• Published 18th Feb 2024
  • 1,330 Views, 43 Comments

The Return of Midnight Sparkle - DapperLilArts

Sunset Shimmer, in Equestria, Has to deal with being a part of Twilight Sparkle's team, per her request, despite her own feelings of inadequacy, regrets, fears, and worse of all, her newfound love for Twilight Sparkle. Can she ever earn it?

  • ...

CHAPTER 3 Last Resort


💔Last Resort💔

Days until Midnight Sparkle returns: 1.

Another evening to spend studying with Twilight, and Sunset was getting better at this. She had more to show for her, and the Princess always seemed impressed so easily, one of her best audiences, for sure; But it was still hard to go sometimes. Sunset spiraled a bit and had to rely on Pinkie Pie again. But she promised herself that this would be the last time. From now on, studying would be just her and Twilight. She had to be able to do this.

Twilight deserved better. Sunset had to be better.

Even if she would never confess her feelings to Twilight, Sunset was still happy; she had improved herself majorly and she really felt deserving of the love of her friends. After the better part of almost a year spent on this group, on this crew of incredible ponies; she felt like she belonged a bit better. In a sense, she still believed that things could go wrong, but she believed in her own capacity of dealing with it as well.

If she had to leave, she would leave. But at least she had made some good memories.

Even if she was still the odd one out. She couldn’t help but feel much much happier than before. Her friend's love for her was real, even if she didn’t love herself. This time it was different.

The doors to the library never seemed this easy to go in; there was no anticipation. She was just happy to spend time with a friend, maybe two.

She opened the doors, Twilight and Pinkie were waiting at a table. The Princess waved her wings gleefully. “Good evening, Sunset!! It’s nice to see you!!”

“Heya Princess! Ready to study?” she said, plopping some books on the table.

Pinkie gave her usual friendly wave. “Hi Sunset!”

Twilight gave Pinkie a ‘look’ that Sunset did not notice. The Pink pony made a phone ringtone noise with her mouth; then took her phone out of her mane, looking at it. “Oh golly gee! Maud has a rock emergency!! I gotta go, girls!”

“Oh damn, I just got here!” Sunset said, tilting her head.

Giving out a nervous laughter of someone who's bad at lying, the Princess smiled awkwardly and commented on this totally unrehearsed turn of events. “Oh wow! Well you better not keep Maud waiting! Good luck Pinkie BYE!”

Pinkie Pie did a flip. “Alrightgottagogoodluckwithstudiesbye!” She said, hurrying out the door skedaddling Pinkiely.

Watching her leave, the Unicorn couldn't help but laugh. “Wow, what was that about!” The Princess smiled and shrugged. “I guess it’s just us tonight, Sunset!”

She wasn’t that concerned. This time, it was going to be different. “Fine by me!” She smiled warmly.

The evening proceeded as you one hope. Sunset showed off how she was mastering teleportation and telekinesis, managing to combine both with acrobatics, being capable of placing books in high shelves without even relying on levitation, which Twilight would accompany by flying or levitating herself to see the work from up close!

She managed to skillfully float many books and make them do complex movements and orderly place them in shelves; organized, too!

Then Twilight started asking about her new physical capabilities, out of curiosity; considering all the training she had been doing.

Sunset had a flash of inspiration on Applejack’s side, one of those intrusive thoughts, and offered to carry the Princess; relatively easily lifting her with one arm and even managing to have her upside down comfortably.

“Alley-oop” She mimicked, banishing any thoughts of how good it felt to show off, or even be this close. Twilight was being held akin to a barrel over Sunset's shoulder, and she was majorly impressed, to say the least. An unfamiliar feeling washed over her as her face grew redder. She loafed, as she tried processing what the heck she was feeling, being in Sunset’s arms, incapable of making sense of it.

Her wings fluttered slightly. “W-wow! I’ve never seen a Unicorn that’s this strong!! With ONE arm too…!”

Sunset couldn't help but chuckle. “Well it’s more because most of us are lazy as hell and rely on magic for everything. I'm not really that impressive, heh, I just tried.” She said as much, genuinely believing it.

But Twilight was not having it. Her face was very close to Sunsets, which made both of them feel a certain way. “Nuh uh!! Don’t devalidate yourself, Sunset!! You’re super strong and you achieved that through hard work and I am RIGHT to be impressed!” She said, poking The Unicorn’s snoot with her hoof.

