• Published 15th May 2024
  • 298 Views, 2 Comments

Alicorn of Mischief - GamePlayer64

An reborn Alicorn that travel the world has now settle in Ponyville.

  • ...


When heading for Ponyville

"A town I see my brothers, a new place where we 6 can live." Said Random as his bros cheered. As they to a step, their harnesses snapped off as the Vardos rolled down a hill.

"SAVE THE KIDS AND HOMES! SAVE THE KIDS AND HOMES!" Yelled R.G. as they chase the Vardos.

The truth of the loud roars

"I can't take it anymore! Twilight... has the roars stopped?" At the location of the Mystery Family, Random had Lil' Miracle on his chest, R.G. was on the roof of his Vardo, Zeshaman was near a cauldron and the twins were under the Vardo sleeping and snoring loudly at a rate that makes a sound beat as one of the Looter Dogs were tiptoeing for their loot and step on a twig. He hid as they opened their eyes to looked around to see nothing and continue their sleeping at a double pace plus Random's stomach.

Littlest Digger

Wrecking and Fixing were sleeping under their Vardo as dirt hit them in the face as they woke up to see a puppy digging and pull a gem out as Fixing pulled a squeaky toy of sushi out of his hat and tossed it towards the puppy as she chewed on it ("Wonder who's puppy that is?")

Meanwhile in parts unknown: "WHERE IS LITTLE SISTER!!!" Roared Digger.

The cause of the explosion

Looter Dog #1 found their safe full of gems and noticed a gem bracelet around the baby pony's hoof. "Gem... Mine." He slowly removed it, and the baby woke up, looked at them and cried loudly. Random's family woke up and saw the thieves and their gems.

"Those." (Zeshaman)

"Are." (The twins)

"OUR." (Reflecting Glare)

"GEMS!" Yelled Random as his mane sparked and his horn glowed radiantly with hate, rage as their wealth was being stolen "OUR CASH SUPPLIES!!!" His magic overwhelmed his horn to fire at a boulder to cause an explosion that made a smoke cloud in the shape of his Mystery-hawk and the blast covered him with soot and smoke. The Looter Dogs escape with the gems "AFTER THEM!"

The Chase

Random and his bros were chasing the Looter Dogs as he tossed the twins in the cart filled with their gems as they removed the hook connected to them. "Got it." As the Looter Dogs made a sharp turn with one gem wrapped in a ribbon as Random grabbed the ribbon and being dragged as he was crashing through the flower carts, trash cans and a perfume cart smelling like a nose-killing bomb of garbage and not the kind he find in a junkyard. He then saw a two carts; one of them filled with sweets and the other make-up. "Please the sweet cart, please the sweet cart!" He then crash through the make-up cart "DAMN IT!" Random yelled as he looked pretty.


"NOW EAT THIS, BURA SUTO SAKUHIN!" He slammed his gauntlets together, the gauntlets blasted off like fireworks and headed for Celestia. They looked horrified as she was sent flying by the blast "WHOOPS... HAD THOSE ON HEAT SEEKING." Said Sudden Emotion with a sweat drop on his head and silhouettes of Random and R.G.

Question that has been bothering R.G.

Reflecting was holding Aisu Kama back looked at Shining Armor and Cadence looked guilty "Again I'm sorry for what I said about Changelings."

"We didn't mean to doubt your parents teaching." R.G. was holding Aisu Kama back as he relaxed a bit.

"Yeah well... I admit that we met some bastards that discriminate other races for being inferior to them, especially from the Pony Race. They bragged about your sister and friends, even your other Himes being super powerful and having no weakness." He looked pissed as his eyes glowed a quick purple "But there's always a flaw in others being powerful, you can't be blind by the strength of their magic and can't locate the weakness and believe it doesn't exist." Shining Armor was amazed by his sight in battle

"You fought in battles like that?" R.G. looked at him and nodded

"Yes... and I got a question to ask the both of you." They looked curious

"What?" They both asked

"If she's a princess and you both married to each other... than how come you don't call yourself the Alicorn Queen of Love since your married? I mean you can only call yourself a princess when you're single and never been married." Cadence looked surprised and dumbstruck


"GET BACK HERE WITH THAT CAMERA!" They looked to see the twins being chased by Blueblood as Aisu Kama found the chance and ran after him as R.G. grabbed the chains and was dragged

"Akuro damn it!!!" Cadence wondered about what he said

"That's a good question... why am I still princess when I'm married?" Shining Armor looked confused.

("If she wonders why she's still a princess than... does that makes me a king?")

Learning the Truth and a bribe

After one long and boring explanation "So you promise not to tell them because I got death threats before I was even born." Discord smirked.

"I don't know... I mean I must tell any secrets I learn..." Random gave him a list

"Here's a list of idea we hoped when you change your land, Equestria into that awesome fun zone." Discord looked at the list

"Furniture-shaped candy, floating swimming ponds, Endless giant fighting pillows?! HA-HA! You sir have a great imagination!" Random smiled

"Thank you and I hope you will be my little miko's Chaotic uncle of fun." Discord looked above him to see Lil' Miracle laughing upside down on a balloon head of Discord. "I am gonna love the future fun you're gonna bring."

