• Published 5th Mar 2024
  • 729 Views, 40 Comments

Transformers: Iron Hearts - autobotfan15

Soldiers of steel awaken in a new world only for their war to continue.

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Prologue: From one world to the next

Cybertron- Many Centuries Ago

They say war never changes. That saying is true on the planet Cybertron as war became a way of life for its inhabitants. Two sides fighting for many reasons. Freedom, energy, survival, amongst many other things. While the war went on for years, it slowly consumed the planet until it was becoming nothing more but a floating scrapheap in space and it was slowly losing both life and light.

On one part of the planet, a few small vehicles on wheels were racing on a road. “Speed it up Bumblebee! We’re almost out of time!” yelled a large red vehicle.

“I’m going as fast as I can Ironhide!” replied the smaller yellow car.

They both soon rounded a curve and they saw their destination. A huge fortress with a huge ship. But there was trouble ahead. Two robotic bugs were eating their way through a closed metal door. “The insecticons are blocking our way!” Ironhide yelled.

“Wrong! They’re our way in.”

The bugs then noticed the speeding vehicles only for them to not react fast enough. The two charged through them like charging rams. The bugs found themselves flat on the floor after being run over. Suddenly the vehicles transformed into bipedal machines. The large red one then picked up the insecticons. “Time to take out the trash.”

He then threw them out the hole they made. “Bee, get the backup door Wheeljack installed.”

“Already on it,” Bumblebee said as he typed something on a nearby console. Soon a metal shield came down and immediately covered the other door that had a hole. Ironhide smirked at the entrance. “Two doors in one entrance. I used to think it was a waste of metal.”

The two ran down a hall where many robots were quickly working either fixing parts of the huge ship or loading things inside. The two then approached a red and blue robot with a small shield covering his mouth. They stopped in front of him and saluted. “Optimus, we just received word that Megatron and his goons are gearing up for a surprise assault,” Bumblebee explained.

“Then we have more reason to speed up the loading process of the Ark,” Optimus said. “I’ll have Jetfire and Powerglide perform reconnaissance and maybe try and hold them off, it's imperative that we get this Ark off Cybertron and into Orbit.”

“Optimus, any word from the Trion ship?” asked Ironhide.

Optimus Prime sighed and put a hand on his soldier’s shoulder. “Elita One reported her ship is safe and so is Chromia. When either of our ships find a new planet we’ll share coordinates for us to join. We can only hope the Decepticons don’t follow.”

Ironhide smiled and nodded, but that was cut short as an explosion from outside sounded and the place suddenly shook like an earthquake. A green robot ran to a nearby monitor and turned to his leader. “Prime! The enemy is approaching fast!”

“Autobots! Get inside the Ark! We are leaving now!” Optimus commanded as his fellow autobots quickly got inside the huge ship. Another autobot pushed another button and a voice sounded on the intercom. “LAUNCH SEQUENCE ACTIVATED.”

Meanwhile outside menacing robots attacked from all sides. A huge gray one with a big cannon on his arm watched the battle with a huge grin on his face as he turned his second in command. “This is almost too easy Starscream.”

“I still think it be much easier to just outright-”

Suddenly there was a huge rumble followed by a huge structure lifting itself off the ground. Megatron could only watch in disbelief as the huge ark launched itself. Starcream smirked. “I told you we should’ve got the nemesis and-”

Starscream was interrupted as Megatron punched him in the face. “Decepticons! Retreat to the Nemesis ship and follow that Ark!”

All was quiet on the Ark as many autobots either tried to relax or work. Optimus Prime sat in the command center watching the stars from the viewport. “Steady as we go, Autobots. I want no more surprise until we see a planet we can get our bearings on.”

“Roger that captain,” said one of them.

“Optimus, we have a planet a short distance from us,” Bumblebee said.

“Put it on the view screen,” ordered Optimus.

Soon a holographic image displayed in front of the leader. It was blue and green. Optimus stroked his chin. “Hmmm… any form of life detected on this planet?” he asked.

“Unknown sir, this ship can’t view or scan the entirety of this planet,” an autobot named Perceptor said.

“Set course for this planet and approach with caution.”

It was quiet once again on the ship. That was until it was struck by something causing the ship to shake. Optimus stood up. “What was that?! An asteroid?!”

Wheeljack looked at the monitor and his eyes widened. “Sir, it’s the nemesis! The Cons found us!”

“How?! I can’t see them on the radar!” yelled Prowl. “Must be using cloaking technology.”

“All defenses activate! Get whatever guns to aim at the attacking vessel!” Commanded Prime.

Meanwhile on the ship behind the Ark. The Nemesis was firing whatever lasers and missiles at the ship. Megatron grinned as he watched from his own command center. “Once they are destroyed we’ll salvage whatever they have. Leave no prisoners alive.”

“Megatron, we are running low on ammunition, they are burning what energon reserves we have left,” explained a purple bot with a single yellow optic.

“I don’t care! Just do it!” Megatron commanded. “We can siphon what energon they have from their corpses!”

The battle in space continued with the Ark slowly gaining speed to outrun the nemesis. Unfortunately the autobots didn’t see where they were as they now found themselves going faster. “What’s happening now?” Optimus asked.

“Gravitational pull! The planet we found is pulling the ship.”

Optimus then reached for a lever. “What are you doing?” Bumblebee asked.

“Got to land this Ark as nicely as I can. Everyone, get to a stasis pod. They’re the only thing that could withstand a hard landing.”

All the autobots ran out of the command center. Optimus pulled the lever and soon the Ark was leveling it wasn’t long before the ship was gliding in the air. ”This should give me time. It seems the cons have damaged our communication with the other ships. Teletraan one, wake one of us from Stasis when any form of life approaches the ship.”

Optimus then ran down the hall hoping whoever finds him and his team is friendly even if he has to wait years.

Somewhere in Equestria- Around the same time

If one were to look out to the stars one would see a shooting star dart across the sky. The star disappeared over the horizon only for a distant boom to be heard. How no one heard it was a mystery.

Meanwhile off the coast from Equestria, another star fell from the sky and struck the ocean with a splash. It sank beneath the surface before anyone could even notice. If one was on the water the last thing any one would hear was the sound of angered yelling coming from inside.

From that day on the warriors would sleep. For now their own war would stop. Only for it to carry on in a distant future.

Author's Note:

In case you didn't know, its based off of Hearts of Steel. Next time we fast forward to when the railway has started spreading. Not sure if I want this story to take place during the show or after Twilight's coronation. I'll think on that more.