• Published 10th Mar 2024
  • 148 Views, 0 Comments

Storm cloud - JayWalker

  • ...

01: Storm on the rise

Jay groaned, as he felt bones snap back together, and into place. Cuts stich themselves together with skin and scales. He sat up, and saw he was near a castle.

“… Well, this is new.” He said, looking around. Not many clouds, so that explains why he didn’t land on one. He tried to see if anyone else was around.

He looked at what he was wearing. It was… A golden Dragon outfit? When did he get this?

Wait, he looked beside him. The Golden Nunchaku were glowing, and sparking. Like he just went through a giant storm cloud.

“… Did you get zapped? Did I get zapped? One of us got zapped, and I hope it was you.” He muttered, as the lightning was pure blue, not the weaker kind that it was when it was just the dregs. He looked behind him, and the wings moved, like they were real. He could almost feel them.

He lifted his usual weapon, and grinned. He felt the Golden Dragon Armour go into the Nunchaku, spinning them around slightly. He put them on his back, and started to slightly limp, it gets better as he moved, towards the castle.

He then felt something brimming. And saw that he wasn’t in the outfit from the few moments before fighting. It was… “Wow. Haven’t seen this form, in… Huh, it’s only been two years, hasn’t it?” He asked, looking at his true potential. “Man, a lot happened. Can I still fly?” He asked, grinning and he jumped.

He didn’t fall.


He didn’t get a lot of time with this, sadly, so when he just… Goes through the wall, he might have stopped.

“Since when could I do that? Why can I do that?” He asked himself, and then saw three… Horses, in armour.

Which… Wait, that’s Flash Sentry. Dear god, he’s in Equestria. Which, should have triggered some kind of mental break, but he’s been in a video game before. And the Digi-verse. He’s lived legends, and found a mural that shows the future. He’s time travelled and faced an all-powerful Djinn. He’s a little past, having a mental break down.

Oh, and if he does, then he just goes calm. So, he doesn’t really know if he’s actually having one or not, so that’s fun.

“Greetings? Can we just talk this out?” He tried, with a nervous laugh. The three stared at him. And then lowered their spears.

“That’s just~ great.” He groaned, and rushed off, hoping his flight was more useful than anything else. He rushed away, as they charged after him.

He entered a random room and saw Luna.

“… Please, don’t tell them I’m here?” He asked, and she just stared.

“… Very well, we will not.” She spoke. Ah, right. The we thing. Jay never really understood it, maybe because she has like, that whole other personality going on. “But, only if you explain what, and who you are.”

“Let’s save that till we meet your sister.” Jay said. “Don’t wanna explain twice, what and who I am.”

“Very well.” She nodded. “How did you get here?”

“Pretty sure that falls under, the whole need to explain to your dear sister too.” Jay muttered, and looked outside. A guard looked his way. Jay froze, and felt his heartbeat faster.

The guard turned away, with a shrug, and Jay looked down.

“… I’m invisible.”


“That’s new.” He muttered.

“Powers are often expanded or built upon during destressing times, we find.”

“Fair. In ‘ere?” He asked, and she nodded. He opened the door, and saw Celestia.

“Ah, you must be from the Ninjago Realms.” Celestia said, looking at Jay. “You look a lot, like your mother.” She said.

“My mother?”
“Lilith. She was just lovely.” Celestia said, tapping her chin. “Did she tell you about us?”

“… No. I never met my mother.” Jay said, with a sigh.

“Ah. That… makes some things harder to explain.” She muttered. “But also easier. It’s my student, Twilights, Coronation next week.” She explained. “She and her friends, are coming to stay for a few nights.”

“Ah… And their smaller siblings?”

“Are allowed to come.” Well, that’s a change. Mind, the movie had a budget, and didn’t even have background ponies like the show did.

Actually, the movie could have done better as a spin off series. Or, with a series along with it, after other Twilight showed up.

That would have been fun.

Uh, she’s talking. Shit. Better listen Walker!

“So, how is the old coot doing now a days?”

“Which one?” Jay asked.

“hmm, I suppose you would call him the First Spinjitzu Master?”

“Ah, him. Nah, that bastards dead. Dead as hell.” Jay said. “And not the type of dead all my friends have gone through. Like, actual 100% dead. Never coming back, kind of dead.” Luna glanced at him.

“We notice Friends. But not you. Have you lived?”

