• Published 24th Mar 2024
  • 2,260 Views, 94 Comments

Mrs. and Mrs. Dash - LoriLoud

Turns out Rainbow Dash and Rarity are a married couple, and have been since before Twilight moved to Ponyville. Twilight never knew this. Hilarity ensues, as well as a few feels.

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A Canterlot Wedding, Part 1

Rainbow Dash and Rarity aren’t friends.

It’s something that’s stood out to Twilight Sparkle for months now. In most other cases, there was at least some overlap: Fluttershy and Rarity’s spa trips and gossip, Rainbow Dash and Applejack’s rivalry, Applejack and Rarity's snarky humor, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy’s childhood friend dynamic, Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie…

But Rainbow Dash and Rarity barely spent time with each other, as far as Twilight knew. If at all. In fact, with the way they interacted with each other, they had more of a friend-of-a-friend feeling, which was nice, but not as deep of a friendship as you’d hope from two Elements of Harmony.

Twilight did her best not to think of it, however: she was sure that over time, they’d come to have a closer relationship. And maybe some group outings were just what they needed. Like what they were having now! A nice, friendly picnic, complete with Spike joining them to deliver some news.

Curious, Twilight unfurled the scroll, stamped by Princess Celestia herself. She cleared her throat.

“Dear Twilight, I am sure you are as excited as I am about the upcoming wedding in Canterlot.”

Twilight looked up from the scroll, raising an eyebrow. “Wedding?”

Nevertheless, she smiled. If Princess Celestia was personally invested in the wedding, it must be especially important: especially for two very lucky someponies. Her friends leaned in a bit more, invested in the message.

“I will be presiding over the ceremony but would very much like you and your friends to help with the preparations for this wonderful occasion. Fluttershy, I would like you and your songbird choir to provide the music.”

“Oh my goodness!” Fluttershy grinned. “What an honor!”

“Pinkie Pie, I can think of no one more qualified than you to host the reception.”

“Hip, hip,” Pinkie Pie cartwheeled giddily, “Hooray!”

“Applejack, you will be in charge of the catering for the reception.” Twilight read off, picking up the empty teapot that Pinkie tipped over.

“Well, color me pleased as punch!”

“Mrs. and Mrs. Dash, we would love for you to help the bride and groom during rehearsals, as well as provide your own experienced insights on the wedding venue and attire.”



“Aw, I thought they’d ask me for a really sick contrail, at least…”

“Oh, hush, my love. It’s a wedding, not a Wonderbolt exhibition.”

Twilight looked up from the scroll. Rainbow Dash and Rarity were eating their sandwiches nonchalantly. She cleared her throat.

“Sorry, ‘Mrs. and Mrs. Dash’?”

“Nah, Twilight, Rarity’s right,” the pegasus shrugged, “contrails are more for big engagements, anyways. Like when I proposed, heh heh.”

“And obviously the lucky mare already popped the question. Oh well: I’m sure I can add my own personal touch to the wedding décor!”

“No, wait, pause,” Twilight held up a hoof, putting down the invitation. The rest of the girls looked at her strangely, but she soldiered on. “You two are married? Since when?! Why was I never told this?”

“Since… forever?” Rainbow Dash scoffed, putting down her sandwich. “Twilight, did you seriously not know we were hitched?”

“Our last names were on the Gala tickets, darling,” Rarity pointed out, as if she had the right to be confused by Twilight’s confusion.

“You… Neither of you wear your rings!”

“I leave mine at home after I lost the third one doing stunts.” Rainbow said, before giving Rarity an apologetic grin, blush and all. Rarity rolled her eyes. “Rares likes to match.”

“Wanting to meet Prince Blueblood?!”

“Oh, he’s… physically charming, but I was mostly attempting to pave my way into Canterlot’s inner circle through making a high-profile social connection… so much for that.” Rarity grumbled.

“Hey, don’t worry, I got him for ya.” Dash smirked, a bit of bloodthirst in her eyes.

“Ever my hero.” Rarity batted her eyes at her. Twilight grew mildly concerned.

“But… But…! Nope. You two are going to have a sit-down conversation with me about this, right now, before I get through the rest of this letter!” Twilight snapped it shut using her magic, pointing accusatory hooves at the apparently married couple.

“So much for a relaxin’, no stress picnic,” Applejack mumbled, before a burning glare was aimed in her direction. Twilight held it for a moment, before going through her calming exercise. Breathe in… breathe out… Three, two, one, one, two, three…

“Alright. I’m sorry for lashing out, but… the fact that two of my best friends were married and I just never knew…!” Twilight begun, before Rarity put a calming hoof on her shoulder.

“In hindsight, we never did tell you, and we’d been together for long enough that we thought it… obvious. It’s perfectly understandable that you’re distressed over this.”

“I’m more surprised you never learned Rarity’s last name,” Rainbow laughed, to Twilight’s mounting annoyance, “It’s not like anyone ever calls her Rarity Belle anymore.”

“And I hosted their wedding anniversary party – Which you were too busy to go to – And their engagement anniversary party, which happened when you were in Canterlot, and their first date anniversary party, which was supposed to happen on a day you were free, but then the Diamond Dogs stole Rarity and we all know how that went –”

“Thank you! Pinkie. For clarifying.” Twilight loudly interjected, causing the pink party planner to throw up a thumbs up and chomp on a cupcake. Fluttershy boggled at the thumb, before shaking her head and sighing.

“Maybe… it’d be easier to start at the beginning? When they first met?” The yellow pegasus offered, and Twilight nodded. That seemed like a rational and logical thing to do.

Rarity gasped in sheer, unhealthy delight, stars in her eyes. Applejack groaned, before Rainbow Dash shot her… wife… a knowing scowl.

“No, we’re not telling your version to Twilight! I called dibs on the next person, and we have an entire other scroll from Princess Celestia to go through!”

“But, my love! My dearest heart! Pleaseeee? Oh, I’m sure I can get through the story before…” Rarity squinted at the sky and offered an unsure grin. “…sunset?”

Rainbow’s eye twitched.

“How about we go over Twilight’s actual questions? We can tell her how we got together and all that later, maybe after the wedding!”

“Ugh, fine. At least that way, it won’t be the terribly unromantic, incredibly abridged version of our pre-marriage love life that you tell.” Rarity sniffed haughtily, before leaning against her… wife… with more romantic comfort than Twilight’s ever seen out of both of the… married couple.

Twilight nodded, pulling out a notebook and a quill to record the results of her interview. Don’t ask where she got them from.