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An Argument of Astronomical Preportions

“Are we nearly there yet?” Susan griped as they continued up the long set of spiral stairs to the Astronomy classroom.

“I swear, if you ask that question one more time, I’ll throw you off the top of the Astronomy tower,” Leanne said tetchily in reply.

A wide grin appeared across Susan’s face “Ooh, that sounds like fun. Be a good test of my lycanthropy to see just how strong my bones are.”

Leanne’s head met her right forehand. “Only you could possibly think being chucked off an incredibly tall building was a good thing.”

“Well, someone has to,” Susan countered as they reached the top of the staircase they were on and saw their destination was in sight. “Finally!” she exclaimed.

Their teacher was waiting for them in the doorway. “Further up than you thought?” she said with an amused smile.

“Yes professor. Sorry for being slightly late, is it much further to the top from here?” Leanne replied politely for everyone.

“Oh, the classroom is only about halfway up the tower, although students are not permitted to go any further except for lessons,” Professor Sinistra replied.

“Halfway!” Susan wheezed, suddenly going very pale.

“Yes, this is why you shall be collected from your common rooms at eleven thirty tonight so that we have no repeats of such tardiness. Now, take your seats and, like your peers, consider the question on the board whilst I wait for the final few stragglers to arrive. And just like that, here they come,” the Astronomy professor said, turning her attention to the last batch of first year students who had just reached the top of the staircase.

Limestone and her friends took their seats and pondered the question on the board as they prepared themselves for the upcoming lesson.

What does Astronomy have to do with magic?

She raised her right hand into the air.

Professor Sinistra looked confused for a moment and then asked, “Yes, Miss Pie.”

“I’m just wondering how I answer that question because as far as I’ve been made aware, your Astronomy is a lot different to mine back home?”

“How so?” Professor Sinistra enquired looking intrigued.

“Well, for a start, our ruler Princess Celestia raises both the sun and moon with her alicorn magic, the latter of which imprisons her sister, the former raiser of the moon who was corrupted by the darkness and solitude of the night. The stars back home in Equestria are thus a representation of our dreams, shining beacons of light and hope to force back this darkness and prevent it from corrupting anypony else,” Limestone explained. “So, for us back in Equestria, Astronomy has everything to do with magic and the two are closely intertwined. What, why are you all looking at me like that?”

Professor Sinistra coughed and cleared her throat before replying. “Yes, Headmaster Dumbledore had warned me that I might find your version of Astronomy different and unique to our own. Your leader must be an incredibly powerful being to control the skies. Here though our Earth orbits the sun due to its gravitational pull, more muggle science than actual magic, although we to believe in the magic of the stars. That branch of magic is called Astrology and uses the position of celestial bodies such as the sun, moon, and stars to predict the future or provide insight into a person’s life, something I am sure Miss Prewett next to you can inform you more about if you so wish. Five points to Hufflepuff for your insightful answer. Now, who would like to give their answer next. Miss Granger, you seem eager, go ahead.”

“It is often theorised that the position of the stars and moon in relation to the Earth can affect a magician’s ability in terms of power and the level of magic they can cast and control, yet no solid evidence of this has ever been proven,” Hermione explained proudly.

“Another excellent answer. Five points to Gryffindor. Master Malfoy, I see you sniggering at the back there, maybe you would like to suggest another answer?” Professor Sinistra asked with a stern glare at the misbehaving boy.

“Although a little outdated, the position of the stars can be used for navigation, something my father taught me a little bit about on a camping trip several years ago. For example, if you can locate the north star, you know that direction must be north,” Draco replied smugly.

“Correct, although not exactly linked with magic, witches and wizards of old would utilise the stars to locate magical settlements hidden away from prying muggle eyes. Even though magical and muggle developments have seen its use become somewhat redundant, it still comes in handy if you ever make a mistake when apparating or travelling by floo powder,” Professor Sinistra explained. “Now, would anyone else like to have a guess?”

There was a shaking of heads around the room before one of the Ravenclaw boys nervously raised his hand.

“Yes, Master Boot, would you like to say something?” Professor Sinistra encouraged.

“Would timing be an answer? As in relation to the fact certain potions can only be brewed at certain times or ingredients picked at certain times,” the boy suggested looking a little unsure of himself.

