• Published 25th Feb 2024
  • 199 Views, 37 Comments

Big Nate: New Life and New Fears - Big Imagination E

Big Nate and his friends ended up in Equestria after messing with Gina's machine. But once they arrive they have to stop an evil king named Sombre from taking over.

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Chapter 9: Training with Brad Gunter

The gang continued following Brad Gunter til they reached a very dark room that was so wide open. Then when Brad turned the light on everyone was so surprised at the sight. It was a huge training room with all sorts of weapons and there's even special armor that he created himself for Nate and his friends.

"Welcome one and all to my special training room!" Brad said.

"Wow Brad! When you think you really think big." Teddy exclaimed.

"That's the whole idea Teddy. Now I brought you in here because I'm gonna help you amigos get ready for the battle to save Jenny and the Main Six from King Sombra. You got the basics of the pony talents down but you gotta up your skills to truly stop Sombra. Are you ready?" Brad asked.

"Yes. For Jenny and our friends we are more than ready Brad." Nate answered.

Soon all the others agreed and Brad smiled.

"I'm glad to hear that. Alright! Let's begin! To start things off were gonna do some one on one sparing to see where everyone's at. Pick a partner." Brad said.

So everyone did what Brad told them to do and picked a partner. Nate paired with Randy, Teddy with Dee Dee, Francis with Chad and Artur with Spike. Then Brad pressed a button and out came four training rings and they knew instantly that they are gonna do some wrestling.

"Ok. Now enter a ring and get ready to RUMBLE!!!!!!" Brad shouted.

They all entered a ring and once Brad rang the bell the wrestling began. Soon everyone was practicing some wrestling moves on each other and were really going at it. Nate was giving Randy his all and he was doing the same. Teddy was trying his best to counter Dee Dee's moves and she was not backing down. Francis tried out some sneaky ninja moves but Chad for some reason keeps dodging each one. Artur did his best to counter Spike's dragon moves and so far he was doing okay but needed a little improvement. Then after two hours Brad rang the bell again and everyone stopped wrestling.

"Nice work little warriors. But just those won't be enough. Because it's time for some magic based training. You already did good on levatation but let's see if you can do much more with different spells. Nate, Francis? Let's see you guys work your magic." Brad replied.

The two nodded and Brad brought out some training dummies in here. Francis went first and used his magic to create a sword and sliced one in half. Then Nate used his magic to create a dragon spirit. He then controlled it and used the dragon to destroy six dummies at once. Then they continued using different spells and destroyed more dummies til the both of them destroyed the very last one. Brad clapped his hands and smirked.

"Impressive boys. You really put a lot of effort into this. You mastered the unicorn magic fully. Now it's time for the pegasi to have a go. So Teddy, Chad and Artur? It's time for you guys to take things to the sky. Now up there are a few targets that you need to hit while flying. Go get them!" Brad exclaimed.

The trio spread their wings and flew into the air. They flew and saw the targets that Brad explained and hit them with either their hooves or their hands. They all did karate moves and continued flying til they were getting a little tired from all the flying and hitting they did. Brad guided them to come down and they did just that.

"Alright. Not bad comrades. But you'll need to be at full strength to take down Sombra. Take a break and we'll continue later. But for now it's time for the earth pony to unleash the inner beast and true strength. Dee Dee? See that stone wall? I want you to unleash your beast and use your strength to break it down." Brad explained.

She nodded and focused directly at the stone wall. Then she tried punching it but it was too hard and hurt her hand. But then she remembered what Brad said. She needed to unleash her inner beast and true strength. So doing that she growled and attacked the wall more furiously and kicked it too. Then when the wall was fully weak and cracked Dee Dee delivered the final blow and the wall was destroyed into little pieces. Brad smirked and nodded.

"Nice punching and kicking Dee Dee girl! But we all still got a long way to go. Alright comrades that was a good warm up! Now let's take this to the next level and we'll see what you can really do!" Brad explained to everyone.

So he took out a radio and pressed it to play some music as a montage began.


And so everyone got in position and ready for Brad's second part of the training course. Nate and his friends possessed a few weapons and began learning how to use them. While they were doing that Brad started singing. He sang about helping Nate and his friends prepare for the big fight.

