• Published 6th Mar 2024
  • 894 Views, 34 Comments

[Displaced] Dragon troubles - TunaAbolisher

A group of friends gets displaced into Equestria as skylanders. Most of them are dragons

  • ...

Chapter three: CMC, Party, and Fruit punch

“Alright, girls. What should we try next to earn out cutie marks?” Sweetie belle asks the rest of her group. As per usual, the three fillies, Sweetie Belle, Applebloom and Scootaloo, are sitting in their treehouse, discussing their next cutie mark crusade. But this time, they have a guest in the form of Keith. Who is simply laying down near them, listening without a word, his head laying on his front paws and his eyes closed.

“Ooh! Idea!” Scootaloo shouts, making the two others look at her.

“What is it?” Sweetie Belle asks.

“How about we try Bungie jumping?!”

“Yeah, no. I’m shutting this idea down immediately.” Keith says as he opens his eyes looks up at Scootaloo.

“Why’s that? You’re not even part of us! Sweetie Belle just brought you here as a guest for no reasons. Why even are you?”

“The name’s Bash. And as for why I'm shutting this idea down is because it’s too dangerous.”

“Psssh. Dangerous? Come on, we’ve done things way more dangerous before, Bungie jumping isn’t That dangerous, there’s a Elastic to hold us and prevent us from crashing on the ground!”

“What if the equipment you’ll get is of too low quality, and the elastic or harness snaps mid-jump? I can also bet you would want to do it without a professional, meaning you could set things not properly and the elastic could be attached in a wrong way and simply nod hold you.” Keith states with a straight face.

A mental image of one of them, flattened into a pancake upon hitting the ground, makes the fillies shiver, as they look at each others and nods together. “Yeah, maybe it’s a bad idea...”

After a small silence, Applebloom turns to look at Keith. “But anyways, what even are you? Ah don't mean to sound rude, but Ah've never seen anypony like ya in Equestria before.”

“I’m a rock Dragon. And i’m also part of a group of Skylanders.”

“If you’re a dragon, shouldn’t you have a pair of wings?” Scootaloo asks, tilting her head slightly.

Bash takes a deep breath as one of his eyes twitch, knowing it was a harmless question but it still hit a spot he didn’t like. “That, is not something we are to talk about.”

Sensing it’s maybe something he wouldn’t want to talk about, Applebloom clears her throat and changes the subjects away from his lack of wings. “What’s a Skylander?”

Sweetie Belles eyes lit up at the question, eager to hear his story again, which makes him chuckle and raise himself in a sitting position. “If we’re going in that direction, then get comfortable, i have a story to count to you three.”

After the three nods and get comfortable, Keith clears his throat as he began to explain the story. “The Skylands is a far away, beautiful place, hidden to prying eyes by a magic spell. It’s a magnificent set of hundreds of islands, some even floating in the sky, where peace reigns and fights evil. The Skylands are protected by two kind of people, Skylanders and Portal Masters. Portal masters are chosen by destiny itself to become one. They are sage, and powerful creatures who wields enough magic to summon portals around the Skylands to send the Skylanders and help fight evil.

“Skylanders, on the other hand. Is a group composed of many different creatures, from elf and dragons to mages and trolls, who defends the Skylands against evil. At first, Skylanders were chosen by the greatest Portal master of them all, Master Eon. He would seek out creatures worthy of becoming a Skylander and would propose the idea to them, most of whom, accepted the proposal. In the last few years, an academy for Skylanders has opened, for any creature in the Skylands to try and become a good Skylander.

“The academy was protected by great Skylanders, and even a few special Skylanders, each with their own rare powers of weapons. There were the Giants, The Swap-force, Trap Masters, Superchargers, and the Senseis. They are all groups of extremely powerful and respected Skylanders. The Giants are a group of massive Skylanders who were easily the size of houses. They were capable of lifting and throwing boulders, punching holes in the ground, and even moving mountains. The swap force were a squad of sixteen powerful and smart Skylanders, all with their own specialty. After a accident in a magic volcano, they were thought to be gone forever. That is, until reappeared years later, with the new ability to fuse with each others, swapping their top half to one of the other’s bottom half.

“The Trap Masters were powerful Skylanders wielding even more powerful weapons made in a rare crystal only found in the Skylands, Traptanium. The crystal had the powerful ability to trap anyone inside if they were weakened enough, and would glow in the presence of a villainous entity or more Traptanium. The Superchargers were a group of Skylanders trained to pilot powerful Vehicles, Carriages you wouldn’t need to pull. Those Skylanders could supercharge their respective vehicles, making the vehicle faster and stronger, as well as making the Skylander faster as well. It was even said a supercharged vehicle could tear a hole in space and time to travel even faster.

