• Published 6th Mar 2024
  • 615 Views, 94 Comments

Video Game Journeys: Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle - CrashGuy41

The Rainbooms find themselves in a world filled with giant mushrooms, a kind-hearted princess and two Italian-American plumbers.

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Fighters: Start Your Weapons!

As the group finally caught up with the Rabbid Ziggys, they were just about to ambush them, when they were nearly hit by an incoming laser blast. Thinking fast, Mario and the others ducked behind some cover. BEEP-0, however, wasn't so lucky, as the Ziggys kept firing at him. Once he got to safety, though, he immediately received an e-mail from an anonymous sender.

The e-mail was from someone known as S.S. and with the e-mail came some attachments. These attachments turned out to be cool looking weapons for the group to fend themselves off against the corrupt Rabbids. Mario and Rabbid Peach's weapons were items called blasters. They were sci-fi looking weapons that attached onto the hand. Mario's was blue, while Rabbid Peach's was pink.

Mario's weapon was known as the Lightning Shark, while Rabbid Peach's was the Fuchsia Fury. Rabbid Luigi had something that looked like a yo-yo. Unlike a yo-yo, however, it actually had an energy core built in the middle. This was a red-and-yellow weapon called a Bworb. Its name was the Dwarf Star.

Twilight and Sunset, though, had very unique weapons. Twilight's weapon was a sci-fi rifle-like weapon that had a purple wing-like design at the handle, along with what appeared to be a ponytail. The weapon was called the Spell Blast.

Finally, there was Sunset's sci-fi weapon. It was a handheld minigun with her Cutie Mark at the back, along with what appeared to be the tail. There were also hints of her outfit colors on the gun, as well as her hair.

"Wow! This is so cool!" Sunset squealed.

"I agree, Miss Sunset. I must confess, though, when the email said attachments I thought it was talking about cat videos or something!" BEEP-0 said. "SO! Are you guys ready to fight back?"

"You bet we are!" Twilight said in determination.

Everyone ran into the field and hid behind five bricks that served as partial cover. On the field, there were three Ziggys that the group had to defeat. One was standing out in the open. The other two were hiding behind partial cover. Mario decided to go for the one that was standing out in the open, easily defeating it in one shot. Once it was defeated, bits of blue energy engulfed it, making it disappear. Rabbid Luigi and Rabbid Peach defeated one of the Ziggys that was hiding behind partial cover with their weapons.

Sunset decided to finally use her weapon. She aimed at the remaining Ziggy and fired. As soon as she did, beams of hot energy came out of the weapon and destroyed the brick that the Ziggy was hiding behind. Not only that, but it also managed to damage the Ziggy as well. Then it was Twilight's turn. She tried firing her rifle but nothing came out. That is, until her hand started glowing and loading the rifle with magic-like ammunition into the symbol next to the trigger.

"Oh! This rifle apparently uses my own magic as its ammunition," Twilight said.

Now that she knew what she needed to fire the weapon, Twilight aimed her rifle at the Ziggy and fired a purple shot at it. As the shot collided, it ended up causing the Ziggy to bounce like a rubber ball. After bouncing for a bit, the Ziggy disappeared and the battle was won. Everyone struck a victory pose as they celebrated their victory. Twilight pumped her fist in the air, while Sunset did the finger gun with a wink. Mario jumped up and posed heroically, Rabbid Peach blew some bubblegum while checking her phone and Rabbid Luigi decided to breakdance on his head.

"Wow, what a rush!" Sunset exclaimed.

"An excellent first start, Miss Sunset, but we're far from finished," BEEP-0 said. "Unless we get that one Rabbid with the SupaMerge, all of this will continue to happen."

Knowing that he was right, the group continued up the hill, where they now had to face off against a group of Ziggys hiding behind full cover.

"Those cowards! Now that they're hiding behind full cover, we a 0% chance of hitting them from here," BEEP-0 said. "We'll have to flank them."

"Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, they could easily hit us just as much as we could hit them if we do that," Twilight said nervously.

"We don't really have a choice, Miss Twilight. If we don't do something, who knows what other kinds of chaos these Rabbids will cause."

Both Rabbid Peach and Rabbid Luigi went to the sides of partial cover. Mario ducked behind a steel block, then shot at one of the Ziggys, damaging it. Sunset went to the other side of the same cover and used her weapon to defeat the Ziggy. Twilight then ducked on the other side of Rabbid Peach's cover and waited for the remaining Ziggy to fire. Sure enough, the Ziggy did indeed fire on them and ended up hitting Sunset with its weapon.

"Ow! That hurt, you little pest!" Sunset growled.