With that demand, and that cute little boop, Sunset gave in. “Haha okay I'm going to put you down now, princess.” she carefully flipped Twilight back down, while chastising herself internally for enjoying the way the Princess smelled.

They sat back down to study properly, overlooking some more magic theory and practice; then both yawned at the same time; which led them both sharing laughs about it.

“Sheesh, both of us, huh? Have you been having trouble sleeping?” Sunset prodded, having indeed noticed that Twilight had seemed more tired for the last few weeks, hoping to finally get a proper answer as to why.

The Princess used her hoof as a head rest. “Pff something like that. Let’s just say that I've been visited by Luna a couple more times than I'd like these past weeks...” She couldn't suppress another adorable yawn after saying that, which nearly stopped Sunset on her tracks, given its incredibly cute nature.

With a sigh, Sunset nodded in agreement. “Hm, tell me about it. Me and her are practically making friendship bracelets at this point. I can say that she’s good company, though. I owe her a lot.” Twilight looked at her with concern.

Sunset hadn't shared all the times in which Luna had visited her with anyone; And she wasn't planning to, either. But she was thankful to have her assistance.

“What are your nightmares about?” The Princess tilted her head.

With a chuckle, The Unicorn raised an eyebrow defiantly. “I’ll tell you mine, if you tell me yours.”

Twilight pouted and poked her with her hoof. “I asked you first.”

Rolling her eyes, she groaned in fake annoyance, purposefully lingering on it to both of their amusements. “Fiiiiine. Well, um, how do I say this?” She paused, looking at Twilight. Her eyes were fixated; And she tried like hell not to be lost on them. “Well… You know, I didn't have this little over a year ago? I… I was a different person a year ago. Underachieving, exhausted, bitter, angry, entitled, and damn lonely. No friends, no good motivation. I wouldn’t have… done what I did if I wasn't hurting back then. And well, if you hadn't... if you hadn’t saved me from my own stupidity…”

No hesitation from the Princess. “I'm glad I did; And you’re not stupid. I don’t regret a single moment I spend with you, Sunset. Heck, I'm usually a stickler for rules, but I am SO happy I added you onto the team! You really helped everypony; and you changed for the better lovingly! Everypony in Ponyville can see that, really...!” The Alicorn gushed.

That barrage of kindness did result on Sunset flustering, but it didn’t stop her. “Well, that’s the sitch. My nightmares usually involve... None of this. They're usually just about me if I never got this, or worse, if I lost all of it. I'm more fulfilled now than I've ever been. And I'm more scared than I've ever been of losing all of it. It’s… dumb, but it’s justified. After all, stability has never been my strong suit in life…”

Twilight leaned closer. “This is a certified Princess promise: I promise you, you won't lose this. You won't lose us. You won’t lose me.” She said, getting even closer, with kindness. Everytime that Twilight got too close, Sunset would recoil. This had happened enough times that she had noticed by now.

But Sunset still mustered a smile. “Thank you, Princess. I mean it.”

Twilight recoiled too, hurt by not being referred to by name. They both sat in silence for a little bit, until she spoke up. “My nightmares are about Midnight Sparkle.”


Twilight dragged her hoof on the table, sadly. “I keep telling myself that they’re just nightmares, but the things she says concern me. The promises she makes to return. To win. I feel like… She’s still in me somewhere. Clawing her way to the surface. Getting stronger. Just looking for the right moment to burst out of me. Sometimes I wake up terrified that my friends are in danger around me, or that I'm just. A ticking time bomb. And who knows when the clock will reach zero…”

Sunset touched her shoulder earnestly. “Time for a Sunset promise, then. I promise you. I won’t let that happen. I stopped Midnight once. I’ll gladly stop her a thousand times for you.” Twilight regarded her with adoration. Her friend had become so strong… Seeing her in this new light was almost blinding.

She looked away, with a cute little smile. “T-thank you. If anypony can do it, it’s you.” She wondered, even for a moment, how Celestia would react, seeing her old pupil thriving.

And then the thought of reinstating Sunset as a student of Celestia, and working with her side by side crossed her mind, making her tail wag involuntarily as she looked at nothing.

They stayed silent for a little bit, not looking at each other. But it wasn't an comfortable silence, nor an estranged one.

