• Member Since 20th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


I write stuff sometimes, mostly involving best princesses, Luna and Celestia.

Comments ( 33 )

pretty damn good so far. cant wait to see how it works out.

a new autopony fic 👀👀

i remember reading this when it first came out as a greentext, can't wait to read it again :yay:

"Despite the trifecta of edgelord tags, it's not meant to be nor is it dark, violent or edgy. More precautionary than necessity for two of them."

And Luna loses all self-control during this time? It's a good thing you can't be injured there. Otherwise, I wouldn't want to think about the state of Anon's pelvis at the end of this.


this is already out in greentext? where can i find it?

This is really interesting, i am eagerly looking foward to the next chapter.

This five-part short originally started out as a scrap of prose,

Where can I read the original piece of prose?

You misunderstand – it was basically an idea that I started writing, and I just didn't feel like it was working at the time and set it aside. I don't delete piece of writing for that reason – sometimes they find new life. But that being said, since it DID get used, I don't have that little 2k word bit anymore.

Well then, color me intrigued

An update already! Woo!!

Celestia has such a sweet and wholesome relationship with her brother in law.

Would've made more sense to post this on April 8, the day of the eclipse itself honestly (assuming you live in its path). But that's just me.

This is simultaneously the cheapest and most painful marriage counseling imaginable.

I'm loving the premise of the nature of Nightmare Moon and the darker aspect of alicorns in general. It'll be interesting to see how Anonymous handles this. I get the feeling that he'll get through to this version of Luna somehow though.

I must say that you did a good job with how Lunas mindset slowly warped into Nightmare moons, it wasn't that she just changed at the drop of a hat and poof! Here is one of Equestrias old villans again, no, it was a slow gradual change that started with a small bad temper that increasinly got worse, and the same with her physical apperance.

But here she is now, and boy do i look foward to how our hero will handly his now more.....eeemmmm......morally unbound wife?

Who says we're at totality yet?

Woona returns!
Curious to learn what Luna did and how that impacts her dealings with Nightmare Moon.

She was saved out of her mental imprisonment by the power of love! And the fist!

"Maybe it's more an attitude thing," you reply, shrugging.

I don't think he really understood what's going on down here. I'm pretty sure Luna could hold nightmare back from killing him, but ass whoopings are free and he's already been proven that point.

Maybe you've reached a breaking point dealing with this stress, or maybe it's the notion that this being might have an actual agenda– but this is not your wife. She's being held hostage deep inside, and now it's your turn to fight.

Again, he fully doesn't understand The nightmare is Luna this because they're on the different side of the coin doesn't mean the coin isn't there. I think

"It's just a flesh wound."


Being honest, I'm pretty sure they just freed the nightmare. If it's mental Luna still would have to fight against her for control

Wow, Nightmare is a piece o' work.

…Oooooo-kaaayyyyy… I wasn't expecting things to get quite that raunchy near the end there.

Edit: Also, FIRST!

A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one

Great work, clop at the end too.

A very optimistic and cute ending

I enjoyed the story. The ending was quite good, heartfelt even.

Caught two typos.

...behind you as well.as Luna.
The full stop/period should be a kern/space.

...as a bad of moisture breaks away to fall down her cheek.

Got em – a couple of days late. Yeah, my thumb likes to accidentally hit periods on my phone instead of the space bar, and I just didn't catch it. Thanks.

Great phrasing at the end of the story.

My Muse really liked the story, if all the sprouting ideas are any indication, so thanks for that!

This was definitely a pleasant little read. Thank you.

Ok, so. This may or may not be one of THE best luna x human fics on here. Like I want this life so badly it's crazy.

Probably 4chan or PonePaste.

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