• Published 20th Mar 2024
  • 3,500 Views, 97 Comments

Right Fit - Some Leech

Ever wonder what happens when a nigh-omnipotent, ageless alicorn comes out of retirement?

  • ...

Touch of Tachycardia

Ugh,” Anon groaned as his eyes fluttered open.

Peering up at the humming, fluorescent light above him, he went to sit up and winced. He didn’t know where he was, how he’d gotten there, or exactly what had happened, but he felt like he’d been hit by a semi. It was only when he turned his head and lowered his gaze, seeing the sterile, uninviting interior of what appeared to be a hospital room, that the memories came flooding back.

Oh fuck - OH FUCK! The realization of how he’d ended up bedridden horrifying as it was embarrassing. It would have been one thing if he’d been jumped by some hooligans or got into a fight preserving Celestia’s honor, but it was quite another to be nearly crushed to death under a Princess’ devastatingly doughy derriere! Attempting to push himself up, he quickly discovered that it didn’t just hurt to move - it was impossible.

Nurse,” he weakly called out.

This wasn’t good - this wasn’t good at all. He couldn’t lift his arms and legs, he was thirsty, and he hadn’t the slightest idea of just how injured he was. Shouting out again, he tried fruitlessly to lift his limbs. He couldn’t really see himself, having a shitty hospital blanket thrown over him from the neck down, but he knew he must have been in bad shape.

Nurse!” he yelled, fueled by dread and impotent irritation. “Can a guy get…”

He trailed off as a figure coolly strutted in. Holding a clipboard and dressed in a nurse’s uniform, replete a hat upon her head, the towering mare sauntered over to him and smiled. He would have - should have been relieved that somepony had come to check up on him, yet the giantess was anything but a medical professional.

“Mister Anonymous,” Celestia flatly intoned, squinting at her notes, “how can I assist you?”

In disbelief, he stared up at her. “I…what…how did…”

“The patient is exhibiting possible cognitive impairment,” she remarked as flipped open his chart and scribbled something down. Slipping the paperwork under one arm, she pulled a pen light from her breast pocket, flicked it on, and leaned over him. “How are you feeling?”

“How the hell do you think I’m feeling?” he huffed. Glancing past her face and to her expansive hindquarters, the very instrument of his destruction, he knit his brow. “Can you stop shining that light in my eye?”

She reluctantly withdrew, straightened up, and stashed the miniature flashlight. “I am sorry about what happened, but it’s partially your fault.”

“My…My fault?!?” he spat. “How the hell was your fat ass falling on me my fault?!”

Twisting and peeking back at her rump, she blushed. “First and foremost, nopony asked you to hover behind me and - Ahem - appreciating the view - secondly and just as prudently, it’s not that fat.”

He went to defend himself on both accounts, moments from telling her that her tush was generous by any metric and that he hadn’t zoned out while admiring her assets, but he remained silent. Lying to her would have been wrong, and saying anything about her weight would only deal a blow to her self-image, so a change of topic was due. Nodding to the clipboard she was carrying, he grunted.

“So how bad is it?” he asked.

Pulling his chart free, she turned a page. “Multiple contusions, three bruised ribs, and several compressed vertebrae - all in all, you should consider yourself lucky.”

“If I’m lucky, I’d hate to - wait a damn minute,” he groused. He was no doctor, but she hadn’t mentioned anything affecting his arms or legs. “Can you pull this sheet off me?”

“Of course,” she serenely replied.

As she grabbed the blanket and tugged it downward, his worst fears were realized. His entire body, everything from the neck down, was locked within a rigid cast. Erring on the side of caution was never a bad idea, but he couldn’t fathom why some numbskull physician had him trapped in plaster - that was unless it hadn’t been a doctor who’d had it done.

Testing his bonds, he fidgeted within his padded confines. “So - uh - if I don’t have broken arms or legs…?”

A soft smile graced her full, pouting lips as she reached over and caressed his cheek. “It’s called a lesson.”

“A lesson,” he dully repeated. “You’re doing this to teach me a lesson?”

“Just so,” she affirmed. “Anon, if you truly wanted to look at my tooshie, you simply could have asked.”

“I…I d…don’t know what you’re t…talking about,” he sputtered.

Crossing to a set of storage compartments along the far wall, she opened a cupboard, slipped her hand inside, and retrieved an grisly looking instrument. It took him a moment to place what she was holding, but then it hit him. A saw - she’d just grabbed a saw, and it sure as hell appeared as though she was going to use it.

