• Member Since 23rd Aug, 2015
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


Comments ( 45 )

Not bad, as a big fallout fan I say your doing pretty good for your first fanfic. I can say I love your idea of it being Luna and some guards in the wasteland. I love how you make independent Vegas work, in the game that ending sucks with every thing going into anarchy, I always hated that. But you fixed it so it's all good also are the Khan's there or did they form their empire like in the game lore

Gonna need to put reading this one off for a bit. Had the game for years, but I have so many damn files I've never actually finished New Vegas.

So true for me too never finished the main quest line before I decided to go back and try something else lol

The Khans went north to Montana to make a new nation with The Courier's encouragement. And yeah, I agree, the whole "Mojave descends into anarchy after Hoover Dam pt.2" always irked me.

Good shit, good shit I do say my good man.

Forgive me if I get this wrong, but it's been several years since I played the game. I played over 1,000 hours of New Vegas and it is by far my favorite Fallout game.

The reason things descend into anarchy with an independent New Vegas is because it's only New Vegas that stays independent. The Independent ending basically says "Fuck the rest of the Mojave, I have money!" The whole point of the Independent ending is greed and selfishness. All the endings have their pros and cons. NCR ending means government structure, but taxes and bureaucratic nonsense. Legion ending means safety and unity, but loss of culture and slavery. That's one of the things I truly loved about New Vegas: there are no real clear good guys and bad guys. Just shades of gray.

In my opinion, the NCR ending is the "best". But you have to really work at it and complete a ton of side quests the right way to get the "best" ending. And even then, there's still some problems, such as their expansionist tendencies. As Cass said: "No one's dick is that long. Not even Long-Dick Johnson, and he had a pretty long dick. Hence the name." Best quote in a video game ever.

wonder what best reaction the ponies get once they see a deathclaw or a cazador

god dam it i hate those giant wasp


The reason things descend into anarchy with an independent New Vegas is because it's only New Vegas that stays independent. The Independent ending basically says "Fuck the rest of the Mojave, I have money!" The whole point of the Independent ending is greed and selfishness. All the endings have their pros and cons. NCR ending means government structure, but taxes and bureaucratic nonsense. Legion ending means safety and unity, but loss of culture and slavery. That's one of the things I truly loved about New Vegas: there are no real clear good guys and bad guys. Just shades of gray.

The wild card and House endings depends on karma. It doesn't fall into anarchy for long with the Mk. II activated and how Vegas is ruled is decided on karma.

Will make a new comment when I get home

I would be more than happy to annihilate the Legion, but sadly, I never finished the main quest and I only managed to finish Honest Hearts and OWB at least once. Never liked Dead Money, but damn if it doesn't feel so good when you leave the Sierra Madre with ALL the gold bars!

Happy birthday to new Vegas it turned 7 years old on the 19th here is a tribute to this amazing game


I liked so much, I hope that you finish this fanfic, and not put in a hiatus for ever.

Great story please keep it up.

Come back please
This Has great promise

Have an upvote for the sheer originality of the cast. Its very rare to see someone going to the crossover world who isnt simply a Mane six member, and while Luna has been done before, that was without a guard contingent. Infact, I dont think I have ever seen a story where the guards are a reasonable part of the crossover

Nice Nice, another sound looking fallout story. I can never get enuff om em.

Kick ass story. And like most...it’s dead...maybe. Still holding out hope and into the tracking folder it goes

I’d be surprised if there were still any Fiends after the Second Battle of Hoover Dam.

well even after the headhunting on the fiend leader there still bound to be straggler here and here since ncr as useless as they are dint come to mope up the rest well you know

I did it!! My magic worked! Every time I comment on a story being dead BAM!! New chapter! Damn, I still got it!!:trixieshiftright:

For a first story....its pretty AWESOME!!! :pinkiehappy:

Awesome chapter! Looking forward to the next one!!! :pinkiehappy:

Question for readers: would you rather have a short chapter that ended on a cliffhanger, or wait a week or two for a longer chapter?


I'd prefer longer if possible. I don't mind the wait.

I’m guessing Luna’s Endurance is up to 11 and no, I don’t mean it in a sexual way.

taking a bullet hurts like hell, because I've shot my foot on accident and that hurt like hell

I love that scene when Luna was about to go in to combat, would have been fuckings awesome if some good animators could animate that with some decent voice actors.

Good thing he had that stem-pack otherwise that med-x would have just made her bleed out (painkillers are blood thinners)

did you accidentally publish a chapter?

Yeah, I put the chapter up without removing the editing margins. My bad

I actually didn't know that, good to keep in mind.

And actually, he forgot to grab stimpaks when he left his house, so he gave her some hemostatic pills he left in his coat. I've added links to everything in the story that comes from one of the literal hundreds of mods I've used ingame, so no one would be confused if they hadn't heard of them.

The links on the word "screech" don't work

Damn, thanks. I'll remove that; I can't remember what video that linked to.


I'm loving this!

Thank you! I really appreciate the feedback.

I'm working on the rest of the fight scene. I'm about halfway through, and I think you'll be happy with what I've come up with.

Not sure if you're aware, but your fic was added to The Mojave Express, It has been reviewed and approved for moving to the Fallout: New Vegas folder.

Great! Glad more people are gonna see this.

I need more of this shit. Junkie man. AWAY

A damn good story you've got here,

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