“An outstanding answer Mr Boot, that will be ten points to Ravenclaw for your knowledge. There are certain spells, rituals and potions that will only work when cast at certain times of a month or year, or when ingredients are picked, for example, at the time of a full moon. Meanwhile, in Herbology, certain plants will only bloom at night and some only when the stars are aligned in a certain way. We will discuss and go into depth more on the topic of Astronomy’s importance to the magical community after Christmas but first I shall be focusing on providing you with a basic knowledge of the major stars, constellations, and planets. For the first month or so we shall be studying star charts, learning the names of important stars and constellations before applying this knowledge practically in our late-night classes. Over the course of your time here at Hogwarts you will even learn how to make your own star charts but for now I would like you all to look in the gap under your desks, there should be enough for one star chart per pair,” Professor Sinestra explained, turning to a diagram that was pinned to a blackboard at the front of the classroom. “Overall, there are eighty-eight known constellations. Today we shall be going over some of the easiest ones that you can find in the night sky and then attempting to locate them in the practical half of our lesson tonight. First up is the Big and Little Dipper, the latter of which is essential to navigation as it encompasses the North Star in its handle. You have five minutes to find them both on your star charts. If you need assistance, a diagram of both is pinned to the blackboard behind me. Good luck!”


“Wow, that was intense,” Susan said as they departed the Astronomy classroom. “Who knew there were so many stars out there!”

“Just be grateful you aree not from another dimension with a totally different layout. It was just lucky I sat next to Scoti, she seemed to know everything Professor Sinestra was talking about,” Limestone responded.

No worries. I’ve been studying Astrology since I discovered I was a seer when I was six. Now, I’m going to go fetch Francesca, you alright collecting her dinner from the kitchen. Just say Scoti sent you to collect Francesca’s dinner and the house elves will know what you mean.

“I totally forgot about the letter. Guess I had better get a move on. You coming with me Leanne? Lavender?” Susan said not waiting for a reply as she hurried on down the staircase.

“I guess that means me and Hermione are with you Scoti?” Limestone said as she watched the three werewolves scamper away.

“We can recap what we learnt in today’s lesson on the way,” Hermione suggested.

“Oh joy,” Limestone replied, looking the absolute opposite of overjoyed with the idea as they began the descent down the Astronomy tower.


Susan was concerned. As a natural born werewolf, she should not be concerned but the giant and rather smelly dead fish in her hand that was nearly as long as she was tall combined with the look Scoti had given her earlier had Susan feeling just a touch uneasy as they made their way onto the training fields. Her unease was solidified as her eyes fell upon the bird that rested on Scoti’s left arm.

“THAT’S NOT A BIRD, THAT’S A MINIATURE BEAR WITH WINGS!” Susan exclaimed preparing to throw the giant fish she was carrying onto the ground.

“Hoo,” the giant owl replied while eyeing up the pike Susan was carrying.

“And what is it with you and oversized things? First your wand, now your pet, what next?” Leanne stated.

“Trust me, you do not want to ask that question,” Limestone replied. “That owl is incredibly strong.”

You called me pipsqueak. Just be grateful I didn’t have Francesca leave you on top of the owlery until she came back from delivering the letter. Anyway, this is Francesca, a Blakiston’s Fish Owl, the largest known species of owl in existence. As far as I am aware it was my great grandfather who brought them over to Scotland from Japan many years ago after hearing about how they were the only known species of owl capable of flying not just extremely long distances but with heavy loads as well, Scoti explained with a series of cards.

“Okay, thanks for the History lesson. Now, what should I do with the fish? Throw it on the ground for her?”

Oh no, Francesca may be getting on years but she still needs enrichment.

“Enrich…what?” Susan said looking confused.

Make it challenging for her. Scoti brought a whistle to her lips and blew it.

Francesca immediately shot high into the air before divebombing straight for Susan.

A smile adorned Susan’s lips as the unease she had been feeling vanished in an instant.


“That all you got you oversized budgie!” Susan taunted as Francesca tried again to pry the pike away from her.

