• Published 8th Feb 2024
  • 309 Views, 30 Comments

Ghosts of The Past - JeSuisLaPorte

It's just a short trip to Appleloosa. There's nothing to worry about.

  • ...

3. Anarchy's Legacy

Inside Apple Fritter’s house, the injured stallion chuckled. He’s been stuck in Anarchy’s gang for so long, he had forgotten how it feel to be treated as an innocent pony. It was great, but it didn’t mean he wanted to be one. Simply being nursed by a beautiful mare with such kindness was wonderful. It was like he had his own personal nurse listening to his every command. The only bad part was that she ultimately had a job, places to be.

Apple Fritter couldn’t be at his beck and call, but when she was home, she was his. He pulled the sheets down and gazed at his cutie mark, a megaphone. Public speaking was his forte. That was why he was chosen by Anarchy to lead the useless negotiations against Princess Celestia. Had he known it was all a ruse to get him killed, he would have stuck it to this crazy unicorn. Well, maybe not, he knew what happened to those that disobeyed.

Anarchy was on a different league compared to other criminals. Opposing him was suicide. Naturally, he was happy to know he died and grateful to Lord Tirek for giving him a way out. If that power hungry centaur hadn’t attacked Canterlot, he would still be rotting in jail with the snowflakes.

Now that he was free, he can get his groove back as a solo player. Starting with Appeloosa, more precisely, Apple Fritter. There was nopony in this town that could recognise him, who could? He had the power of anonymity. Anarchy, Strong Hoof even Dreamcatcher to some extent were the known names amongst the Anarchists. Him? He was nopony. They can’t possibly know he’s up to no good, and that gave him a rush of power. He can do anything he want and get away with it.

He was Speaker, a name this town would remember. A name they’d regret ever helping.

“Howdy Speaker, Ah’m back!” Speaker grinned as he weakly raised his head. Apple Fritter returned with apple pies to serve him. “Ah thought ya might go hungry, so Ah got ya some nice pies from downtown.”

Speaker licked his lips, his eyes not focused on just the pies. “Fantastic timing, my stomach was just starting to complain.” Biting in the pies, his eyes were nearly moved to tears as he remembered just how tasty food was. In the dungeons, their meals were healthy but rather bland. And in the arid hills of the south, oh it was much worse. No food, no water, only pain. He had never been this happy to eat before in his entire life.

“Geez, Louise, ya look like ya never got a good meal in a while.” Apple Fritter remarked.

The injured stallion chuckled. “Exactly. You know, I’d like to eat your cooking next time.”

The earth pony’s eyes widened slightly, flustered. “Oh! Well, Ah don’t believe it’s anythin’ to write home ‘bout. Ah did get ya some pies from town for a reason.” She took a bite of the pies, relishing in their delicious taste. She wasn’t that great of a cook, a good reason why she preferred to buy freshly cooked food rather than to cook it herself.

“It doesn’t matter to me if it’s amazing or not. It simply makes me feel good to see somepony care about me.” Speaker explained as calmly as he could. The taste of the pies got him excited, but he’d much prefer if he didn’t look like a total idiot before her. “Not a lotta ponies cared about me, you see. It’s part of the reason why I got lost.”

The stallion saw compassion in the mare’s eyes. A kind soul indeed. It’s always the kind soul that gets roped around the easiest. “Aw, Ah’m sure ya’ll find some nice ponies that’ll show ya some kindness. We Appleloosans never let other folks down! If ya got nowhere to go, we’d be happy to get ya settled in!”

Speaker blinked, seriously considering Apple Fritter’s offer for a moment. Unfortunately, it went against his original plan. He had to choose between two difficult options. None of them seeming better than the other. It was either an easy new life, or her. In the end, he made his choice. An obvious one considering his true nature as an old follower of Anarchy, though he was not in it because he believed their cause. “Hm, maybe I will live here. Appleloosa seems quite nice.”

Apple Fritter smiled. She smiled brighter than the sun. “Ah assure ya, Appeloosa ain’t ever gonna disappoint!”

Out of the bar, Olive and Apple Bloom couldn’t help it. The behemoth that had nearly killed them both was sitting there, mere meters away from them. The terror in their heart still rang strong. The goliath might not be dangerous anymore, but it didn’t matter to them. Whenever they looked into his eyes, they saw nothing but death and hatred. The monster had to still be there, somewhere deep inside. Braeburn even stayed to stare with the two fillies.