“Finally, there were the Senseis. Respected Skylanders who were masters of their respective fighting styles. They were considered one of the strongest group of Skylanders and would only be called for the most dire of situations.”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders all listens intently, enthralled in the story told to them. “Is there any more kind of Skylanders?” Scootaloo asked.

Bash chuckles at their reaction and gives a nod. “There was many more Skylanders defending the Skylands from evil. All of them were powerful and just, even if they weren’t part of one of the special teams. In the Skylands, there was a total of eight elements, and all Skylanders wielded one. The elements were Life, Undead, Fire, Water, Tech, Magic, Wind, and earth. There was also two rare elements that only a few Skylanders had. Light and Darkness.”

“So, what element are ya, bash?” Applebloom asked.

Bash laughed, confusing the three slightly. “I thought that would be obvious with me being a rock dragon. I’m of the Earth element.”

“I wonder if it means Miss Flashwing is of the light element... She is really bright and seem to radiate in the light...” Sweetie Belle mutters.

“Flashwing?” Scootaloo asked, confused.

“Flashwing is one of my fellow Skylanders staying in Ponyville. She is currently residing with me at Rarity’s and Sweetie Belle’s home. They were kind enough to let us stay until we can afford our own place. And no, Flashwing isn’t of the Light element. She’s of the Earth one, like me. Out of all of the team of Skylanders I’m part of that is here in Ponyville, none of us are of the Light or Darkness element. Spyro, our leader, is of the Magic element. His wife and mate, Cynder, is of the Undead element. Zap is of the water element, Camo is of the Life element, Sunburn is of the Fire element, Drobot of the Tech element, and both Sonic boom and Whirlwind are of the Air element.”

“Ah remember hearing Applejack talkin’ to someone an’ calling ‘em Zap.” Applebloom says.

“Do you have any more cool stories about Skylanders, Bash?” Scootaloo asks, excited.

Bash smiles and nods with a small laugh. “I have more. How about i explain to you all one of the biggest title of honors for the Skylanders, the title of Legendary Skylanders.

“An old tradition among the ranks of Skylanders was to have a event in the form of a Gladiator-like battle every few years. Held in a giant arena of sports. The winner of the said event would be immortalized as a magical navy blue and gold statue, that would overlook the arena and act as a guardian, the Legendary Skylanders. It i said that in the more dire times, a group of special Portal Master could awaken the statues so they could help fight and protect the Skylands from Evil.”

The three little fillies are amazed by the story told to them. Scootaloo shakes her head and speaks up. “Do you know of a Skylander that won the event?”

Bash chuckles, which soon turns into a hearty laugh. “You three are talking to one of them.” he says with a wink.

The three girls Gasps in unison, their eyes as wide as plates. “Please, tell us how you won!”

Bash chuckles again. “That’s a story for another time. Instead, how about i give you three a small display of what I’m capable of?”

Their eyes lit up and they all scream eagerly at the same time. “Yes, please!”

Bash smiles and leads the girls outside as to not damage it. He walks into the small clearing and turns to the three. “Alright, i’m going to need you three to stand a bit away, would not want an accident to happen.”

The three girls immediately backs up a safe distance and sit down eagerly, watching him. “Are you three Ready?” At their nod, Bash smiles and gets in position, cracking his neck. “Then it’s time to Rock and Roll!”

Bash raises his head suddenly, a pillar of rock appearing in front of him, he spins around on himself, letting his spiky tail hit the pillar and smash it, sending the biggest rubble into another rock and cracking it.

He grins at the sound of the gasps behind him before he ducks in himself and start rolling around at a fast speed, crashing into a mostly dead tree and breaking it clean off, leaving a stump and a fallen trunk. He rolls around for some other time before coming to a stop and getting back up. “Let’s try something a bit harder, something i haven’t done in a while.” Keith focuses on himself and his elemental source, Raising his head with a small cry and making another pillar appear, this one being in the shape of a giant fist giving a uppercut. He smiled and swipes his tail at it, sending the rubble into the trunk of the tree he just broke, before summoning another uppercut pillar, this time right under him as he uses the momentum to jump at the last moment and send himself up in the air, rolling into a ball and crashing into the ground, kicking up dirt and dust. When the dirt cloud settles, he is proudly sitting in a small crater he created with his fall, not a single scratch on him. “How’s that, you three?”

The CMC is left with their mouth agape and their eyes wide. Scootaloo is the first one to speak. “That... Was... So... Cool!” She yells, throwing her front hooves in the sky.

Keith chuckles and walks closer to the three. “Oh, it was nothing. Some member of the team i’m in are more flashy and even more powerful than me. You should see Cynder in action, Flashy and powerful at the same time.”