Francesca let out a hoot of indignation before attempting to pry the fish from Susan’s grip once more. The battle had been raging for several minutes and yet another set of Susan’s school clothes were only fit for the bin. At this rate she would be out of robes by the end of the first week. Francesca had scratched, clawed, pecked, bit and everything in-between to acquire her dinner but so far, Susan had refused to yield. Failing with her latest attempt, Francesca broke away once more and shot high into the sky preparing for another dive bomb as an all to recognisable voice echoed across the playing fields.

“Who or rather what is that thing and why is that dog fighting it with an oversized fish?” Professor Snape exclaimed coming up behind the gaggle of first year girls. “And you should be aware Miss Prewett that there is nowhere in this castle you can possibly hide from me so congratulations, you just doubled your detention.”

Scoti tapped Limestone on the shoulder and gestured with her head at the angry professor behind them.

“Why do I have to deal with him?” Limestone griped.

Would you rather deal with Francesca?

“Fine,” Limestone grumbled turning around to face Professor Snape. “That is Scoti’s owl Francesca sir. Susan is currently feeding him.”

“Hey, yowch, what the, you crafty thing, that was sneaky, extra sneaky.” Susan suddenly exclaimed to a round of guffaws.

“Huh, what happened?” Limestone said turning to Leanne.

“Oh, Francesca fooled Susan. She made it look liked she was diving for the fish again but this time she diverted at the last second and pecked Susan on the butt causing her to drop the fish in surprise. Before Susan knew what was going on Francesca was up in the tree enjoying her dinner,” Leanne explained.

Why do you think I didn’t want to feed her myself? She’s incredibly smart and learnt every trick imaginable to get her dinner one way or another. Give her half an hour to an hour and she will be ready to send that letter, Scoti added with several signs before continuing to ignore Professor Snape as she went over to the giant oak tree Limestone had grown the day before, sat down with her back against it, and pulled out a book on Astrology that she then began to read.

“I know you are not deaf so you will come with me this instant or so help me I shall be pressing the matter with Professor Sprout!” Snape roared angrily about to head over and drag the girl down to the dungeons.

“And what might I ask has she done this time?” Professor Sprout asked with a heavy sigh as she waltzed across the training fields. “And do I even want to ask why you have ruined a second perfectly good set of robes Miss Bones? And why is there a giant owl eating an equally giant fish in that tree over there? Did it have something to do with all that commotion a minute ago?”

It was Leanne who replied. “I can answer the first of those questions for you professor. Scoti got out of her seat in class when she shouldn’t have to stop Ron killing his rat with wolfsbane potion and downed a vial of draught of living death to stop Neville giving it to his toad. I am sure she would have explained her reasons for getting out of her seat and not been so reckless had Professor Snape not banned her from using non-verbal communication in class,” she finished earning a deadly looking scowl from Professor Snape in return.

Professor Sprout practically exploded. “YOU DID WHAT!”

“Even docked Hufflepuff twenty points because she couldn’t and nearly made her cry,” Susan added coming over.

Professor Sprout’s right hand tensed and for a moment all five girls in attendance thought she might slap Snape. “You are a cruel and heartless man Severus Snape. I have no idea what Albus sees in you,” she eventually said coldly, her eyes firing daggers at her colleague.

“Well, someone has to teach these children that the world isn’t all rainbows and unicorns Pomona and I guess that responsibility falls to me,” Snape countered. “Goodness knows that buffoon Quirrell won’t.”

“I see, still brooding because you didn’t get the Defence Against the Dark Arts position again?” Professor Sprout replied flatly. “Quirinus is a highly intelligent individual and more than qualified for the position,” she added defending her colleague.

“The guy has been afraid of his own shadow ever since he returned from his European excursion and can barely speak a comprehensible sentence. You, horse girl, what did you think of your Defence Against the Dark Arts Class,” Snape demanded pointing to Limestone.

“Honestly, we had absolutely no idea what he was prattling on about for fifty minutes and are now seeking a tutor for the subject. And need I remind you it is Miss Pie or would you like Teeth visiting you in the middle of the night?” Limestone replied sharply.