“Yeah. I’m convinced I’m immortal.” Jay said, and sat down. He gave a suffering sigh. “I don’t think I can die.”

“That would make sense. Your mother stopped aging after a point, and had amazing healing skills.” Celestia stated.

“We ponder if this is an event we forgot, or we were on the moon?”

“After you were on the moon, sister. I apologize for not telling you.”

“Pardoned. As we have been busy, trying to get back to a normal life, as of now.” Jay grinned.

“Heh.” He laughed, and looked at the ceiling. “Wish I could forget somethings.” He said.


“Problem with being the one to survive? You notice when the others don’t.” Both glanced at the other and nodded.

“Very much so. It’s worse, when you know, you will outlive them.” Jay nodded.

“As you said. Stop aging. I’m Fifteen but look near twenty.”

“… I don’t think, that’s what I meant.”

“No, no. He’s got a point.” Luna said. “If you are stuck at an older age, it will not change.”

“Sister, that is not how it works, and you know thi-“

“To be fair, I’ve looked like this, for like, at least two years? Nya’s actually a year older than me, so that’s fun~” He sighed.

“Nya? Do you mean Nyad?”

“No. No, definitely not. She’s the new holder of the Water element. Uh, she kinda was for like, a month? But then she came back, and the rest of us became enemies of… Kinda the world? We only have one island, as far as I know…” He muttered. “Probably have more, that just don’t interact, cause of the bullshit that happens with us…” He muttered.

“Possibly. We do not interact with other realms as much, because we do not fight like they do.”

“… Twilight has burned people with LASERS.” Jay said, stressing the word lasers.

“Fair. But, we are not violent. At least, until we are pushed.”

“… I can count on both hands, off the top of my head, a number of people, who have tried to take over this world. One of which, actually almost succeeded because you didn’t deem them a threat, or thought Twilight could handle it on her own. She could, but that’s not the damn point.” Jay said, and felt slightly angry.


“I… Suppose that I could be there for her more. But, I do not believe that she would ask for my help.”

“She doesn’t often. Maybe you should let her know, that she can.” Luna looked between the two.

“Thy knows someone like this, do thy not?”

“Master Wu. Dude shows up every other day, going, “There’s something I haven’t told you.”” Jay said, sighing. Celestia giggled.

“I suppose that sounds like him.” She admitted.




“Wu~” Celestia corrected.

“Woo~” Jay sang, tired as hell. He needs a nap. Sky’s clear. He laid down at the side wall, and felt darkness wash over him.


When he opened his eyes, someone was poking him with a stick.

“All I’m saying, is that it’s weird. Why is It like this?”

“Kinda looks like ya, Dashie.” Applejack said, and Jay groaned.

“How the buck, was I out for this long?”

“A week, you mean? I do not know. You just slept.” Celestia said. “Also, Twilights crown got stolen three minutes ago.”

“Ah, darn. It’s that time of the week, huh?” Pinkie snorted.

“Oh, you’re used to this~” She said, and Jay just grinned. And he pulled his hood down.

“Trust me Pink. I’ve faced worse, than an Autistic horse.”

“A what now?” A few asked. Twilight just blinked, and Celestia looked like things made sense.

“That explains, so much.” She said.

“Uh, not even going to ask, because then we would just get a list of book references.” Dash said, with a sigh.

“Urgh, I feel your pain there, Rainbow. Now, let’s Portal.”

“I never told you my na-“



“So, now I look like you.” Twilight said, opened what Jay said was a hand. This is just… Too weird for her.

“Trust me kiddo. This is a Tuesday for me. Even though It’s Thursday? No, Wednesday, yeah. Yeah, an extra day to get up to bullshi- Oh, Hi Fluttershy~!” Jay chirped, looking at a human, Fluttershy.

Did she come through the porta- She never told Jay any names…

“Oh, hello.” She said, holding her hair in front of her face. “How are you…”

“Jay. ‘M good. Just tryin ta see if Aj’s around? Got a few parts for a tractor, and helpin fix the dang thin up!” He said.

What the hell was that accent? And why didn’t he have it three seconds ago. Also, what’s a Tracto-

“Hmm… We don-“

“Sunset isn’t around.”

“She’s currently trying to stop Bloom from setting fire to a trash can.” She said, holding up a photo. Why the sudden change? “Dash’s trying to stop Scootaloo.”

“Thought she would help?”