The three’s eyes are still gleaming as they look at him. “That was still so cool!”

Bash chuckles again. “Alright, alright, let’s get back inside you three, so you can continue your shenani-”

He is cut off as a grey mare suddenly crashes on the ground between them.

“Are you alright?” Keith asks as he looks down at the pegasus. She’s a grey pegasus with a blond mane and tail, her flank adorning bubbles as her cutie mark.

“Oh, that’s just Derpy hooves, don’t worry, that happens all the times, she’s fine.” Scootaloo says, looking down at the mare.

The mare in question got up and shook her head, looking around with a dumb smile, seeing she didn’t break anything, she reached in her saddlebag and pulled out four envelopes. She slips three of them which are pink colored to the CMC, before handing Bash a white one and flying away.

Bash is confused as of the look the three fillies share upon seeing their letter but shrug it off, he carefully opens his letter and looks inside it, finding a colorful paper with text written in a somehow even more colorful ink.

Hey there, Bash, It’s Pinkie!

I could’ve told you what i needed to tell you in person last time we saw each others, but i didn’t find it convenient enough, and this is more convenient, especially for the Fish Fishcat watching over us. But anyways!

I need you to come to Sugarcube corner quickly, like really really quickly.

-Your new friend. Pinkie pie!

His reaction was a simple. “What..?” As he looked at the later again in confusion, shifting his gaze to the three. “You three know what this is about?”

The three shrugs, putting they letter away. “Nope, But we need to go somewhere, so we’ll see you later, bye!” Sweetie Belle says before the three dash away, leaving him alone in the clearing.

“Alright...” Keith rereads the letter and sighs before shrugging it of, putting the letter away and ducking in himself as he started to roll towards town.

Keith arrives at the front of the bakery, seeing the rest of his group here, the moment he stops, Barry speaks up. “Let me guess, letter from Pinkie Pie?”

Keith nods. “Yup, I assume you all have been too?”

They all nod, and Fred sighs. “I have no idea why, she pushed me outside, told me to not enter until all of us were here, and went back inside while closing the door.”

“Well, now that we’re all here. We can enter.” Keith says.

“True, let’s go. i have a feeling i should enter first...” Barry says as he approaches the bakery and hesitates to knock, before shrugging and opening the door, entering inside, followed by the other Skylanders.

They are met with a pitch black room. Confusion is shared among them as Barry opens his mouth to gather fire in it and light the room, but is startled as the light suddenly turns on, and a chorus of voices yell. ”SURPRISE!”

All of the Skylanders gets startled at the surprise -except Drobot who doesn’t react-, finding all of Ponyville inside of the bakery, the place adorned with Decoration and a big batter reading “Welcome to Ponyville!”.

Pinkie Pie bounces away from the Ponies and towards the group. “Did i get you all? Did you get surprised? Did you like it?” She rapid-fired the questions at them.

“By Eon i did not expect that... I can safely say you surprised all of us.” Barry said with a chuckle, the fire dying in his mouth.

“Great! Let’s go, all of you! let’s enjoy the party!” Pinkie grinned and bounced back inside the groups of ponies, blending in them quickly.

“Well, let’s do as she said and let’s enjoy it.” Barry said. The other nodded and they split up to enjoy the party.

Camo was in the middle of the party, near the table with a lot of pastries and the bowl of fruit punch, a cup of fruit punch in his own claw. In front of him was Applejack, who was sitting, a hoof around a cup of fruit punch that she was holding. “Ah must say. Your ability to grow plants like Pinkie says sounds mighty impressive.”

“Oh, it’s nothing really, just a small ability i have since i’m a Skylander of the life Element. Care for a melon?” Camo said with a mischievous smile, making a large melon grow in front of her.

In the blink of a eye, Pinkie Pie was next to Camo, harboring a big grin, before suddenly. Her ears twitched and her hooves itched. “Ooh, Ooh, Twitchy ears and itchy hooves! that means you should put your cup away before touching that melon, AJ!”

Applejack, knowing better than to not listen to Pinkie’s Pinkie sense, put her cup on the nearby table before reaching a hoof to touch the melon, which promptly exploded in her face, making Camo and Pinkie burst out laughing at the sight of Applejack’s face coated in melon juice. “Oh, that was a good one Cam’! Your explody-melons are so funny!”

Camo Chuckled. “Thanks, Pinks. And sorry about that, Applejack. I just can’t pass the opportunity for a good prank with an exploding melon. No hard feelings?”

Applejack shook the melon juice off her face and laughed. “Ah must say, that was a good one. No hard feelings, Camo.”

“Oh, please. Call me Fred. Camo is my professional name as a Skylander.”

