• Published 1st Feb 2024
  • 1,509 Views, 68 Comments

Outsiders - JeSuisLaPorte

Stuck in another world as a pony, I must hide what I truly am, else they'll lock me in a dungeon. Easier said than done; I know nothing about their culture! Thankfully, there's someone else who shares my predicament. Together, we'll find a way home.

  • ...

4. Double Whammy

Okay so, I’m in danger. Apparently, this white mare right here is dangerous. Sounded like a pony who’s had multiple run ins with our kind. That meant I had to put on my best poker face, let nothing slip through. That's easier said than done.

“I’m terribly sorry if I’m bothering you, but you just looked like the perfect stallion for the job!” the white unicorn explained, albeit vaguely.

“What job, exactly?” I asked as neutrally as possible, letting no emotion slip through.

The indigo haired mare levitated multiple clothes near her stage. “Why, I just need somepony to put these clothes on so I can evaluate them!”

This sounds like a test. She’s testing me, forcing me to stay close to her so she can evaluate me, not the clothes. Of course, hours have passed since I left Lyra and Bon Bon’s house, it should come as no surprise that rumors have begun to spread about me. I practically told them my real name. She knows I’m Daniel, but I know nothing about her.

“Sure thing, I just want to know your name first, before I get on stage.”

The mare’s eyes widened as she held a hoof to her mouth in shock. “Oh! My apologies, I don’t want to come across a rude, believe me. I am Rarity, the owner of Carousel Boutique, a place for chic fashion. If you ever want to put on something fancy, look no further than here!”

Rarity is quite the chatty pony. I should expect a barrage of question coming my way while I put on her designed clothes. This... is going to be a tough one.

“First I’d like to start with this tuxedo. It’s a little more than simple and modest, however, I added a few delightful touches to make it stand out.”

Rarity then pointed me to a dressing room for me to put on the tuxedo. Now, why do ponies need a dressing room when they’re always naked? I don’t know, and it felt strangely human for a race that’s so far removed from us. And as expected, Rarity started asking me questions while I was dressing myself.

“Now that we have some time to spare, may I know your name? I believe I’ve heard from other ponies that your name is, er, Daniel but that doesn’t sound right. No offense.”

I shouldn’t have told my name outright, but I suppose I can’t blame myself for doing so considering I was knee deep in denial. That does, however, leave the present me to fix this past mistake. “Daniel is not my name. I was confused when I woke up in Ponyville. Daniel’s the name of an, um, old friend. If you want to know my real name, then it’s...”

Ugh, yes, yes it’s Hack Writer. Lucky Clover and I couldn’t find a better name, so I just have to roll with it. Hate the name, I mean, who wouldn’t? It’s practically slander eternally attached to me. And that excuse I found for the Daniel problem isn’t really any better. At this point, I wish my real name was Jack Ryder, then I would have had a much better excuse, as well as being a nice reference. “Hack Writer.”

“Oh... Well it’s a nice name, a bit unexpected but it has a nice ring to it.” Nice ring my ass. I can appreciate her kind response, but I can tell she finds it funny.

“Yeah, been thinking of changing it for a while now. Problem is, I don’t have a better name in mind.” I said as I struggled to put on the damn tuxedo. Fidgeting the buttons with hooves is a tough endeavor and it’s slowly killing my patience.

“In any case, I noticed there were bits on your cutie mark. I presume you must be from a big city like Manehattan, correct?” What the hell is a cutie mark? She said there were bits on it so... Oh, I get it now. Those motifs I’ve been seeing all days are called cutie mark. Okay, that’s good to know. Still, she’s right about one thing; I do come from a big city, only not from here.

“Right on the mark, I’m a writer in Manehattan.” Also seriously, Manehattan? Am I hearing that right? Are the names of the big cities in this world just ponified versions of human cities? Hm, better dig a little deeper. “You seem to like the big cities, is there any place that interests you in particular?”

“Oh, well, aside from the two obvious cities that comes to mind, I’d like to visit Las Pegasus. It sounds like a fancy place meant only for the chicest and elite of ponies.” Ponified versions of cities in the United States then? “But ultimately, I still prefer Ponyville. It might not be the chicest of towns in Equestria, but it’s the most charmful place I ever lived in. I can’t expect to ever make friends as kind and loyal in any other city.”

Finally, I had put on the tuxedo, but I just wanted to make one last random statement before I left the dressing room. “I can see why, plenty of nice ponies there. The librarian here is also very interested in magic, I borrowed that nice book about magic.”

