• Published 8th Oct 2012
  • 8,981 Views, 210 Comments

Where the grass is green, and the girls are... PONIES? (Chapters Revised) - Pinkies Imagination

A human wakes up in equestria after a series of strange events

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Not really much else to say but, ENJOY

Chapter 5: Accepted

I took in a deep breath while leaving the hospital.

'I don't think I have ever breathed such clean air...'

I decided to take a walk around town, get my mind off things, along the way a lot of ponies were watching me, some with scared faces, some with smiles, I could even hear them muttering things along the lines of,

"I heard he beat them both up and killed one with a knife"

"I heard that Carrot top is planing something to thank him"

I just kept walking, ignoring the stares.

'Never get a break, always being stared at.. first Lyra the... oh SHIT!'

I ran faster than I have ever ran before towards sugarcube corner.

'If I know one thing from fics back on earth, as a human, do NOT piss off Lyra'

When I finally made it to the nice gingerbread house I walked inside and saw Lyra sitting at a table, looking VERY impatient. I looked at the time, I was a half an hour late. I made my way to the table to sit down, along the way her gaze fell on me and I could feel them on me like icy beams.

(What was running through my mind at the moment, this image, a chainsaw, and a lot of blood, oh, and my face that was scared shitless)

I sat down and looked at her, she has not stopped staring at me like that since I walked in. I began to sweat and become worried as she sat there, not moving, not blinking, honestly, I was more scared now than any moment of my life. Just before I couldn't take it anymore...

"BWAHAHAHAHAHA!.....y-y-you should have seen your FACE! BAHAHA PRICELESS"

As she laughed her flank off I sat there in a slight daze...

'Lyra... that was nowhere near fucking funny...OK maybe a little....'

When she finally calmed down she got up and sat back down at the chair looked at me smiling.

"It's alright, I heard what happened and how you were at the hospital, I just thought giving you the thought that I went full cupcakes on you would be funny, and it was a lot better than I thought!"

'Ya ya laugh it up we'll see who will ha...wait... cupcakes.... how the... no way, were the fics right... did she actually used to be human????'

I decided to let that comment slip and bring it up at a later time, as for right now, I had some questions to answer to a troll of a Lyra. Pinkie brought over some cupcakes and Lyra thanks her and gave her some bits, at that moment, I realized two things.

1) I am SO hungry i could eat a hor.....cupcake.....

2) I need a job.....

Lyra handed me a cupcake and I took a bite, and dear god... the taste was unlike anything you could imagine. It was so good that I had not realized I finished it and bit one of my fingers causing Lyra to burst out laughing again. I just rolled my eyes and took another cupcake.

"So... you wanted to um... ask me some questions? About humans?" I said between mouthfuls of cupcake.

'I don't care about that cupcakes fic anymore, these cupcakes are too damn good'

"Yes, I just wanted to ask, what is your world like? How much different is it from this?" She said looking very curious.

I looked at her and said, "It depends on how you look at things, it is a lot different than this world, no magic, we cannot fly, well, not without machines, and from what I have seen, this world does not have any machines in it at all... yet...."

I told her about our advancements in technology and about human life and all that good stuff, then I told her about the weapons, I could see it in her eyes that it was just plain horrible what humans do. I told her about the advancements in nuclear technology and what it's combined power on earth could do. She and I shuddered thinking about it. We talked more about humans and I asked a lot of questions about ponies as well. Before we knew it, it was already around 3 pm (I arrived at 11 am). So I decided to say goodbye and start looking around for where I could possibly find a job.

Just as I leave I get tackled by a greyish mare with blond hair and crooked eyes. I instantly realize who this is, before I say anything, she speaks up.

"Hi! My name is Ditzy Doo, I'm a friend of Carrot top and I heard what you did, I came to give you these as thanks!" She reached out her hoofs which were holding a brown bag, I took the bag and opened it revealing a couple chocolate chip muffins. I turned to her and smiled.

"Thanks Ditzy, my name is CJ." I said shaking her hoof.

"Your welcome, and if there is anything you need help with, let me know!"

I thought to myself for a moment and then got an idea.

"Hey Ditzy, do you think you could help me with finding a job somewhere around town? I need to start making money somehow."

She thought for a moment and smiled.

"Yes, I can, we are looking for some help at the post, maybe you can get a job there!"

"Really? That's great! Whats the job?"

Ditzy smiles and says, "We need help moving all of the big heavy boxes around in the building, we don't have anypony to help us with it and its tough, us pegasus are to light to push them around."

I thought for a moment and smiled, "That sounds great, I need the workout anyway, ever since I came here I Haven't been moving around much lately."

"Great, come by tomorrow and we will get you set up!" She smiled and flew up into the air.

I smiled as she bounced off a tree branch and then said something about moving trees. I went to walk away when I heard a motherly voice behind me.

"I see you are beginning to fit in around here." Celestia said sarcastically, looking at the bandages.

"Oh.. those, I can explain.. I was running a-" I was cut off by her putting her hoof up.

"It's fine, I heard what happened, and I came to say thank you for helping one of my little ponies in need." She ended that comment with a smile.

Then she continued, "Please, walk with me to the center of the town, I have something to show you." I nodded and followed close behind, getting some looks as we passed by other ponies. When we got to the location I noticed a large stage, I followed Celestia behind it and she stopped and looked at me.

"Now, stay here behind the stage until I call for you." I nodded, still a bit confused.

She went up the stairs on the side of the stage behind the curtain, which then opened showing Celestia standing with the mayor. A crowd of ponies formed and listened to Celestia speak.


"...And for his heroic actions I present to you the newest citizen of ponyville, Chris James!" I heard some noise which I guessed was the stomping of hooves against the ground as I walked onto the stage and looked at all the ponies. Everything was silent for a while until a pony yelled something to the crowd.

"That's the one who saved Carrot top!"

Then the rest of the ponies began cheering, When it died down, I was hoping my red face did as well. I looked at Celestia who continued her speech.

"And my young student Twilight Sparkle has requested that you may stay at the library in a spare room while we construct a new house for which you to stay, all we need to know is where you want to be?"

I thought about it for a while and made up my mind.

"Celestia, I would like to live near the everfree, near Fluttershy's house." I said without a hint of doubt in my tone.

Celestia looked a bit confused and then said, "But, why there?"

I looked at her and smiled. "Because, I have always loved helping animals and know a thing or two about healthcare, I suppose I could help Fluttershy now and again." Celestia smiled, obviously pleased with the answer.

I look at Celestia again who looks back at me.

'And since I'm near the forest, I can get to Zecora easily and ask her important questions as well'

After that thought Celestia nodded and smiled.


Been a week since the citizenship thing and the house has one more week until completion.

'Dayum those ponies work fast'

But, I cant get the thought out of my head that somehow moving into my new home is going to be an adventure all in itself.


Move in day, I was able to get a lot of items to add to the house thanks to all the money I have been earning from the job I got at the post. While setting up my belongings, my vision got very blurry and my eyelids got heavy. I decided to finish unpacking tomorrow and just go to bed, and the moment I touched that pillow against my head, I dozed off, but not before a haunting image burns itself into my mind and echos a laugh throughout my head. Then, once again, I find myself running for my life, running from fear itself, running for my sanity....

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, and looking forward to the next!