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Chapter 1: Everfree

Looking around, it seems I'm in a heavily overgrown forest. Not the worst place to be, survival-wise. Food everywhere if you know where to look for it. Water too. The question of what I'm going to do about tool use with no hands was solved almost immediately. Apparently whatever the heck I am has tactile telekinesis. Useful.

On the subject of whatever the heck I am, it seems I'm still magical. Not the same type of magical, no, that would be far too easy. Instead it wants to wash over my entire body that is in a manner entirely unlike a shield. Vexing. It also gives me an extra sense of some sort. All of the animals around me, and the rare tree or two, gives off some sort of foreign sensation. And not all of it is foreign! Like some word half forgotten that you're trying to remember, some of these creatures are giving off infuriatingly familiar sensations, but I just can't place them! In my frustration I grab a particularly delicious looking squirrel (oh, the telekinesis is long range, good to know) to see if these wicked feeling teeth in my mouth are just for show or not, only for some sort of energy to leave the squirrel and flow into me, quenching a hunger that I didn't notice building up till now. Does this mean I'm some sort of energy vampire now? That would be very inconvenient for integrating into society. I let the squirrel go. I get the feeling I could continue to feed from him, but he's giving off an entirely unappetizing feeling right now, and I'd rather set up some sort of sustainable solution for my hunger if at all possible.

Next are the holes in my legs and wings. These are incredibly unsettling to me. They represent an unacceptable weakness in my exoskeleton, possibly cripples any of my natural ability to fly, and they're just gross to look at. In fact I'm feeling an incredible ache in my chest now that I'm concentrating on them so closely. Especially the biggest one in my right front hoof. I'm going to have to limit my physical exertion if they put this much strain on my circulatory system. In fact I'd rather not look at them at-



I'm a shape shifter.

About a week of experimenting with my new abilities later, I've figured some things out. Chief among them is that my new sense is magical empathy. How inappropriate! I am a thinking being of logic! How dare that slippery bucker reincarnate me as a creature powered by emotion! It's all just so very queer. Still my favorite, would be omnipotent jackass, though. It is incredibly difficult to top gender dysmorphia as a cruel and unusual punishment. Nice of him to throw me a bone in the form of shape shifting, too. Second is that I'm an emotivore. I still haven't pinned down the emotion, or set of emotions that I find appetizing, but I have conclusively ruled out fear and anger. I'm confident I'll have that narrowed down even further given enough time. Third is that I learned how to pinpoint emotional signatures through my empathy. I have managed to simply avoid many dangers through the panic of everything else running away from it. I'll admit I got curious once. I looked to see what was causing all the commotion only to see a particularly proud chicken thing strutting through the forest. Thank goodness I waited a few seconds before approaching. A large cat was apparently stalking it and tried for an easy meal, only to get turned to stone right before my eyes. A reminder not to underestimate anything in this forest. Lastly I learned that flight as a bird is just as freeing, and almost as exhilarating as flight as an aerial mage. There are predators to dodge after all.

The world around me is stuffed to the bursting with magic. Anybody from either of my old worlds would call it fantastical. The weather is ever shifting, the colors are brighter, there are actual wild magic manifestations, and half the animals here wield magic in some capacity. Heck, half of the plant life does too! When I was flying over the forest I spotted a pack of giant tree wolves out hunting. Neat! In related news, I won't be squirreling myself away in any more trees I can feel emotions from. I've also seen the wildlife avoid those blue flowers I arrived in. To find out why I telekinetically threw a vole into the patch I arrived in. It turned into a guinea pig. It seemed quite distressed by this.

Attempts to reclaim my magical arsenal in this life have had mixed results. I've memorized every spell formula of my last life, but none of them seem to work quite right here. The only thing the analgesic formula did was to upgrade my empathetic range and sensitivity. A thoroughly strange experience. The protective spells felt like they wanted to work, but was missing something vital. The flight spell merely aided me in my aerial maneuverability. The mage blade spell failed entirely, but I feel I can cobble something together with my telekinesis. Reinforcement and reflex boosting worked almost perfectly. I have not had the opportunity to test the oxygenation or offensive spell formulas. The oxygenation for opportunity reasons, but the offensive for practical reasons. It would not do to attract the attention of any larger predators without the surety of being able to defend myself after all.

My next move is to find civilization. I know it exists. The weakened eel thing was quick to lament that the forces of Harmony were able to check him. If the forces of Harmony aren't a coalition of civilizations of some sort, I'll eat my non-existent hat.