“She’s trying to be responsible.” Shy said, tapping her chin. “Which, is strange. I get that, but she is often trying to set a good example.”

“So, Scoot’s got two gay aunts, and gay mom’s. Got it.” Jay nodded.

Twilight froze, knowing how defensive both get on relationships. Or, lack thereof.

“You… Know about her aunts?”


“And you’re ok with it?”

“My parents own a junk yard, not an American flag.”

“Heh.” She giggled. “You look like you could be Dash’s cousin. Your emblem, even looks like her- Uh, her own.”

“You can say Tattoo.”

“Yes… But it’s not… Exactly visible, on a normal day…” She said, slightly red.

“Ah. Understandable.” Jay nodded. “Nya has a crap ton of marks from her time being… Uh, dead…” He said, rubbing his arm. Excu-

“Dead? Sorry, but who is Nya?”

“My Wife.”

“Your… OK then.” Shy blinked at that. Twilight was just busy trying not to have a panic attack. “Wait, how is that Lega-“

“One of us is a goddess, the other is immortal.” He said, sounding tired. “I could snap my fingers, and call the Storm to me. My wife, was the Sea. We do not abide by human rules and laws, like you shall.”

“Uh…” Twilight was starting to breath heavy now~

“Sorry. Got a bit… defensive. Basically, a crap ton of lawyers.” Shy nodded, and Twilight calmed down.

“That makes more sense. So, what did you mean by summon the storm?”

“Uh… is rain scheduled?” He asked, looking at the clear sky.


“Watch.” He said, and held a hand up.

The first thing Twi noticed, was the area getting darker, and the sound of thunder. She stuck close to Fluttershy, who just looked at her confused.

“She has a friend in another universes version of you.”

“Oh.” Jay grinned, as the first few spots of rain hit, then heard a shout.

“OH, COME ON!” That, was Rainbow Dash.

“Crap, didn’t think about the sport head.” Jay muttered, as his hand was still up, and Rainbow was charging towards him.

“Uh, hi?” He said, as she stopped, and looked at him. He was suddenly aware he was in his Gi from the Tournament.

“… Why the fuck, do you look like me?” She asked, looking at the boy.

Jay glanced at his hand. And he stilled.

That was… A mixture of his True Potential, and Avatar. How the fu-

“Kiddo, I’m pretty sure, we’re kinda a part of the multiverse.” He said, and Twilight tilted her head.

“Isn’t she older than you?”

“You do not know my age.”


“Crap, you know my age.”

“Weird thing, is that Bluttershy is seventeen, and Dash is sixteen. Why are they so young?”

“Bluttershy?” Jay asked, and Dash laughed.

“Heh, new nickname~” She teased.

“Keep that up, and you won’t walk for weeks~” Fluttershy purred, and Dash blushed.

“Didn’t really need to know that kid.” Jay said, clicking his fingers, and lightning flashed. The rain started to pick up. “How about we get to the school?”

“Sounds good. Also, we just learned we’re both older than you-“

“HOW ABOUT WE GET TO THE SCHOOL!?” He hissed, with a deranged look in his eyes.


The new two, are weird. One, is an adult, who suddenly got a job in the library, which… Guess Celestia just allows that?

And Jay… Jay was an anomaly. He has a story. A long one.

Fluttershy was sort of waiting for him, and then heard someone talking.

“So, what did ya think of that new kid?”

“The one that look’s like Dash’s cousin? Uh, yeah. He’s weird.”

“I know. Hey, did ya see what he was wearing?”

“Oh right. That.” She inched closer, trying to get a visual. He wasn’t in the hall, the two talking, were on a study period, apparently. Fluttershy was able to come and go, due to her anxiety, and great grades.

“I think I saw like, yellow scales on his face.”

“Looks a lot like Dash’s. Wouldn’t blame someone if they thought this was male Dash.”

“Hair’s pure blue though. Like his skin.”

“Yeah. And the eyes are like, pure grey. I think I’ve seen clouds less grey than that.”

“Urgh, tell me about it. It’s scary. And he just… Pierces into your soul with em.”

“Sounds like a you problem there buddy.”

“Hah ha, shut up Bud-Bud.” Fluttershy couldn’t really deal with that.

“So, what’s he in now? Did it change?”

“Nerp, still the exact same outfit. That weird blue and white thing.”

“Uh… The one that makes him look like a video game protagonist?”

