• Published 1st Apr 2024
  • 282 Views, 131 Comments

Marking the Generations – Part Four - Glimbursts

The fourth part of Marking the Generations, a reimagining of the later stages of the Make your Mark series. Equestria is under attack! Can our heroes stand united to prevail against Opaline or will she be free from her castle prison?

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Chapter Eleven - Reunited

Alphabittle could barely breathe as first Sunny, then Izzy, then Pipp and Zipp appeared from the top of the ramp and walked into the VIP area. All looked confused for a moment as they felt the anticipation in the room. Everypony there was looking expectingly at the ramp they had just come up.

However, before they could ask what was happening. Hitch appeared alongside Misty who was carrying Sparky in her hoof.

“Misty great, Hitch great,” Sparky squeaked.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it Sparky,” Misty beamed. “I saw you busting some moves at the back.”

“Would that be when you ended up looking the wrong way?” Hitch smirked. “Don’t you think we didn’t notice?”

“I’m pretty sure all Equestria noticed,” Misty blushed.

She looked up as she realised the room seemed quiet and gasped as she saw Alphabittle. Immediately she froze, her eyes widening and her breath getting caught in her throat. Sparky suddenly squirmed out of her grasp and hopped onto Hitch’s back before watching with confusion.

Time seemed to stop for the pair of them. Alphabittle also suddenly didn’t know what to say. All the things he’d thought of had suddenly disappeared from his mind. He’d been watching her for ages, why had he frozen now she was right in front of him?

Meanwhile, Misty’s mind raced. She’d seen the photo of this stallion in Queen Haven’s safe room. She’d thought she’d recognised him then but hadn’t been sure. Now, however, he was standing right there in front of her and in her heart she knew.

Misty’s cutie mark began glowing as she gulped. However, her throat was dry, and she couldn’t find any words. Around her, her friends looked back and forth with a mix of confusion and concern.

“M...Misty?” Alphabittle croaked at last.

Finally, tears started to well in the corners of Misty’s eyes. She immediately bound forward as Alphabittle’s cutie mark began glowing as well. He raised a hoof towards her welcomingly.

“D...Dad,” Misty croaked as she wrapped her hoofs around him.

Alphabittle fell backwards onto his bottom as he wrapped both hoofs around his daughter. Both started weeping as the joy and relief washed over them. Both their cutie marks glowing brighter and brighter as a result.

“What...What’s happening?” Zipp gasped. “I...Is...”

“Alphabittle...” Izzy breathed, her eyes wide in disbelief.

“Y...you remember me, Misty?” Alphabittle whispered. “You really remember me.”

“S...sort of,” Misty admitted as she pulled back slightly. “I...I know though. You’re my dad. I’m sure of it, I remember your face.”

“Remember my beard?” Alphabittle chuckled. “It wasn’t quite so white back then. But you enjoyed running your little hoofs through it as I rocked you.”

Misty smiled as she held a hoof to Alphabittle's chin and stroked his beard. “Y...yeah, I think I remember that.”

“It’s okay, it’s okay my little Mistywhisty,” Alphabittle smiled as he pulled her close again. “You were so little when you disappeared. I...I don’t expect you to remember much. I’m just glad you remember me at all.”

Sunny bounded over to Sunset and Starlight with a beaming smile on her face. “This is brilliant, eee he he,” she squealed. “I’m so glad you got to see Misty find her dad. Who would have guessed it was Alphabittle.”

“Just think if we’d had a chance to go to the tearoom earlier,” Sunset commented. “Would Misty have remembered him then?”

“Possibly not,” Starlight frowned. “For certain she’s remembering more since she was trying to remember the mist to save Peach Fizz.”

“Who knows if Opaline did something to her when she was little,” Sunset pondered. “Could be that’s wearing off or it really is just old childhood memories resurfacing.”

“Yeah, Sunny, you had better keep an eye on Peach Fizz in the future,” Starlight advised.

Sunny blinked and nodded understandingly before she looked back at the happy reunion before them.

Elsewhere, Spike Junior smiled as he spotted Blaize. Following behind her were Lava and Jade.

“Found them wandering the streets of Maretime Bay,” she commented.

Spike Junior smiled with relief at the pair.