From the thin opening in the curtains, I could see Rarity staring at the book in question, pleasantly surprised. “Then you’ve already met one of my closest friends! I’m terribly sorry if you weren’t met with kindness and open hooves. Times are tough, ponies are scared of strangers, but I promise things will get better. Are you finished?”

“Yes I am.” Rarity put me on stage, telling me to hold various poses whilst she examined how I looked. Gotta say, it felt strangely good to be looked at and admired somewhat by a woman, even if that woman was a talking mare with oversized eyes, but a win’s a win.

“Pardon me if I’m being a bit chatty, but I heard that you spent a lot of time today with Lucky Clover, is that right?” There it is! She’s onto us, and she’s being subtle about it. My good friend was right in calling her a “danger”. I must take suspicion off the both of us.

“Well, yeah, can’t really deny that. He helped out a lot with my flappers.”

Rarity’s smile lowered. A worried look overpowered her previous positivity. “It might seem that way to you, but I found that Lucky Clover started acting strange a few days ago. I mean, I could be wrong; he’s only my neighbor after all, he only swings by from time-to-time to help me out but that still worries me. Did anything strike you as odd when you talked to him?”

Oh shit, I was right on the money. Though she doesn’t seem to suspect me at all, she’s warried of Lucky Clover. That’s bad, that distrust is going to spread to me too. Since I’m an outsider, I might as well flat out lie to her. “Not really, I’ve never met him before so I can’t say I felt that something was wrong with him. Sorry.”

“Oh, no need to be sorry. It could all be me looking too deeply into other pony’s business. I’m sorry to be bothering you with all this. I don’t want to make you panic, not when you’re so generously helping me. But still, could you please warn me if anything happens to Lucky?”

Okay, that’s good. She’s not as aggressive as Bon Bon, but not as carefree as Lyra. Overall, I’ll place Rarity on the lower end of dangerous. I can get some use out of her, for my social status of course. Don’t let your mind go in the gutter, please.

The rest of this dress up game went on without too much trouble, though it was stressful. Rarity’s a curious pony, but isn’t too aggressive with her questions. It also helps that I’ve learned more about pony culture, therefore I can bluff and lie better. Still, I am missing some vital information regarding their hatred for humanity. I can understand why they’d hate us. We’re far from being saints after all. Pollution, slaughterhouses, constant warfare, not the best look. That’s not to discredit humanity. We do have some good, but I’m afraid that just won’t do here.

Not when the hatred runs so deep.

“Well, I believe we are done. Thank you so much for sparing your time to help me, Hack Writer.” Rarity said after a long hour of testing. Good timing, I was just about to have a panic attack with all her incessant questions. Still, I believe I’m starting to get on their good side. They’ll drop their guards eventually and then I can go around town safe and sound.

“Hey, no problem. I’m not going to turn down a lady’s help.” Heh, smooth.

Rarity seemed flustered by my response. “You’re quite the charming stallion, and a very interesting one at that. Perhaps you could come back one day to help me again, or maybe commission a beautiful and fancy suit for an event? My door is always open, except during closing hours.”

With Rarity now out of the way, I left Carousel Boutique without a hitch. Things were looking good so far. I was getting better at hiding my true identity and was getting ponies to like me. At this rate, they’ll never find out and I’ll be able to find a way home safely.

Still, it’s been an hour since I last saw Lucky Clover. I wonder where he’s at. He seemed pretty worried when Rarity dragged me in her shop, I was expecting him to come and help me but I guess he thought I was good enough to handle myself. Lucky Clover... I wish I could know his actual name for once. It just feels weird to call a fellow human a lucky clover.

Same thing goes for my dear name, Hack Writer. Unlike my good friend, my name is pejorative, and I hate it for that reason. Daniel’s a much prettier name but it’s not ponylike, so I’m stuck with an insult for a name. All the more reasons to get the fuck out.

Walking, or more specifically, trotting downtown, I came across Lucky Clover who was searching around for something it seemed. I naturally intercepted him, seeking the only person I could trust in Ponyville.

“They still don’t know?” Lucky asked me the second he saw me.

“We’re still good. I’ve hidden it pretty well.”

My transformed friend glanced around before ushering me in an alley. “Alright, now this is the worst part. Ponies around here know that there’s a new stallion in town. You know what this means, right?”

I don’t like where this is going. Judging from the increases in balloons I'm seeing in the streets, I’m guessing they’re about to throw me a welcome party. “I guess I kinda do. But still, wanna tell me just to be sure?”