As Brad was singing we see Nate and his friends doing everything they can to be ready for the battle. Nate and Randy practiced using different enchanted swords and doing sword battles to see which one is best to use. Teddy and Chad used different goggles to try and get a good look on their enemies and see which pair is best to catch them before they can escape. Dee Dee tried on a pair of metal fists so she won't hurt her hands anymore and make it easier to destroy any walls and use her strength better. After when he finished singing the gang all panted heavy and Brad smiled seeing all the progress they made.

"Well done everyone. You all have shown true potential and bravery. For that you are ready to fight King Sombra. But first we gotta get you guys geared up!" Brad smiled.

He pressed another button and the wall revealed a collection of different enchanted armor and everyone stared at it starry eyed. Then they all went to the collection and began picking what armor they want. Nate choose the lightning armor, Randy had the lava armor, Teddy choose the strong wind armor, Francis had the magic armor, Dee Dee had the strong earth armor, Chad had the regular steel armor, Spike wore some dragon enchanted armor, and Artur had some tiger painted armor. Each one was decorated in the style they were designed and had some power flowing through it.

"Wow! These suits of armor are so awesome! Sombra doesn't stand a chance against us now!!" Nate cheered.

"Whoa comrade. I like your confidence but the armor isn't the only thing you need. Everyone choose a weapon and I will decide what position in this army you'll have." Brad added.

Everyone nodded and looked at all the weapons their were. Nate and Randy both had swords. Nate had a lightning one while Randy had a fire one. Teddy and Francis had crossbows and different tipped arrows. Chad had a warhammer, Artur carried laser gloves he's wearing, and Spike had a sword like Nate and Randy do only his sword is light energy fused. Brad liked all the weapons they picked and smiled.

"Nice weapons you picked! Alright now you're fully ready to take down King Sombra. And from this day you will no longer be called Nate and Friends. No. When out there in battle you'll be known as The Awesome Eight!" Brad declared.

"The Awesome Eight huh? I like the sound of that." Nate said.

"Nate you will hereby be known as the leader of this team. Randy will be your second in command and for the rest of you guys you'll all help each other when you get stuck in a jam. Now your mission will not be easy. You have to save Jenny and the Main Six from King Sombra. But in order to get to him you'll need to take out Gina and Godfrey first. Once they are taken care of then Sombra won't have backup." Brad explained.

"Ok deal with Gina and Godfrey first then take out Sombra. Ok we got it Brad." Francis said.

"Oh and one more thing. Sombra will summon shadow minions to try and slow you down. Don't let him summon too much or else you won't make it. Which is why I have something else you might need to help you get through his evil army." Brad added.

He took out a large box and gently carried a powerful atom and placed it in Nate's chest. He started glowing and his blood cells flexed meaning that the power was starting to kick in. He did the same thing with the others and they too got the same reaction Nate did. Though they were confused why he did.

"Those things I placed in your bodies are called Imagination Atoms. And they are the most powerful energy sources I found in caves underneath Equestria. Those say that if one possesses an Imagination Atom then they will be able to imagine anything that can possibly help them stop any evil." Brad explained.

"Ohh." Everyone realized.

"Well thanks Brad. Now that we everything we need were ready to fight King Sombra and his cronies." Nate said with confidence.

"Yeah. And we will save Jenny and the Main Six and prevent Equestria from falling into darkness." Randy added.

"I'm glad you are willing to do anything to save them. Now get out there and do what you are meant to be. Destined for awesomeness. And also remember this that those who are destined for awesomeness never keep there heads down. Now go out there and win the day!" Brad said.

He pressed another button and this one allowed Nate and his friends to be escalated from the training room and outside the castle. They all have fearless looks on their faces and began walking in the direction of where Sombra's lair can be. The gang were all ready and the battle awaits them.

Author's Note:

Nate and his friends all now fully ready to fight King Sombra. But they'll need to go through Gina and Godfrey first. And also I thought that the instrumental version of the song from Mulan would be perfect for training Nate and his gang. Stay tuned for when they fight Gina first!