“We can’t remember leaving the Dragon Lands,” Jade sighed. “Just waking up in this strange lighthouse.”

“Was alright for you,” Lava moaned. “I was stuck for ages until you woke up.”

Spike Junior sighed as he noticed Blaize’s angry expression. “We know what happened Blaize,” he said. “The ponies had bigger issues than worrying about them.”

“It’s not our pony friends I’m angry with,” Blaize frowned.

Spike Junior followed Blaize’s gaze and sighed again before shaking his head. “Did you...”

“...Get the Dragon Stone?” Blaize finished. “Of course.”

She produced the stone, holding it up for Spike Junior to see.

“Excellent, well done Blaize,” Spike Junior smiled. “We’ll say our goodbyes to our pony friends and take our leave. That is unless you want to stay? You’ve missed most of the party.”

“I’m not interested,” Blaize replied as she continued looking over to where Whisper was manning her drinks stand. “In fact, the sooner I get home the better.”

It was a short time later that Sunny looked out from the balcony and realized the number of partygoers had reduced dramatically. She looked around the VIP area, Sunset and Starlight had been joined by the Dazzlings and of course, Misty and Alphabittle were sitting happily talking. Everypony else seemed to be happily chatting as well. Therefore, she decided to go on one last walk around on her own before they left.

After exiting the VIP area, Sunny grinned as she found it was much easier for her to move around. Ponies still came up to meet her, but it wasn’t the overwhelming crowd it had been earlier.

Suddenly she gasped as she walked through one of the seating areas. Sat at a table in the corner was Kendi, slowly drinking a drink.

Sunny beamed as she made a beeline towards her. However, this disappeared as she noticed Kendi’s sorrowful expression.

“Aunt Kendi,” Sunny said as she arrived. “What’s wrong?”

“Oh, Sunny,” Kendi gasped. “I am sorry, I know this is supposed to be a joyful occasion. A celebration of what you and your friends have achieved. But, I cannot be more upset right now.”

“Why?” Sunny asked worriedly. “You know you can tell me anything.”

Kendi gave Sunny a thin smile. “I can not remember if I mentioned this before, I’ve been working on starting a museum. I thought I was close, but I no longer have the two items that would have been the centrepiece.”

“The hat and jacket,” Sunny gasped.

“Yes,” Kendi sighed. “I have many wonderful items, but it was those that were driving my case for grant money. Now I don’t have them...”

Kendi blinked with surprise as Sunny’s eyes suddenly lit up.

“Don’t worry Aunt Kendi, I know exactly where they are,” Sunny grinned. “Along with items from the other Guardians of Friendship including Princess Twilight’s crown.”

“W...what?” Kendi gasped. “But I was told that Opaline had them.”

“She did,” Sunny smiled. “We’re going to Opaline’s castle tomorrow to get them back. Along with anything else that Opaline had.”

“So, is she truly gone?” Kendi asked. “That is not one of those part truths said to make everypony feel better.”

“I zapped her myself,” Sunny beamed. “With the help of my friends and everypony else in Equestria that is. She’s gone Aunt Kendi, and you ought to come with us tomorrow. I’ll send you a message when we’re about to leave.”

Kendi smiled gratefully as her eyes glistened.

“Thank you, my dear Sunny,” she breathed. “If that is the case, I shall return to my hotel. It sounds like there could be more to find in this castle and I want plenty of energy.”

Sunny beamed as she and Kendi shared a hug before Kendi took her leave.

Meanwhile, Izzy sighed worriedly as she watched Alphabittle and Misty talking. She wanted to go over and speak to them, but she didn’t want to interrupt them too soon. However, Alphabittle suddenly got up and looked like he was getting ready to leave. Sure enough, he shared a hug with Misty before he started heading towards the exit.

Gasping, Izzy hurried after him but only caught up as he descended the ramp. “Alphabittle,” she called worriedly from the top.

“Oh, Izzy,” Alphabittle smiled as he stopped and turned around. “Sorry, I was just going. I can’t stay any longer or I won’t be up to open the Tea Room tomorrow.”

“A…about that,” Izzy stammered as she came down to meet him. “Did you still want me to come and see you like normal?”