Sunset got on top of the table. “Alright. No more slacking, it’s time for some extreme magic. Ready?”

Twilight beamed, getting on top of the table as well. “Oh yes! Show me what you got!”

The Unicorn lit up her horn. “Actually, care to join me this time?”

The Alicorn grinned ear to ear. “Heck yes.”

They both lit their horns, and started levitating while facing each other. Magic started surrounding the very air around them, and spreading around the room, swirling like wind. The red and the purple hue fused together, akin to a silent and gentle tornado. Papers started flying, and then books, and then even chairs. Together, they floated in the middle of the room, going higher and higher, with all manners of objects spinning around them, none touching each other, with no damage being done to the library. This was the ultimate display of magic for those that could; the control of a very room itself, not chaotic, but true. Sunset had fought hard to be capable of doing this, but doing it alongside Twilight was effortless. They floated almost reaching the ceiling, regarding each other with adoration.

“...Look at you!” Twilight Sparkle was entranced, looking at the Unicorn she adored.

“...Look at me!” Sunset shimmer regarded the Alicorn she loved.

Once again, gazing into her beautiful eyes… She couldn’t stop looking at them. For almost a full minute, they simply regarded each other… Until Sunset realized she was being lost in her eyes again, feeling that blush once more, and lost control, falling back down. Twilight stopped her fall with her own magic, and they both descended. The Princess still managed to use her levitation to put things back down on the ground gently, even if utterly untidy.

“Sorry, Sorry, I messed up!” Apologetically, with that reminder of her own inferiority, Sunset was a annoyed at her own failings.

“It’s okay, this kind of magic is incredibly hard to execute! Most Unicorns live their entire lives without even doing 5 seconds of it. You did wonderful!!” Twilight meant every word as she smiled. comforting her.

“Thanks, princess… Now what do you say we tidy up this mess together?”

“Of course!” They both waved their horns, effortlessly putting books and chairs where they belonged, rearranged correctly and efficiently, without a fuss. The whole time, Twilight was looking at her, seeing how well she was doing.

And then, they were done. The library was perfectly organized, and they were happily taking in the success of their hard work.

“Wow. Another awesome display, princess!” Sunset beamed, overjoyed with working so well with her.

There was a brief moment of quiet, before Twilight considered her words, and what she wanted to ask. After fidgeting a bit, she spoke. "Sunset... Why did you accept joining my team? I'm just-- I'm just curious." She considered how the Unicorn carried herself, before and after, specially now.

It was a loaded question. Sunset scratched the side of her own face, thinking of a proper answer.

"Well... You see... When Celestia banished me, it was the last straw of a series of blunders I made. Well, my attitude, my choices, and my desires, all were enough for me to lose... Well, the most coveted position in the world."

The Princess tilted her head, calmly waiting for her to continue. Which, with an exhale, she did.

"And then... That wasn't the bottom of the well for me. It was when I stole your crown and turned into a monster that I was at my lowest, my absolute worst. I was a literal demon..."

She stalled a bit, knowing her next words were everything; And Twilight continued looking at her attentively.

"...And you still forgave me. You still believed in me. In what I could be, what I could do. And yeah, I thought of just running away, leaving it all behind and starting new somewhere else... But hey, why do that, when I could be instead near somepony that had more faith in me than the Queen of the Sun herself?"

She finished saying that with a earnest, warmest, genuine smile, and Twilight mimicked it, utterly captivated.

"What I'm trying to say is... I stayed because you believed I should. And since you believed in me, since you saved me, since you saved... All of us... I trust you, Princess... With anything. With everything."

Her eyes shined as she regarded Sunset with adoration.

"So what I'm saying is... Thank you, Princess... For everything."

But those formalities frustrated the Princess. She pouted, her ears drooped low, and she tried getting a bit closer. “Y'know, you could just call me Twilight…”

“H-Huh?” That comment stopped Sunset in her tracks entirely, like a fist to the gut.

The Princess stood firm, getting assertive. “You can just call me Twilight. Not ‘princess’, just Twilight! It’s fine, we’re friends, right?”

Looking away nervously, Sunset looked for a way out of this. “W-well, you are a princess!”

Her demeanor changed, as she looked the Unicorn in the eyes. She looked sad, almost. “Are we friends, Sunset? You consider me a friend, right?”

“Of course!!”

