with this last one.” Professor Oak took out the final pokeball. This one had a yellow sticker.

“I have to have a Pokémon.” Ash said desperately.

“Well, in that case.” Professor Oak started worryingly while handing Ash the pokeball. The pokeball opened up, releasing a yellow mouse onto the table. A disturbingly familiar yellow mouse.


“Its name is Pikachu.” No one noticed as I took a massive step away from Pikachu.

“Oh, it's so cute. It's the best of all.” Ash foolishly said

“You'll see.” Warned Professor Oak.

“Oh, hi, Pikachu.” Ash picked up Pikachu and hugged him.

“Pika.” Pikachu then unleashed what I later learned was a Thunder Shock that would have made its mother proud.

“It's also known as ‘electric mouse’. It's usually shy but can sometimes have an electrifying personality.” It’s official, Professor Oak was enjoying this.

“I see what you mean.” I felt a little bad, but I was so glad that wasn’t me right now.

“Shocking, isn't it?” Was the pun really necessary?

“Now, take these, your pokédex and pokéballs.” Professor Oak held out his hands holding the two items.

“Thank...[ZAPPING] Y-y-you!” Pikachu unleashed another Thunder Shock

“You're welcome!” And Professor Oak was not spared this time.

I walked outside, hoping to make a little distance from the electric mouse and the excitable colt, and found a much smaller but more personal crowd waiting outside. They had a handmade banner with “Good Luck, Ash!” written on it.

“Mom?” Ash came out behind me, staring in shock at the mare at the front of the crowd.

“You left in such a rush you forgot your bag.” She was smiling with tears in her eyes.

This was his mom. These ponies…no people knew him, liked him. He probably grew up here.

While I’d been lost in thought, Ash’s mother had shown him everything she’d packed for him, including rubber gloves and a clothesline. Ash’s mom also shared the same love of pokemon too, because when she finished going over everything with him she’d tried to pick up Pikachu to give it a hug.

Unfortunately, I was standing too close to the crowd to avoid the electric shock.

“O-Ow.” I groaned, picking myself up.

“Vee.” Intoned Eevee.

I meant to walk ahead of Ash, make some distance, get some privacy. But he was literally dragging his pokemon behind him on the clothesline and wearing rubber gloves. It was both sad and hilarious at the same time.

“Uh, you could try negotiating? You know, compromise?” I suggested shyly.

“Compromise?” Ash looked up. I think in his struggle to pull Pikachu along he’d completely forgotten me and Eevee was there, three steps ahead of him.

“Well, maybe Pikachu would be willing to be more obedient if you met him halfway?” I shrugged. I knew Pikachu was a colt since his tail wasn’t heart shaped. On the way to Pallet Town I took the time to look through the pokedex like Discord said. I wanted to know more about the pokemon Discord offered me and Pikachu was among them.

“Vee, Eevee.” Eevee nodded.

“Hmm,” He thought about it for a minute. Finally, he gave some slack on the clothesline and pulled out his pokedex.

I didn’t even listen to what it had to say about Pikachu. I was just shocked by how different it looked from mine. I had learned that mine had a touchscreen and Ash’s didn’t seem to have that. Instead, the screen was a little smaller to make room for a small keyboard. They had to be different models.

Discord doesn’t do things by half it seems.

“You don’t like being confined?” I forced myself to pay attention. Ash looked like he’d struck across the solution. “No problem! Here, let’s get rid of this.” He started untying Pikachu and even went so far as to remove his gloves.

I ran behind a tree.

“Alright, my name is Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town, and I aim to become a Pokemon Master!” He introduced himself. “So whattaya say? Partners?” He held out his hand, friendly and eager.

And, unfortunately, the perfect target for another Thunder Shock.

“It didn’t work.” Ash groaned as he picked himself up. Pikachu, meanwhile, had climbed up the tree I was hiding behind and was looking down at us with a smug expression.

“Sorry it didn’t work out.” I apologized.

“Vee.” Even Eevee was sorry.

“It’s okay, it's not your fault.” He glared up at the tree. “Fine, who needs ya! I’ll get a way better pokemon, just you wait and see!”

This…this was starting to sound like a friendship problem.

He immediately scrambled up and began searching the grass for a pokemon, leaving his bag by the tree. I had no idea how he expected to catch one. Then again, I had a pokemon.

