• Published 27th Feb 2024
  • 490 Views, 4 Comments

Unforgettable distraction - DapperLilArts

A simple story about Rarity and Applejack properly meeting for the first time, and getting smitten.

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Meet cute

Rarity walked distractedly through the grassy streets of Ponyville drawing on her sketchbook, pondering on her next assignment, working on sketching clothes for a client. Her sunglasses and hat shielded her from the sun and made her more capable of working on the go, but reduced her perception, and her distracted prancing would eventually get her in trouble, and so it did.

She ran face first into a fuzzy someone who barely flinched, and tumbled back, falling on her butt. Both their hats and her glasses fell in the grass. She quickly adjusted her hair and shook her head, as she heard “‘Scuse me, miss!” above her.

She looked up, gazing at a sight so large that blocked the sun. A very large farmer woman that must have been at least eight feet tall stood above her, with braided hair and dirty clothes. Rarity took a second to realize what had just happened.

The woman was quite easily holding a large wood and stone archway that seemed to be currently being repaired by a little girl on top of it, diligently, if not clumsily, attempting to bend a broken divide.

“Sorry, it’s my fault, I wasn't paying attention.” Rarity mumbled, still a bit shocked at the sight before her, and dizzied by the impact.

The farmer woman kneeled down effortlessly, and the entire archway came with her. She offered a hand to Rarity, who gladly took it. “You okay, Sugarcube?”

While being hoisted up effortlessly, Rarity had a quick realization of how large the farmer's hands were compared to hers. She tried not being lost on that though, mumbling affirmations at the farmer’s question.

The little girl on top of the archway yelled and complained at the farmer not keeping it steady, trying to do her job.

Rarity stood up and dusted herself off, patting any loose grass off of her beautiful summer dress, making sure it was fine. When she looked ahead, she realized what she had run into; The farmer girl had an ill fitting flannel button shirt, and Rarity had walked face first into her fuzzy chest. She took a quiet second to note that it had been a soft, yet hard impact. The farmer’s eyes were significantly higher than just looking forward.

“Sorry, miss! We’re currently repairing this archway here. You can just go through though, I've got it!” The farmer said with a big smile on her face. Rarity looked quickly at the farmer’s big meaty arms easily holding all that weight effortlessly.

“Um, yes. Indeed you do…” Rarity muttered a response, distracted by how easily the farmer was holding it, effortlessly lifting something anyone would imagine would require at least half a dozen people to hold.

“Say, you seen my hat anywhere? It fell off when you whammo-d me. Oh, and yours, for that matter!” The farmer looked around her front, unable to turn without compromising the integrity of the archway.

The Unicorn shook herself off. “Yes, of course! Don’t worry, darling.” Rarity quickly picked up both their hats off the floor, and placed one on the farmers head, and the other in hers.

“Thanks, sugarcube! –o-oh!” The farmer realized quickly looking at the lovely Unicorn; they were wearing each other's hats, a realization that Rarity had at the same time, resulting in both of them laughing together.

“Heheh, sorry, I'm a bit flighty, I'm not sure that look is very you, darling.” Rarity picked her lovely hat off the farmer’s head, while giggling still.

”Eh, maybe. I think my hat looks good on you, though!” The farmer regarded her, smiling earnestly. Rarity tipped it, giggling, before taking it off and placing it on the farmer's head. “I have been known to pull off a lot of looks. There; right where it belongs! Hm, it is a great fit.” She pondered.

Rarity put on her own hat, and adjusted her hair, batting her eyelashes. The farmer got lost in her eyes for a moment, the delayed realization of how beautiful the woman that stood in front of her was hit her like a ton of bricks. She tried playing it cool.

“I’m Applejack, by the way! And the girl workin’ on the bridge above me is my lil sister, Applebloom!” The farmer looked down on the lovely woman in front of her. “Hey, aren’t you that girl that works in the boutique?”

Rarity adjusted her hair and her dress some more. “Oh, I'm the girl that owns the boutique, darling. I’m Rarity!” She put her hands on her hips, as if asserting her position. Applejack could tell, her look was chosen carefully, and it looked damn good. The dress was made to fit Rarity’s frame perfectly, and what a frame it was; Her hourglass figure was breathtaking, and her beautiful flowing curly hair looked like it was extremely well cared for. She could definitely remember having seen her walk by her in Ponyville, with more and different styles that would make anyone turn their head.

The lovely Unicorn puffed her chest with pride. And what a chest it was. “Artist, Designer, Tailor, and Stylist. And wannabe Fashionista, hah.” She gazed away listlessly as if wishing for more titles to add to her portfolio. Applejack tilted her head and regarded her with happy confusion. Was the beautiful woman in front of her not all of those things and more?

Rarity looked at her from top to bottom, biting her lips. The woman in front of her was so big, she could easily be mistaken for a stallion. She had a brief moment of being lost in thought looking at Applejack and her large frame, then thought to herself Reset your brain, Rarity. Be professional.

“So you’re one of the Apples, I believe? I think I've seen you around before; in one of the town meetings? With being so tall, you’re hard to miss… Aren’t you the one–”

Applejack laughed nervously. “The one they asked to sit on the sides so I don't block other people’s view? Yeah.”

Rarity suppressed a chuckle. “I was going to ask if you had won an award for town protection, darling.”

Applejack got a bit flustered. “O-oh, right, that too. Yes.” She seemed to be incredibly modest, and Rarity picked up on that easily.

The Unicorn placed a hand on the Farmer’s chest, getting a little closer, looking her right in the eyes. “I should have guessed. With your muscular frame and height, I imagine any outlaw would think twice before messing with Ponyville knowing it’s under your protection, darling.”
Applejack barely mustered a flustered “E-eyup…!”

Rarity leaned on her chest while she cleaned grass off her dress and legs meticulously. Applejack got a bit taken back by how handsy the Unicorn was, and although it did not bother her, it did affect her. She tried not thinking much of it.

The Unicorn continued. “You must be the tallest pony in town! It’s really quite impressive, darling.” Rarity paused for a second, trying to get the farmer girl’s figure out of her head while looking down, remaining professional. “Color me impressed, but also concerned, How hard is it to get clothes that fit you?” Rarity prodded.

Applejack averted her eyes from the woman leaning on her chest, flustered. “Well it ain’t easy, but I guess I don't really worry about stuff like that. If it fits even a bit, it works, y’know?”

Rarity looked forward onto the burly chest in front of her, with the very ill fitting buttons, some that clearly had popped ages ago. “You don’t say…” She mumbled, lost in thought, flustering a bit.

She finished patting the grass out of her lovely outfit, and turned her gaze and hands to Applejack’s shirt. “You could at least take better care of the clothes you do wear, darling. This poor shirt has seen better days! All this dirt and grime and wear and tear is uncouth!” She said patting AJ’s arm sleeve, noticing tears on the bicep area, and connecting the dots easily in her head, much to her own blushing.

“Well I can't help it, all my clothes get a lil messy… It’s part of my job, y’know?” Applejack tried not being embarrassed at how poorly she dressed compared to the woman before her.

Rarity smirked, seeing a business opportunity. “Hmm, Okay darling, I’ll make you a deal. The first clothes you bring to my boutique, I can stitch up and fix up for free, what do you think?” Looking at her directly in the eyes, maybe a bit too close.

Applejack gave her a sheepish flustered smile, while excited. “That sounds like a great deal, miss! I’ll swing by sometime! Thanks, Sugarcube!” Rarity couldn’t help but smile at the cute nickname Applejack was using on her.

The Unicorn took a step back while once again examining her from top to bottom. “Yes, yes… And if you’d like me to make some outfits, I can easily take your measurements and try to perhaps whip up something fitting of your magnificent frame…” She briefly got lost on the thought curiosity of seeing the woman before her shirtless.

The farmer mumbled, flustered. “Um. Me. Magnificent?”