“Then there's no reason to use formalities with me! Please, Just call me Twilight. I promise you it’s what I want.” She said, folding her wings close.

Sunset froze for a moment, eyes widened.

Of course she called her a princess all this time. Why would she address her any other way? Twilight was, much like Luna and Celestia, on another level. It was a crutch; a barrier between her and Twilight. She wasn’t worthy of a princess, so that’s what she was to her, utterly out of her league.

Sunset struggled to break that barrier. She didn’t want to admit that there was a chance for her and Twilight to be closer. Especially considering how much she had sabotaged herself up until this point, all due to being unworthy.

No… It wasn’t Twilight. It was Sunset. This was her problem. She was the one that couldn’t match. Sunset couldn’t match up to half of what Twilight was. Not even a quarter.

Like it or not, that barrier was there for a reason. And Princess Twilight Sparkle was unreachable. Sunset, fool she was, wasn’t ready to let go of the crutch, no matter how much it might hurt.

The Princess tilted her head, and approached her. “Sunset. Please.”

Sunset recoiled and exhaled. “I'm sorry, but… I don't think I can. I'm sorry, princess. I… I should go.” Sunset backed up even further.

Twilight sat down and sighed. “Y-yes, I suppose it’s late. Goodnight, Sunset. See you tomorrow?”

“Of course. Good night.” and so, the Unicorn left the room, in low spirits.

Twilight sat there, alone, annoyed. She huffed and pouted. She dragged her hoof on the floor. She walked around in a circle a couple times, then sat again. Another huff. She rubbed her temples as if she had a headache, which was certainly something she felt at that utterly frustrating display.

“Okay, Pinkie, you can come out now.” She said, which made the Earth Pony emerge from a secret compartment in a couch; Celestia only knows how she got there.

“Gosh, that was a bummer!! You guys were doing so well, too!! Why did she just go like that??”

“It was so weird, right? You saw that, right?? Again, she finds a reason to leave, even if things are going well. And she won’t even call me Twilight! It's ‘princess’ this, ‘princess’ that!!” She huffed and puffed. “What is up with her…” She said, unfolding her wings, and looking at them. “Could my hypothesis be right? Is she… intimidated by me…?”

Pinkie tried comforting her. “Aww don’t be silly. If she was intimidated, why would she have joined the crew? She should be comfortable with you!”

Flapped her wings angrily, Twilight paced around the room. “And yet, she isn’t! She’s gotten close to all of you, but not me! How can I be doing bad at this– I'm the Princess of Friendship for Celestia’s sake!!!”

Pouting, the Pink pony tilted her head, unsure of what was indeed wrong. “Gosh… I dunno, Twilight! Our girl’s got layers… She did seem to recoil a lot, like you mentioned…”

“It’s been almost a year, and I get the feeling that I've been going about this all wrong… Maybe it’s not me. Maybe it’s...” She looked at her own wings, wondering.

“Celestia, Luna, Cadance... they all told me about this. Just our presence can intimidate ponies sometimes… I am never going to get closer to Sunset if she keeps seeing me this way. Augh, no wonder!! I was already an Alicorn back when I beat her and made her not evil!! The first time she met me I was already a princess…! She IS intimidated by me! Arghhhh I gotta do something…”

She flapped her wings annoyedly once more. “What's the point of these things if they openly sabotage me!!” She walked around in circles, flapping them more, a year’s worth of frustrations regarding Sunset boiling up.

Pinkie could see her friend hurting, and tried comforting her. “Don’t worry, Twilight!! I'm sure if we talk to her we can sort it out?”

Twilight pouted, her thoughts spiraling in an unnerving manner. “I've tried that, Pinkie. She always, always recoils… I'm not sure what I could do-- Hm. Could you go check up on her?”

The Pink pony was a bit sad still. “Are you sure? We could do it together…?”

Twilight looked away. “No, no… I think I need some time alone. Please go make sure she’s okay. Goodnight Pinkie.”

“O-okay. I won’t let you down!! Pinkie’s on the case!!” Then she hurried out of the room, Pinkiely.

Twilight waited for her to be out of sight, then turned back. She went to an older and restricted section of the library, opening a door only meant for Alicorns, and swiftly found the tome she was looking for. 'Ancient Alicorn Transmogrification and Assorted Rituals.' She walked back to her room with it, still frustrated, but determined, as her thoughts fogged up.