Lucky frowned, glancing at the streets often. “Pinkie Pie, the Element of laughter, has caught wind of your arrival. She’s excited, and is now looking all over town for you. I’m afraid our only option is to hide in the clouds. Nowhere in Ponyville is safe from her, she’s fast and unpredictable. Fly high and don’t get spotted.”

She’s that fast? Can’t I simply hide in a house like Lyra’s? Hm, no. On second thought he’s right. I don’t have anywhere to go. Rarity might let me in, she lives in a shop, easily accessible by any ponies. Lyra lives with Bon Bon, so I can cross that idea off immediately. That leaves me with nothing but the sky indeed, or the forest nearby but I don’t think going there is a sane idea. That place gives off a bad mojo. “Alright then, I guess I’ll be seeing ya... Wait, how long am I supposed to stay in the clouds?”

“I-I don’t know.” Lucky stammered. “Long enough for me to somehow convince Pinkie Pie to lay it off with her welcome party.”

I guess there’s not much choice. Sprouting my wings, I flew in the air rather slowly. Hey, I was still getting used to them! The good thing was that I did reach for the sky. Lucky’s lesson in flying paid off! I was able to fly at a leisurely pace without falling.

I flew high enough to touch the clouds, but I did remember that Lucky said we can’t do so because we’re not “real” pegasi. So, was I really expected to keep flapping my wings for hours? That’s practically an endurance test, and I suck at those! That is, unless I can walk on clouds. Who knows, maybe he simply didn’t want to try because he’s too scared or something.

I hesitantly placed my hoof down and... it felt like I was touching solid ground! I touched the cloud with all four of my hooves and stopped flapping my wings. Lo and behold, I didn’t fall through. I was standing on a cloud! What was impossible before was now in the realm of possibility! I laid on the cloud and oh Lord was it comfy!

Now that, was one of the perks of being a pegasus. I might have lost my precious fingers, my bipedal structure but at least, I can fly and lay on clouds. That’s a win in my book. Still, I would love to have my fingers back. I mean, just imagine being a human that can fly and walk on clouds! Now that is the ultimate lifeform!

I guess I’m just stuck as a semi-ultimate lifeform. Not bad by any mean but could be better.

Hey, hold on, am I seeing a hot air balloon. Oh dear God, there’s a pink pony in it. Pinkie Pie and... Lyra too?

“Hello, Daniel! I heard you just arrived in Ponyville today! Ha ha! Isn’t it just the best place in all Equestria! Of course, it wouldn’t be the best town if it didn’t throw you a special welcome party!”

In my confusion and fear, I only managed to stammer a weak response. “N-Not Daniel.”

“Huh? But you’re Daniel!” Lyra raised an eyebrow. “You told Bon Bon and I earlier this morning.”

“Uh, n-no. That was a mistake. Daniel’s the, um, name of a friend. My real name is Hack Writer. I-I was just confused when I woke up.” That’s it, stick to the same story. If they question Rarity, they’ll see I’m keeping a coherent narrative, which should get them off my back.

This quick explanation worked on convincing Lyra. In fact, she looked even more assured now that she believed the whole Daniel thing was a mistake. Not that it mattered for Pinkie Pie, she looked just as happy and bouncy as ever. Whatever my name is, she’ll shove a cake down my throat.

“Then hello, Hack! Come on down, I’ve already prepared everything at Sugar Cube Corner!” The hot air balloon slowly descended, which now made me wonder how Pinkie Pie was able to get a hot air balloon up here this fast. I was only on that cloud for about five to ten minutes. Think I’m seeing why Lucky Clover was warry of her.

Well, since I’ve been spotted, guess there’s not much choice other than to confront the entire town. Great, Pinkie. This is probably going to turn into a public execution. I jumped off the cloud and slowly descended. I wasn’t fast like a speeding bullet, so I simply floated to the town below. I wasn’t suicidal enough to attempt a bold landing.

The closer I got to Ponyville, the more ponies I saw gathered around Sugar Cube Corner. It felt like I was jumping in a shark tank. That metaphor only got stronger once they noticed me. Eyeballed by hundreds of ponies. Bad thing I’m not immune to stage fright, which is way worse when you know the audience would wanna kill you if they find out you’re a fraud. Think I’m about to have a panic attack.