To Olive, Strong Hoof couldn’t have given up. She knew him almost as well as her father. The behemoth was a monster, a ruthless monster that tore apart anypony that dared to go against his convictions. His murders were so brutal, he ended up coating his entire skin in crimson by the time he was through with his victims. Nevertheless, Captain Mango told her to treat him with respect and that she will... mostly by staying as far away from Strong Hoof as possible. That way, there won’t be any problem. But should he ever endanger anypony, she’ll transform and do what’s necessary to protect Appleloosa. Her cousins lived there, and for that, it meant the town was important to her too.

For Apple Bloom, the behemoth that battled her sister and the princess of friendship as well as a gigantic storm simply to murder her little sister could never be excused. If it was because of a joke that he was there as a volunteer, it wasn’t funny. Not at all. He should be back in Canterlot’s dungeon, paying for he tried to do to Olive. Nopony messes with the Apples, and that’s a lesson he learned the hard way. Let’s keep it that way.

Lastly, Braeburn marveled at the impressive size and power of the gargantuan stallion. Nopony in recorded history has ever been this big. Strong Hoof was a national record, an intimidating specimen that can never be replicated. The horrible crimes he committed further fueled his terrifying aura. If Braeburn got any closer, he could be crushed like a pancake! He cringed at the mere thought of that. A sudden desire to go away manifested. “Okay, well Olive. Do ya wanna see ta orchard? We got our own one in Appleloosa.”

Olive kept on staring, mesmerised by the terrifying presence of the only pony that could rival her father in sheer intimidation. She wanted to leave and see the orchard, but a part of her wouldn’t let her take her eyes off the goliath. Eventually, she caught his attention.

Strong Hoof’s eyes met hers. It was just as chilling as the first time. Again, Olive couldn’t tell what the stallion was thinking. Was he plotting revenge against her, was he thinking of a way to escape and continue the battle her father started, or did he truly have nothing in mind?

A disgruntled Dreamcatcher stepped away from Strong Hoof, gazing at the three peepers. She winced and trotted out of sight whilst the behemoth didn’t budge. Unlike the giant, there was anger in her eyes. The hatred was still fresh. It chilled the pink filly to her core. Thankfully, she didn’t act upon her anger.

This was Anarchy’s legacy. Broken and unhappy ponies everywhere. All those who knew him are left that way. Missing a part of their soul, aimless and without love. Olive was truly fortunate to have been saved by Applejack at the right time. Otherwise, she’d be just like them, maybe even worse. She was just a foal, an easily influenced pony that needed to be guided in the right direction.

Seeing them with this new perspective, Olive almost pitied the ponies she feared. It didn’t feel right to see Strong Hoof this apathetic and puny.

The giant groaned weakly, eventually turning his attention to the vast hills surrounding Appleloosa, seemingly forgetting the very existence of the three ponies watching him. If her father was here, he would be having a field day.

“Let’s go, cousin Braeburn.” Olive said, tugging on his tail.

The earth pony blinked, readjusting his cowboy hat. “Uh, y-yeah. Ah believe we’ve seen ‘nough.” Leaving the two inmates, Olive looked back one last time before disappearing out of sight.

For the two former Anarchists, it was a relief. The oppressive stares of the three Apples made them freeze. No more thoughts, only a blank state of mind as they waited patiently for their departure. Dreamcatcher groaned, attempting to buck a nearby barrel in frustration. But her anger wasn’t strong enough. She opted to sit down and sigh. “What do they think we are? A circus attraction.”

Strong Hoof blinked; his eyes now focused on the ground. He raised one hoof and tapped a small rock. It went flying high in the air. Mighty impressive strength, but it didn’t mean much to him anymore. “We were, remember. This is but retribution.”

Dreamcatcher looked at a group of ponies passing by. Upon noticing the two inmates, they quickly rushed away nervously. “We’re hated and feared, for what in return?”

“Pain.” Strong Hoof said weakly. “Our foolishness has brought us nothing but pain.” The burned and scarred body of the once snow-white giant hurt the mare. It hurt just to look at him now.

Gone was the stallion was admired. Gone were her dreams of securing a better tomorrow. But to say things were necessarily better back then wouldn’t be exact. Sure, she loved it when she had something to fight for, but to realise that their leader didn’t care one bit about their struggle, outright manipulating them into aiding him in his selfish goal, it made her question if her better tomorrow was even feasible.

