• Published 14th Feb 2024
  • 867 Views, 343 Comments

White Sun - The Psychopath

Twilight flees Canterlot after a revolution takes her teacher away from her. In her agony she looks for a way to bring Celestia back to life, and discovers entities beyond her wildest dreams during her pursuits.

  • ...


"What's going on?" Shining asked as Cadance dropped him into the base.

One of the soldiers saluted both him and Cadance. "Y-your hignesses! It's about that prisoner you asked us to watch during her reformation."

Cadance rushed in front of the guard, her face flush with worry. "Did something happen to her?!"

"W-we're not sure. There's a group of ponies here asking about the medical discoveries she's managed to do, b-b-but then there's anoth-another group that is claiming she's the necromancer that caused the deaths of two soldiers just outside of the capital with her undead monster."

Shining and Cadance cursed under their breaths.

"Who blabbed?" Shining wondered to his wife.

The mare shrugged. "The only ones who knew about what Twilight was doing were the medics, and they were under oath to not speak of anything."

Shining grumbled. "Being under oath doesn't mean you leak things out or not. They aren't machines but ponies." He looked at the crowd breaking down the gates of the barracks. "If we can't solve this then who knows what will happen to Twilight?"

In the spire, a few ponies had gathered outside of Twilight's room with cleaning equipment in hand. They gulped nervously from seeing the immobile undead paying them no heed.

"Why doesn't it move? Doesn't it need to?" one of them squeaked quietly.

"I don't know, but that room hasn't been cleaned in nearly two weeks. It's becoming super dirty."

"Then you go in and clean it! You're our senior!"

"You're right, so you should clean the room to father experience in this profession!"

"What experience?! It's just cleaning!"

They flinched when the undead's joints cracked and it very slowly began to move.

The rulers found Twilight cowering behind a group of soldiers and Butterscotch. Fluttershy was petting her head, hoping it would relax her while Pinkie and Applejack stood guard, worried out of their minds.

"What's wrong with her?" Shining asked Orange.

The medic shook his head. "I don't know. It's like she's completely shut down from trauma this event has caused." He dragged a hoof across his face and let it fall limply. "I don't know who leaked what she was doing, but this is clearly not going to end well for anypony involved," he lamented. "And she was trying to figure out how to reattach limbs lost to gangrene or other injuries."

Cadance walked over to the unicorn and tried to gather her attention while Shining spoke with the Elements. "Twilight?" she called out calmly. "Twilight? Can you hear me?" She waved a hoof in front of the unicorn's face.

Twilight could hear Cadance. In fact, she could hear everything, but it was a muffled mess. She could perceive the sounds, but not their meaning. She found herself in the Canterlot Observatory again with an angry crowd storming the castle and getting rid of anypony in their way. Her heart was beating uncontrollably and she couldn't manage her breathing. Celestia was going to solve everything like she always did and get Twilight out of this mess. She would need some rest after this excitement.

"She's not reacting," Cadance said to her husband.

"She just shut down when the ponies all popped up and started calling for her," Fluttershy explained. "At first we thought it was going to be okay, but then they started banging on the gates."

"And the sounds turned her into this," the alicorn finished. Her brows furrowed. "Has she done anything since?"

Applejack stepped in when Fluttershy shook her head. "Can't say she has," the farm pony explained. "Just plum went stiff like a tree 'n has been sittin' there with her eyes wide as the moon." She readjusted her hat and shook her head to loosen her ponytail. "Thought we could get her insahd, but the mare starts screamin' a' soon as ya trah 'n pick 'er up."

Wanting to test that theory, Cadance wrapped Twilight up in magic and began to lift her carefully, but as soon as her body started lifting from the ground, the screaming came. The alicorn was quick to place Twilight back down and heaved a sigh of relief when the screaming stopped.

"Oh dear," Fluttershy said. "There there. It's going to be okay."

Fluttershy spoke softly to Twilight in an attempt to reassure her, but the unicorn was starting to hallucinate. Her body didn't know how to react and was making her feel like she had a terrible disease. High fever, tongue dry, breaths scalding. Her dream was becoming a reality.

"Told ya," Applejack said matter-of-factly.

Cadance stood tall and looked at the crowd. "I'm not letting this continue any longer."

"I'll rally the soldiers," Shining added. "I'm not losing my sister again, not after all that has happened."

The alicorn forced herself past the soldiers and stopped at the gate. "What's going on?!" Cadance bellowed at the top of her lungs, startling everypony. "Why are you trying to destroy the doors of this base?"

"Barracks," Shining whispered to her.

"You know this thing is too big to just be barracks," the mare snapped back.

One of the ponies, a mare, pushed past her fellows. Her grape-purple face was stained with tears. "I know that white unicorn in there is the one who killed my son!" she explained. Every word was filled with sorrow and malice. "I want her head on a pike!"

"Demanding bloodshed won't solve any issues you have with her!" Cadance said. "We need to stop this madness and--"

"And what?!" another asked angrily. "You said you were going to try and rehabilitate a necromancer, but then they disappeared soon after. Now we see this mare here that looks similar to her suddenly pop in out of nowhere and is adept at surgery?"

Cadance became confused. "How did you learn about--"

The previous stallion was shoved by a mare, prompting his group to catch him and hold him up.

