• Published 2nd Apr 2024
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MLP: One as a Family: A Golden Week in Exile - SaburoDaimando

A prologue to the upcoming Operation Daisy Joy and Beyond Saga

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14: An Aunt’s Warm Gift

14: An Aunt’s Warm Gift

“Mommy? Aunt Woona? Sisters? Anybody?”

Wanda Young ran as fast as she could through a wasteland consisting of hardened, crack, grayish ground with a number of crumbling buildings and dead trees scattered about. There was no sign of life around the lost man’s cub.

“Sunset? Starlight? Misty? Pinkie Pie? Golden Lace? Cozy Glow?” Wanda called out. “Shining Armor? Big sis? Aunt Novo?”

“They can’t hear you anymore, no one can hear you.” Wanda came to a stop before turning around. Though there was no sign of anyone within the vicinity, a feeling of dread befell the man’s cub.

“I know who you are,” Wanda shouted. “The Pony of Shadows. I bested you a thousand years ago.”

“Yes you did,” the voice of the Pony of Shadow shouted. “But it was only a mere setback.”

“Where are you?” Wanda shouted. “Show yourself.”

“Hahahaha! Such foolish nonsense.” The laughter of the Pony of Shadows filled the air with a sense of dread. But Wanda stood there undeterred.

“That won't work on me,” Wanda shouted. “I've bested you once. I could do it again.”

“Can you?” The voice of the Pony of Shadows responded. “You have no friends, no family by your side. You were destined to be all alone.”

“So you just want me to be like you?” Wanda shouted. “A miserable, lonesome being who wants to just torment others because he has no friends?”

Suddenly, an earthquake went off beneath Wanda's feet, causing her to lose her footing and fall on her behind. As Wanda slowly picked herself up, a volcano formed from rock and dirt took shape in front of her.

“You dare to project your feelings onto me?” The voice of the Pony of Shadows shouted. “Then let me show you what TRUE DESPAIR really means.”

The ground shook once more under Princess Wanda Young. This time, she leaped into the air before the rock beneath her shifted upwards. She landed on the ground in front as the volcano erupted. Lava flowed from the tip of the mountain towards the deserted land before the Pony of Shadows emerged from the mouth of the volcano.

“It's about time,” Wanda said.

Wanda leaped out of the way as the Pony of Shadows landed right in front of her. The lava behind the giant beast split into two paths, going around the duo.

“You have changed since the last time we met,” The Pony of Shadows said. “Surely our meeting a thousand years ago proved that you contributed to my suffering.

“So what if I did,” Wanda said. “I won't forgive you for what you tried to do to mommy.”

“Oh such is the way of the avenging crybaby,” The Pony of Shadows laughed. “Your emotions only hide the true you within. Deep on the inside, you still fear being alone.”

“Even if that's true, that won't stop me from facing my fear,” Wanda said as a tear fell from her eyes. “This time, I was prepared for when you would show up.”

“Foolish Mary Sue,” The Pony of Shadows laughed. “You are not prepared.”

The Pony of Shadows raised his front hooves into the air and slammed them down on the ground. Wanda quickly leaped out of the way as shadowy spikes emerged from the ground with the intent to impale her. As she landed on the ground, the shadow spikes bent towards her before lunging at full speed. Wanda leaped to her right, dodging the spikes without a second thought.

“Hah!” The Pony of Shadows chortled with glee. “See how you can never escape your own doom and gloom.”

As the shadow spikes curved and flew towards Wanda, the man's cub quickly jumped out of the way again. Seeing an opening, the Pony of Shadows ducked down before flying right at Wanda, hitting her with his head. Wanda screamed loudly before she was knocked to the ground, rolling for a moment before stopping.

Wanda slowly got up on her hands before turning back towards the Pony of Shadows.

“Now you understand why it's futile to fight it,” The Pony of Shadows laughed. “You can only escape for so long before you succumb to your own despair. You have no friends, no family, no one to comfort you.”

“You're wrong,” Wanda said, defiant. “Even if my family and friends are not with me, I know they will always be within my heart. And there is nothing you can say that will change my mind.”

“Oh I don't need to,” The Pony of Shadows gloated as his body began to glow. “All I have to do is to wear you out.”

Instantly, shadow spikes sprouted up in front of the Pony if Shadows before it darted towards Wanda. The man's cub wasted no time leaping out of the way before running through the wasteland.