“Um, Ash.” I spoke up to offer Bulbasaur’s services, but I was a little too slow. He’d already found a cream colored bird in the grass and thrown a pokeball at it. It just broke free and scared him off with a gust of sand.

I was going to step forward and reassure him, make my offer, but a rustle by my feet caught my eye. A little purple rat was nosing around Ash’s bag.

“Hey now, shoo!” I scolded it. It jumped in surprise. “You can find plenty of food elsewhere without stealing it from somepony. Now shoo, off you go.”

“Oh hey! A Rattata!” Ash exclaimed. The little pokemon squeaked in surprise and sprinted off, disappearing from sight in mere seconds. “Aw, it got away!”

“You’re lucky it didn’t take any food.” I grabbed his bag and handed it over to him. “You shouldn’t leave your bag unguarded like that.”

“Oh man, it would’ve been a disaster to lose the food Mom packed for me!” He gaped, wide-eyed. “Thank you so much for saving it!”

“Really, it was no trouble.” I laughed. He really was reminding me of the CMC with how earnest he was. “And, if you want, I can lend Bulbasaur to you so you can catch a pokemon.”

“No way!” He denied instantly. “I’m going to catch my own pokemon, on my own! A Pokemon Master doesn’t have someone else catch their pokemon!” He explained passionately. And now I was reminded of Applejack and how stubborn she could be. Like the time she worked herself tired and ended up giving half of Ponyville food poisoning and unleashed a bunny stampede.

“Oookay,” I rolled my eyes. “But you’re not a master yet, and Pikachu doesn’t seem interested in helping you.”

“Vee.” Eevee nodded in agreement.

“That doesn’t matter! I’ll figure out a way to do it!” He declared, stooping down to pick up a rock. I looked where he was aiming. I thought it was the same bird, all I could see was that it had wings. Ash’s aim was good.

Unfortunately for us all, it was not.

“Uh-oh!” He gasped as the red bird took flight, darting between us before we could even move. I fell down and watched it graze Ash again, squawking indigently.

“Unlike Pidgey, Spearow have a more confrontational attitude and will often attack other pokemon and people.” His pokedex informed us.

But the Spearow didn’t attack us next. It attacked Pikachu.

“Hey, Pikachu didn’t throw that rock! Leave it alone!” Ash waved his bag, trying to get the bird’s attention.

“Spearow are often known to be jealous of human-trained pokemon and will go out of their way to attack them.”

“Oh now you tell me!” Ash glared at it.

“Bulbasaur, use Vine Whip!” I threw Bulbasaur’s pokeball at the Spearow when its attention switched to me and Eevee instead.

“Bulba saur, Bulbasaur!” Bulbasaur whipped out a pair of vines and managed to clip one of Spearow’s wings.

I knew Bulbasaur had vines from when he picked up my glasses, but I didn’t know they were a “move” that Bulbasaur “learned” and could use on command until scanning him with the pokedex.

“CHUU!” At the same time as Pikachu let loose another Thunder Shock.

The Spearow fell to the ground.

“You got it!” Ash whooped excitedly.

Spearow gave us a nasty leer as it stood up.

“Spearow!” With a call of its name a flock of Spearow appeared from a nearby tree.

“Uh, think we should run?” Ash asked.

“Pika!” Pikachu was the first to move.

“Bulbasaur, Eevee, return!” There was no way we’d be able to beat a whole flock of Spearow. I put both pokeballs on my belt and took off after Ash and Pikachu.

I thought I was getting an adventure on par with the CMC, not their sisters! If Fluttershy does have as much influence on Discord as ponies say, then I was so going to tell on him when I got back.

“Pikachu, don’t run ahead!” Ash was yelling. “Stay close so I can protect you!”

“He’s not listening!” I panted for air. Pikachu had pulled ahead of us, but that just made it a tempting target for the Spearow to dive bomb. They were raking Pikachu’s back with their talons.

“Hey, get off him!” Ash leapt forward, snarling at the attacking pokemon. He used his own arms to bat the Spearow off, then gathered Pikachu in his arms before clambering to his feet again.

“We have to get away from them!” He told me.

“No duh, but how?” There was a lot of open field for us to be chased in.

