• Member Since 20th Sep, 2023
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

Professional Expert

I like copyright infringment.

Comments ( 12 )

I can't wait how how his journey is going to be. Also what type of firearm did you give him and in which of the Fallout series is he in.

You'll see him use a few different firearms throughout the fic. As for your second question, he doesn't come from any specific entry in the fallout series, instead he lived in the west coast area during the time of fallout 3.

For his narration it's probably better not use parenthesis, but separate phrases. Like, how he, just a raider, though probably a vault dweller before, could recognise a crown.

Okay A little bit of a good start but in the end a little bit Rocky start.

I thought the Raiders of Fallout enjoyed their lives and didn’t WANT to change. ...Or at least that’s what I got when I read the OG Fallout: Equestria.

You'll find out as the story continues that Cade isn't exactly an "average" raider.

I mean, he didn't tell them he's a druggie, so that's a plus.

“ -Ahem- oh no, no ! Of course not! That was the first time I've ever been in a fight! I imagine that poor lady feels down-right horrible about the whole situation right now!” That’s not… entirely a lie, I imagine that cunt feels very ‘horrible’ with the bullet hole in her chest.

Kinda contradicting yourself. It was stated in the last chapter that he tells them he gets into fights a lot.

“Do you get into fights often?” The Princess probes farther, putting the clipboard and quill down entirely and leaning in slightly closer.
That I do.” Cade’s face splits into a large, proud grin, prominently showing off a pair of canines at the front of his mouth. I can’t help the lump that forms in my throat as I stare at his display.

Proof for what I mean.

So , from what's been stated he either isn't an actual vault dweller and has stolen the pipboy and vault suit from someone, or he is a vault dweller, but has long since become jaded to the world transforming into the raider we see him as.
Either way I'm liking the story.

Comment posted by Professional Expert deleted Saturday

Fixed it! thank you for pointing that out I completely missed that straight up contradiction.

No problem, just seemed a little out there so I wanted to bring a little attention to it!

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