• Published 31st Mar 2024
  • 377 Views, 12 Comments

G5 Adventures in Rudolph and Frosty's Christmas in July - ponydog127

The Mane 6 reunite with their North Pole and Auroricorn pals, along with some new friends, in order to defeat an evil king named Winterbolt, who has teamed up with Allura and Twitch to stop the glow of Rudolph's nose and defeat the Mane 6 forever.

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Winterbolt and Allura's Extended Plans/Danger Rises

As Rudolph, Borealis and their Equestrian pony friends walked down the forest path to try and clear their minds, Snowfall Cane was hiding behind a few popcorn machines, trying to make herself feel better after watching not just Rudolph, but Borealis, have their worlds shattered.

There had to be something more that she could do... but she couldn't tell anyone else about this... or could she? “Ugh… why does this whole thing have to be so confusing?!” Snowfall muttered in frustration. “If I could tell everyone what REALLY happened, maybe they wouldn’t think so badly of my friends anymore…”

“What REALLY happened?”

Snowfall yelped in panic and leapt up on all four hooves when she heard a voice, and when she turned, her blood ran cold-- Comet, Violet Frost, Cocoa Sundae and Dazzle Harmony were looking down at her, having heard her talking to herself before she accidentally revealed that she knew something about Rudolph's downfall. “Oh, uh… what?” Snowfall tried to get rid of the fact that she spoke up. “I don’t know anything-- why would I know anything about Rudolph? Oh shoot!”

“Snowfall… it’s okay,” Violet tried to reassure. “You won’t get in trouble-- we all wanna help Rudolph too, and if you tell us, it’ll make it a lot easier to understand what we need to do.”

Snowfall sighed reluctantly and nodded. “Okay… but brace yourselves for this. This is gonna be a lot for even you guys to take in at once.”


At the same time, Frosty walked up to a circus ball before sitting on it, wondering what he could do to bring back Rudolph's light. “There must be something I can do alone that wouldn't hurt the family. Maybe I could give Winterbolt something in exchange,” he said before thinking to himself. “But what would I have that he'd want?”


Meanwhile, back in Winterbolt's lair, Winterbolt and Scratcher and Twitch watched Frosty ponder over what he might be able to do, and Winterbolt cackled at Frosty's way of thinking. “What indeed? His corncob pipe?”

“He does have something. I don't know. He must have something,” Scratcher pointed out. “Why not ask the genie?”

“Excellent suggestion!” Winterbolt said. “I’m glad I thought of it.”

Then, Allura trotted out from the next room where the snow dragons where, looking at the star shard around her neck before noticing the trio. “Oh, you’re back already? Did you succeed?”

“Indeed, but there seems to be more I can do to spread my reign of terror,” Winterbolt spoke. “Have you found the second star shard yet?”

“...no, not yet,” Allura half-lied. “But, I am in no hurry… those ponies must be too depressed over their friends to care about the star shard at the moment. Now… what are we going to see the genie about?”

“Follow me,” Winterbolt said as they began walking, “and I’ll explain what went on in your absence.”


Frosty the Snowman has his own magic,” the Genie of the Ice Scepter told Allura and the wicked king, “which could prove quite valuable.

“Really?” Allura questioned out of curiosity. “Tell us… what is his power source?”

His hat,” the genie responded. “Let me show you, oh master…

The image in the genie's mouth changed to a flashback of the day a group of children began to build Frosty, and a familiar song played in the background.

Choir: Frosty the Snowman
Was a jolly, happy soul
With a corncob pipe and a button nose
And two eyes made out of coal

When they put the parts and clothes (except the hat) on him, the children thought of names for him (before settling on Frosty) and danced the ring-around-the-rosey dance around him.

Choir: Frosty the Snowman
Is a fairy-tale they say
He was made of snow, but the children know
How he came to life one day

Then, the children passed one another an old silk hat, until a little girl put the hat on Frosty's lifeless head, and... well... I'm sure you can probably guess what happened next.