“This way!” He grabbed my hoof…hand and pulled me off the path. I didn’t have any choice but to trust him. Now and then Spearow would dive at us, giving us cuts and scratches with their talons. We were lucky none of the Spearow were using actual moves on us.

I was running out of steam and out of faith. I was about ready to release Bulbasaur and Eevee again stand our ground when I saw what Ash had us running towards.

“That’s a cliff!” I screamed. I would’ve stopped running if a Spearow hadn’t come close to taking my ear off.

“Trust me!”

And can you believe it? I actually did.

When I thought of the phrase “If all your friends were jumping off a cliff, would you do it too?” my response would have been “Diamond Tiara would never do that.” So, what did that make Ash then?

It was way too early in the season to be swimming. The cold stole my air and it was only Ash’s grip on my wrist that kept me from panicking and losing track of the surface. A large reddish-orange fish swam directly in front of my face and I swear I caught a glimpse of a giant sea serpent before we surfaced.

“Sweet Celestia, Ash Ketchum!” I coughed and spluttered. “I have known you for one hour and already you almost got me killed! One. Hour!”

“Oh my gosh, are you alright?” We both looked up to see a red maned filly kneeling in front of Ash.

“Uh, yeah, I’m fine. Thanks for asking.” He cocked his head curiously.

“Not you!” The filly glared at him. “Your pokemon! The poor thing looks beat up!”

“You should get it to a Pokemon Center as soon as possible.” She told him.

A Pokemon Center? Was that a hospital for pokemon?

“A Pokemon Center? Do you know where one is?” He asked desperately. “Which way?”

I guess it was.

“That way.” She pointed the way.

I heard a sound and turned to look.

“Ash, the Spearow!” I cried.

“They found us!” He turned and started climbing up the embankment. I followed after him with the filly, but we both stopped when we saw him put Pikachu in the filly’s bike basket.

“Hey, that’s my bike!” She screeched.

“Sorry, I’ll pay you back!” He promised, already pedaling as hard as he could.

“Ah, the flock!” They were getting close now.

“Quick, hide!” The filly shoved me behind some rocks. We waited anxiously as the flock passed overhead. When the last Spearow passed us, we sighed in relief.

“Hey!” I flinched away from her. “Your stupid brother stole my bike!”

“He’s not my brother!” I denied automatically.

“Your boyfriend then, whatever! That was my bike!” She fumed.

“Yeah, I know.” I winced. “Sorry about that. But I’m sure if we go to the Pokemon Center you mentioned we could retrieve your bike?” I suggested with a nervous smile.

“He’d better not do anything to wreck it.” She warned me. “Now get up, we’re following him!”

Well, we couldn’t follow him all that far at first. The clouds that had been hanging overhead all day finally let loose, forcing us under shelter. Luckily the filly, Misty, had a rain tarp that she spread over top of us.

“So you both started your pokemon journeys today, but he’s not your brother or your boyfriend?” She questioned me while we waited for the rain to stop.

“I only met him earlier today.” I nodded. “His name is Ash Ketchum and I’ve gotta say, he seems pretty nice.”

Just like the CMC, nice, over excited, and danger prone.

“And he went and got you both attacked by a whole flock of Spearow.” She narrowed her eyes.

“Just because he threw a rock at one of them didn’t mean they deserved to have their eyes gouged out.” I pointed out. “I hope they’re alright.”

“He can put the Pikachu in its pokeball, can’t he? So the Pikachu at least will be fine.” She tried to assure me.

“Except that this Pikachu really doesn’t like pokeballs.” I frowned. “It kept refusing to go inside.”


“Vee!” And speaking of pokemon that don’t stay in their pokeballs, it looked like Eevee wanted out of his.

“An Eevee! You have an Eevee?” Misty squealed at the sight of Eevee and moved to pet him.

“Vee? Eevee!” Something that Eevee was more than happy to accept.

“Yeah, I got him and Bulbasaur today.” I said just as Eevee saw me and decided he had enough headpets and lept onto my shoulder.

“Hey, my name is Misty, what’s yours?” She nudged me.

“My name’s Sil…Sarah. All things considered, it’s nice to meet you.” I must be exhausted if I almost said my actual name. Oh who was I kidding? I was almost killed by an angry flock of birds just because some colt threw a rock at one of them and jumped off a cliff into a serpent invested river! Of course I was exhausted. Was this something Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle’s sisters do constantly? And if so, how do they do it?