Random's Friends & Discord's Summon Theme

Random was drinking green tea from a bottle as Discord was letting Lil' Miracle sliding on his body "You know if you're cool with my bros and kids; maybe my friends from my country will like you?" Discord smile

"Really? They might not understand since I'm a little odd." Random snickered since he was feeling the drunkenness of green Tea.

"Bwa-ha-ha! Are you kidding me? Not all of them are ponies; well normal ponies like Equestria. I mean I know a pair of twin mares that one of them can stretch her neck and the other one can detach her head. *HIC*" Discord looked surprised

"Really?! I'm intrigued."

"Yeah I mean one's a huge head, one's like a *HIC* a mermaid but more fish and the one's like flat but a living creature that blocks another path *HIC*. They're awesome and my friends!" He's said while laughing drunk as Discord hold Lil' Miracle

"So buddy, how about I summoned them here?" Random laughed as he was floating and spinning slowly.

"Sure but summoning them is different thing. I can show you, but the summoning is different than your summons and a lot cooler." Discord smirked

"Show me." Random showed him the summon circles, techniques and telling him that you must know their name and race to bring them here.

"And for more info; bring my Uncle Hellfire. Yes that's his name but we can't change our names without legal authorization by the law."

Discord made the appeared circles appeared "You know the names and I have the magic." He filled the magic in the circles as it glows

A bright flash brought creatures dancing out of the light looking confused and lost and freaking out until they saw Random "That's weird but oh well. Kon'nichiwa watashi no yūjin!" They saw Random and smiled "Random-Kun!" "Random!? It's been 2 years!" Said the biggest stallion wearing a kabuki mask as he covered his mouth which freaked them out "I gave you the language of my nation!" They saw Discord and looked amazed "Amazing!" "Is he a Nue?" "He looks like a rare species!" They took out cameras and notepads "Can we take pictures and possibly he's autograph?" They asked Random and Discord smile "I already love your friends."

CMCs meet Miss Furosutorōzu

Random was summoning snacks and tea for his friends as Discord was signing autographs. "Hello Random-San!" He looked to see a female Earth pony mare in a winter pattern kimono floating as snowflakes appeared around her with a transparent stallion, looking lost with no hind legs.

"Miss Furosutorōzo! Is that you?" She smiled and hugged Random as ice started to form on him.

"Random of Mystery Clan. You've change since you and your brothers left... without your parents and friends knowing." Random looked sad.

"I'm sorry but we've change like with responsibilities like kids." He caught his baby girl, and she laughed happily looking at them which surprised her.

"Oh my… she's so beautiful."

"I know and which reminds me. Who's that behind you? Your lover?" Said Random as someone making fun of another with huge sparkling manga eyes as she blushed happy as ice was forming on her hind legs.

"Yes he is! Isn't he attractive?" Random looked at him.

"What's his race? I've never seen him from home or the northern mountains?" She smiled and hugged him.

"He's from the lands where you're in, a Wendigo. He got lost in sea and my girls and I saved him. Plus he's like me."

“A being of the cold, with magical powers of the element of ice that freezes anyone who comes near you without a coat and hot chocolate with mini marshmallows." She looked at me and smiled a bit.

"Yes... but who's civilized unlike my cold-hearted ancestors of the past; we have peace between Divines and Demons." He looked at him

"You are… fine with my race?" Random looked surprised.

"Good sir. Where I was raised, we don't discriminate." He smiled.

"I wished I was still there." Random smiled and wonder "Wendigo you say? Maybe those CMCs might know you." He cracked his hooves and made a summon circle

(The CMCs were dancing to the music!)

"Cutie Mark Crusaders! Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo!"

Random looked at his horn "There's the music I know but why it's different when Discord did it? Maybe a language difference?" They looked confused and frighten by the creatures as a frightening Amanojaku had a tray of fresh bread.

"Fresh baked rolls?" They screamed at the sight of him as Miss Furosutorōzu calmed her down.

"There, there, girls. We mean you no harm." They looked around as the demons were holding snacks and toys for kids. "We were invited by Mr. Discord."

"MR. Discord?" They nodded as she dressed them in lovely kimonos.

"Hope you love my sample kimonos." They looked at the clothes and loved how they looked

“Whoa..." They had some trouble wearing them, but Miss Furosutorōzu help them with it

"Here let me help." She helped them and showed them how to put them on as Random was making snacks and passing out drinks. "He's a greatest friend we ever had." They looked at him as he was laughing and joking around.

"He's cool."

"And funny."

"Wrecking and Fixing have a cool dad." Miss Furosutorōzu looked surprised.

"He has three kids?!"

Discord's New Summon Theme

"(Chanting) Geragerapoo!/Laugh Out Loud!" Random and his friends were singing and dancing as Discord looked annoyed.

"What's wrong Discord?" Discord looked at him

"Fluttershy and her friends are summoning me in the most boring way." Random raised his brow

"How boring?"