Meanwhile, Sunset was walking low, back to her room. She had struck out immensely tonight. What the hell had she even said about this time being different? Oh, she sure made it different alright, she made it WORSE. Stupid, dumb, waste. It's all her own fault!

She walked back to her room, lights dim outside, stars and moon raised in the sky. She threw her jacket on the floor and exhaled angrily. What the hell was her problem? She walked up to her sandbag, and saw a message taped to it she had left herself ages ago.

Do better, try harder.

She crumpled that piece of paper and aggressively threw it out of the window, then turned to the sandbag and started punching it savagely. The poor sandbag did not deserve it. Heat rose around her as she crushed hit after hit on her target. She heard a knock on the door and bucked the sandbag with rage, making it hit the ceiling, adding to a crack on it. “WHAT.”

Pinkie burst through the door and pointed at her. “J’ACCUSE.” Then she saw the crack on the ceiling and how mad Sunset seemed, with a swinging sandbag implying violence.

“O-oh. um.” She recoiled, reconsidering having burst in, As literal flaming sparks illuminated the room, emanating from the Unicorn.

Exhaling steam, Sunset swallowed her rage, causing the flames to fizzle out. “I'm not in a very good mood, Pinkie. Can this wait until tomorrow? And why are you even here? What happened with Maud?” she said, sitting down, clearly with some anger still.

“You made Twilight upset!!” Pinkie said, pouting accusingly. “Why would you even do that!”

Immediately, her rage turned to shame. Sunset covered her face with her hooves, feeling extreme regret. “Shit. Urgh. I didn’t mean to… fuck.”

Pinkie felt a little bad, dialing back the accusatory energy. “And you’re also upset?? What’s going on?” She got a bit closer, scanning her friend with her gaze.

“I didn’t mean to, okay? I'm sorry.”

“Why do you keep backing up from Twilight!! She thinks you’re intimidated by her because she’s an Alicorn, is that true??”

With a sigh, she looked down. “It’s not… entirely untrue. It’s complicated, okay? It’s complicated.”

“But it iiiiiiis a little true isn’t it! Gosh, if you had met her before, you’d know she’s just a totally down to earth regular nerd! There's nothing intimidating about her, you got nothing to be afraid of!!” she waved her hooves around.

The Unicorn shook her head, considering if what she felt was fear. “No, I'm not afraid of her, it’s not like that.”

Pinkie got a tad overbearing, dialing it up again. “Then what is it!! As your fellow musician and trapeze pal, you gotta tell me what's going on!! This is a friendship crisis!!”

Sunset looked directly at her, tired, and this time barely hesitated. She trusted Pinkie Implicitly.

It wasn’t a friendship crisis.

“Pinkie, I'm in love with Twilight Sparkle.”

For a second, the air in the room froze, and Pinkie stood completely still, staring forward, processing, gears turning. Then her eyes widened and widened… Then her jaw dropped. Then she gasped.

Sunset immediately got worried about the noise. “C'mon Pink, please don’t make a fuss–”
Pinkie flipped over and laid on the floor on her back as if she was dying. “Ok ok ok ok oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh BOMBSHELL???! One of my best friends is in love with my other best friend and??? Whadahahaaaaaaahahaaaaa'' she wringled and squirmed.

“It’s okay. take your time.”

“B-but this, B-but that– Twilight IS AN ALICORN SHE THINKS YOU’RE SCARED OF HER aaaaaaaa is this recent?? Has it been for a long time? Whhhhhhh” she spun around on the floor.

Sunset closed her eyes. “Yeah… Yeah that’s the mood.”

Pinkie got up and grabbed Sunset’s face. “This is why you were training!?!! This is why you were working so hard!!? This is why you were getting yourself all hottie-d up!!!?? You wanted to woo Twilight Sparkle?? THAT LOVE SONG YOU WROTE. YOU LITERALLY PLAYED IT TO HER FACE. IT WAS FOR HER. AND I JUST SAT THERE. Oh my gosh it makes so much sense now, girl you can now bench press most of us now, YOU’VE BEATEN RAINBOW DASH ON ARM WRESTLING, all that for her??”

Sunset sighed, fully aware of how messed up her circumstances were. “yep.”


Sunset sweat a bit, looking away. “Um. You make great company.”