“That’s the bitch.”

“Yeah. Better get going. We gotta finish that report.”

She blinked, as they left.

She then heard the… What was it called? Eh, whatever speakers are called. And Principle Celestia’s voice sound, clear, and authoritative.

“Can Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Fluttershy Whisper, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Apple Bloom, Rarity Gemerosity, Sweetie-Belle Gemerosity, and Scootaloo Rush please report to the office? Thank you.”

Fluttershy gulped. Why was everyone called.

“Oh, And Pinkie Pie. You too, I guess.” Luna’s voice sounded this time.

Shy snorted. Yeah, that was one thing she liked about pretending to hate the others, Pinkie was quieter.


Jay sighed, as he entered the office. He looked at the woman, that regarded him strangely. He sighed, and let his True Potential drop.

He sagged his shoulders, knowing that the rush of energy, was gone now. But, he didn’t feel like he was going to pass out anymore.

“Sup. I’m not from around here.” He said, and she blinked.

“This… Sounds like a long discussion.”

“Yeah, might want to call your daughter in, along with the mane five, and the CMC.” Jay said, rolling his hand.

“My- … Did you mean, Sunset Shimmer?”

“Lady, she’s either staying with you, or homeless.” Jay said, with a slight narrowing of the eye. Eyes?

He’s not able to see out his left right now. He must’ve used a bit too much power. He pulled out the Eye-Patch, and it was on. He looked at her.

“So, how long do you think it’ll be, befo-“

“WE’RE HERE!” Nine voices sounded, and Sunset just blinked.

“… I am, sorry.” She said, sighing. “But, really? It’s like you’re not even trying to pretend to hate one another. Mind, Applejack and Rarity don’t even try.” Everyone but Jay froze.

“I mean, yeah? She’s not exactly socially adept, but she isn’t blind.” Jay said. “Also, AJ. Ya got a little red, around yer mouth.” Said girl immediately wiped her mouth with the back of her fist.

“Right~ So all of us have been acting scared of you, for…”

“No reason.” Jay said. “Well, other than if she wanted to do a whole, take of the world thing, but… I don’t think that’s going to happen.” He said, looking at her.

He could see a lot of Electronics around her. One, was a GPS in her bracelet. He knows she put it on willingly.

“Wait, my sister and Blooms’ sister is dating?” Belle asked. “… I am not okay with this.”

“Not everything has to be okie dokie kid.” Jay said, shrugging. “Sometimes you don’t like it, but then grow to love it. Kai was the exact same way.”

“Who’s Kai?”

“The only human in our friend group.” Jay said, complete stone faced. Everyone stared at him.

“… I knew you weren’t human.” Sunset muttered. “You smell… Like a Pegasus.” She said and looked at Twilight. “And why the heck are you an adult? Aren’t you younger than me?”

“Time Travel, Sunset.” Jay said. “Sometimes it can fling you back, or forward. For you, it was forward.” He said, and sat down. He sighed. “Is there anywhere we can all sit down? That’s also not going to be used for a while?”

“Hmm… I think, there is a band room, that isn’t in use at the moment.” Celestia spoke. She looked at the visibly sweating Sunset.

“Or, it could be where you’re staying. Ok, let’s use that then.” Celestia said. “Luna, do you want to listen in?”

“Nay, my dear sister. Too much paperwork, and phone calls.” Celestia nodded.

“Let’s go.” Jay said. But before he turned the knob, he had to answer one question.

“Why do you look different?”

“… Because I need a break. That was… Powered, I guess you could call it. This, is what I usually look like.” He said, brown hair was almost in his face. And Eyepatch on.

“Why the Eye Patch?” Bloom asked.

“That, sweet, sweet Bloom. Is the long story, I am going to explain.” Jay sighed. “Sunset. Is there anytone that could benefit from this discussion?”

“Perhaps. I’ll ask her to come.” She said, and tapped away. “She’ll be here soon.”

“Who?” Twilight asked.

“My… My Girlfriend. Twilight Sparkle. Or, for sake of no headaches. Sci-Twi.”

Author's Note:

Yep! I head canon everything to have taken place over two years! Due to time travel, the universe needed to speed things up, as there was a lot of filler. Therefore, a sped up time.
Jay doesn't feel hungry, for many reasons. He also, hardly sleeps now a days.
And I welcome all comments! :twilightsmile: