• Published 27th Feb 2024
  • 893 Views, 36 Comments

Her Birthright - DougtheLoremaster

Twilight wants revenge for events that happened 1500 years ago. Her wings, her power; all of it was taken from her along with something she thought lost forever.

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Chapter Nine- Melancholy Beneath a Neon Moon- Part Two

Miles below the surface of the Realm of Tartarus she hung there, chained to a sharp, jagged wall of rocks; cutting into her if she so much as twitched. Her eyes were covered with a mask cast from molten iron. The metal would never cool as it seared her flesh, forged with magic to ensure that. The manacles she wore were crafted with spikes on the inside that went straight through her hooves. The pain was unimaginable.

The cell housing the prisoner was completely dark; not even a photon of light could enter, thanks to a special magical barrier. No sound was heard when the massive twelve foot tall, forty-foot thick door, crafted from Osmium, was shut; making it weigh well over five hundred tons. It was never to be opened, the prisoner knew. This was no cell, this was a tomb.

This concept amused the prisoner. She could not die. Though her limp, gaunt form from lack of food or water was evident, she had hung there for one thousand years, silently waiting. The mare possessed a Unicorn’s body, and though she couldn’t cast magic, a sealing ring had been painfully fused to the base of her horn. Yet, she never whimpered, she never shed a tear. What she had done was unforgivable, and for retribution she had accepted her fate; to rot forever, forgotten by history as time passed.

The prisoner’s nostrils flared as she smelled it. A magical scent hung upon the musty air, and it was growing stronger with each passing second. Her body trembled as a terrifying pressure slowly grew. It was getting nearer and the prisoner smiled wickedly.

A thousand years had come and gone but she hadn’t forgotten that feeling. The feeling of being utterly helpless in her gaze. She knew who it was, and heard the walls starting to shake as she drew nearer. That unbridled power; the embodiment of the might of the heavens themselves.

Her ear twitched as the massive door to her cell melted into nothing, the scent of molten steel reaching her nose. She chuckled.

“Aunt Celestia. To what do I owe your presence?”

Twilight Sparkle.”

The Princess of Equestria stood amidst the slag that had been the door, her amethyst eyes shining even in the absence of light. Her mane waved with the colors of the Aurora Borealis; mint green, light blue and cotton candy pink. She wore no expression on her face as she spoke to the Fallen Alicorn.

“Do you seek revenge?”

Twilight laughed, the words muffled by her iron mask.

“No. I’ve brought this on myself. I have no qualms about my suffering.”

Silence filled the cold, dark room for several minutes. Twilight listened intently for any sound, but there was none. And then-

“But what if it wasn’t you?”

“Did she really say that?”

“Yeah. Yeah she did.”

Laying on the cavern floor staring up at the moon, with her head on Twilight’s lap, Applejack listened as Twilight shared about her past. Pausing, Twilight took a sip of a pina colada she had summoned.

“Hold on, I need something stronger for this next part.”

The pina colada vanished, replaced by a bottle of 140 proof yakyakistan vodka. Taking a sip of it, Twilight grinned.

“Alright, I’m ready. Let’s continue.”

Twilight was silent for a moment before chuckling.

“I never knew you had a sense of humor, Auntie.”

“I don’t, Twilight.”

Twilight was silent for a moment, before her body began to shake. She felt her blood begin to boil, and the rocks tore into her back, as she struggled in pain against her chains. She snarled angrily.

“What did you just say?”

“It wasn’t your fault, Twilight.”

Her motions grew more violent and a hook ripped out of the wall, as she tugged against her chains. She muttered in a mixture of insanity and disbelief.

“Not my fault? Not my fault?”

She screamed in rage as her other hoof came free from the wall, the chain holding it snapping under the immense pressure.

“Not my fault?”

She had been in this dungeon, this hell for countless years, enduring this torture as a retribution for her crimes, and now she was being told it wasn’t her fault? The searing hot iron mask scorched her hooves as she ripped it off, revealing the burns across her face.

“You told me I killed everypony!”

She tore apart the leather bindings covering her eyes and glared angrily at Celestia. She shouted in utter rage and agony as she felt the material fused to her face tear away.

“You said it was my fault, and now it isn’t?”

Full of fury, Twilight took a step towards the Celestial Ruler, before rearing back and slamming her hooves, chains and all onto the Princess’s body as she screamed.

“You locked me away!”

With each blow a shockwave of force slammed into the cell walls. Again and again, Twilight brought her full terrifying fury to bear against Celestia’s face; the screams of the exile echoing in the corridors of Tartarus’s prison surface. Convicted demons cowered as the Alicorn’s rage sounded all around.

“You took my wings!”

Celestia didn’t move as her niece struck her again and again, each blow bearing the force of a meteor reaching terminal velocity. And still, Celestia didn’t try to stop her.

“You took my magic, claiming I was a danger to everypony!”

A pair of prison guards had ventured down to the depths, alerted by Twilight’s rage, only to be struck by a shockwave of wind pressure that slammed them into the stone walls with a sickening crack; their armor shattering as they lay there still, in eternal rest. And still Celestia didn’t move.

“Your strength is as incomparable as always, Twilight.”

For a solid hour Twilight struck her with all her might, the very surface of Tartarus shaking under each of her blows. But when her energy ran out, and she could swing no more, Celestia stood there, staring down at her; not a scratch on her face or body. Celestia seemed unbothered by the assault, almost as though she expected it, and spoke in her usual empty tone.

“Do you feel better now, my niece?”

Her energy completely exhausted, Twilight weakly raised a hoof and collapsed on the ground, still attempting to growl menacingly, though Celestia ignored this and spoke down to her.

“Are you ready to hear the reason for my visit? Or do you wish to flail around some more, little Nightmare?”

Without waiting for a reply, as Twilight glared weakly up at her, still attempting to swipe at her, Celestia’s horn glowed with a golden light, and an amulet materialized; a hollowed metalwork piece, it featured a bat with sharp fangs with a black opal embedded within the center. Celestia tossed it to land in front of the stunned exile.

Recognize this?”

Twilight continued her grumbling, refusing to speak, she turned her head away. This display of disrespect did not please Celestia. Though her face remained eternally passive, her eye twitched ever so slightly in perceived annoyance.

Celestia raised her hoof off the ground before gingerly tapping it against the unbreakable stone flooring. The result was instantaneous; the entire cell shook and long cracks appeared in the floor. Twilight was startled by this, and swiftly turned back to face her aunt, shaking uncontrollably in fear. Celestia spoke once more, in her coldly passive way yet her words echoed like a roar within the small room; her tolerance showing signs of waning.

“Do you recognize this or not, Twilight Sparkle.”

Under the watchful gaze of the merciless ruler, Twilight slowly picked up the small amulet with trembling hooves, turning it over while casting quick glances at Celestia; wary of any sudden movements.


Celestia raised an eyebrow.


“It’s the amulet mom gave me to give Flutar-Shai for her sixteenth birthday.”

Glancing up and locking eyes with Celestia, Twilight snarled in anger.

“Where did you get this?”

“Your sister.”

“Hold on- You have a sister?”

Twilight frowned at being interrupted, before giving a sigh and downing the rest of vodka before answering as she wiped a satisfied hoof across her muzzle.

“Yeah, I do, but it’s a pretty complicated topic. Mom disowned her when she swore herself to the daylight. Can you imagine? A Nightmare wanting to serve the Sun, makes me ill thinking about it. Not that she had a choice; Cadance’s magic had to go somewhere after all, the balance must be kept, and all that. And Cadance certainly wasn’t using it anymore, you know, since I ripped her horn off entirely.”

Applejack looked surprised for a moment, before asking Twilight.

“Huh, you mind if I get a top off of some cider, Darling?”

Twilight chuckled and conjured a glass with Applejack Daniels on the rocks within. Raising it in a drunken toast, Applejack smiled.

“Thank ya kindly. So, this sister of yours got a name?”

Twilight nodded before summoning and downing a jello shot of a tropical liquor; native to the underwater kingdom of Seaquestria. It burned with the intensity of the sun, before becoming icy-cold like the northern winds with the hint of coconut and pineapple, Her sister's favorite.

“Her name is-”

“Left Hoof of the Sun, Captain of the Guard Shining Armor, ma’am.”

Opening her eyes as Celestia’s personal guard flung open the door to the Master Bedroom of Right and Left, Left rolled over to stare at him. Slowly she slid out the majestic queen-size canopy bed; encrusted with all manner of precious stones. Walking slowly towards the stallion, her hips swayed slowly and seductively, her mane, her tail all of it to elicit a reaction. And a reaction, is what she got.

Shining Armor began to sweat and tremble as she slowly approached, his knees visibly quaking as Left gently drew a sultry hoof down his neck. Her voice was tender and utterly captivating as she whispered to him in the silkiest tone, just inches from his ear.

“How can I help you, Captain?”

His lips quivered as he stared into her hypnotically alluring amethyst eyes.

“P-Princess Celestia has asked for you.”

Left let a look of disappointment cross her face as she pouted slightly.

“So then, not here for fun? Pity. What a missed opportunity. Alright, let’s go.”

As the two walked down the hallway towards Celestia’s Royal Chambers, Left mentally laughed at how helpless the stallion had been before her charms. Not that she cared for him, or really anypony aside Trixie.

Still, with all the Magic of Love housed within her, why not have a little fun with it, and what better playthings than the weak-willed guards? Such sickening pleasures never got old for the sadistic being. After all, she had been doing it for one thousand years.

Lightly straining against the door, Left watched as Shining Armor seemingly rushed to her rescue and flung open the door with a mighty push, looking proud of himself. Silently, she considered mocking him, but decided to throw the guard dog a bone. He is only trying to help after all, nothing more.

Batting her eyelashes she feigned delight as she slipped inside.

“Thank you so much, what a big strong stallion you are.”

Seeing his smile, before the door shut, she smiled back. The smile left her face immediately as the door shut completely. She seethed in annoyance.



Turning towards the voice, Left found herself staring at Princess Celestia, lying lazily on her bed, no poise or consideration for dignity in her pose. Left paused for just a moment seeing such a sight, before answering the Sun.

“That name is dead to me. Aunt Celestia, what has you up this late at night?”

“Can you show me tomorrow’s outcome?”

Left was quiet for a minute, her eyes glowing fiercely, before shaking her head slowly.

“Aunt Celestia, my eyes are good, but they cannot see for certain what will happen. All I see is my little sister yelling at mom, surrounded by limp forms of various types of ponies, and nothing more.”

“What is she saying?

“There is nowhere in Equestria you’ll be safe from me, mother!”

Celestia was oddly silent for a few minutes; the glow of her horn a bright golden aura. The glow faded and the Celestial Alicorn sat up and stared passively at Left.

“And you see nothing else?”

Though Celestia had a completely blank expression on her face, Left could tell something was concerning her Aunt.

“Aunt Celestia, is something worrying you? Is something going to happen to my little sister?”

Celestia seemed hesitant as she replied.

“I see her lying limp on a stone floor, her body cold as the rain falls across her corpse.”

Left placed a hoof to her chin in deep thought, before suggesting.

“Are you sure that is tomorrow’s outcome?”

“No. I cannot be sure this is tomorrow I am seeing. That is why I wanted you to use your sight to confirm.”

Shaking her head in disbelief, Left exclaimed.

“It takes a lot to stop Twilight. Even mom and myself had the hardest time whenever little sister wanted to do something; she had a way of making what she desired to happen. Regardless of what those around her thought or did to the contrary. Even now, you can bet she is making use of every second leading up to mother’s return. We both know she doesn’t require sleep, after all.”

“True. Just like Sombra.”

There was silence for a moment of reflection before-

“Do you think she can do it?”

Left considered the question.

“Kill mother? Without her magic, and even armed with all of yours, Aunt, no offense but Twilight won’t stand a chance. Mother’s true power is just as terrifying as yours. By herself, mom will certainly kill her, if she intends to do so.”

Celestia silently pondered this.

“You mentioned other ponies. Can you describe them?”

Left was surprised by this, but her eyes glowed with her All-Sight magic, before stating.

“What looks like A white Unicorn Priestess of the Moon, dressed in an ornate Robe of the Night. an orange Earthpony wearing a Stetson on her brow, stained in what appears to be decades old blood, a cyan-blue Pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail. Another Pegasus, butter-colored, though her mane and tail seem to lack any discernible color; appearing gray. And a strange pink Earthpony that I could swear I’ve seen somewhere before. Oddly enough, she seems to be staring back at me.”

“Did you say Pegasi, not Changelings?”

“Now that you mention it, I thought that was strange; weren’t the Pegasi made extinct twelve years ago by the Changelings?”