Kneeling down and plugging the tool in, she flipped a switch along its side and set its circular head to spinning. “This should work nicely,” she murmured, turning her gaze to his face. “I would tell you not to move, but I don’t think that’s an issue.”

Breaking into a cold sweat, his efforts to break free intensified. “W…what are you doing?”

“I’m about to prove a point,” she remarked. “Close your eyes and hold your breath, this will only take a moment.”

Though he wanted to scream, to piss his nonexistent pants and cry like a baby, he grit his teeth and clamped his eyes shut. The menacing buzz of the saw, the smell of plaster dust, and a vibration over his torso were pants-shittingly terrifying, to the point where he stifled a whimper, but he somehow managed to keep himself quiet until a preternatural silence rang in his ears. Peeking down at himself with a single eye, ye flinched when she removed a large patch of plaster free from his chest.

“See, that wasn’t so bad ~ was it?” she chuckled, setting the tool and portion of his cast down on a nearby countertop. “Don’t go anywhere, I’ll be right back.”

With that, she brushed herself free from dust, straightened her uniform, and saw herself out. Anon simply lay there in shock, breathing hard while trying to figure out what she was up to and why she was dressed up like a nurse. She’d amassed a number of interesting skills over the millennia, but parading herself as a healthcare worker was downright illegal ~ wasn’t it?

Nearly lost to his thoughts, he looked to the doorway when a sudden movement caught his eye. Huddled around outside his room, whispering conspiratorially as they peered in at him, were a number of what he presumed to be nurses and doctors - actual nurses and doctors. He couldn’t say if any of the onlookers would do anything for him, seeing as how they’d allowed Celestia to wrap him up like a mummy, but that wasn’t going to stop him from trying to go get some help.

Hey,” he hissed, keeping his voice low. “Come and get me out of this thing…”

One intrepid soul, a young stallion clad in scrubs, crept in and was swiftly stopped by one of his coworkers. Yeah, he was screwed. His best guess was that Celestia had put herself in charge of his care, throwing her imperial weight around to assure nopony laid a finger on him other than herself, and he didn’t have the authority or bits to easily change their minds.

Looking dead at the little crowd, he mouthed a single word. ‘Please…’

Some of the staff members appeared to pity him, bearing concerned expressions while they shook their heads, but others, namely a few stallions, looked upon him with contempt. He could see why a few of the guys would be envious, wishing to be doted on by an alicorn, yet this wasn’t the opening act of some smutty film - moreover, there was nothing sexy about his situation in the slightest. Flopping his head onto the flat, uncomfortable pillows, he slowly exhaled.

Celestia was clearly planning on doing something with him or to him, but he couldn’t fathom what it could be. Logically speaking, he didn’t have anything to worry about. She’d never once done anything to intentionally harm him, actually saving him from several inadvertent calamities in the past, so he shouldn’t have been concerned - still, his intuition told him that he was in trouble.

He slowed his breathing as he replayed his brief interaction with her in his mind. She hadn’t been acting all that differently from usual - sure, she had the attire and demeanor of a nurse, but her playing pretend wasn’t anything that out of the ordinary, but there’d been something she’d said that made him anxious. A lesson - she said she was going to teach him a lesson, and he doubted having his chest exposed to the air was all that was involved with it.

The hospital personnel scattered like leaves in the wind, rushing back to their posts, seconds before he heard a squeaking sound. Looking to the doorway, wondering what in the hell he was hearing, he balked when Celestia pushed a wheeled cart into his room. The cheerful look on her face contrasted sharply against the unfamiliar device and heaps of wires she’d fetched, doing nothing to calm him.

Resting the cart at his beside, she lifted and inspected two of the leads. “Let’s see here…”

“Do you even know what you’re doing?” he grumbled.

“I received my medical license with a dual specialty in nephrology and gerontology from the University of Trottingham - granted, that was a few hundred years ago, but it’s still valid,” she responded. “Here we are!”

Turning to face him, she bent at the waist and affixed a little rubberized pad to his chest, then a second, third, and fourth, until no fewer than a half dozen of the things were plastered to his torso. After plugging the machine in, ignoring the bewildered look on his face, she pressed a button on the contraption and powered it on. It only took him a second to put the pieces together, listening to a soft beeping that coincided with his heartbeat, while a faint glow surrounded her horn.