“Why do you think they only sent two to Appleloosa?”

Strong Hoof grunted. “It does not serve us to know. We have nowhere to go, no reason to leave. Let them send me wherever they please. It’s the only purpose we have.”

Dreamcatcher inched closer to the goliath. “At least, we know we’ll be sent together. You’re still with me to the end, aren’t you?”

“You’re the only pony I can trust.”

The blue pegasus rested her head on Strong Hoof’s large shoulder. “What about Olive? I’m still angry but... I don’t know if it’s even justified anymore.”

Strong Hoof blinked, his weak eyes barely raising to see the mare cuddled against him. “Our eyes are opened now. It’s thanks to her that he doesn’t get to order us around. I don’t know what to think anymore, so I won’t think. Our anger matters none. Not anymore.”

Dreamcatcher winced. “What do you even think matters? We have no home, no friends, we’re hated and have no aspirations.”


Dreamcatcher gasped. Feeling her vision get blurry, she buried her face in Strong Hoof’s shoulder. “Don’t let them see me be this weak, please.”

The giant frowned, lifting a hoof to pat her on the back. “I won’t.”

“Hey, sorry for leaving you out on a whim. Couldn’t help myself when I saw that bar.” The two inmates looked absently at the captain.

Dreamcatcher stuck her face out, just a tad, but it was enough to reveal her puffy eyes.

Captain Mango’s eyes darted around the town. “Oh dear, do you need a tissue? I can get you one, maybe chat a bit if that’ll get you in the mood to work.”

Dreamcatcher shook her head weakly. “No, I think I just need... some time.”

The captain respectfully nodded. “Alright, take your time. You still have a week to get some work done, but with you around, Strong Hoof, it should be fast and easy.” He placed two bottles down and smiled. “But if you want to be carefree, take some. I mean it when I say it’s really good! Oh Celestia, I never imagined the Appleloosan to be this good at cider. Then again, it is another earth pony town, and these earth ponies always know how to make some good stuff!”

Sitting near them, Captain Mango took out a third bottle, one he saved for himself. “What do you say we become drinking buddies? We never got the chance when you were still in the dungeons, but now, you got a little more freedom. Let’s take advantage of that.”

Strong Hoof eyeballed the bottle of cider at his hooves and grunted. “It is a bit small.”

Mango sighed. “Three bottles it is then.”

For lunch, the two fillies followed Braeburn over to Apple Fritter’s house. Olive made sure to bring her homemade meals for there was only apple related meals on the menu. So far, apart from the presence of Strong Hoof and Dreamcatcher, the trip wasn’t all that bad. Sure, the idea of sleeping still made her anxious but at least, she was getting to know her family there and they were nice.

Apple Fritter sure seemed love the two fillies, changing her behavior whenever they were in the picture. It was reassuring for Olive. She had two ponies she could count on apart from Apple Bloom, two adults especially.

Knocking at the door, the three ponies waited for the mare to open. It took some time, an entire minute actually before she greeted them. “Howdy, Braeburn. Sorry Ah took so long, Ah was pretty busy tendin’ to a hurt pony.”

Braeburn blinked, his eyes darting around the house in search of said hurt pony. “Yer housin’ somepony?”

“Yup. Don’t mind ‘im, he’s stayin’ in mah room for ta time being.” Apple Fritter said as she set the table. “Found ‘im on ta edge of town. Ta poor stallion was at death’s door.”

Braeburn found it rather strange for a stallion to be found trotting around the south, a place notorious for being unwelcoming. “Why would anypony go ‘round these parts? Did he tell you why?”

The earth pony shook her head. “Nope, haven’t asked yet. Ah suppose Ah’ll ask once he feels better. He’s only been ‘ere for about an hour, mind ya.”

Olive smiled happily. It was good to know that every Apple she’s seen so far had kindness in their heart. It was that very kindness that saved her and now, it will save many other ponies in desperate need of being shown hospitality. It might be obvious to help a pony in need, but Olive rarely saw that growing up. To her, it’s always been a niche thing that only the nicest of ponies would do. To see it being a core part of her kin warmed her heart.

“Oh, almost forgot to tell ya; his name’s Speaker.” Apple Fritter added in a simple passing comment.

“Speaker, huh? A fairly simple name, what do ya reckon his special talent is?” Braeburn asked out of curiosity.

“Speakin’... maybe to a large audience? Oh, that would be public speakin’. His cutie mark is a megaphone after all.”