“Apparently not. Show me these Pegasi.”

Curious at the request, Left obliged; her eyes glowing with a lavender magic that funneled into her horn and emitted a projection in the room. Celestia turned her gaze on the projection, her eyes examining the figures of two Pegasi within the scene; laying on the ground, completely still. Their wings were flared wide, clearly having been knocked out of the sky. Yes, they are Pegasi, no Changeling magic within them.

As she examined the scene, Left waiting anxiously, her thoughts wandered and suddenly she blurted out.

“Aunt Celestia, you never really explained what happened. Why didn’t you intervene when the Changelings committed genocide on the Pegasus?”

Swiftly, Left threw her hooves over her muzzle in embarrassment, however, Celestia didn’t seem bothered by it as she responded in a flat tone.

“Because they were acting like fillies that didn’t like the new kid on the playground. When Chrysalis and my daughter decided to have their wedding at Cloudsdale’s Chapel, the Pegasi decided that a Changeling didn’t belong there. During the vows, instead of biting their tongue and tempering their thoughts, a rainbow-maned mare and her husband led the Pegasi in a physical assault on Chrysalis.”

Her eyes roamed across the various figures, noticing that every one of them had an aura of magic that Celestia identified as Luna’s own. That is interesting, my little niece, what are you up to?

“And then they found out Chrysalis was not as gentle as Cadance. In no time at all, swarms of Changelings that had been watching their queen’s big moment descended on the inhabitants of Cloudsdale. And just like spoiled fillies on a playground, after learning the new kid wouldn’t stand for such an attitude, they cried out for momma to save them.”

Celestia took note of the look on Twilight’s face, one of pure rage; one that only one who cared for loss, would make. Friends? Little Twilight making friends? Never thought I would see the day.

“Only momma didn’t. And why? Because they were at fault. Like many civilizations throughout history, they faced the consequences of their arrogance. And it’s the same reason the other Changeling hives were eradicated; they got too ambitious. My daughter-in-law actually had no desire to stir any conflict, had the Pegasi simply let her be, they may still be around.”

Celestia’s eyes grew hard as diamonds and as frigid as the Wendigos themselves as she spoke, empty and as unfeeling as always.

“But they didn’t, so they aren’t.”

Silence fell over the room as Left mulled over these words. But then, Celestia spoke again. This time however, it was different than usual. Her eyes sparkled with life, and a thoughtful smile appeared on her muzzle as she spoke, a very uncharacteristic sight. Her tone had movement to it, and for once was not at all placid and empty.

“For 15,000 years, I have walked this world; since the world began, Starlight. Since time began, I have raised and lowered the sun every day. I have seen civilizations come and go, empires rise and fall. You, Twilight, Cadance, myself, your mother, and even Sunset; we are not mortals. For us, a lifespan is meaningless to consider. And I hope you’ll remember this when tomorrow comes: Our magic is unique to us, mortals look to us for encouragement and empowerment. But our magic is too powerful to be used on a whim. We cannot interfere because we ‘feel’ like it, Starlight. Every action has a consequence. Now then, little Daybringer, the sun is down, and you, Starlight, need your rest.”

Before Left could even react, Left vanished in a flash of light; suddenly lying unconscious next to her wife. Left reached out in her slumber and wrapped a hoof around Right, pulling her close to her and snuggling against her; a soft moan of happiness escaping her wife’s muzzle while the two slept on, unaware of the going-ons of the world.

Meanwhile in the throne room, Celestia sat, still as a statue, staring up at the looming full moon. She spoke to it, quietly, pensively.

“It seems like our reunion will be short-lived, little sister. A new era is dawning, and the sun is setting on our time in the light. Your daughter's fates have become intertwined on opposite sides. I wonder what changes they will wrought.”

Her eyes flashed, as she observed Twilight and Applejack within the crystal caverns; the two discussing hopes and dreams, fears and pains.

“Hey, Twi? Wouldja mind tellin’ the rest of your tale? What happened after Princess Celestia gave you the amulet?”

“Oh right, well you see…”

Applejack listened as Twilight continued her tale, popping the top off a cider with her teeth and getting comfortable on Twilight’s lap, as she did so.

Celestia smiled, devoid of any expression once more.

I wonder.”

Comments ( 1 )

I like the changes you made with characters' relations, haven't seen any concept like yours before.

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