The Ziggy ignored her and moved towards another steel block. After it moved, it was Twilight's turn again. Twilight decided to move towards the other partial cover in front of her to get a better shot. Luckily for her, she was on the correct side of the cover in order to hit the Ziggy. She aimed her rifle at the Ziggy in front of her and fired. The resulting blast ended up covering the Ziggy in honey, which prevented it from moving on its next turn. Sunset decided to hide behind the steel block in front of the one the Ziggy was behind so it wouldn't hit her. Mario decided to move to another side of the same block and take the hit so that someone could get closer. Rabbid Luigi and Rabbid Peach decided to stay put, as they would only be out in the open if they moved.

Eventually, the Ziggy did indeed fire again. This time, however, it hit Twilight, almost breaking her glasses. In retaliation, Twilight fired on the Ziggy again, which ultimately defeated it. The group celebrated their victory by posing again. After doing so, however, Sunset and Twilight felt as if their wounds were automatically being healed. The weird feeling eventually got them so excited that they jumped for joy. Sunset folded her arms and smiled a smug smile while Twilight readjusted her glasses. Rabbid Luigi showed off his non-existent muscles, Mario jumped and posed heroically, and Rabbid Peach adjusted the blond wig on her head.

After they finished posing, Twilight felt her phone go off. She got out her phone and quickly smiled at her new wallpaper. It was a photo that she took back on N. Sanity Island with Coco. The two of them were making funny faces. Not wanting to delay the notification any further, she checked it and it showed that everyone got a perfect in both battles. As a reward, there was a gold trophy with a crown on the pedestal that showed Rabbid Peach and Rabbid Luigi on top of it in a victory pose.

"Well now, color me impressed. You all got a perfect in both battles," BEEP-0 said.

Just then, she received another notification that showed her getting 400 Mushroom Kingdom Coins as a bonus reward.

Twilight then put her phone away and continued onward with the others up the hill. They eventually saw a blue swirling vortex up in the sky. Its very presence worried everyone. Well, everyone that is, except Rabbid Peach, who was busy taking selfies of herself with it in the background.

"Seriously?! You're taking selfies at a time like this?!" Sunset shouted.

"Why not? It's the perfect opportunity to gain a ton of followers," Rabbid Peach chuckled.

"You are SO immature!"

"Enough arguing! Look, that swirling vortex in the sky that you just saw, that thing first appeared here as soon as the Rabbids and I first arrived here," BEEP-0 said.

Twilight gazed at the vortex in deep thought. She then remembered that whenever they defeated a corrupt Rabbid, bits of blue energy surrounded it, as if it was being teleported somewhere.

"You know, it might sound crazy, but I believe that that energy that we've seen whenever we defeat an enemy could very well be coming from that weird pixelated vortex," Twilight hypothesized.

"You know, I do believe that may be right, Miss Twilight," BEEP-0 said. "And that's all the more reason to catch that Rabbid with the SupaMerge headset. He's the key to stopping this, I'm sure of it."

"Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's go fix this mess and find our friends!"

Mario gave the thumbs-up, agreeing with Twilight's suggestion.

Everyone then ran towards a bridge to get to the swirling vortex in the sky. As they did, they also ran through a red ring, which spawned eight red coins on the main path. Everyone collected the coins, which made a gold chest appear.

"Oooohh! Pretty! Wonder what's inside?" Rabbid Luigi pondered.

"Well, let's open it and find out," Sunset replied.

She lifted the lid off of the chest and pulled out a new blaster that was skinned like the stripes of a bumblebee. It was called the Rumble Bee.

"Wow. This is cool! If only we had a place to look at it better..."

"That's not foreshadowing anything," Twilight scoffed.

The weapon disappeared and the group continued onward across the bridge.

Unbeknownst to them, however, they were being watched from the bushes by three sinister and oddly familiar faces. It was none other than Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk, better known as the Dazzlings.

"Did you hear that?" Adagio asked her sisters. "Do you know what this means for us?"

"Uh... Free tacos?" Sonata asked ignorantly.

Adagio slapped her hand over face in disbelief.

"No, you imbecile! That swirling vortex might be just what we're looking for to regain any sort power that we lost."

"And just how is a swirling vortex that just so happens to be floating up in the sky going to help us with that?" Aria scoffed.

"You'll soon see, Aria. As long as we stay on good terms with our employer, it'll only be a matter of time until we acquire that power. And if everything goes the way it should, then we will be the most powerful beings in this entire world!"

Oh, dear. Looks like the Dazzlings are up to no good again. Our heroes had better watch their backs, because when anyone's facing off against the Dazzlings, they had better be prepared for anything.

Author's Note:

Need to do a third shoutout to Darth Wrex, the one who actually suggested this story in the first place. They deserve credit along with everyone else who contributed to this story.

Also, I'd like to give a big thanks to Dragonknife5 again, this time for creating the designs of the Rainbooms' weapons.

And for those wondering who Jenny is in the previous chapter, that's just the name I gave to the genius girl character from Kingdom Battle's opening cutscene. She's only known as Genius Girl in the game's official credits.