“Sil?” Misty caught on to my slip up.

“My friends call me Silver.” I might have slipped there, but I wasn’t going to give her my full name.

“...it’s nice to meet you too.” We shared an awkward handshake under the cover of the tarp. Good, she wasn’t going to question it.

It took three or four hours before the storm died out. We were both frozen stiff and damp. Misty’s good mood had long since flown the coop. She packed away her tarp with more violence than was strictly necessary.

“Come on!” She barked at me. “We’re tracking that boy down and getting my bike back!”

“Coming!” I wriggled my toes in my shoes, trying to get a little more feeling in them. “I hope he made it to the Pokemon Center alright. Those Spearow didn’t look like the type to give up easily.”

“I’m not the type to give up easily either!” Misty marched down the road.

We found the bike. Alongside a Spearow.

Well, the remains of the bike, and an unconscious Spearow.

“My bike!” Misty fell to her knees. “Oh, my poor bike! What has he done to you?”

“I didn’t think Pikachu was that powerful. It must’ve been the rain.” I concluded. There were signs of a battle strewn all about. The road was torn up and singed feathers were mixed in with the mud.

“Wait until I get my hands on him!” Misty heaved her bike onto her shoulders. “Let’s go!”

“Ah, wait for me!” I started after her.


Only to freeze as I heard Spearow regained consciousness.

“Well what are you waiting…for?” Misty spun around to look at me while also catching a glimpse at the Spearow.

“Row…” Turning to face the Spearow I saw it slowly and jerkily stand up, glaring at us all the while.

No, while glaring at me and Eevee specifically

“Sarah, I think you'll have to catch it.” Misty said grimly.

“Catch it?” I asked, glancing at Misty.

“We’re going to the Pokemon Center anyway to catch up with Ash. While we’re there we can get Spearow treated too.” Misty pointed out.

She had a point, although I wasn’t so sure on the catching Spearow part. I mean, couldn’t I just carry Spearow to the pokemon center?


That option was taken off the table when Spearow lifted itself off the ground and began hovering slightly above the ground.

“Right then.” I nodded determinedly. If Spearow wanted to fight then I had no choice but to catch it. Taking one of six empty pokeballs from my saddlebag I threw it at Spearow just like how Ash threw one at Pidgey.

I watched the pokeball wave back and forth. After a few tense seconds, it finally sealed shut.

“Wow, I caught it.” I stooped down to pick it up. “Look Eevee, we caught a Spearow!”


“That’s nice and all, but let’s go already!” Misty roared towards the sky.

The town wasn’t far. Viridian City appeared on the horizon after about thirty minutes. I have to say I was impressed by Misty’s strength. Lugging a broken bike on her back like that without slowing down for anything.

We actually did see Ash at the police station on the edge of town, but he was riding sidecar with an officer. We missed him by seconds.

It did not improve Misty’s mood.

When we finally reached the Pokemon Center I was truly beginning to fear for Ash’s life. She was laughing maniacally as we approached the front door. It reminded me of the time Princess Luna visited Ponyville during Nightmare Night.

I liked Ash, despite the whole Spearow thing, but not enough to go to bat against a filly pushed to the edge because of him. He could deal with the consequences of his actions by himself.

Misty practically lunged for him as soon as she saw him across the waiting room. All without dropping the bike.

“Ha! I’ve got you now! You’re going to pay for what you’ve done!” She declared.

“P-Pay? Pay for…?” His voice trailed off as he recognized the bike. “Oh, that.”

“Yeah, that. How do you expect to pay me back for this?” She seethed.

“I’m really sorry, but I needed to help my Pikachu!” He bowed in apology.

“Ash, where is Pikachu?” I stepped forward, eyeing the sealed doors of the operating room. His glum silence was answer enough.

“It was that badly hurt?” Misty gasped. “Is it going to be okay?”

“I don’t know.” He balled his hands up, shaking. “They haven’t come out yet.”

Conveniently, the light above the operating room door shut off and a nurse and pink pokemon wheeled out Pikachu on a gurney.

The headband and lightbulb was a little weird. Was that something they just used in hospitals here or was it for pokemon? Maybe it was supposed to help recharge Pikachu?