Suddenly, the spikes curved around and flew right at Wanda. Thr man's cub quickly leaped to the side in an attempt to dodge it. But the spikes curved again and aimed right at Wanda, who was caught in the path.

“I can't dodge it,” Wanda thought to herself.

The spikes hit Wanda on the side, knocking her out of the air. Wanda screamed in pain before she hit the ground once more. Before she got up, the spikes quickly dug I to the ground before they sprouted up and binded Wanda down. The Man's Cub could barely move as she was pinned down by the spikes.

“Can't….move,” Wanda thought to herself as she struggled to break free.

The Pony of Shadows walked up to Wanda, who could do nothing but struggle.

“Try as hard as you can,” The Pony of Shadows laughed. “There’s no way you will be able to escape your fate.”

“I will,” Wanda said, glaring at the Pony of Shadows. “Even if I have to push myself, I will make sure you never torment me again. And I will do the same thing to Gold Banks if necessary.”

“Gold Banks? That alicorn wannabe?” The Pony of Shadows laughed. “You have got to be joking. She only uses the Alicorn Amulet as an excuse for how weak and pathetic she truly is. Her parents never loved her. She never loved herself. In fact, even with that amulet, she’s still nothing more than a mere pawn to my former master.”

“Former…master?” Wanda said, still pinned down by the side of the spikes. “But isn’t Hydia gone from this world?”

The Pony of Shadows raised his hoof into the air as Wanda and the spikes that pinned her down were surrounded by a dark aura. He lifted the man’s cub from the ground and into the air, wrapping the spike around her. Wanda just glared at the shadowy figure while tears began to form in her eyes.

“That is what you think,” The Pony of Shadows laughed. “Hydia still lives to this day. In fact, she has total control of the Equestria government and over your own mother.”

“No,” Wanda cried. “That’s not true. That’s impossible.”

“Nothing is impossible,” The Pony of Shadows laughed. “Even though I swore I would betray and destroy her, Hydia has total control over Equestria, and over her puppet Gold Banks. And there is nothing that you, or your alicorn guardians, can do about it.”

“GUESS AGAIN!” The words that echoed through the land caught the Pony of Shadows off guard. But before he could move, he was blasted right in the face, causing him to stumble backwards before the spikes around Wanda loosened and crumbled. Immediately, Wanda pointed her feet downward as she fell towards the ground before she landed safely while the Pony of Shadow shook his head to clear his mind from the attack.


“CAN A COWARD DO THIS?” From out of nowhere, Princess Luna flew in and tackled the Pony of Shadows at breakneck speed. The shadowy stallion could do nothing as Princess Luna slammed him into the wall. As the Pony of Shadows tried to recover, Princess Luna leaped off him before landing on the ground. The Pony of Shadows looked at Princess Luna and his eyes began to twitch in anger.

“You,” The Pony of Shadow snarled. “Not only did you best me a thousand years ago, but you have the audacity to humiliate me while your physical form is trapped in Tartarus. I should have put you out of your misery long ago.”

“Not even death can keep me from protecting my nieces,” Princess Luna said as she stared down the Pony of Shadows. “You failed to take my sister away from me, and you will fail for doing the same thing to my niece Princess Wanda.”

The Pony of Shadows snarled at Princess Luna before turning to his left and thrusting his horn into the open space. He swiped downward, creating a vortex in front of him.

“This isn’t over yet,” The Pony of Shadows said. “When I return to the material world, I will ensure that your little monkey will forever be alone.”

As the Pony of Shadows leaped into the portal, Princess Luna fired a blast of magic right at it, destroying the portal in an instant.

“Good riddance,” Princess Luna said.

Princess Luna’s ears perked up as she heard someone call out “AUNT WOONA!” Princess Luna turned around to see Wanda Young run up to her and hug her. All Luna could do was look down at her adopted niece and hug her.

“I missed you so much,” Wanda cried.

“So have I, my darling Wanda,” Princess Luna said. “My physical form may be locked away in Tartarus. But at least I can still communicate with you in the dream realm.”

Wanda looked up at Princess Luna before she wiped the tear from her eye. Before she could speak, Princess Luna placed her hoof on the man’s cub’s mouth.

“You don’t need to speak another word about the Pony of Shadows,” Princess Luna said with a warm smile. “I know what you’re going through, and I’ll always be by your side, no matter what, and you were able to put on a brave face. I’m proud of you.”

Wanda leaped down from Princess Luna’s chest and looked up at her. Despite the calmness of the vicinity, she still felt a bit depressed.