Pinkie facepalmed. “I'm so stupid dumb augh you were using me like a smokescreen against the babe you wanna romance and I was just there cluelessly helping you not get closer to her!!! I THREW CONFETTI BETWEEN YOU LIKE A DUMBASS WHAT HAVE I DONE!!!” She got on her knees realizing the severity of her lapse of judgment.

“Dude it's okay, I was kinda crappy, I... used you. Sorry about that... If it makes you feel better, you were the perfect distraction!” That made the Pink pony chuckle, doing an 180° on her demeanor. “yeah I get that a lot.”

Then she grabbed Sunset’s face again. “But this is perfect! She thinks you're scared of her and it's making her sad, but you can clear it up!! It's just because you love her, and that's okay! Two more besties together, aww that would be so damn sweet!!!”

Sunset put her hooves down and STARED her down. “NO, Pinkie. This cannot be a thing. I will apologize to her tomorrow, but me and her just aren't compatible, okay? I CAN'T tell her how I feel. She’s a princess, and I'm just me. I’ve already fought enough to be worthy of being her friend. I'm happy with that. It's enough.”

Sunset turned around and started punching her sandbag again. While Pinkie tilted her head sadly. “But you ARE worthy! You're the worthiest! She likes you a lot, silly!”

“She likes everypony.” The Unicorn didn’t even look back.

Pinkie pouted. “...okay point taken but you're being a sourpuss.”

Sunset turned around and sighed. “Okay pink, let’s do a mental exercise. Can you imagine yourself being able to actually date or marry or have a bare minimum romantic relationship with a princess? Think it over.”

Pinkie sat down pondering. Then she dug on her mane, and took a plushie of her, and a plushie of a dark Pegasus, whom she dubbed plush luna for the purposes of this exercise.

“Princess Luna, I love you! Let’s have dinner together!” Plush Pinkie said, adoringly.

“No. I must leave you, I have an appointment on the moon. I must handle the tides or something. Goodbye.” The Princess plushie said dismissively, turning around and walking away.

Plush Pinkie got on her knees, in tears. “NOOoooo…. I will never forget you, my love… please don't leave me…”

Pinkie put away both plushies back on her mane. “Hm. Okay. my heart is broken.”

Sunset raised an eyebrow. “See? Stellar impression of Luna, by the way.”

“It’s all in the timbre.” Pinkie pouted still. “But you shouldn’t give up on you and Twilight! You’re not being fair with her. She deserves to know!! And you deserve to get it off your chest!! Even if she rejected you, wouldn’t it feel good to get the weight off your shoulders??”

Sunset sighed, hardly believing it. “Maybe. But I can't lose her friendship. I just can’t. I can’t risk that.”

Pinkie regarded her with pity. It sure was a crappy situation. She couldn’t relate to it, but seeing a friend hurt like this was the worst…

“Look just… promise me you can keep this secret. I’ll think about telling Twilight. You’re right, she deserves to at least know that I'm not just intimidated by her or whatever. But you have to keep it a secret. Make me a fellow musician and trapeze pal promise.”

"...What are you going to tell her tomorrow, then?"

"I'll burn that bridge when I get to it."

Pinkie hugged her, and she hugged back. It felt good to share, and it felt good to be comforted… After everything, she at least had her friends. Whether she deserved them or not.

“Okay, okay, As a musician and a fellow trapeze pal, I will hold your secret tightly, and try not to explode and melt or explelt, or meltxplode. But you gotta to apologize to her tomorrow, okay?? You really hurt her feelings.” she said. J’acusingly and Pinkiely.

Sunset cringed. The last thing in the WORLD she wanted to do is hurt the mare she loved. She fucked up big time.

“...okay, first thing tomorrow, I'll apologize. I owe her everything…”

That got the Pink pony smiling again. “Good. Well, I'm at least glad I was the first one in the group that knows you love Twilight! ‘Cause we’re bestieeeeees <3”

“No, Rarity knows already. She might have told Applejack, but I dunno.”

The Pink pony gasped and scoffed, offended. “You told Rarity before MOI??”

With an exasperated groan, Sunset sweat once more. “I didn’t tell her squat, okay?? She guessed it like. Immediately. That mare is a mind reader about these things!! She could literally smell it on me.”

Pinkie pouted and grabbed her phone from her mane. “Well I'm gonna call her and talk to her about this because I cannot sit alone on this bombshell”

“Call her??– Pinkie do you know what time it is?? it’s almost Midnight!”