Choir: There must have been some magic
In that old silk hat they found
For when he placed it on his head
He began to dance around

Oh, Frosty the Snowman
Was alive as he could be
And the children say he could laugh and play
Just the same as you and me

Then, the flashback ended, and the genie continued to speak to Winterbolt, who began to think of devious uses for a hat of such power. “Just think… if you had that hat and could find the secret of its magic… you could duplicate it over and over again, oh master.

“Why…” Winterbolt said after a moment of thinking, “I could bring an army of snowmen to life!”

“And… I bet that’s where the star shard is hidden!” Allura whispered to Twitch. “We’ll just have to let Winterbolt THINK that we’re onto his plan, and then we’ll strike.”

And Frosty,” the genie continued, “the only one who knows the true secret of Rudolph's nose… beside the ponies that Allura will soon destroy... would be lifeless.

“Yes, and I could be safe,” Winterbolt realized. “But what would I give Frosty for his hat?”

Lie to him, my master,” the genie told him. “Deceive him. Tell him you have the power to restore the borealis light to Rudolph's nose.”

“And then,” Allura said sinisterly, “when Rudolph and Borealis go to help their precious friend… you could destroy THEM in one quick blow while I destroy those meddling ponies! Then these worlds will be OURS!!”

Upon realizing that Allura was right, Winterbolt and Allura both cackled wickedly, with Twitch cackling behind them… now their plans were really shaping up.


“Gee,” Frosty muttered. “I'd do anything… anything to help Rudolph.”


While watching him through the Eye of Snow, Winterbolt then scooped up some snow, chanted some words quielty into it and blew it to the magic ball, transporting themselves to where the snowman was.


The snowflakes magically appeared and sprinkled over Frosty’s head, giving him an idea, just like what happened with Milton and Santa earlier. “I know what to do!”


“And then… Rudolph and Borealis disappeared, and I haven’t seen them for hours since,” Snowfall finished telling her pony friends the story of what had occurred an hour or two ago. “...so, yeah. Now you know everything, but you can’t tell anypony else about this, okay? If you do… then Frosty and his family will have to melt.”

But when she expected Comet, Violet, Cocoa and Dazzle to respond, they just sat their with their eyes wide and their mouths hung open... at least until Comet shook his head. “Wow… so the guy who gave Frosty and his family those amulets is really an evil king? I never would have expected that in a million years.”

“And because Rudolph took the blame for something he didn’t do,” Dazzle said, “we all nearly turned our backs on him! Oh… we are HORRIBLE friends…”

“It wasn’t our fault…” Violet told her friends. “It was Winterbolt that made all of this happen-- not Rudolph, not Borealis… not any of our pony friends either.”

That’s when Cocoa made a risky decision, standing back onto her hooves after sitting down. “I have to go and apologize for nearly losing faith in him.”

“I’ll go with you,” Dazzle told her friend. “With an evil king AND an evil snow leopard out there, who knows what you might run into.”

“I wanna come too!” Snowfall volunteered. “To check on Borealis!”

“I think we should go and check on Frosty, Snowy,” Violet told her little pegasus friend. “He was taking this pretty hard too, based on your story.”

“We’ll stay here with you, just in case,” Comet agreed. “But wait… how are you guys gonna find Rudolph, Bori and the others when its pitch black out here?”

“Well, I think their tracks are still fresh,” Cocoa said, “so we’ll start there if they haven’t already been blown over.”

But before the two friends could move out, Comet and Violet each pulled out a crystally necklace, with each of them having a unique charm-- Dazzle's new necklace had a microphone charm and Cocoa's new necklace had an ice cream cone charm. “Here-- they’re special North Pole necklaces that we learned to make,” Violet said, putting them on their new friends. “They’ll give you the power to fly like a reindeer if you need it.”