Landing in the middle of the crowd, I was met with cheers which was weird. I’ve never lived in a small town before, so I can’t really say if people are usually this tight knit outside of big cities, but it was... nice. I’ve never been center stage before, but today that all changed in an instant. Hey, maybe this party isn’t going to be so bad after all.

Then, I was almost smacked on the head by Pinkie as she placed a party hat on me. Aggressively excited would be a good description of Pinkie Pie. She hauled me in Sugar Cube Corner, which contained many more partygoers. She must be a popular pony in here for she got everybody riled up for my welcome party, something I never imagine would be a big event.

“Now, this is your super-duper awesome welcome party! There’s punch, games and a dance floor for everypony! This is going to be the best day of your life!” Pinkie kindly offered me punch. I drank it and before I knew it, she was gone in the crowd of ponies. I was sort of relieved to be left alone for a bit. That was a lot to take in. The party was big, and it would appear not everypony is staring at me.

They’re all split through the many activities offered, which was a good thing. I’d be screwed if they always had their eyes on me. I guess I can enjoy the party now without being peer pressured into doing something.

“Hey, it’s a nice party, right?” Lyra came to me again, not accompanied by Bon Bon (thank goodness). “I’m sorry if your introduction to Ponyville was a little rough. You don’t look dangerous. I think Bon Bon’s just a little stressed out because of the wedding. Well, that’s behind us now, I don’t want to bother you on your special day so I guess I’ll leave you to it. That is, unless you don’t any friends to have fun with.”

Um, where was Lucky Clover? He said he’d get Pinkie Pie off my back but clearly, he failed. Considering I was center stage mere minutes ago, he should know I’m in here. But then again, this would be the first time a woman’s interested in spending some time with me... Gah! Even that doesn’t feel right! She’s a mare, I’m a man. We’re not the same thing. I, uh, also hope that my sexual preferences weren’t modified with this new body. I’m still human underneath this furry pony body.

Oh screw it. Just go for it, Daniel. “I do have one other friend, but I wouldn’t be opposed to having fun with you.” Eh, could have been phrased better.

Lyra smiled brightly. Everything about her radiated optimism and positivity, it was also contagious. “Let’s start with the buffet! I’m hungry!”

And so was I, even though I had a good meal earlier. This day was rough, stressful, completely and utterly insane. It left me with quite the appetite and since this is my party, I don’t suppose nobody would be opposed to what I was about to do.

“Wow, you’re quite the glutton. Even I can’t eat that much!” Lyra exclaimed in awe. I was a talking horse now, no need for class. I’ve entered survival mode and seeing as I wasn’t sure I’d get this much food tomorrow; I ate until my body couldn’t take it anymore.

“W-Wow. Thish ish good.” I praised, my mouth full of cake. Wasn’t a pretty sight to behold.

Lyra giggled. “If it’s that good, let me take a bite!”

A grey figure popped in unannounced. It was Lucky Clover, here to join the party! My party! “Oh, this cake looks nice...”

“Who’s that?” Lyra asked me.

“That’s the friend I mentioned, Lucky Clover.” I said, pulling my pegasus friend closer. “We just met today, but he’s quite nice, you’ll see.”

Lucky shot me a strange look when he saw the cake stains around my mouth. He slowly approached the cake and took a bite. He chewed, looking rather uncomfortable and swallowed. “Y-Yeah, it is a nice cake.”

Lyra blinked. “You don’t look like you’re enjoying it.”

My friend winced. “Yeah, this flavor isn’t my cup of tea. I think I’ll eat something else instead.”

Lyra glanced over a batch of cupcakes. “Then how about you try out these red velvet cupcakes? They’re absolutely delicious!” She levitated one over to his face. “Come on, try it now!”

Lucky Clover stared at the cupcake, then at Lyra before he decided to bite into the tasty treat. The both of us watched rather awkwardly as he chewed. We both exchanged strange looks as he ate the cupcake before our eyes. Seconds passed and he finally swallowed.

“Hm... Hm? It was good.” That was all he had to say about the cupcake. Lyra seemed rather disappointed. In fact, she whispered into my ear.

“Gee, I thought it would get a good reaction out of him. He doesn’t seem to like eating, huh?”

“I didn’t know that. He just kinda strikes me as the serious type. Don’t get me wrong, he means well in the end. It’s just that he sometime has a rather commanding attitude. He’s a good friend, though.”

Lucky raised a cautious eyebrow. “Are we done sharing secret information away from me? I can tell you think I’m strange.”