“Now then,” she purred, magically closing and locking the door, “let’s try this again. Were you looking at my butt before your little accident?”

Vehemently shaking his head, he locked eyes with her. Although he didn’t know what she’d do if he confessed what had actually happened, that he’d been hospitalized purely because he’d been enthralled by her booty, no good would come from telling her the truth. She smirked as she wheeled away from him and drew the curtain of the window shut with her magic.

Last chance…” she sang.


Nope, it didn’t matter what sort of game she was playing, he wasn’t going to spill the beans. She was a handful on the best of days, often dragging him along to pursue whatever harebrained schemes she cooked up, and he knew - knew that she’d tease him relentlessly if she figured out he had a particular fondness of her backside. Wrinkling his nose, he gave a petulant snort.

She shrugged and ran her hands down her sides. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you…”

As she leaned forward, the fabric of her skirt rode up the back of her thighs. The difference in hue between the fabric and her creamy coat was subtle, so subtle that it would have been hard to tell where the garment ended and her fur began in a dimly lit room, yet the shameless display was provocative all the same. Just as he found enough willpower to avert his gaze, a hint of something turquoise made him falter.


Swinging her arms back and keeping her ass leveled at him, she pulled the cloth upward further still. “Do you like them? I picked them out just for you…”

His jaw hung open, his eyes went wide, and the plaster over his nethers became incredibly uncomfortable as he was given an immaculate view of her panties. The soft blue and white stripes of her simple undergarment were amazing, hugging the curve of her buns and nestled perfectly against the underside of her rear, and the fact that she’d expressly picked them out for him made the view all the sweeter. Either she’d made a damn lucky guess or she’d somehow figured out he was a fan of hot mares in plain undies, because she’d really hit the nail on the head.

“I do so love modern materials,” she giggled. “Back in my day, when everything was either cotton or wool, I’d never be able to do this…”

Pinching the waistband of her panties, the part right below her dock, she pulled on the fabric. Like a magician’s disappearing act, the undergarment sank into the cleft of her rump. With his mouth watering and certain parts of him doing their damnedest to break through the cast, he gnawed his bottom lip when she shuffled backward toward him.


Lowering her hand and grabbing her ankles, she swayed her hips from side to side. “Would you like to touch it?”

Y…y…” he croaked while his id waged war with his ego.

She smiled and inched nearer. “They’re quite soft…”

Battling against his inner, sexual demons, he shook his head to dislodge the sinfully unwanted thoughts accosting him. What was he doing?! He’d nearly told her that he wanted to touch her butt - to make matters worse, he’d tried to touch her butt! Flexing his arm and remembering that he couldn’t move, he took some solace from the fact that his body couldn’t betray him - or so he thought.

“Since you’re in that dreadful little cast, there’s only one part of you that could feel how lovely they are - you know, the same part that was entombed in my fat, sumptuous derriere…” she purred.


The mere thought of reliving the accident, of having his face planted between her cheeks, was enough to break him. He didn’t want to touch her, he had no desire to do anything obscene with her - no, he yearned to be with her. All of his time at her side, looking after her and keeping her out of trouble, had built an admiration and a longing to be more than friends with her, although it wasn’t until that moment that he truly understood it.

“C…Celestia,” he whispered, “I -”

The door burst open and a stallion ran to his side. “Damn it, you’re going to kill him!”

Celestia smoothly rose, trotted past the frantic physician, and stroked his cheek with the back of her hand. “Next time, simply ask…”

He wasn’t sure if her escapade as a nurse qualified as her trying out a new job or not, though that was of little consequence. She had in fact taught him a lesson, revealing a truth that he’d been suppressing for far, far too long, and it shook the foundation of who he was and what he was doing with his life. Seeing her turn away and proceed to the exit, he summoned his courage.

“Wait,” he cried. As she looked back at him, he met her gaze. “I…I…”

Peaking a brow, she studied him. “Yes?”

“I’ll…” he gulped as his confidence waned. “I’ll do better from now on, I promise.”

With a smile that met her eyes, she dipped her head. “That’s all I ask, Anon…”

He let the doctor check on him as Celestia departed. Though he hadn’t been able to bring himself to do it, to admit about how his feelings for her had started to bloom, he’d spoken from the heart. It may not have been today, and it may not be a week from now, but he would open up and tell her how much she meant to him…