“Your pokemon is going to be just fine.” The nurse informed Ash.

“Really? That’s great!” He bent down by the gurney. Pikachu even seemed a little happy to see him. I would’ve thought getting attacked by a flock of Spearow would make Pikachu even more ornery.

Maybe they reached some kind of agreement. Maybe risking their lives together helped them form a bond. It was a far cry from this morning, that’s for sure.

“Attention Viridian City, an unknown aircraft has been sighted. The occupants are thought to be Pokemon Thieves. Be on the lookout and stay indoors.”

The skylight broke first. We saw two pokeballs hit the floor where they burst open. A large purple snake and a…floating purple ball filled with gas appeared.

“Oh no, not them!” The nurse cried, hugging her pokemon close. “It’s Team Rocket!”

“Team…Rocket?” As in fireworks? Was the name supposed to be threatening?

“To protect the world from devastation,” We saw a silhouette through the smoke.

“To unite all peoples within our nation,” A second one joined the first.

“To denounce the evils of truth and love,” The first became clearer, revealing a mare with a big red mane.

“To extend our reach to the stars above.” The second was a blue maned stallion, holding a rose.

“Jessie!” The mare proclaimed.

“James!” The stallion followed.

“Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!” Jessie laughed.

“Surrender now or prepare to fight!” James smirked.

“Meowth, that’s right!” The Meowth spoke.

“Did that pokemon just talk or…?” I blinked.

“Be careful, those two are pokemon thieves!” The nurse warned us.

“Well they’re not getting my Pikachu!” Ash growled threateningly.

“Oh please,” Jessie scoffed. “Why would we waste our time with an electric rat like that? We only go after rare and powerful pokemon.”
“Like that furball over there.” Meowth pointed towards Eevee.

“Vee.” Eevee flinched into my neck.

“This is a Center for weak and injured pokemon!” The nurse argued.

“That may be so,” Jessie allowed. “But I don’t doubt that we’ll find a few pearls among the swine. And on that note, Ekans! Attack!”

“Run for it!” Misty screamed. The nurse led the way and Ash pushed the gurney. We darted into the operation room, then through another set of doors to a hallway. The nurse opened a door on the left and we barely got the door shut and locked when we heard the Ekans and the other one come after us.

“What are we going to do?” Misty leaned against the door. She was shaking as badly as I was. “The power’s gone out!”

“Emergency protocols, the first thing we have to do is ensure the safety of the patients.” The nurse stepped up. “To do that, I’ll get the emergency generator up and running.”

“Can I trust you kids to build up a barricade in front of the door?” She asked us.

“You’ve got it, Nurse Joy.” Ash promised.

While we started moving pokeballs off the shelves and onto a small conveyor belt she pointed out to us, Nurse Joy walked into a sealed off part of the room and released a dozen more pikachu from their pokeballs. They started running on a little treadmill, generating electricity to get the lights back on and have the computer reboot.

“This is the Viridian City Pokemon Center, following emergency evacuation protocols. Please respond.” Nurse Joy tried to reach another Center while we continued piling up our barricade.

“This is the Pewter City Pokemon Center, we’ve received your distress call and stand ready to accept pokemon.” A voice on the other line announced.

“Beginning teleportation.” The big machine I hadn’t noticed suddenly went active. The conveyor belt we’d been putting the pokeballs on started moving.

“That’s…a teleporter?” The machine took up half the room. I didn’t know humans could use magic here. Sweetie Belle said that Twilight told Rarity, who told Sweetie Belle, that Twilight couldn’t use her magic in the mirror world. Different worlds, different rules I guess.

“Whoa, it’s amazing! Look, the pokeballs are disappearing!” Ash leaned in to take a better look.

We didn’t have a lot of time to marvel. Our barricade shook as something pounded against the door. The three of us rushed to reinforce it.

“It’s no good! We can’t hold them back!” Misty grunted as another slam knocked us back before we could react.

“Line in the sand, people!” I snapped, freeing up one hand to call out Bulbasaur. “I’m not going to give up my pokemon without a fight.”

“Bulbasaur, first pokemon you see when this door opens, Vine Whip. Eevee, Tackle the other one.” I ordered.

“Bulbasaur!” Bulbasaur nodded.