Cocoa and Dazzle gasped immediately as the magic overtook them, giving them each crystal hooficures (blue for Dazzle and purple for Cocoa), glittery manes and tails and glittery eyeshadow. “Wow! Thanks, you two!” Cocoa smiled, admiring her new look. “And don’t worry-- we’ll find our friends and be back before you know it!”

“Good luck!” Snowfall waved their friends farewell as they set off to follow the tracks of their friends, and they honestly hoped their friends could be found before it was too late to stop Allura and Winterbolt’s newest schemes.


“It’s okay, guys… we’ll figure out some way to restore Rudolph’s light,” Misty tried to encourage her friends as they walked in silence. “We just have to come up with an idea.”

“Well, I just hope that idea comes in soon,” Hitch sighed, “because I have a sinking pit forming in my stomach from all this craziness.”

“I appreciate you all wanting to help us, really, I do,” Rudolph said sadly, “but I just don’t know what else we can try-- Izzy and Misty already tried their magic, and it was my naive nature that let me get like this.”

“We’re not gonna give up, Rudolph,” Sunny told her friend confidently. “We just haven’t come up with the RIGHT solution yet.”

Suddenly, a bright light shined up in the sky, making the group look up. “Oh, great…” Hitch muttered. “More fireworks?!”

“I don’t think those are fireworks, Hitchie!” Izzy gasped and pointed to the sky. “Look!”

Everyone looked up to see that it wasn't any kind of fireworks, but the glow of the aurora borealis, the namesake of Borealis, and a familiar voice spoke from within it. “Rudolph...

“That voice...” Rudolph whispered with wide eyes. “I-I remember! You're Lady Boreal!”

“Lady who?” Zipp looked confused as she looked up at the aurora of colors radiating above them. “I don’t see any lady up there, Rudolph.”

“Lady Boreal was the queen of the Northern Lights,” Rudolph explained. “Papa told me legends about her, but… I completely forgot about her giving me the light from my nose until now.”

As you can see, I am no more,” Lady Boreal stated, “but my love, in the form of the Northern Lights, watches over thee.

“Ohhhhhh…” Borealis groaned in frustration. “What are we gonna do? Rudolph's nose is still out, and nothing we've done to get it to light has worked!”

Rudolph must have no fear,” Lady Boreal told the fox pup and ponies, “when you all defend the helpless.

“Okay... does that confuse anypony else?” Pipp asked her friends, blinking in confusion. “Cause I sure don't get it.”

“Yeah, um… excuse me? Mrs. Boreal?” Izzy called up to the sky. “We don’t exactly understand what you’re cryptically trying to say!”

Be brave. Be very brave and, and the star in the snowflake will return.

This was the one thing that Lady Boreal said that the group managed to understand clearly, and Rudolph immediately realized what it meant. “You mean there's a chance my nose will light up again?”

“Oh-ho, that’s amazing!” Sunny squealed in excitement. “What do we have to do? Do we have to face Winterbolt? Or does he have to do something else to get his nose’s glow back?”

But as the earth pony mare expected an answer, the lights above them began to dim. “Be brave...” Lady Boreal said, her voice barely audible. “Be very... brave...

“No!” Rudolph cried out, not ready for Lady Boreal to disappear yet, still having a lot of questions. “Don’t go!”

But it was too late-- the lights had completely dimmed, leaving the reindeer to sigh. “I guess we’re alone again…”

However, as Borealis and Rudolph began to walk away, the ponies turned to themselves in wonder and confusion. “Did… anypony else get a Simba-Mufasa vibe out of what just happened?” Pipp asked, causing the others to glare at her. “What? Just asking!”

“Well, whatever we just saw,” Zipp said as they continued walking, “at least we know that in order for Rudolph to regain his nose's glow, he'll have to be brave while defending the innocent. But... who do we know that's innocent and needs defending?”

“Rudolph! Borealis!” called a familiar voice. “Is that you and your friends up there on the beach?”

