• Published 12th Feb 2024
  • 557 Views, 13 Comments

Back In The Game - TheKing2001

After catching Flash cheating on her, Sunset’s friends hate him and Sunset vows to never date again. Rarity has other plans.

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Chapter III

I threw my cigarette out onto the ground as I crushed under my boot, sighing as I sprayed some more perfume on to cover up the smell of smoke, slipping the bottle back into my purse.

Rarity would kill me if she saw me smoking right now. Something about the smoke ruining my clothes or whatever but it’s a habit at this point ever since I got here.

“Uhm hi. Sunset Shimmer?”

I looked up from my phone and froze, making eye contact with a beautiful cream girl holding a grey purse with two tone blue hair in a white shirt with a red tie along with a light purple skirt with knee high purple and red boots, light blue eyes staring back at me as she brushed some blue hair aside out of her eyes.

“Yeah that’s me. Coco Pommel?” I asked as she nodded.

“Yes, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you. I’ve heard a lot of good things about you,” Coco said as I smiled back.

“From Rarity?” I asked as Coco nodded again with a smile.

“Yes. She’s a good friend of mine,” Coco admitted as she looked me up and down. “You look very nice.”

“Thanks. You as well,” I answered as I rubbed the back of my head. “Wanna go inside, get dinner and get to know each other?”

Coco’s face brightened immediately and I will admit, she looked pretty. Especially her warm smile she was sending my way as I opened the door to the restaurant.

“Thank you,” Coco said as she walked past me and I followed her inside.

“We have a reservation. Should be under Sunset,” I said as the lady at the register nodded. Originally we were going to a sushi restaurant I loved but well, apparently there was some robbery while I was at school and it’s a crime scene now. So while I saw it a way out, Rarity insisted on me going to a restaurant she likes.

“Right this way,” the woman said as Coco and I followed as I jumped as Coco slipped her hand in mine.

“Is this ok-”

“It’s fine,” I reassured Coco quietly. Her hand was soft, surprisingly considering Rarity said she was into making clothes and sewing which seemed like pretty physical work.

We slide across from each other into a booth, us both looking at each other.

“Would you like an appetizer?” The women asked as she set menus in front of us.

“Up to you,” I said and Coco squeezed my hand.

“The mozzarella sticks are amazing here. Trust me,” Coco reassured me as the waiter nodded before walking away.

“So Crystal Prep?” I asked curiously as Coco nodded. She did that a lot I noticed.

“Yeah. Mom and dad wanted me to have the best education. I wanted to go to Canterlot High but well, they said no. Crystal Prep is well, awful but ever since Dean Cadence became the principal it’s slowly but surely getting better. It’s nice to finally meet you,” Coco said as she smiled at me.

“You’ve been waiting for this?” I asked as she let out an mhm. “So you’ve seen me before?”

“At the Games. I personally didn’t want to go but Suri was on the team so she said I had to go to watch her. I will admit, I was secretly cheering you and your team on. Especially Rarity. I was there when that whole world ending thing almost happened,” Coco explained as she rolled her hand. “You were pretty cool. I had a lot of questions for Rarity after. She could only answer a few.”

“Yeah that kinda thing happens to us a lot,” I chuckled as Coco gave a soft laugh that was admittedly cute. “So are you here to ask questions or-”

“No,” Coco answered hastily and shook her head. “I uh decided to get out into the dating game. I can’t really remember my last relationship. And Sunny Flare and Rarity both suggested you. I will admit, I didn’t know you just got out of a relationship so I may have yelled at them for this.”

“You don’t seem the yelling type,” I noted as Coco blushed. The waiter quietly placed a plate of mozzarella sticks in between us as she winked at me, throwing me a reassuring grin before walking away.

Coco picked one up and ripped it in half, offering me one as I accepted it with a small smile. I will admit, she was right about them being pretty damn good.

“I may not have yelled but I did strongly say I disapproved. That said, you do seem like a lovely girl,” Coco coughed into her fist and blushed harder. “I’m interested in knowing the real Sunset Shimmer, not the flying girl from two and half months ago.”

“Sounds good,” I chuckled as she looked expectantly at me. “I can’t really answer many magic questions in this public place for safety reasons but I’m an open book. I spent a good few years here. I like painting and science. Baking is pretty fun too.”

“I like science. It’s a good class but my best class is math. Use a lot of it when I sew,” Coco said as the waiter returned. The two of us ordered water and the young man nodded before walking away again. “I’m sorry if I talk too much.”

“No, you’re perfectly fine,” I reassured her and subconsciously patted her hand. “Trust me. If Rarity trusts you, I do too. She’s said a few things but we both know how secretive Rarity gets.”

“Oh yes I know,” Coco giggled behind her hand. “She pointedly refused to answer any of my questions about you. It’s a shame what happened to the sushi place we were going too. I go there fairly often.”

“Me too,” I chuckled as I gave a quick glance at the menu. I should probably thank Rarity for helping me find a place that had vegetarian options. “It’s a good place. Crazy how I’ve never noticed you there.”

“Suri didn’t like it much,” Coco said sadly as she looked at her own menu. “But she got expelled for theft so I don’t have to deal with her anymore.”

I faintly remember Rarity pointing out Suri during the Games. If memory serves me right, Suri competed against Pinkie and Fluttershy in the baking competition. No surprise she and her other Crystal Prep student failed. Pinkie and Fluttershy were a powerhouse when it came to baking.

“That’s good,” I said finally as she nodded with a small smile. “Live with your parents?”

“Not anymore. I live a few blocks away from them in an apartment building near CPA,” Coco answered as I lifted a hand.

“If you’re eighteen and live by yourself, why don’t you just switch schools yourself. Nopony can really stop you,” I said as she shrugged.

“Graduation is in about six months so I don’t really see the point especially since Dean Cadence is working really hard to make that school better. Plus, I have friends now there with Sunny Flare and a few others.”

“Makes sense,” I conceded as our waiter returned. “You can order first, Coco.”

“No you can. I insist.”

“No you first.”

We both looked at each other before we both laughed quietly. We both ordered, me opting for a vegetarian chicken parmigiana and Coco going for a baked potato with fries.

“Hey, there’s a bowling alley down the street. Wanna go see what kinda trouble we can get into?” I asked suddenly as Coco paused before smiling.

“I think I’d like that a lot if it means I get to spend more time with you.”

I walked up the steps of Coco’s apartment building before stopping at a door as Coco and I stood quietly. Coco had practically kicked my ass at bowling, which impressed me a lot. I never really cared about it before but it was pretty fun.

“I had a lot of fun tonight,” Coco admitted as I nodded. As much as I hated to admit it, she was right. It did feel nice to spend time with her. “Thanks Sunset.”

“Anytime,” I said as Coco rummaged through her purse before grabbing my hand, writing some numbers on my hand in black marker.

“It’s my phone number. Give me a call sometime if you uh wanna go out on another date sometime. I wanna see you again,” Coco said as she brushed some hair aside with a blush. I gave a nod as I took the marker and grabbed her own hand, writing my number on her hand.

“Now you have mine so uh text me or call me sometime,” I said with a smirk as Coco patted my hand before hugging me for a few seconds before stepping back.

I watched as Coco unlocked her front door, us waving as she disappeared inside.

I stood still for a few moments for walking down the stairs happier than I have been in a while.