“Eevee!” Eevee jumped down onto the floor, positioned to pounce on anypony who came through the door.

I was scared, I was terrified. Dangerous criminals willing to attack a hospital and I was standing in their way. How many times did I feel this way? Nightmare Moon’s return, Discord, the Changelings, Tirek, and that was just off the top of my head. I couldn’t do anything about it every time.

Well, not this time. I may not be a princess or a wonderbolt or an athlete, but I had my pokemon. And together, we could do something about this. Together, we could stop Team Rocket.

The purple ball pokemon broke through the barricade first. Bulbasaur immediately launched a vine whip which wrapped around the pokemon and threw it into the stallion’s face.

“Koffing!” James, the Koffing’s trainer I guessed, cried out. “You’ll pay for that!”

“There, that’s all the injured pokeballs transferred!” Nurse Joy reported.

The next pokemon, Ekans, rounded around the door, only for Eevee to tackle it back into its trainer.
“Ash! Get Pikachu out of here!” Misty yelled at Ash.

“Right!” Determined, Ash pushed Pikachu’s gurney out the door, knocking the two crooks and their pokemon off their feet with the rest of us right behind him.

“Ekans, don’t let them escape!” She shrieked.

“Pika pika pika pika! Pika pika pika! Pika pika pika! Pika pika pika!” I looked behind us to see a wave of yellow following.

“Hey, what are you doing?” Ash almost lost his footing when they began piling up on the gurney on top of his Pikachu.

“Hey now, that’s rude!” Nurse Joy scolded them.

“Scold later, pokemon thieves following us!” I reminded them, moving to help Ash push the extra weight. An individual pikachu might not weigh much, but fifteen of them was another matter.

Then of course we were both nearly electrocuted when all the pikachu lit up at once.

The flash blinded me. I only kept running because I was gripping the gurney’s handle and Ash was still pushing.

“Pikachu!” I couldn’t see which one was talking, but I felt it when the gurney turned and I lost my grip.

“Ow, ow, ow,” I clapped a hand over my eyes, unable to run with nothing to guide me. “Bulbasaur, Eevee, where are you?”

“Bulba, saur!” Bulbasaur pulled on my belt, pulling me down behind a…a counter? Opening my eyes just showed a blur. Bulbasaur and Eevee stood in front of me, growling at the approaching Team Rocket.

“You’re not getting away that easily.” The woman taunted us.

“Pikapi, pika pika pikachu!” There was one little yellow ball on top of a whitish-gray blur. I had to assume that was Ash’s Pikachu. I didn’t know where all the others had gone.

“Pika pika? Pika power?” Ash gasped, grabbing something?

“Hey, what are you doing to my bike?” Misty demanded. I was sure I was hearing things by this point.

“Generating some pika power!” Ash laughed.

“Piii-kaaaa-CHUUUU!” I closed my eyes before the flash this time, but I was not prepared for the blast.

“Did…Did we survive?” I asked incredulously, too afraid to open my eyes to check.

“His Pikachu just…just blew the roof off the Pokemon Center.” Misty sounded like she was in shock. Tentatively, I opened my eyes. It was a little better than before but I was only able to identify people because of the color of their hair or clothes.

“Right…” Suddenly feeling exhausted, I picked up Bulbasaur and Eevee’s pokeballs and returned them. “I’m ready for this day to be over now.”

Officer Jenny arrived a few seconds later and after we gave our statements she was glad to arrange for us to stay the night at a motel for free. We all basically collapsed into the beds provided and slept like the dead until morning.

Well, Ash and Misty were still asleep when I left the room. My eyes are still a little sensitive to light but I’m sure they’ll be fine.

Bulbasaur and Eevee did well in their first battle. I was so proud of them. The pokedex said the two were only a year old and yet they handled a team of pokemon thieves so well. And after it was all set and done I had Nurse Joy look over Spearow and give him a clean bill of health. What happens next, I wasn’t sure.

Officer Jenny did confirm to me that pokedexes are actually pretty rare. Only certain pokemon professors have them, and they only pass them out to certain trainers. Professor Oak must think highly of Ash to give him one. My pokedex isn’t connected to any lab though. It’s got Professor Oak’s lab memorized on the Important Locations page, but that was only filled in when I went there yesterday.

All in all, it was a long day.