"Not like how I summon your pals. No dancing or those poses." Random looked disgusted

"Oh no way in Emma's Courthouse that's happening." His horn glowed and radiate him in his magic which Discord looked surprised.

"What did you do to me?"

"I gave you a theme. Enjoy it until you want me to change it." Discord see the rainbow spell covered him

(Random Mystery's Voice) "Summoning… LEGENDARY!"

(While the song was playing; Discord was making some poses as the song ended)


("Thank you Random.") He said in his head.

Understanding Lord Yami

Lord Yami watched the band and enjoyed it as the band played another song as he passed out candy from his nation as Princess Luna wonder about something she can't understand

"We… I mean I have a question that's been plaguing me." Yami looked at Luna after he finished passing out the candy.


"Random told the story on how you became their king true? That you slain the Dark Titan by using those claws made from a chunk of it?" Yami looked at his metal claws

"Yes. It's true." Luna looked at those claws

"But Random said that metal that made those claws; a powerful curse is unleashed on the one who uses a creation from that metal. Don't those claws create pain and damage you the more you continued to wield them?" He clutched his claws

"Yes they do but I have found a way to neutralized the curse and offered a reward for anyone who finds that mineral. It is too dangerous for that mineral to be into anything; it has taken lives by draining them of their life force, killing them as time passes." Luna gulped in horror and pray no pony finds that cursed metal.

"These have more functions than for fighting." Luna looked curious and raise her brow

"Really like what?" He moved his front leg to his back and scratched it.

"They can help me removed an annoying itch on my back." She looked shock and jealous

("I always had that same problem, and he can get rid of it. Lucky")

Author's Note:

Yōkoso, watashi no kōtei - Welcome, my emperor.

Kongo chīana machi no shimin! Watashi wa EMPEROR YAMI, ōshanzu akurosu Kingu to Ishite shira rete imasu! Watashi wa watashi no gakusei ga tengami o Tsūjite it takes koto kiita nochi CAMEte kimashita! WAkashi wa, ryōkoku no heiwanotameni MY CLAW o EXTEND ni kite imasu! - CITIZENS OF THIS SMALL TOWN! I AM KNOWN AS EMPEROR YAMI, A KING FROM ACROSS THE OCEANS! I HAVE CAME AFTER HEARING WHAT MY STUDENTS HAVE SAID THROUGH THEIR LETTERS! I HAVE CAME TO EXTEND MY CLAW FOR PEACE BETWEEN OUR TWO COUNTRIES!

Randamu-Samantha ga, naze jūmin ga konran shite Mieta nodesu ka? - Random-Sama, who do the residents looked confused?

Migi ā, watashi wa wasurete shimaimashita. Karera wa Nihon o rikai shite imasen. - Oh right, I forgot. They don't understand Japanese.

Watashi no kōtei wa, watashi wa anata ni watashi wa yoru no tame ni mananda gengo o uataenakereba narimasen - My Emperor, I shall give you the language, I learned for the night.

Watashi no gakusei, anata wa kakushin shite imasu? - My student, are you sure?

Watashi wa watashi yori mo, karera wa anata o rikai surudearou to shinjite imasu - I believe they would understand you, better than me.

My Lord, Kore wa sukoshi kinchō kamo shiremasen - My Lord, This might strain a little.

Korera no sōshoku wa nani no tame ni aru nodesu ka? - What are those decorations for?

Soko karera no ōjo wa akuma no dengen ga haitte ori, rekishi no naka de densetsu ni natta hōhō no matsuri no tame ni. Purasu shita ishō ni yotte sore o kinen shi, kodomo-tachi ni okashi o ataemasu - There for a festival on how their princess turned demonic and became a legend in history. Plus the celebrate it by were costumes and give candy to children.

Music - Never More from Persona 4

Background: The Arachne was playing the piano as the masked maiden was singing with backup singers and clapping with the audience as Twilight gather knowledge from King Yami. Luna was enjoying a successful Nightmare Moon as R.G. was passing out candy as he refuse to give more to Pinkie. Zeshaman was having a conversation with old friends and exchanging gifts as the twins were hiding their collected candy in a bush.

Random Mystery: Preview Time: It's great to see your friends but sometimes it's more wonderful to see your family.

Applejack: I agree with you but what are you doing?

Random Mystery: But remember; don't mistaking them for your friends when they look identical.

Rainbow Dash: O.K. This is weird. Stop talking to thin air.

Discord: Zip it reality lover. (He snapped his fingers and zipped her lips)

Random Mystery: So anyway the next chapter is called; Twin of Random's Yang. I will enjoy the dark surprise (Sinister chuckle).

Rarity: Tell me if your spider friend will sell me the material she made that silk?!

Random looked at the full moon and in a small glimpse; A hooded pony was flying with a chain-sickle around him

????: Happiness and false friendliness are a disappointment, easy targets to eliminate in silence. Now where is the target?

Again leave a review because we think you don't like us.

Author’s Note: I was a big fan of Youkai Watch a decade ago. I used the lyrics of the summons on YouTube but since I can’t type lyrics of songs that isn’t MLP, I had to do a lot of editing.