Olive listened as she ate her delicious meal comprised of fruits and vegetables, she wasn’t allergic to. It helped that she wasn’t a picky eater, or else she’d be having a hard time eating. She needed to eat a lot to become big and strong like her mother. No way would she ever stay small and weak, not after all she’s been through. She’s a superhero, and superheroes aim to inspire ponies. But to inspire, she must have a good physique.

As a sign of her dedication, she wore her cape all day long. Apple Bloom did the same, but mostly out of solidarity and affection. It was the symbol of their secret society after all. Even two members short, they’d still go around crusading.

“Hey, Apple Fritter! I could use a glass of water!” A voice called out from above. Surely that of Speaker.

Odd, Olive got a strange sensation upon hearing the voice of the injured stallion. She couldn’t tell what it was. It felt like something was trying to resurface to no avail. She’s heard lots of voices before, not many she can remember on a whim. Still, there was an air of familiarity to this one in particular, but she couldn’t pinpoint why exactly. She kept trying to search until eventually, the frustration convinced her to give it a rest.

If she can’t remember then, it must have not been important. That’s what a lot of ponies said about forgetting.

Apple Fritter went upstairs to give Speaker his glass of water. The three downstairs could hear her speak to him, though they didn’t pay much attention.

“Well, Olive. Are ya enjoyin’ yer stay ‘ere? Ah know it’s a little soon to be askin’ that. A-Ah just want to be sure yer not sad, ‘kay?” Braeburn asked.

Olive swallowed her bite and looked him in the eyes. Hers were soft and calm, a better look than yesterday by a wide margin. “It’s okay. Appleloosa seems nice.”

Braeburn smiled. “Yer not just sayin’ that to make me feel better?”

Olive giggled. “You seem nice, too.”

The jolly stallion’s heart melted. So far, so good! His new cousin was already warming up to him, and much quicker than he expected. It would seem Applejack was right when she told him Olive was very affectionate. She clings to ponies easily.

Apple Bloom nuzzled her sister, happy to see her taking it all so well. Ever since she woke up from her run in with Strong Hoof, she’s been better. Even better than the day before they went to Appleloosa. Her little sister was making a big deal out of nothing. She was just afraid of change, but with her big sister around, there’s nothing to fear. “Just wait ‘till ya see ta rodeo, sis! It’s ta best part of Appleloosa!”

Braeburn’s face lit up. “Why yes! After lunch, Ah’ll take ya to see ta rodeo! Hay, we might even let ya try if yer feelin’ up to ta challenge.”

Looking at her cape, Olive felt the challenge call to her. She puffed her chest and stood up on her chair. “I’m afraid of no rodeo!”

“That’s ta spirit!” Apple Fritter returned to her guests, followed by another pony. One that was bigger than her, but also looked fairly weak. “Ah’ll come along.”

It took a few seconds for Olive to realise it was Speaker...

She stared at him, confused. Speaker...

She felt it again. Something was trying to resurface again, even stronger this time. Speaker...

Speaker? Yuck, I know what he gets off to in his room, darling. May I make a suggestion? Stay far, far away from him. Your daddy knows best, he knows all about the good and the bad apples in his gang. Him? Oh, he’s a rotten one! But don’t you worry, little apple. Daddy’s going to take care of him one day. He’ll keep you safe and sound.

Speaker. That’s him! Olive gasped, horror filling her eyes.

The injured stallion stared at her. In that moment, the two ponies’ hearts stopped. Danger was there, right in front of them! They shouldn’t be here. They were staring at a revenant. Something that wasn’t meant to even be alive. Through the call of the abyss, they survived and today, they met again.

Speaker rubbed his eyes in disbelief. After all the things they threw at this weak little filly to take her out of the picture, she was still standing and better than ever. His heart nearly jumped out of his chest cavity; the monster was very much still there. He could see it in her eyes, the same fear that preceded the beast’s rampage. Twenty ponies ripped apart mercilessly; he was almost the twenty first had it not been for the little slave who rushed in to stop Olive just in time.

“M-Monster...” He muttered, his voice but a whisper. But then, a reassuring thought came to mind. Olive was much different from the filly he knew. What’s to say she’ll flip out like last time and go on a rampage? Her entire family is there! She probably won’t attempt to do it.

Better yet, she was the only pony who knew about him. And she was a filly, a mere child. No matter how strong her monster may be, it is still limited by her young age. His salvation lied sorely in that fact.