“It’s not just that,” Wanda said. “Is it true that I will be destined to be alone?”

“No,” Princess Luna said. “Because there are those who care deeply for you, who worry for you.”

“Worry for me?” Wanda asked.

Princess Luna turned around and held her head down. Magic poured from her horn before a portal formed in front of her.

“Come with me,” Princess Luna said. “I will show you.”

Wanda walked up to Princess Luna and held her arm close. Both the alicorn and the man’s cub took a deep breath before leaping into the portal. Moments later, the portal disappeared without a trace, leaving the wasteland completely deserted.

In the town of La Maresa, a transparent portal formed out of nowhere before Wanda and Princess Luna leaped out. As the portal disappeared behind them, Wanda looked down at her hands, noticing something different.

“Why am I transparent?” Wanda asked, curious. “What’s happening?”

“It is the effect of transferring from your dream world to the living world,” Princess Luna said. “A special power that I, the princess of the night, possess. But while I can explore this world freely, no one in the physical world will be able to interact with me, and vice versa.”

“So that means, I can explore this world while I’m in this dream state?” Wanda asked.

“Yes,” Luna nodded. “But the reason why I brought you here is because a few friends that you missed are still waiting for you.”

Up ahead in front of the ghostly forms of Princess Luna and Wanda Young, Ditzy Doo walked through the town with a sad look in her eyes.

“That’s Ditzy,” Wanda said. “What happened to her?”

“It’s what happened to the town that concerns me the most,” Princess Luna said. “Ever since that day when Gold Banks conquered Canterlot, each and every one of your friends here has been hoping not just for the safety of you and your closest friends, but also the well-being of each other.”

Suddenly, someone shouted “Ditzy. It’s too dangerous here.” Wanda looked behind her to see Danged Spell, Sunburst, Rarity and Moondancer run towards the pegasi filly in a hurry.

“There’s more of my friends,” Wanda said in a cheerful mood. “I’m glad they’re okay.”

“Indeed, Wanda,” Princess Luna said. “But while they are safe on the outside, they carry the same amount of worry as you do on the inside. Watch.”

Ditzy Doo continued to walk through town with her head hung low, just as Danged Spell, Sunburst, Moondancer and Rarity ran up to her.

“Ditzy darling,” Rarity said. “What are you thinking? Being out in the open?”

“What’s the point?” Ditzy said. “Princess Celestia and her daughters are gone and the mean ol Gold Banks has conquered Canterlot. How long until they conquer us?”

“Now what will that serve?” Danged Spell responded. “I would sooner fight back than to let the likes of her best us.”

But all Ditzy Doo could do was sigh for a moment before walking away from the group.

“This is more serious than I thought,” Sunburst whispered to Rarity.

“I know,” Rarity whispered back. “If there was only a way to at least break through Ditzy Doo’s stupor.”

But as the group of four younglings kept their eye on the depressed Ditzy Doo, Danged Spells’ eyes looked up before they shrunk down. In front of Ditzy Doo, a pair of older stallions made their way towards the pegasi filly with a smug look on their faces.

“What do we have here,” one of them said. “A stray filly that must have lost her way.”

“Wadda say we take her to Wild Bet?” The other replied. “I bet she would be thrilled.”

As the two stallions made their way towards Ditzy Doo, Danged Spell’s eyes began to twitch nervously, catching the attention of Moondancer.

“Spell,” Moondancer said. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“I’ve got to help her out,” Danged Spell said.

Scratching his hoof on the ground, Danged Spell ran towards Ditzy Doo, much to Moondancer’s horror and to the attention of the two stallions.

“Don’t be a fool, Spell!” Moondancer shouted. “You’re unable to use your Wolf’s Breath Curse for the time being.”

“I know,” Danged Spell said. “But I have to try.”

Danged Spell ran in front of Ditzy Doo before turning his attention towards the two stallions, who just looked down at him and laughed.

“Well if it ain’t the little mutt,” one of them laughed.

“Except he’s unable to bark like a dog,” the other side.

“Or bite like one,” the first one said.

“Wadda say we muzzle this brat?” the second one said.

As Ditzy Doo hid behind Danged Spell, the colt glared up at the two older stallions, who prepared to reach down to him.

“I may have lost my bark,” Danged Spell said. “But I haven’t lost my bite.”