“What now?” Rudolph asked as they looked around. “Out here!” said the voice again. “In the water!”

That's when everyone looked out toward the ocean to see a familiar whale friend of their swimming in their direction. “Big Ben, the clockwork whale,” he said to the group. “Remember me? I work for Father Time.”

“Sure we remember!” Borealis exclaimed, happy to see a familiar face. “What are you doing here?”

“Strangest thing,” Big Ben spoke. “Like I was led to you. I was under the water following the glow of the northern lights. Came up to get a good look and there you were.”

“Well, we sure are glad to see a familiar face,” Zipp said in relief. “So many things have happened over the past few days, and... well...”

“Aw, Ben...” Rudolph sniffed. “We’ve got big problems!”

“Well, little feller, you kids just tell 'em to me,” Big Ben said comfortingly. “I got a big shoulder to rest your heads on. And it's wet already, so a few tears won't hurt. Heh heh heh.”

“We'd be willing to tell you the story, Ben,” Misty sighed, “but I think you better brace yourself... you're in for a whale of a tale... pun not intended.”


At the same time, Snowfall was worriedly pacing in front of Comet and Violet Frost, anxiously waiting for Dazzle and Cocoa to come back with the rest of their friends... but they had been gone for quite some time, and the young pegasus was starting to get worried. “Do you think they're okay? What if Allura got hold of them? Or... what if they got lost out there?!”

“Hey, it's gonna be okay,” Violet reassured the filly. “Cocoa told me that she used to explore those woods all the time when she was a little filly, and she knows it like the back of her hoof-- if anyone can find our friends, it's her.”

“Uh... speaking of our friends,” Comet said, nervously looking up, “I don't think any of our friends are going to like seeing that guy.”

Snowfall gasped in shock to see Winterbolt and his sleigh pulled by flying snakes flying closer to the ground, having separated from Allura a few minutes earlier, since she wanted to find Sunny and the others on her own. “It's Winterbolt! But... what could he be doing back here since Rudolph's nose is already put out?”

“I don't know, but I think we better go investigate this for ourselves,” Violet said before sneaking off, with Comet whimpering worriedly as he followed. “Why did defeating Allura give her such a confidence boost?”

Violet Frost led Snowfall and Comet inside a smaller tent, and when they peeked out of it, Frosty and Winterbolt seemed to be in a lively discussion. And since they were close, they were able to hear at least some of the things being said.

Winterbolt was the first to speak. “So you want to give me your hat, eh?”

Snowfall stiffened at this, watching as Frosty nodded sincerely. “Only if you can turn Rudolph's nose back on.”

“Why, of course I can.”

This response seemed to catch Frosty off-guard. “What did you say?”

“Oh, it's hardly worth it.”

“It is to me,” Frosty argued. “This hat is what keeps me all living. Without it...”

“Ohhh... very well,” Winterbolt sighed. “I'll make the trade.”

“Would you say goodbye to Snowfall, Crystal, Milly and Chilly for me? Especially Crystal,” Frosty said before he looked at the tent and saw the silouhettes of Crystal and the twins inside. “Oh, Crystal... if only we could be together one more time, but that's impossible. So I hope you'll remember all the good times.”

As a tear fell from Frosty's eyes, Snowfall and the auroricorns listened to the most heartfelt ballad that they had ever heard... and it was one that made tears form in their own eyes.

Frosty: Now and then
Will you think of me?
Not, I hope, as a memory

I'll always love you
Just as I've always loved you
Wherever you may be

Then, Frosty imagined Crystal appearing in the sky, winking before disappearing.

Frosty: In my heart
There's a golden glow
You alone keep it shining so

Parting brings sorrow
But maybe tomorrow
With love, we'll meet again

Frosty tearfully looked sadly at his family's silouhettes, knowing it'll be the last time he will them... and as much as he hated to leave them, he had no choice now.

Frosty: If only now... and then...