“Then ya can call me AJ.” She smiled and held out a hoof, which Camo took with his free claw and shook it.

Applejack noticed the strap around Camo’s waist and the handle of his knife poking out of the sheath. “What’s that?”

Camo looked at his Knife, smiled and reached out for it, pulling it out slowly in a non threatening way. He showed it to Applejack. “A hunting knife made by a old friend of mine. He was a master of his craft and did that for my birthday some years back. I kept it with me since then and i take care of it.”

Applejack looked at it in astonishment. She wasn’t a mare interested in flashy things, but she had to admit the blade was beautiful. It was a grey blade with wavy patterns to it. “What metal is this made out of? Ah don’t remember any metals doing this pattern.”

“It’s Damascus. It’s a really complicated mix of two different metal alloys folded into each others, sometimes making thousands of layers. At least, it’s what i know from my friend that told me that.”

“Damascus? Never heard of that.”

“Probably haven’t been discovered here in Equestria then. In the Skylands, The way to make it was lost for quite some time, but was soon found again. But a good quality Damascus knife like this one, out of true Damascus steel. Can cost a small fortune to get.” Fred said, gently sheathing his knife again.

Pinkie, who had pinked her way a small ways away from the two, smiling, before her eyes widened slightly and her tails started twitching. “Ooh! Twitchy tail! Twitchy tail! Something’s gonna fall!”

Everypony nearby started looking around and staying clear of anything that could fall, except the confused Camo. “Fred, Watch out!” Applejack yelled, Making Camo’s look around, his eyes widened as he saw the fruit punch bowl, still filled with fruit punch, heading straight towards him.

“Well, fuck...”


Keith and Kellie were talking together, discussing a random topic, until a loud sound cut off Keith’s scentence.


In the distance, Applejack’s voice could be heard. ”Fred! Are ya okay?!”

Keith turned his head to the source of the sound. “I’m gonna check it out.”

Kellie nodded. “I’m coming with you.”

The two dragons got up and walked to the group, their eyes widened when they landed on their friend. “Camo, you alright?” Kellie asked.

“Ehh, I’m a bit dizzy with that bowl falling on me, but i’m fine. I don’t even feel wet, my leaves must’ve absorbed the fruit punch.”

Applejack looked at him worriedly and awkwardly. “Errrr, are ya sure, Fred?”

“Why you asking me? What’s wrong?” Camo asked as he looked down at himself, his eyes widening. He was red, and partly translucent. “What the?”

He brings a claw to his nose, the claw wobbling a bit like it was made of liquid. He sniff the claw a bit, his eyes narrowing. “I’ve become fruit punch...” He mutters.

A random thought runs through his head, making him grin as he looked up.

Keith immediately recognized his face and knew where this was going. “Don’t you dare...”

“Oh i will!”


Fred took a deep breath.

“Do not!”

"FRUIT-A PUNCH-E FOR EVERYONE-AH!" Camo yelled with a big grin.

Bash groaned loudly and facepalmed. “Seriously?!”

Fred Laughs loudly at his dumb jokes, while everypony around them looks confused.

“Well, Looks like your theory yesterday was right, Kellie. I remember a fruit punch Camo figurine.” Bash whispered to Flashwing.

She blinked and shook her head, being snapped from her confusion and astonishment by Keith as she nodded and whispered back. “We’re going to need another meeting between the others to discuss this.”

Author's Note:

This took me less time than i thought. The hardest part of this was writing Applebloom and AJ and not making their accent feel too stereotypical while still making their accent known with the text.

Also i just have one question. HOW?!

How and why did this explode so fast the way it did?!

You guys got this story featured in under four hours when i posted it last week, i don’t understand how you guys did it! It’s so unreal!

Thank you guys so much, i never expected to pass even 200 views until a long time! :fluttercry: :heart:

Anyways i hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

Is it my turn now?

what the- Pinkie?! You already broke the fourth wall this chapter, don’t break into my author notes as well!

Well i just wanted to say, for those who were confused on the timeline, We just met Cadance a month ago at her wedding and blasted off the bug pony! :pinkiehappy:

Seriously? You break in my Author notes just for this? what about me wanting to keep it a surprise for what the first big arc will be?

Oh, come on! Let the viewers know at least a bit, else it’s not funny!

Fine, fine. And change your letter, i’m not a Fish, you know that.

Oop, my bad! Let me just... here, done! better? :pinkiesmile:

... Better. Now shoo, shoo. You’ll have enough to deal with next chapter.

Hehe! :pinkiecrazy:

Comments ( 2 )

awesome punchline!

keep it up my dude!

I wonder which is going to powerslide as a bike first. Drobo or Pinkie as RC? :pinkiehappy:

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