The duo lunged at Danged Spell, who proceeded to grab Ditzy Doo and dash out of the way. As a result, the two older stallions landed their heads on the ground with a loud thunk. They quickly got up and turned to face Danged Spell and Ditzy Doo, the latter who stood behind.

“That wasn’t a nice trick,” one of them said.

“We’ll teach you a lesson you won’t forget,” the second one said.

But as Ditzy Doo cowered in place, Danged Spell quickly ran towards the duo as fast as possible, who looked ready to grab the little colt.

“Here we come,” one of them said.

The two stallions jumped into the air and dove right at Danged Spell, who only ran under them as they fell. The duo once again hit their head on the ground with a loud thunk before collapsing on their stomachs. As they began to recover once more, Danged Spell stopped before turning back towards the two stallions.

“Like I said,” Danged Spell said, eyeing one of the stallions’ hind legs. “I haven’t lost my bite.”

Without a second thought, Danged Spell ran up to the two with his mouth wide open. The moment he was next to them, Danged Spell bit right into the back left leg of one of the two stallions.

“YEEEOUCH!” The stallion screamed.

The stallion that Danged Spell bit jumped into the air as the colt released his grip from the stallion’s leg. As the first one hopped around, holding his leg in pain, Danged Spell quickly eyed the other stallion’s left leg and opened his mouth wide. But the second one was quick to take notice of the colt.

“Oh no you don’t,” The second stallion said.

As Danged Spell charged at the second stallion, the older pony quickly got on his four legs and leaped once more at the colt, his arms reaching out as if he were ready to grab that sly colt.

“Here I come,” the second stallion yelled.

But as that stallion was diving towards Danged Spell, the colt made a quick leap slightly under him. The second stallion tried to grab the colt, only to miss.

“What the?” the second stallion said, confused.

But before the second stallion could react, he felt some teeth bite into his back left leg. The second stallion screamed loudly before he jumped into the air. On the back of his leg, Danged Spell bit right into it.

“LEGGO YOU BLOODTHIRSTY BEAST!” the second stallion yelled.

Danged Spell opened his mouth and fell from the leg of the second stallion before landing right near Ditzy Doo. He laughed loudly as the two stallions jumped around in pain, holding their legs around the teeth marks of Danged Spell.

“What’s wrong you morons,” Danged Spell laughed. “Can’t bite the good bite?”

“You’re even more vicious without that curse of yours,” The first stallion whined.

“Yeah,” the second stallion moaned. “Let’s get out of here.”

The two stallions fell back on their four hooves before they turned tail and ran off in the opposite direction. Danged Spell stood tall with a smug look on his face, watching as the two older ponies made their way through La Maresa.

“Serves them right,” Danged Spell laughed.

Suddenly, Ditzy Doo got on her two legs and glomped Danged Spell from behind, much to the arrogant colts surprise.

“Oh thank you, Spell,” Ditzy said as she cuddled Danged Spell. “I don't know what would have happened if they took me away.”

“Hey, take it easy,” Danged Spell said. “I'm not a hug pillow, you know.”

As Danged Spell struggled to break free from Ditzy, Moondancer, Rarity and Sunburst ran up to the duo, especially Moondancer, who was a bit agitated.

“Spell, what were you thinking?” Moondancer said.

“Well I wasn't going to let her be kidnapped by a pair of creeps, curse or no curse,” Danged Spell said.

“And we would have been willing to back you up,” Moondancer said.

Moondancer's words were enough for Ditzy Doo to release her hold on Danged Spell. The two younglings got down on their four hooves before turning to the rest of the group.

“Are you really sure about that?” Danged Spell asked.

“I am,” Moondancer said. “You're very eager to jump in and protect anyone who wanted to harm our friends. But you shouldn't do this by yourself. We have your back in case you need it. Besides, what would your parents and grandmother say if they lost you?”

Spell stood there thanks to the words of Moondancer. He tried to speak, but nothing came out of the colt’s mouth.

“Moondancer’s right,” Sunburst said. “Right now, we’re just trying to hang on to any family member or friend we have left. Besides, there are so many friends that we miss, like Twilight, Sunset, Wanda, Lace, Cozy, Pinkie, Misty and especially Starlight.”

As Sunburst directed his gaze up at the moon, Rarity approached Spell with a warm smile on her face.

“Spell, darling,” Rarity said, placing her hoof on Danged Spell’s shoulder. “Know this: you will not be alone in this struggle. We’re all in this together. And that’s a promise I will keep.”