“Don’t care + Ratio + I'm going to meltxplode + Goodnight + Apologize to your beloved + Sleep tight + L + Ratio” Pinkie said, walking out of the room.

Sunset sighed. She could hear Pinkie’s call as she walked away. “Hiiii Applejack! Can you put Rarity on the phone? Yes, I know what time it is. Nuh uh if you’re awake at this hour I KNOW she’s awake!! You answered HER phone, dummy! Stop making out and put her on the phone, it's important!!”

She closed the door, with a light chuckle, which immediately turned into another regretful sigh. She laid on her bed, regretting a lot of her choices… But tomorrow was going to be a better day. She was going to make it up to Twilight. Everything was going to be okay.

Days until Midnight Sparkle returns: 0.

Twilight arrived at her room, in the dead of night. She placed the book on the floor and riffled through its pages, the only light being from her horn. She was utterly determined to find a solution. Anything, even temporary, that could change her. If she could just meet Sunset on an even playing field, maybe they could have a do over…


This was her last resort.

Twilight… it’s time…

If she could only execute on a spell that would temporarily turn her back into an Unicorn; or even one that just. Made her seem more… normal? Anything at all… Just to have a chance to do it right. To earn her friendship.

Release me, Twilight…

The Princess was unstable. She was tired, stressed, and she felt a little sick, like something was crawling within her head. But she had to do this. For Sunset.

Finish the spell, Twilight. Release me.

Something felt wrong, but she couldn’t stop now. Runes on the floor, runes in the air, the spell was underway. She barely understood what she was doing. Something went wrong.

Finally…! FINALLY!!! It's My Time Now.




Ḓ̷̛́͗̑̂͊ȧ̶̧̧̦͙̩͎͉̪̳͇ÿ̵̡͓̝͚̬̹̦̩̀́̽͒̓͒̈́͝s̷̯̯̺̋ ̸̧̤͚͈̣̓u̷̩̗̥̘̹̦̇̀̾͆͐̂̒͠͝n̴̮͌͆̉͋̆̅͝ţ̷̢̭̻̥͈̯̜̽ͅì̶̲̇͒͂͋̈́̏ļ̶̬̗͚̰̫̘͛ ̸̯̊͊̓̀̕M̵̧̢̛̩͔͖̍̔̎Midnight ̴̖̭͇̪͗̊̔̋̉̄́̎͌̓͜s̴̛̳̠̖͚̑͊̽͆̈́̀̈Sparkle ̴̧̼͕̹̼̗̱̥͍͆͊̈ȓ̶̻̹̒̉̆̒̌͐̃͘̚e̵̢̥̺͂ͅṭ̶̛̬͎̭̗͎̇̀́̈́̓̕͝ư̶̮̙͇̮̘͉̻̆̋͑͋͂̕ͅr̸̳̤̾̇n̴̗̖̐̄̎̆̕ͅš̸̗́̆͘:̸̨̺̭̉̀ ̴͚̠̔? ? ?.̷̹̒̽̎͗̔͗͑͠͝͝

Sunset woke up with her alarm at the earliest, and thought of Twilight instantly. It was a bit early, but she didn’t care. She got up and immediately went to visit Twilight's quarters. It was still dark outside, and kind of stormy. Sunset found it strange, the sun should have risen by now…

She knocked on the Princess’s door, and noticed it just opened by itself. The room was dark, and seemed empty.

Sunset entered it, a little concerned. “Twilight…?”

The door closed behind her. In the darkness, a glow surged. A blue, long, crystalized crooked horn, and two circles of fire in front of her eyes… Then came the magenta streaks of hair.

“Hello, Sunset Shimmer. It has been a while.” Her grin went from ear to ear.

A cold shiver ran by Sunset’s spine.

That wasn’t Twilight in front of her.

Midnight Sparkle has returned.

Author's Note:

Big turning point. Time for the final act. I hope you enjoyed my interpretation of both Twilight and Pinkie; specialy pinkie, since shes quite diffrent from the show!

I had a wonderful time writing an entire season-esque of the show, generally giving a slow chance for he mustard Unicorn to earn her keep and learn some friendship lessons.

generally it's just a delight to write each of these characters and how they bounce off each other. The dynamics, the dialogue, everything in between! And now, the climax.