And indeed, his judgement was correct. The little filly panicked and, in her confusion, ran towards the bathroom.

“Huh? Where’s she goin’?” Apple Bloom asked.

Braeburn scratched his head. “Well, when ya gotta go, ya gotta go.”

Olive locked the door, falling back as her terrified eyes darted around, lost. She fell and knocked her head on the toilet, but she barely felt the pain. Her heart was pounding against her chest. She can’t meet them now, it’s too soon! Anarchy’s followers roam the country freely ever since Tirek rampaged through Canterlot, stealing the magic from all the ponies. With the royal guards drained of their strength, they could do little to stop the weakened prisoners from escaping. Chaos reigned supreme for that entire day until the mad centaur was stopped, trapped within the darkness of Tartarus once again.

And now, the consequences of his rampage could be felt. Speaker returned in her life. Like a ghost, he’s here to haunt her, to break her spirit. Worst of all, nopony but her knew who he was. Olive breathed heavily, realising that if she doesn’t tell Braeburn or especially Apple Fritter, bad things will happen to them. Terrible things most likely. She knew what Speaker loved to do with mares and for some reason, when he did it, they weren’t happy. No, they were in pain, screaming and crying. She can’t let that happen to her cousin, to her family.

Olive knew what she had to do. She took a few deep and long breaths, just like Heedful Care taught her. By doing so, her mind was emptied of stress, her hooves stopped shaking. In just a minute, her fear was replaced with determination. There was no time to stress out. Appleloosa needed a hero, and that hero was her.

With confidence, Olive opened the door and turned to join her family. But then, a fetlock wrapped around her mouth and dragged her back inside the bathroom. She didn’t look behind, a grave mistake! The door locked and with it, so did her only chance. Panicking, Olive tried to scream, but the strong hoof of the earth pony made sure nothing but quiet muffles came out.

The dangerous stallion sat down and pressed the filly against his belly, lifting her off the ground as if she was as light as a feather.

Kicking and screaming wasn’t working, her abductor was far too strong. He couldn’t be overpowered, not in this state.

She redirected her focus to her horn, calling upon the power of the beast, of her father’s master. A terrifying voice made her reconsider, however.

“Oh, I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Don’t you realise who’s in control here? The beast is strong for sure, but you? You’re just a filly. A weak, fragile little being. I can break your neck without breaking a sweat.” His grip tightened around her mouth. Olive felt her muzzle being crushed under the immense pressure; it was agonising! She let out a muffled squeal, cutting all magic from her horn.

“Good, you’re a quick learner. Not surprising coming from the daughter of that damn maniac. Did you know your daddy left me to die back in Canterlot? He doesn’t have a good track record when it comes to treating other ponies well, but don’t you worry; I do.” Speaker chuckled, inching away from the door.

“You’re trying to tattle on me, aren’t you? That’s not very nice. So naughty in fact, I’ll kill your cousin and your nice little sister if you try to tell. Did you hear me? You don’t want to tell them about me. You keep it a secret, and I promise nothing bad will happen to them. We don’t know each other, we’re nothing more than strangers. You will be a nice little filly for me, hm?”

Tears rolled down the filly’s eyes, moving over to the stallion’s hoof. She struggled to nod, trying to refrain herself from crying. “Mphm...”

“Oh, and don’t think that means you can simply transform and beat me into a pulp later. Do you know what would happen if the town saw a monster attacking a poor injured stallion?”

Olive’s pupils shrunk. That was her plan B! But thinking about it; he was right. She’s just a filly, her words don’t carry as much weight as those of a mare. If only she was older or had the support of her cousins, she could save Appleloosa from him! She looked up, her terrified eyes meeting those of her abductor. The very eyes her father warned her about all these years ago.

The sinister stallion chuckled. “You know, it’s a shame you’re still small. You sure have taken a lot from your father. He was the most handsome stallion I’ve ever met, had these unbelievably beautiful eyes. I won’t lie, he made me jealous. He was a pretty colt who was worshipped by the entire country. But that was before he decided to become a monster. Then again, what’s to say he wasn’t already one to begin with? It would seem he lent you, his eyes. Hm, makes me wonder who your mother is. He never did tell a single soul about her. Maybe she’s six feet under? I intend to find out.”

Speaker’s freed hoof caressed the filly’s scar. The poor thing let out a muffle whine, trying weakly to push him away. His hoof was big, preventing any air from entering or escaping her.

