• Published 14th Feb 2024
  • 1,046 Views, 25 Comments

Changelings Are-A Changing - ScarlettDaze

A series of unlikely events lead to there being 6 more changeling queens popping up in Equestria.

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Chapter 6

A sickly purple glow covers the room, leaving what's left of Twilight's bedroom covered in eerie, flickering shadows. It's not helped by the fact that the thing doing the glowing is a huge black mass where her bed used to be, big enough to completely cover the nearby window and block out the light. The mass has an almost window-like part, semi-transparent, with the inside being filled with a glowing purple fluid, the source of the new mood lighting.

Personally, Spike doesn't like it one bit, but if the 'Friendlings' are to be believed, trying to take Twilight out now would just kill her, like trying to crack open a fertilized chicken egg before the chick is ready to hatch.

And hoo boy, wasn't that a surprise? Not only was the library that they call home suddenly way bigger, with blackened wood in place of the old brown kind, and not only was Twilight trapped in some kind of pod like out of his sci-fi comics. Oh no, on top of all that, weird, alien looking changelings had started literally crawling out of the woodwork!

They hadn't been hostile at all so far (In fact, if anything they'd been weirdly affectionate with Spike), but they hadn't let him send a letter to Celestia about the situation, or even leave the library. Apparently 'princelings shouldn't be out where it could be dangerous', and Twilight is apparently still half-conscious in her pod and wants to try and figure this out herself before going to Celestia about it. Of course, that's assuming that the Friendlings are telling the truth at all, but there's way more of them then there are of Spike, so he can't really risk it right now.

They certainly seem to take after Twilight though. The minute that the first ones had made sure that Spike wasn't going to do anything 'unreasonable', they'd gotten straight to researching themselves, which is honestly the biggest piece of evidence that Twilight is somehow connected to the things, because that is exactly what she would ask them to do. Spike had even slotted into the research in his usual role of taking notes with the ease of familiarity, the Friendlings having enough of the same mannerisms and habits of Twilight that there's only a little friction between him and them at first. As for the research itself...

Common Name: Friendling
Proposed Taxonomic Name: Metamorpha theurgaia
Physical Description:
Anatomically similar to Metamorpha metamorphus (Changeling) in most respects, with several notable exceptions. Universally taller and slimmer than average Changeling. Very large, purple, flexible wings that are most commonly folded around the body in a manner similar to robes or cloaks. Forelegs end in scythe-like blades rather than hooves, purpose unknown. An extra set of limbs have formed just behind the forelegs, visually more like a Griffon's or dragons claws than a pony's hooves, allowing for superior manual dexterity.
Currently Known Abilities:
Production of a purple resin from several glands found in the mouth and upper throat (lab results in process), telepathic connection expressed in all Friendlings, allowing for near-instantaneous communication, non-magical active camouflage (seems to be in place of Changeling ability to transform into the visage of others), ability to sense emotions of others, likely thanks to their emotivorous nature.
Currently Known Food Sources:
Sugar Water, Juices, Fruit (described as 'tasty, but not filling'), Insects (Friendling (Self-identified as 'Mystery') found some bookworm grubs, described them as 'slimy, yet satisfying'), Knowledge? (learning new things described as satisfying, but not known if this is in a nutritional or intellectual manner), Love, Magic.
Metamorpha theurgaia seem to follow an instinctual caste system. The 'Mother Tree' (presumably the library tree itself) is at the top, immediately followed by the Queen, who acts as a lynchpin and amplifier of the hive mind all Friendlings are connected to. After that are the drones, though the Friendlings themselves have noted that they have an odd feeling that specialization of drones might be possible, which could complicate the bottom part of the caste system. Discovering their names seems to be an inherently sought after and personal achievement, assumption as of now being that it is similar to a pony earning their cutie mark.

Spike sighs and does some claw stretches as he finishes up the final draft of their current understanding of the Friendlings. In a twist of irony, he's actually the only being in the library right now that can write-Twilight always used her magic to write, so the Friendlings are starting from scratch with their manipulator claws, and Friendling magic is different enough to unicorn magic that they can't borrow Twilight's skill with her own magic. So, when he isn't writing things up for Wood Smoke-the first Friendling that emerged and unofficial leader of the hive at the moment-he's coaching some of them on how to use their claws well.

It's a good thing that they can pool their experiences, because otherwise trying to teach all of them how to write would take forever.

For now though, he thanks one of the Friendlings for the snack bowl of gems they pass him (honestly, it feels like they know what he needs or wants before he does) and muses on how everyone must be reacting to the visible change to Golden Oaks Library. Honestly, if he didn't know that the Friendlings had worked out some primative isolation and protection wards to cast over their home, he'd have been surprised at the fact that none of Twilight's friend group had tried to barge through the front door. Or the windows, considering Rainbow and Pinkie.

As he's snacking on an emerald though, it suddenly hits Spike that he isn't being watched right now. Well, it's not like the Friendlings have him under lock and key, but they have definitely been weirdly... possessive? That's not quite the right word, but it's as close as he can think of. Either way, he hasn't been left alone for long all day, but apparently the resin sample tests got finished and most of the praying mantis-like ponies had gone down to the basement lab to check out the information themselves. A classic Twilight-esque move, forgetting that they can just pass the information around in their hive mind, but more importantly it means that he's got a minute to himself.

A minute to himself means that he can write a letter to Princess Celestia without being begged not to.

He gives Twilight's pod another long look, indecision staying his hand for a few moments, but eventually Spike firms his resolve. There have been multiple times in the past where, if Celestia had gotten there in time, everyone would have been saved a whole lot of trouble. Right now, this definitely feels like the kind of situation that requires some Princessly intervention, and damned whatever excuses Twilight might have about it. Again, assuming that he's even been getting Twilight's opinion on things all this time, and it's not just Wood Smoke and the other Friendlings pretending that they can hear anything from her.

Either way, there's no way that Celestia could make things worse, right?

... Yeah, this is a good idea. Now Spike just has to figure out how to tell her what's happening without freaking the Princess out too much, and in under a minute.