Snowfall wiped her eyes with her hoof at the end of the ballad, and turned to the auroricorn duo with her. “Guys... call Sunny and the others. We need to tell them about what's going on before it's too late.”


Back at the shore, Big Ben was told the whole story and was stunned as Sunny reached the end of the tale. “And that's the whole story, Big Ben.”

“Oh, that's terrible,” Big Ben sighed. “Rudolph, you gotta get your nose back!”

“I can't,” Rudolph spoke. “If we tell the truth, that means Frosty has to melt.”

“Not necessarily. No time to explain. I got to swim like thunder.”

And without another word, Big Ben began to swim away with the others looking on. “Ben, wait!” Pipp cried out. “Where in Equestria are you going?!”

“To South Amerrrrrrica!” Ben cried as he swam out of sight, causing the ponies to glance at each other in confusion. “South America?”

“Why in the world would Ben be going there?” Hitch asked, confused. “I'm not sure,” Pipp shook her head, “but that was definitely odd.”

“Come on, guys,” Sunny said. “We can't stand around here doing nothing-- we have to get back to the circus and try to--”



“...Dazzle and Cocoa?” Borealis and Rudolph questioned at once before two of their new friends screeched to a halt in front of the group. “There you guys are!” Cocoa panted. “It took us a while to find you guys, but we're so glad we did.”

“Rudolph, we know everything that happened with Scratcher and Winterbolt,” Dazzle stated, “and we wanted to tell you how sorry we are about nearly turning our backs on you. We should have had faith in you from the beginning.”

“Wait wait wait,” Sunny stopped the conversation out of confusion. “How did you guys figure out about all that?”

“Snowfall told us, but we kinda urged her to,” Cocoa said. “And don't worry-- your secret is safe with us until we can find the evidence to prove you're--”

Suddenly, Zipp's phone started ringing, causing her to quickly answer it. “Hey, Violet-- what's up?”

You guys need to come back to the circus, pronto!” Violet Frost told them in a whisper. “Winterbolt's back and we think he wants something from Frosty!

“Frosty?! Is he okay?” Izzy asked in concern. “He is for now,” Comet added, “but Snowfall is really worried about him, so we need all the backup we can get!

“Try and keep Winterbolt distracted until we get there,” Zipp said, preparing to disconnect the call. “We're on our way!”

Suddenly, a huge force smashed into the ground in front of the group, causing everyone to scream and fall to the ground.

That's when they looked up to see a vicious looking winged snow leopard with a purple rabbit on her back blocking their path.

Sunny growled upon seeing her. “Allura! We had a feeling that you'd be hanging around.”

“Quite right... and I'm going to make sure you NEVER go back to Equestria... alive, that is...!!” Allura chuckled before pouncing, causing the others to scream and jump aside before they could get badly injured. Sunny was able to shift into alicorn form and tossed her aside, but she knew that time was wasting if they wanted to save Frosty on time. “Rudolph, you and Borealis get to the circus and help Snowfall and the auroricorns save Frosty! We'll take it from here!”

“Uh... we will?!” Dazzle gulped nervously before Cocoa shot her a look. “Uh, I mean... totally! Heh heh...”

“We’re on it! Follow me, Rudolph!” Borealis said, leaping on Allura’s head to disorient her momentarily before she and Rudolph zoomed down the path toward the circus.

Allura growled before she turned back to the ponies, the star shard around her neck glowing. “Well... it would be a lie to say that I wasn't expecting this... another fight that I will win and YOU will lose.”

“We'll see about that, Allura-- we don't give in and we NEVER give up!” Sunny said as the ponies stood ready to fight. “And since our friends need our help quickly, let's get this over with. Time is of the essence, after all.”

“CHAAAAAAARGE!!!!!” Izzy shrieked at the top of her lungs, and both sides charged toward one another to finish a battle that they started in Bikini Bottom...

...but it was going to end right then and right there.