Olive hoped he would let go soon, for her strength was leaving her. It reminded her of the revenant that came to Sweet Apple Acre one night, the Crimson Mask. What’s to say Speaker would have as much decency as him?

“Strong Hoof did a number on you, hasn’t he? I’m impressed you’re still standing after all this time. It would appear you’re as resilient as that crazy bastard, maybe even more. Won’t it be best to keep it that way?”

Olive raised her head, giving the stallion a pleading look. Her forelegs desperately tried to push his hoof off her mouth, but he didn’t seem to be finished just yet.

Speaker grinned, his inner demon coming to light. “Oh? So you wanna leave now? What’s the matter, am I just that boring to you?”

The pink unicorn shook her head, tapping away to make her needs for air clear. “Mphm!” All that came out was a quiet squeal.

“What was that? Are you trying to tell me something?” Speaker taunted, leaning his ear closer to the filly.

Olive tried again to beg, but once again, the air in her body wasn’t enough to let out much of an audible sound.

Her abductor chuckled. “Hm, I suppose you have nothing to say. How rude.”

The filly’s face started turning blue. With little to no strength left, she looked at the stallion with her teary eyes and pleaded for him to her go.

Speaker grinned, satisfied. “Ho ho... Do you promise you won’t tell a soul?”

Olive nodded weakly, shutting her eyes in submission.

“Good girl.” And with that, Speaker finally let go.

Olive gasped for air, falling face first to the floor. She took deep and rapid breaths, distraught. While she was busy recuperating, Speaker grabbed a nearby towel and wiped the filly’s tears away. “Now, nothing happened in here, are we clear?”

The pink unicorn didn’t dare to meet his eyes out of fear and shame. “Hm hm.”

With a light chuckle, Speaker left the bathroom. All that remained was the mess of a filly on the floor, her mind assaulted by all sorts of troubled thoughts. She didn’t know what to do. She wouldn’t be able to live with herself if she let him get away with whatever he had planned in his sick mind, but to stop him would prove difficult. It was a matter of brains, not brawn. The monster couldn’t save her in this situation.

Could she do it? Olive didn’t know. She was just a filly, a young one and he was... he was bigger, smarter, more experienced. What chance did she have? “Mommy... help me.”

Is this how a superhero feels in the face of danger? Was that all it took to break one? Olive was ashamed. She was supposed to be a superhero! The pony that bravely fought off the monstrous Anarchy, but this situation was so much different. She was always dependant on others for help but today, she was truly alone in this fight.

Sometimes, a superhero must learn to fight without their trusty sidekick around. If she was truly one, Olive would see it through in the end. For her family’s sake, she’ll find a way. Speaker believed she was weak and stupid, a useless crybaby but that wasn’t her, not anymore. She’ll prove him wrong. She’ll prove to him that superheroes come in all shapes and sizes.

No matter how dire the situation can get, she'll persevere. The pink filly wiped her tears away, a slow determination overcoming her fear. “A-Alright, mommy... I’ll d-do it. I can do it.”

Apple Bloom saw the stallion return from his upstairs trip. Apparently, he had forgotten something up there. She kept on eating her apple pie until Olive returned from her sudden rush to the bathroom. Her little sister climbed on her seat and continued her meal, but she lacked the vigor she had a few minutes ago.

Olive stopped eating after a few bites. “Apple Bloom, let’s go to the rodeo.”

“Naow? But ya haven’t finis-”

“I wanna go now.” Olive said as she grabbed her big sister by the hoof, dragging her away to the front door.

Braeburn smiled. “Well alrighty then! Ah’ll join ya once Ah’m finished!”

The injured stallion stared at the two fillies with a stupid expression, one that seemed absent of any thought. Apple Bloom watched him curiously, but it was hard to keep her eyes on him for her little sister was awfully pushy.

“Come on, Apple Bloom. We’re going to the rodeo.”

Apple Bloom looked back one last time at the stallion. She narrowed her eyes suspiciously, keeping her gaze on him until the door closed. “Hm...”

Author's Note:

Now, the main conflict has been set up. Olive must find a way to get Speaker arrested, no blood spilled. But to think, she needs to be away from him. Let's hope our little filly has what it takes to bring his crimes to light!

And what about Strong Hoof and Dreamcatcher? They don't look too good. At least Mango's treating them with respect. Hm... perhaps they can help Olive deal with Speaker?