Rarity chuckled. “Well darling, I must be going, my work is quite demanding!” she turned back, bowing down to grab her sketchbook, purposely lingering a little, knowing the farmer had a good view of her backside. Applejack looked down briefly, and then quickly looked away attempting to be respectful. What a sight it was, even if brief, though.

Rarity stood and faced her directly, maybe a bit too close, once more. “Heeere’s my business card darling.~” She said, brandishing a card with diamonds and lovely calligraphy and contact information, and then placing it on the farmer’s cleavage, a perfect fit.
“T-thanks!” a mumbled flustered response from the big woman.

Rarity walked by her, whipping Applejack’s side with her tail, teasingly.
“See you around, handsome.” She said mischievously, knowing well the kind of effect those words, uttered in that way, would do to anyone.

Applejack barely mustered an stuttered “S-see ya!” While her mind flooded with the words:
Magnificient. Handsome. Magnificient. Handsome. Magnificient. Handsome.

She then tried looking back, despite still holding the bridge, watching Rarity walk away, sketching on her notebook. “Did a goddess just run into me…?!” She mumbled to herself, flustered.

Applebloom bonked her in the head from above. “Hey. Focus. Since when do you flirt in the job?? This ain’t like you, big sis.”

Applejack snapped out of it, still flustered. “T-that wasn’t flirting!! I don’t think. Maybe??” Her little sister groaned in response. Applejack looked back again, watching Rarity disappear in the distance.

Upon a minute of watching the gorgeous woman walk away, she faced forward, realizing how awkward it was to stare. She looked down and saw Rarity’s sunglasses on the grass ahead of her.

She immediately kneeled down and grabbed them, making her little sister complain again; the entire archway came down with her, and right back up. “Hey miss! Your glasses! You forgot your–” then Applebloom bonked her in the head a couple more times.
“Stop holding the bridge your little sis is currently workin’ on with only ONE hand!!!”

“Sorry Applebloom! I won’t get distracted no more, don’t worry.” She lied, putting the glasses in between her cleavage, next to the business card.
For the rest of the day she would be thinking about one thing only.

Rarity giggled to herself while sketching, lost in thought, walking away. “Rarity you are on FIRE. she mumbled joyfully. “That’s another future customer! And how easy was that? heheh. Even if she doesn’t bring shirts for me to stitch, she’ll have to visit me to return my sunglasses. Easy! Maybe I can actually get her to wash those clothes, too, eugh.”

She stopped being lost in thought and looked down at her sketchbook, flustered.
The page was now full of drawings of the farmer girl she had just met, and her ‘magnificent frame.’

“Um… what was I doing again?”

Author's Note:

Yeah, she's not gonna get that imagery out of her head, nyeheh.

Illustrating that first moment where Rarity accidentaly ran into her nyeh.
Rarity thought she was playing 4d chess but she failed to account for the fact that Applejack is cute and also hot and now its too late...

If i were to write their relationship it'd def start with Rarity thinkin shes gonna make Applejack bend over backwards for her, play her like a fiddle, which would absolutely happen, but then whoops; Applejack is extremely nice and sweet and very hot so now shes down bad. Roll credits on the smitten Unicorn

Honestly it's pretty fun to write stuff like this. Im currently inbetween writing projects n ideas. One of em being actual sex with Sunset and Twilight, and another regarding a Gen 6 a friend of mine, yaspup9000 on tumblr, is cooking up; not for any particular reason other than fun!

And well, of course, a multiverse sequel to the Return of Midnight Sparkle, nyeh.

Comments ( 4 )

specifically my own interpretation of them as anthros! (the body types matter)

What do you mean by that?

The art i made explains it all, they're furry anthros, not the standard ponies, they have hands. And their particular phisiques are integral to the short story

I just wanted to write my own take on these two meeting for the first time, specifically my own interpretation of them as anthros!

Then you might want to add the "Anthro" tag to complement this cute little story.

oh i hadnt noticed that was a thing! thank you!

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