“Very well,” Danged Spell said before Rarity took her hoof off his shoulder. “But I think we better get the hay out of here. No doubt those goons will have backup.”

“That I agree with you on,” Moondancer nodded.

“Then come on,” Sunburst said, turning his head back towards the rest of the group. “Let’s head back to the ruins of Castle Everfree.”

With that, Sunburst turned tail and ran off in the opposite path. Danged Spell, Ditzy Doo, Moondancer and Rarity wasted no time following as the sun colt.

“By the way, Spell,” Ditzy said. “I’m glad you can still fight without your curse.”

“I may be stuck right now,” Danged Spell said. “But it will always be a good day to bite. Get it?”

“Danged Spell,” the others laughed.

“So worth it,” Danged Spell chuckled.

As the younglings ran through La Maresa, laughing out loud, Wanda and Princess Luna observed from afar, laughing as well.

“I'm glad they're doing fine,” Wanda chuckled.

“Yes, even though they miss us all,” Princess Luna said. “So many of our friends are still waiting for us, still hoping that we are alright.”

But as Wanda's laughter began to subside, she watched as her La Maresa friends run until they were out of sight. She let out a sigh as she reached out to them.

“But it's a shame that we may not be able to see them again,” Wanda said. “I'm still trapped in the Golden Land with my closer friends, and Gold Banks has your physical form. Even more so, Sunset Shimmer is still in a coma.”

“I wouldn't be so sure about that much longer,” Princess Luna said. “As I speak, my magic is about to break into her dream world, allowing me to communicate with her.”

“Really?” Wanda said, surprised.

“In fact, my intervention into your dream may have helped out,” Princess Luna said. “It was because of your connection to your sister that my magic was strengthened in the dream world.”

“That means you could break free from your prison as well,” Wanda said.

“Not yet,” Luna said with a smirk. “I want to keep my eye on Gold Banks for the time being and learn a whole lot on what she's planning. Know thy enemy.”

“I….see what you mean,” Wanda said, disappointed.

“But don't you worry, Wanda,” Princess Luna said. “Even when I am not physically by your side, I will always be with you and your sister. Do you understand?”

“I do, Aunt Woona,” Wanda said as a tear began to roll down her cheek.

“Then it is time I allow you to transition to the waking world,” Princess Luna said as she pointed to the horizon.

The sun was beginning to rise from the far east as day began to bathe the land in a warm light. Wanda looked up at the sun with joy in her face before turning back to Princess Luna.

“I always wonder how the sun is rising when mommy locked herself away?” Wanda asked.

“Even during the last time she locked herself away, Princess Celestia still took her job seriously,” Princess Luna said. “It’s also truly a sign that she hasn’t given up on herself, even though she’s become a shadow of her former self. But now, the time has come to awaken.”

Princess Luna extended her wings out as a bright light began to envelope the whole environment. Wanda just stood there and closed her eyes as he raised her hands in the air.

“This light feels so warm,” Wanda said.

It was a beautiful morning within the Golden Land. Wanda, wearing her pajamas, awoke within her bedroom, yawned and wiped her eyes. She looked down at the edge of the bed where Abigail slept soundly.

“Thank you Aunt Woona for giving me a reason to believe once more,” Wanda said.

Suddenly, the doors flew open, catching Wanda’s attention and awakening the kitty cat. The man’s cub turned towards the doorway where Starlight Glimmer ran up to her.

“Wanda,” Starlight said. “Good news. Sunset Shimmer’s beginning to wake up.”

“She is?” Wanda said. “Well guess that’s another reason to thank Aunt Woona.”

“Aunt Woona?” Starlight asked, confused.

“I was able to communicate with her within my dream,” Wanda said. “Even if she’s far away, she and I can still speak together.”

“That’s great,” Starlight said. “But you better get dressed and come over to Sunset’s room. She might wake up anytime.”

Wanda nodded before she pulled the sheets and got out of the bed. As Abigail leaped off the edge of the mattress, Wanda ran towards the open closet before slamming the door behind her. Moments later, Wanda emerged, now wearing her dress and shoes.

“Okay,” Wanda said. “I’m ready.”

“Great,” Starlight said. “Now come on. Let’s go see Sunset.”

Starlight Glimmer walked out of the room with Wanda Young and Abigail Albright following right behind her, leaving the bedroom empty. As the trio made their way down the hall, Wanda felt a hint of excitement within her.