"So?! Even if she is a necromancer, it's obvious she can do more than just kill and raise the dead with that knowledge." She stepped towards the gate, pleading. "She cured necrosis. You can't cure necrosis! She needs to enter the medical world and share everything she knows with all of us." The mare pointed accusingly at the others. "Even if she's a necromancer, her knowledge is invaluable."

A mare with a prosthetic foreleg raised a hoof. "Many ponies suffer from issues that cause them to lose limbs. Why should our children and our fellow ponies suffer like many like me have? We need her knowledge!"

The mother was appalled. "Are you kidding me? Just because she's working now doesn't mean that she hasn't killed hundreds in the past!"

Shining watched the whole issue unveil and saw that the fighting was starting to push against the gates. "They're too engrossed in their ideas that Twilight is a necromancer regardless if it's good or bad." His eyes widened in horror when he saw the stonework holding the gate's hinges in place was starting to cede. "Soldiers! The gates!"

It was too late. The more aggressive ponies broke down the gates, letting a veritable tide of equines flood in and push against the struggling soldiers.

"Samhill!" Applejack exclaimed. "Y'all're crazy!" she shouted. "Quit shovin'!" She looked back at Twilight who was getting worse. Her eyes were shooting in every direction and her mumbling was getting louder. "Ah wish we could just move her somewhere!"

A dome of pink energy surrounded them, cast by Cadance. She looked back and smiled. "I covered the Crystal Empire in a dome of magic when it came back. Something small like this is nothing."

"But I don't think Twilight agrees," Pinkie regretted. "I really wanted to throw her a party," she said. "A quiet party can always work in the future. She might like that. Somewhere far away and quiet."

"Just try and keep her calm," Cadance begged. "As calm as you can, at least."

As the crowd gathered, some were starting to push through the soldiers even as more came in to reinforce their comrades. It was becoming a three-way battle between those trying to lynch Twilight, those trying to protect her from the lynchers, and the soldiers trying to push both away. The more aggressive were pounding on the dome while Shining and his guards did their best to pull the ponies off and away from Cadance's spell, but the banging was having an adverse affect on the lavender unicorn.

"...ia...help..." she mumbled.

Fluttershy leaned in. "What?"

"All this fer a single pony! Can't believe this nonsense," Applejack cursed.

"Need Celestia!" Twilight muttered. "She'll stop this. She always stops it. Nothing wrong in Canterlot."

Fluttershy's eyes started to water when she looked at Cadance. "Sh...She's calling for Princess Celestia."

The alicorn's face paled. "Oh no. Shining!"

The stallion turned around to see the ring on Twilight's horn starting to warp from the magic it was holding back. His stern and aggressive face quickly faded to fear.

"Spike!" the necromancer shouted.

One floor of the spire exploded outward, showering the city in crystal shards and damaging everything close to the base of the royal tower. The smoke produced was pulled down in a trail by something small that created an audible 'thoom' in the air.

"Oh no," Shining said.

The crowd gradually started to quiet down and look in the direction of the explosion as more and more resonated in the city, each becoming louder and louder as whatever was producing that sound was getting closer.

"You idiots!" Shining shouted. "What have you done?! She was recovering! Now your greed and selfishness is going to destroy the city!" Several larger buildings had started collapsing from the approaching abomination. "Get out of the way if you don't want to be killed!" Shining commanded the crowd and the soldiers. "Keep away from the unicorn on the floor."

Those that bore witness to Twilight panicking and crying on the ground, holding herself in the fetal position felt a tremendous wave of guilt and pity wash over them, even those that wanted her death. Fluttershy didn't want to leave her, determined to help her recover, but it was too late. Applejack and Pinkie had to pry her off the unicorn as Spike erupted from the walls of a house and continued in a straight line to Twilight.

Unfortunately, because the crowd had become so condensed, many were unable to move away in time, and several were injured by the debris. Spike, however, did not care what was in front of it. It trampled ponies underfoot and swiped others away it thought were actively trying to impede it. Cadance dissolved her barrier and hopped out of Spike's way as the undead tore through the guards.

"There. She's safe," Shining said. "Keep her that way. We can handle the rest."

Shining hoped that Spike being next to Twilight would help her regain confidence in herself and give her the feeling of being safe. It seemed to be working because she almost immediately started to breath more softly. Unfortunately, his hopes were dashed when Spike reached for the mare's horn and cleanly snapped the warped ring off, letting her magic finally go free.

"Twilight! No!" Shining cried out. He immediately started pushing through his soldiers and the debris to try and reach her. "Don't leave! We can fix this!"

But it was too late. Twilight had tapped the medallion around her neck and immediately vanished with Spike, leaving behind an empty space like reality had just been pulled into an opening before being pushed back out.

Twilight collapsed on a very dusty ground in her home and coughed from the powder burning her throat and lungs. Any attempt at shifting that she attempted failed. She had used up all her magic to teleport instantly, rendering her immobile. Spike gently lifted her up and placed her next to her bed while it shook it free of any bugs, arachnids, and dust that might have taken residence there. By some miracle, there was no damage to her home, and only the typical cave denizens had decided to take up residence in what they thought was abandoned space. The mare continued trembling violently, trapped within her waking nightmare.

The undead placed her in her bed and covered her with several layers of comforters to apply weight to the mare. Her panic and bulging eyes both gradually started to recede until she found herself drifting off into a dreamless sleep, finally safe under the glowing gaze of her undead assistant.