Alphabittle’s eyes widened in realisation. “Wait, that’s in a few days isn’t it!” he gasped. “Of course I do, but could you bring Misty too?”

Izzy’s worried expression suddenly turned into a beaming smile. “Of course I will, I’m sure she wouldn’t miss it for anything.”

“Thank you, Izzy,” Alphabittle smiled. “I…I can’t believe I’ve found her after all this time.”

“I know,” Izzy responded, the worried expression returning. “Is there still room for…”

“Of course there is,” Alphabittle smiled warmly. “I’ll see you soon.”

Izzy smiled again and couldn’t help giving Alphabittle a hug before finally allowing him to take his leave.

Not long later, Sunny and the others were finally leaving the Night Market as well. They chatted happily as they entered the portal to Maretime Bay.

As they exited, Sunny looked around and sighed with relief as she found herself where she expected to be, in Maretime Bay and not someplace else. However, as she walked down the curving golden path from the portal, she suddenly became aware of something. As she reached the bottom, she turned and looked at the two together flowers and froze.

“What is it Sunny?” Izzy asked as she bounded alongside.

“The...the flower,” Sunny gasped.

The others also stopped and looked at the flower with the orange orb. The orb was glowing, much like it had when it had first appeared.

“N...No,” Sunny gasped as she turned her head away.

“What’s wrong Sunny?” Starlight asked.

“The orb, it's calling to me,” Sunny admitted. “I...I don’t... We have our elements, the only thing I can think...”

“Time for us to go?” Sunset questioned.

“I hope not,” Starlight admitted. “I’d kind of like to get rid of this cast first.”

Sunny grunted, the draw of the orb was increasing, and she couldn’t resist any longer. “I don’t want you to go!” she admitted just before she turned towards the flower.

A vacant expression took over Sunny’s face as she started walking towards the flower. Sunset and Starlight looked between them all worriedly as she came to a stop before it.

“Just in case, this has been the greatest adventure of my life,” Sunset blurted. “It’s been an honour to meet you all. Say goodbye to Sunny for us, yeah?”

“Ditto,” Starlight said as Sunny raised her hoof towards the orb. “It’s been a blast and I know you’ll all do fine without us. I’m proud to call you all my friends.”

Sunny couldn’t hear either of them as she placed a hoof on the orb. There was a blinding orange flash before Sunny fell backwards.

Sunny shook her head as she looked up in surprise, being projected from the orb was an image of Princess Twilight Sparkle.

“Sunny Starscout, if you are seeing this then you and your friends have succeeded. Opaline has been defeated and Equestria is finally safe from her evil,” Twilight said. “I hope that sending you Sunset and Starlight helped you in your quest. Speaking of, tell them their return ticket is ready. All they need to do is touch the orb together and they will return as if they never left. I’m not sure why but Starlight was quite insistent I didn’t just whisk them away from you.”

Sunny shot Starlight and Sunset a happy grin. Starlight smiled back and shrugged.

The image suddenly blinked, and Twilight grunted. “It seems I don’t have long. So, I’m sorry, this will be the last time you hear from me. However, I urge you, Sunny. Seek out Princess Flurry Heart, she needs your help to save the Crystal Empire. Also, remember whatever happens, your friends will be there to help you. Good luck, I know Equestria is in good hoofs.”

With a final smile, the image faded and the glow from the orb subsided. It took on a flashing glow, as though it was on standby.

“Think she’d mind if we spent a few moons here?” Starlight smirked.

“You sure?” Sunset said as she cocked her head. “I think our Twilight would freak if we reappeared a few moons older.”

“Ah, that’s true,” Starlight sighed. “That would be quite hard to explain to my students back at the school too.”

“Afternoon class, just ignore the fact I’ve become an old mare in the course of a morning,” Sunset chortled.

“I’m just glad we get to say goodbye properly,” Misty beamed. “Not a rushed one.”

“Okay, so this thing us our timer,” Starlight said tapping her cast. “Once I’m back on all four hoofs then we’ll need to be heading home.”

“Okay, so let’s go get some sleep, today has been crazy,” Pipp grinned. “Then, we can take stock of things.”

“Like the huge holes in the Brighthouse?” Zipp questioned.

“Oooh, I’d actually forgotten about those,” Pipp mused as they all walked off together.