I quickly took his defense as the good human friend I was. “Well, so am I. I don’t think there’s any harm in being weird, right Lyra?”

The unicorn nodded. “Ponies think I’m weird too for, um, reasons I’d rather keep to myself... f-for now.”

My secretly human friend grumbled. “Is this how you’re gonna go about it? I mean settling down in Ponyville.” Ah, so this is how we’re gonna talk in here.

“Uh, yeah. Lyra seems like a great pony to befriend first. She understands me.” I think she does? That was just a throwaway line.

“Yup! Oh that reminds me, Hack, do you have a place to spend the night in?” Lyra asked, which was a very important point indeed. So much has happened, I forgot entirely about sleeping! I had no shelter whatsoever. Hope I’m not going to sleep in the streets. Hey, what about Lucky Clover? Where does he even sleep? “I would gladly let you rest at my house... but Bon Bon’s still against letting me see you. Which is why I only came to you in this crowd. She doesn’t know I’m here!”

“I have a house with plenty of space. Hack can spend the night here.” Was I hearing that right? Lucky Clover already has a house in this world? Damn, talk about being efficient! I’m really lucky to have an ally this great.

“That’s nice! I was scared for a moment we’d be sleeping in a dark alley.”

Lucky Clover gritted his teeth. I don’t know why, but I’m guessing I must have made a mistake. Luckily (heh), Lyra laughed it off. “Oh, Hack, didn’t you know Lucky lived here for years already?”

Wait, years? I thought he was here for weeks or maybe even months at most... I didn’t know he was here for this long. Holy shit, does that mean I’m going to be here for as long as him?

“Uh, Hack? You seem a little pale.”

“I-I think... I need to go to the bathroom.”

“It’s right this way, you’ll tell us if something’s wrong, okay?”

Okay, I’m good. Sorry for wasting you all this much time. I got over that troubling revelation after a couple dozen minutes. The party was still going strong, but I was drained of energy. I desperately needed sleep so... I asked my friends if they would help me bail out of my own welcome party.

It wasn’t as easy as I thought. Despite there being a fuckton of ponies, Pinkie Pie somehow managed to single me out and stop me just as I was about to head out with Lucky Clover. What followed was rapid fire barrage of questions and mood swings I never thought were possible. Pinkie went from sad and distraught to happy and reassured when I told her I wasn’t leaving because I thought the party sucked.

Ugh, I hate being in the spotlight like this. Everybody stared while this was going on and now, I was being guilt tripped into not bailing. Thankfully, the developing bags under my eyes were enough proof that I needed a fucking bed, and they finally let me out.

I was tired, like running on fumes levels of tired. That gave me an idea. “Hey, Clover? Only best buddies would carry each other home.”

He looked over his shoulder and already I could tell that I failed. “You need to be stronger than that if you want to head home. I won’t tolerate any slacking even when you’re tired. We’ll face lots of trouble on the way home, I know that so, do try to get in shape while we’re staying here.”

Okay, he’s not making much sense. He lived here for years, but he’s talking as if he wasn’t in Ponyville for long. I’m not following. Oh! What if, he did switch body with a pony when he got here, which would imply that the same happened to me. That would explain why he’s been here for years yet acts as if he wasn’t.

Inside Lucky’s home, I was relieved to see it carried that same cozy feeling Lyra’s did. The houses in this town feel very welcoming. The perfect place to spend the night in. I hurried to the stairs, wanting nothing more than to crumble in bed and fall asleep. But just before I could do so, Lucky asked me one last thing.

“Are you hungry?” Lucky asked me, pointing at the door leading to the basement. Did he just forget I ate a crap ton of cupcakes and chocolate?

“No thanks, I’m full.” I answered.

My good friend gave me a concerned look. “Okay... just make sure to eat healthy, alright?” Yeah, I’m starting to regret eating all those cupcakes. My stomach’s complaining. Nothing a good night sleep can’t fix.

Entering the bedroom, I wasted no time to crumble in the bed. I couldn’t even be bothered to pull up the sheets, I was too comfortable in that position. Sleep came to me easily. No need to worry about tomorrow, all that mattered to me now, was that there was still hope left.

Author's Note:

I'm back with an update! Took a bit of time 'cause I was figuring some stuff out, dealing with anxiety and whatnot. I was also focused on writing a chapter for another story, which you should totally check out! I don't know how consistent updates will be. I'm aiming to do something like 2000 words per day. Don't know if I can keep that up. We'll see. Anyway, hope you enjoyed chapter 4!