“I can’t believe Sunset Shimmer is coming back,” Wanda said. “I hope she’ll be happy to see all of us again.”

“She will,” Starlight said.

Immediately, the two came to a stop as Princess Cadance and Shining Armor came out of the room. Wanda, Starlight and Abigail came to a pause, looking up at the duo.

“Good morning, little sis,” Princess Cadance said.

“Big sis, is it true?” Wanda said. “Is Sunset Shimmer waking up?”

“She is,” Shining Armor said. “And you just have to go see it.”

“What about you two?” Starlight asked.

“Right now, we have to go see Chancellor Cinch about Princess Celestia,” Princess Cadance said. “As excited as I am to see our sister again, I’m now concerned about her well-being.”

“I….understand,” Wanda said, disappointed. “But I’ll make sure she sees you as soon as possible.”

“Thanks Wanda,” Shining Armor said before he rubbed Wanda on the head and laughed. “Now you and Starlight go on in and greet Sunset Shimmer once more. But do know this: She’s lost her magic thanks to Gold Banks.”

“I see,” Wanda said. “I will tell her.”

Princess Cadance and Shining Armor walked to the side before Wanda, Starlight and Abigail walked into the room. As the two teen ponies walked away from the door, they quickly turned back just as Abigail disappeared through the doorway.

“I think our luck may be turning around,” Princess Cadance said.

“I think you might be right,” Shining Armor said before the two teen ponies ran through the hallway and away from the door.

Inside Sunset Shimmer’s room, Wanda, Starlight and Abigail approached the little filly, just as she was turning her head back and forth.

“I think this might be it,” Starlight Glimmer said. “I brought you at the right time,” Starlight Glimmer said.

Wanda looked down at Sunset Shimmer, who still turned her head back and forth. But as the sun filly came to a stop, her eyes began to open.

“She’s coming to,” Wanda said. “Thank goodness.”

As Sunset Shimmer woke up, she was quick to see Wanda Young and Starlight Glimmer right next to her as Abigail Albright jumped up on the nightstand.

“Wha…” Sunset groaned. “What happened? Where am I?”

“You’re safe, Sunset,” Wanda said. “It’s been a week since we arrived at the Golden Land.”

Sunset Shimmer sat up and looked around her, noticing the golden furniture that decorated her room at the Golden Castle.

“Why did I get here?” Sunset said. “Am I dead?”

“No,” Starlight Glimmer said. “Gold Banks took your magic and your demon form away.”

Sunset Shimmer took a deep breath before she pointed her horn to the ceiling and closed her eyes, pressing as hard as possible. But no magic materialized out of the horn. Not even a spark. Sunset opened her eyes and looked up at her unicorn horn.

“You’re right,” Sunset Shimmer said. “I no longer have magic. And you said that I no longer have my demon form, anymore.”

“Yeah,” Starlight said.

“In fact, I think I might have seen her in my dreams,” Sunset Shimmer said. “Before I saw Luna.”

“You saw Aunt Luna?” Wanda yelled. “But she was taken away from us.”

“She was,” Sunset said. “But she was able to contact me through the dreamworld. She told me to find where mother is.”

That was when Wanda stepped away for a bit, turning her face towards the doorway.

“Alicorn mommy hasn’t left her room since arriving,” Wanda said. “Everyone’s worried for her. Big sis, Aunt Novo, Miss Cinch, Mr Starshine, and even King Sombra’s worried for her.”

“Then it’s worse than I thought,” Sunset Shimmer said as she jumped off her bed. “I’ve got to go contact her”

On four hooves, Sunset Shimmer ran away from the bed and out of the room. Abigail Albright jumped off the nightstand before she, Starlight Glimmer and Wanda Young followed Sunset from behind.

“Wanda,” Starlight said. “Why didn’t you tell Sunset that you saw Princess Luna in your dreams?”

“I….just didn’t have the heart to do so,” Wanda responded. “But I will once mommy is okay. Promise”

To Be Continued in…

After the Blessing of Light

Author's Note:

Originally, I wanted Wanda to explore Evevanya after reuniting with Princess Luna. But after much thought, I decided it would be better if Wanda was joined by Sunset Shimmer. Not only do I want Wanda to see Evevanya with her own eyes, but also Sunset Shimmer as well.

Also, the last part of the fanfic was added in for continuity. But I also kept in Wanda not knowing about Luna's return and added an excuse for why she pretended to.

The next part is set after Wanda got her amulet and Sunset became an alicorn.