Professor Snape ignored the last part. “See what I mean. The guy is a joke and we all know how poor recent Defence Against the Dark Arts grades at this school have been. Most the teachers since I came to this school have either never bothered to show up or been totally inept like Quirrell. We have absolutely no idea if or when He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named may return but I for one plan to ensure my students are ready if that time ever arises. Now stand aside, that girl has a destiny with quill, ink and parchment.”

Professor Sprout only proceeded to further block Snape’s path from Scoti. “I shall not. There is a fine line between preparing our students and bullying Severus and it is clear to me that you have crossed it, seemingly having a vendetta against my first-year girls because of factors outside of their control. Thus, you will back down this instant and refer any future disciplinary issues with my girls to me so that I may deal with them myself, understood?”

The two sparring professors locked eyes as an uneasy silence gripped the training fields, the only sound the distant tearing of meat as Francesca dived further into her dinner.

It was over a minute later before Snape turned and stormed back off to the dungeons muttering all manner of curses under his breath. In Limestone’s mind it was almost certain that even if the Potions professor couldn’t punish them directly, he would still find ways within their lessons to do so.

As Limestone pondered the ramifications of Professor Sprout’s intervention, the Herbology professor herself was letting let out a huge sigh of relief only to swiftly find herself being squeezed to death.

“Susan, inside strength please!” Professor Sprout wheezed as the werewolf hoisted her into the air in a bear hug.

“Sorry, sorry!” Susan said sheepishly lowering Professor Sprout to the ground and attempting to dust down her dirt-stained clothes. “It’s just no adult aside Mr Lupin and my mother have ever defended me before and I just got a little over excited is all.”

“I can see that. Would you mind putting away your tail? Professor Sprout requested politely as she removed her overcoat.

“W-what?” Susan looked over her shoulder at her fiercely wagging tail. Her cheeks burned red as she turned back to Professor Sprout. “I-I can’t,” she murmured burying her head in her hands.

Professor Sprout looked at Susan curiously for a moment before Leanne stepped in.

“It’s a werewolf thing. For some unknown reason our tails seem to have a mind of their own. It is highly annoying especially as when they do appear they have a maddening habit of trying to make us chase and catch them, which overall is an extremely bad move on our part. Susan, I wouldn’t if I were you,” Leanne warned as Susan’s creamy brown tail started to tickle her human nose.

“I’m trying, I really am but, oh sod it,” a muzzle slowly formed on her face and she began chasing her tail round and round in circles much to everyone in attendance, which now also included a fair few older students who had been intrigued by the commotion Susan and Francesca had caused, stayed on for the battle of wills between Sprout and Snape and now were quite content with the concluding act of a werewolf chasing its own tail.

“Excuse me a moment. This happens more often than you think,” Leanne admitted to Professor Sprout as she walked over to Susan, timed her moment to perfection, plucked the other werewolf high into the air by the scruff of her neck and then slapped her hard across the face. “Better?”

“Better, thanks Leanne,” Susan admitted as her tail began to recede and disappear having had its fill of mischief for now.

“What are you all looking at? You have had your show now scat before I give you an encore entitled Whichever one of you is the slowest becomes my dinner,” Leanne boomed with a lick of her extremely sharp canines.

Every spectator bolted for the safety of the castle in absolute terror. Well, all except one.

“Little help?” Limestone asked, attempting pointlessly to try and shake the unexpectedly strong girl that had clamped herself onto her off.

“Jasmine, I need time to talk to my students in peace please, would you mind?” Professor Sprout instructed politely but firmly, as in it wasn’t actually a question rather an order.

“But…but…Professor Kettleburn’s first homework assignment was for us all to write a page of parchment on our favourite magical creature and why. I have got all her statistics from the summer but Limestone is not in a book so how else am I meant to get the rest of the information I need from her other than by kidnapping and interviewing her,” Jasmine argued refusing to back down.

“Wait, what was that last part?” Limestone enquired eyes wide.

Professor Sprout looked to the heavens. “You can have half an hour after dinner, understood?” the Hufflepuff head of house said decisively.

“Did she just say she planned to kidnap me?”

Jasmine slowly let the other girl go. “Thanks Professor Sprout,” she said before skipping away.

“Is no one going to pay any attention to me?”

“That girl scares even me and I’m a werewolf,” Susan admitted with a shudder as Professor Sprout threw her overcoat over her. “Thanks Professor, I was starting to get chilly there.”

“You’re welcome. The last thing we need is anymore of the school getting a glimpse of your posterior.”

“Posteri… what?” Susan replied looking confused.

“What Professor Sprout means is that you just showed of your naked arse to the other half of the school,” Limestone cut in gruffly. “Which I think is a lot less worrying than another student plotting to kidnap you.”

As Susan’s face went bright red once more Professor Sprout finally acknowledged Limestone. “Trust me Jasmine’s harmless as long as you don’t harm a hair on a horse’s head and as you are technically a horse, you have nothing to worry about,” Professor Sprout explained.

“Aside being kidnapped,” Limestone grumbled under her breath not in the slightest bit reassured or happy with her head of house’s response.

Professor Sprout opted to just ignore the pouting pony again and addressed the first-year girls as a collective. “I feel that we all got off on the wrong foot or in Limestone’s case, hoof. It is a lovely early autumn day so shall we take a seat on the grass in a circle and start afresh in a minute to get to know one another better. Yes, you two as well,” she added gesturing towards Hermione and Lavender. “You are their friends now whether you like it or not, so I will apologise in advance for the trouble my miscreants will most certainly drag you into over the next seven years. I am just thankful they have your intelligence Miss Granger to help drag them back out of it in future.”

“HEY, are you calling me dumb?” Susan exploded.

“No, just a reckless idiot who does not think before acting and thus in the space of ten minutes fought a giant owl, showed half the school her arse for the second time in as many days and finished the spectacle off by chasing her own tail,” Professor Sprout deadpanned not even looking at Susan as she spoke.

Leanne let out a snort of amusement. “I can’t believe that out of everything that has happened today, you being roasted by Professor Sprout is the most surprising.”

Susan looked like she wanted to interject but Professor Sprout cut her off. “Enough. For once in your Hogwarts tenure do as you are told and sit like a good little girl whilst I go and mend the bridges I stupidly broke before I had even built.”

And without another word she made her way over to Scoti as Susan joined Limestone in a pouting contest much to the other three girl’s amusement.

“Hello Scoti, I wish to apologise for my actions yesterday. Although I was upset at what had transpired between you and Professor McGonagall, I should not have allowed my loyalty to my friend cloud my judgement and should have instead sought your side to the story as well so that I could make a balanced and fair decision on the matter,” Professor Sprout said regretfully. “But I am trying to right that wrong now. So, are you willing to give me a second chance and join us to have your voice heard?” she asked hopefully.

Throughout Professor Sprout’s entire speech Scoti had continued to read her book. Slowly she closed it and a sign appeared in front of her. You promise never to even threaten to take my broom away from me again?

“That depends. Have you really learnt conjuration in just three short months?” Professor Sprout enquired.

A scowl appeared on Scoti’s face. He Promised!

“Something like that was never going to stay secret for long my dear even if Minerva did not believe you initially. Might I ask how you managed it though as conjuration is an incredible feat for an adult to accomplish, let alone one so young,” Professor Sprout enquired.

I’ve always wanted to speak and when I stumbled upon incendio and conjuration in the book of spells Professor Flitwick gave me, I was hooked. I bought every textbook on conjuration I could and studied relentlessly in-between quidditch and ballet practice until one day in the middle of August I woke up and nearly scared one of my housemaids half to death. Ever since then the only limitations I have had are the size and duration of the items I conjure. They are never permanent, Scoti explained with several signs.

“Yes, Professor Flitwick informed me you were unable to conjure anything bigger than you are or for longer than an hour but that still does not diminish from what you have accomplished and I can assure you that if that is your one request then so be it, I will never allow any professor to confiscate your broom as long as I remain at this school as your reward for such hard work. You have my word,” Professor Sprout informed her student.

Do I still have to go to remedial classes? Scoti asked, trying to press home her advantage.

“Yes. You still conjured a fire breathing chicken onto your teacher’s head. Furthermore, I also do not wish to see such a talent for transfiguration magic to go to waste. Now, shall we join the others?”

Scoti wanted nothing more than to return to her book but internally knew she had little choice in the matter, so took the proffered hand and headed for a group psychiatry session with her friends.